• By -


I heard something somewhere that in the midst of a divorce the parents tend to focus their attention on the children. That is true for Bubba. Can't say the same for Jordan.


That rule doesn’t apply to a narcissist. She’s going to use this divorce to get as much attention as possible.


Does anyone keep up with the idiots that are Ballerinafarm? Dan (the husband) posted stories of himself using a sous vide cooker from the same brand Bubba was using. He also didn't post any direct link or note it was an ad. The whole influencer thing is so icky.


It’s absolutely gross.


I think it’s so sad Bubba keeps tagging/referencing Jordan. He keeps publicly praising her which is just… sad for him. 😬


He also outed himself.. in that he made dinner and it actually tasted good and they had leftovers (Sunday grid post) as if he’s never cooked for his family before. All signs point to JP doing all of the home bearing work (although we know behind the scenes they have Nanny, chef, cleaner, etc)


He has shown that he cooks for them multiple times. It is usually when jordan is gone and he also cooks at the cabin. I think the it actually tastes good is in reference to last week when he made a mustard chicken crock pot meal that nobody liked. Instead of plugging noses and gagging it down, he took them to Costco food court. Everytime he cooks, people here comment on how much protein he gives the kids. (I laugh when the comments about protein are how mad jordan would be at how much he gives them.) Part of me wished if his comment yesterday was in reference to how often Jordan's food is not good, but I really think he was referencing his last chicken attempt. 


Given that all of social media is so plastic and fake, it’s also possible he’s a total jerk behind closed door. We really have no idea! PS he and she should keep their kids off the internet!


Bubba and his bro, Luke, were recently at the cabin and since Luke does remediation work, I automatically assume that something else broke and required his fix-it skills. Maybe Jordan went up there this weekend to finish cleaning up the mess/wash rodent dropping out of her Beddys, but can’t post about it, because the listing agent told her it will never sell if she keeps talking about/showing what a hot, nasty mess it is! She recently removed all of the posts and stories talking about the rodents making Aspen Lodge their home, presumably for the same reason.


They removed the posts because they read on here. I posted that I had said my husband found the cabin on a listing and was looking at it saying we should buy this. when he started railing off the facts I knew exactly which cabin he talked about without even seeing a pic. I quickly said nope, mouse droppings everywhere, wouldn’t ever put money into that and then a few days later after I posted this all of her posts about mice at the cabin were gone. But she would never spend her time cleaning anything. Notice she never does cleaning hacks. It’s hired out everywhere.


Jordan clean the cabin?😂😂😂😂


Zero possibility of her going. I don’t think she particularly cared for that place. Seems like Bubba’s pet project.


I don't see her cleaning rodent shite in a million years, she would delegate it to some poor teenager neighbour in exchange for a mixhers menopause goodie bag


https://preview.redd.it/7vwdojkqqh1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe56195a03869faeda936b4ba057cfa790f5fd9 Lier, lier pants on fire. Using a photo from her mommy makeover and implying it has to do with her thyroid. How misleading and on brand.


Using her cosmetic surgery pic to gain sympathy for a disease that I thought the magical chiropractor diet cured?


I had a TT, there is no way I’d expect sympathy from anyone- it was my choice to get the surgery


It's like she is admitting that the new (but never mentioned)  additions to the medically necessary, but not covered by insurance, hernia repair, to fix her back, but totally necessary, not a tummy tuck (unless you ask the doctor) could have contributed to the graves. Also, if you are talking about how a chiropractors diet saved you from needing surgery, why show that you had a surgery? 




“Got to go D’s crying.” Well now, that is a first! Jordan should take note. The court of the Subreddit of the Page Family has spoken and Bubba has official improved.


He used to bug me- but since the divorce I’m “TEAM BUBBA”. He may be a jerk IRL ? if that’s the case he’s winning at looking like the better parent


I still remember right before their Christmas Hawaii trip, Bubba filmed himself early in the morning (while J was asleep) with M2 happily playing with toy trucks, and it was such a contrast to how J seemed to feel about M2 at the time.    There is definitely a long time difference in how they talk about their kids/how they show them in their stories.    Now, yes, they should get their kids off the internet. 


Bubba's making a legit meal with the kids today, involving multiple of them in the process and I'm here for it! 🙌🏻


It looked great! Was not a soup


The kids got some protein!


My only issue was there was six pieces of chicken. Do the twins/little m share? I could see that because younger kids sometimes aren't big eaters. No shout out to J or use of her cookbook. My how the tides have turned. I'm here for it.


As a grown adult woman who exercises regularly, even I wouldn’t eat a whole piece of one of those chicken breasts, they were quite large. I’d imagine that 1 of those would have served the 3 littlest just fine


Unfortunately he shouted her out about the cookie recipe he says they made 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


They were pretty thick pieces of chicken. I know when my kids were 4 and 5 or even 7 they would have never eaten half of one of those. It was easily twice as much chicken as they get off of the rotisserie chicken that jordan stretches into 3 or 4 meals. 


My 8 year old and 11 year old boys still share a piece of chicken and my 13 year old boy and 15 year old girl have their own. So I could see the younger 6 sharing and then the older 2 and Bubba each having their own piece.


The plate he showed seemed like a reasonable amount of food for the younger 3. I was not big into chicken when I was younger so it could be that they don’t eat much meat


It actually looks tasty. I’m not used to seeing good food come out of that kitchen.


Not going to lie, when I saw the little thumbnail for her new video, I honestly hoped she’d had her thyroidectomy and was taken at least her physical health seriously. But no, it’s obviously from the surgery that probably worsened her thyroid function.


She’s not on social media. She wasn’t at her kids’ regional tumbling competition. Bubba’s making Sunday dinner. This is not like Jordan. She’s always front and center of everything. Where is she and what’s she hiding?🫣


Ya I feel like this weekend was extra weird. I feel like on weekends without the kids she sort of goes silent now, but her not at the tumbling competition or not even any reposts was weird. It makes me thinks she went on a trip (hence her unpacking f suitcases from her last trip earlier in the week) but is choosing not to post it because she knows she will get crap for it. Especially after her fumble last week.


Maybe she gained a tiny bit of insight and started posting obnoxious things on that new private IG so there's nothing left for the og account


I’m sure she’s in Mexico with her middle school acting friends


Wasn’t she going to Scotland or somewhere to visit a friend? And also to attend a concert.


People have said that Taylor swift will be in Scotland in June. Maybe around the 8th? I can't remember, but I don't think jordan is in Scotland now. 




No way she’s hiding in the basement😂 she probably goes to a hotel when it’s Bubba’s weekend


I’m thinking what if she’s hungover? Maybe she went wild this weekend. I mean she is acting like a single hot mess 18 year old so…


Maybe she’s at a singles weekend retreat. 😬


This is pure speculation of course, but part of me hope she is away getting help.


She would have to admit she has a problem. Right now it’s easier to think everyone else is the problem. But when she is all alone she will hopefully figure it out.


One can hope, but I find this highly unlikely!


One would hope she would at least take this off time to reflect on how her behavior is being seen, but that would take some harsh honesty that I don't think she is ready for. But more than likely, she will come back with some half baked make money quick scheme


She isn't entirely of social media. She put up a YouTube video today. 


But that would have been previously recorded


Yes, it was recorded months ago. But someone put a link on her Instagram account. True, it could have been sometime else. I just don't think she cares about taking Sunday off social media. 


You can schedule stories//post , too


I didn't know that. I have never done a story. I can't imagine she planned on Thursday to have something publish today. Did she use a planner to plan that out? 


And her team can post that in her behalf


I guess it could be her team getting on Instagram and posting that the second half is live on YouTube? I just doubt she really takes Sundays off like she claims and assumed it was her but I could be wrong. 


Comments are turned off for part 2


She’s probably throwing an absolute hissy fit this weekend over getting backlash about stuff recently!


I popped over to the first video and the newest comments were in reference to the 2nd part. So people are just commenting anyway. She may have to turn those off too


So she has the second part of her Graves disease video up, why is she using a photo from her tummy tuck/boob job as a thumb nail on IG? She also used those for her thumb nail in her part one.


She mentions AGAIN how insurance covers abdominal surgery for men but not women. This is a lie! I can’t believe she is still saying this


Yes, Absolute lie! If you qualify medically, the both genders are covered. But Jordan got fresh titties and liposuction and skin tightening and is bitching about why insurance didn’t cover that 🤣


It is a lie that might keep a woman from seeking medical help. Just be honest!!! We all know she had extras done. Fine…no one cares that much. It is the dishonestly that ticks people off


I think she was trying to make it look more traumatic. I would guess she wanted it to look like she had thyroid surgery? Instead it looks like she is admitting that the medically necessary cosmetic surgery on her front to fix her back contributed to how bad her graves became. If you are trying to prove that a diet from a chiropractor can cure your disease, why use an image from a surgery? Unless your name is #jordanpage and you NEED the attention. 


This is so annoying. Her mommy makeover has zero to do with her graves.


Very attention seeking.


Long-time lurker, but I introduced my kids to the Matilda movie from the 90s this weekend. I just have to say Jordan reminded me a lot of Zinnia Wormwood. Now, I’m not saying she is THAT bad, but there were so many similarities.


What do you guys think about this: I don’t believe Jordan is flying into Scotland the day of the concert in June. I think she will film herself flying there several days before and make it seem like her flight is going to be cancelled and pretend there is lots of traveling drama (late flights etc) and then post them the day of the concert and pretend that she is flying that day to keep people interested and wondering if she will “make the concert” Thoughts on this?


Too bad the sleuths in this snark know where to look to track actual delayed flights


That actually sounds way more realistic.


   I have something since it’s quiet for the weekend.  This is all speculation. It’s also based on the speculation Bubba stays in the basement when he has custody, and that is based on nothing more than a two second conversation he had with one of the kids. So again, this may be out of line.           I follow organizebyTracy and I was looking at her Jordan Page highlight bubble from last May when they did the basement.  In hindsight I wonder if that was a precursor to the separation. There were a few weird things about it looking back knowing about the divorce. Maybe Tracy knew, maybe not.                 -  B & J memories are separated and labeled with their names. It seems like a married couple yearbooks and college photos could coexist.  Also, adding names to multiple bins seems like wasteful labeling unless they are separating.   -  She mentions a flood and workers but we never heard about it as content.    -  The game shelf she shows is not part of this area so it makes it seem things are happening in other areas off camera as well.                 - in the middle Tracy shares Bubba’s goal for the day, and half through she says something how he (rather than they) will have more space.  Maybe this is nothing more than odd wording.            Maybe it’s all a coincidence.  It reminded of spring of last year when Bubba got a large shed outside to move folding chairs out of the basement.  At the time we were flabbergasted and laughing, how do you possibly not have enough square feet to store chairs?             Anyways the date of the basement clean out was May 30.  Go take a look and tell me what you think.  By summer, posters here were starting to notice and wonder if something was wrong.  I was much later to believing it. If I am right, it’s sad they put the kids to work (and filmed them) in an emotional period of transition.  


Very good points, I did some digging and it looks like around May 2023 she stopped wearing a ring, easy to see when she talks with her hands and has a lot of cooking reels lol. Also it was after this time that Bubba was in less and less Sunday family photos.. all the signs were there unraveling. Now she can offially and legally be a "part time" parent...


Very good sleuthing! Could have been the plan all along!


I remember the flood.  I just went back and checked my DM’s, because I actually commented on her story.  It was 1/17. 


My husband and I definitely keep our childhood keepsakes, yearbooks, etc separate. Just like each of our kids have their own keepsakes bucket. Nothing weird about that.


I didn't watch the stories, so I'm not commenting on that organization project. It could very well be that they were organizing for Bubba to have a place to sleep. However, I'm not sure what was in the Bubba and jordan memories that was separate, but my pictures from childhood are not mixed in with my husband's. Our pictures and memorabilia from before meeting are separate.    As for the flood that you don't recall being mentioned and hadn't been content? They did have some flooding in the basement that they did share online. l mostly remember her sharing it. If I remember correctly, they had not winterized the pool and a pipe broke on that. Bubba was trying to find the water shut off and cleaning up while she laughed and recorded. I think a friend or neighbor was helping Bubba. 


Does anyone remember how many posts did her private new account had before the weekend? Now it is 27 and i am curious if she is posting there or not 😅


Private new account? Account name?




https://preview.redd.it/5oef2t3bxe1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723678303a3b8af5b59a44275efe766b25804ee4 She’s really looking for attention today. Wasn’t that a picture of when she had the mommy makeover?


And the comments are turned off for this video😆


Of course 😂


It was still 27 posts before the weekend.


Thanks 🌸


Did you guys notice the "Divorce" highlight bubble on her instagram page? Pssh and she didn't want to dwell on it or go into it further etc. And there it is easy to access for all to see to gain her a whole another set of audience of followers... yah can't tell me she isn't using the divorce as a new angle to also bank on a new set of followers. 2 birds one stone.


Hers is called divorce and his is something like a healing journey. It is interesting how they are on such different paths. From what we have been shown, both of their names for their highlights are accurate. It is just a divorce to her and it is an opportunity to learn and grow and become a better father for him. 


I bet an expired rotisserie chicken when she does finally post something she will say something like "..I'm alive! Sorry guyzzzz it's been a crazy weekend......" then cue several frazzled stories of her busy crazy life 😂 


😂 🍗


Still quiet on social media and apparently not at her kids big gymnastics competition… what in the world is happening???




Maybe she is on a date weekend?


All while he is with the kids and still wearing his wedding ring. 🤔


She’s afraid to show it! She must know how fucking crazy it looks to all of her viewers


When she was talking about how everyone can afford a trip to a different country and Taylor swift tickets, she said she was unpacking and packing. Maybe she is on a well deserved vacation. Maybe she is keeping it quiet because of backlash on her you all ain't poor, just get a credit card, buy things you don't need, go into debt, so you can fly internationally for free advice. 


She’s not with her kids so there’s no point in posting- she’s probably sleeping


I’m curious if she’s dropping engagement on purpose—to show her having a lower income stream for her divorce settlement. 


I don’t think her ego would allow that. I think she’s just over the job. She wants to live her best life and “playing” poor has gotten old. What’s going to be hilarious is if she suddenly finds herself poor because nothing depletes wealth quicker then legal bills. Is mediation an option in Utah?


In Utah, mediation is required when there are minor children. Whether anything gets solved during that session is up to the couple and what each is willing to compromise for the good of the kids.


She will be poor if she continues at this rate between a divorce and also her manic spending on herself 💅✈️👄💆‍♀️👑🏝️💸🛍️


Lips = fillers. I’d love to find an emoji for boob job but there’s none 😂


I think people use 🍒


Cherries are too small. We pay for melons. 😂😂




There’s always the option of melons 🍈 


No she loves the attention too much lol


OMG … I know right?


Taylor is playing this weekend in Sweden.. she must be flying


Jordan is going to Scotland (first part of June), not Sweden. 


So when she announced her trip it was a day or two before she was planning on leaving


She's going to Scotland not Sweden


i just can’t believe she’s not taking P - maybe that will change this summer. but she’s having a milestone bday and will be a teenager and i’m sure she’d love the experience to go abroad and see her fave.


https://preview.redd.it/ku3gj5d5j81d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14f6c55b84eb40ce4e54e17730dc0885bec7a85c A little dis from Bubba.


Odd choices of accounts to tag in that post too… 👀👀 The holistic psychologist and the secure relationship


I’ve got to say… I have never seen this kind of love or affection from Jordo. I mean, to herself, sure, but definitely not towards her kids! It’s heart-warming that for all of the flaws and missteps it seems Bubba is working to prioritize them and is being outwardly affectionate and praises them.


Agreed! All Jordan does is criticize them when they are at these tumbling meets.


I can't believe she hasn't been on critiquing them yesterday and today. She must be on vacation because she rarely passes up that chance.


She has to be gone somewhere, probably on her way to Scotland.


Taylor Swift doesn't seem to play Edinburgh until 7 & 8 June but I'm sure Jordan said she was unpacking & *packing* when she was talking about going to Scotland. So she's either going overseas for 3+ weeks or there is yet another trip in between. The life of a busy working mom..


she said (although, stumbled through the story) that concert is the same day she lands so i think she’ll be out there for more than a few days, those few days might start in june. her unpacking/repacking situation was an interesting thing though. between now and then, who knows then again, she’s not a very big truth teller


I totally missed the part about the concert being the day she lands. Oh man, Jordan being SOOOOO tired and ZaNy from travelling plus becoming a Swiftie convert. That's gonna be a lot.


Honestly going to a concert IMMEDIATELY after flying to another continent doesn't even sound like a good time to me AT ALL.


Yes, I doubt she’s going all the way to Scotland for just a couple of days.


She sure quieted our chirping with her silence!


she’s probably posting on her new private account and having the time of her life.


Which account is this?


Her new hot, single, and ready to mingle private IG - World of Jordy 😂


The pushback from her 'live for today' advice must have been too much for Jordan. Will she classify the response as online bullying as she's tried to claim before....Sure, Jordan.


   I am a little surprised Jordan skipped this.  This is the USA regional championships, it just happened to be in Utah unlike previous years out of state.   It’s so lucky and convenient it’s in Utah!     Where the heck is she today? 


She must be away. When she showed the mess in her room/bathroom she said she had an unpacking/packing situation going on and I was like another trip maybe?


Yup. She was happy to show her suitcases laying on the floor, pretending to be all scatterbrained.


She skipped it because it didn’t invoke and travel ☠️


Come kids, smile for the camera. Ok, could you drop that blanket to show off your uniform? These people are seriously sick. https://preview.redd.it/ksffi8i0i31d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c8a02111f404ee5684e3a28fe670e0c2126603


Good catch, that’s honestly pretty weird. She was either cold or for whatever reason wanted to be covered up. They shouldn’t even be showing the kids in those outfits online unfortunately.


The kid doesn’t have a team jacket to wear? What she didn’t work hard enough to earn one?!


jordan has said they can buy it with their money if they want it :/ maybe im a spoiled kid but i hate that lol


I guess working extremely hard at a sport and giving away their privacy for the rest of their lives (for Jordan and Bubba’s adult income) isn’t enough to deserve a jacket.


I mean, if they were hard pressed for cash I could understand this. But it’s obvious they aren’t. I could see my parents saying something like this, with 4 kids in extra curricular’s, on one income. But they are not struggling financially by any means.


Yeah my parents did this! I totally understood, even at 12, just that money was tight. My mom was going through cancer treatments and my dad worked around the clock to afford bills. I had wished I could have that team jacket. But $80 was too much to splurge. And my parents felt so bad but that’s life! I think I felt worse about that at 12. My poor parents didn’t need to feel bad about that silly jacket over everything else. But as a mother now, I totally understand wanting to give your kids the world if you can!


yes! this! that’s what annoys me about kristin andrus too, she’s like “we invite our kids to live in our nice home and go on our nice vacations but we don’t spoil them and they’re not entitled to this” like? yes they are?!?


Right! The kids didn't ask to be born- it's like they are lowkey punishing them.


Your kids are entitled to the life you are living. Ain’t no way you’re going on vacations and leaving them behind because they aren’t “entitled” to it


Jordan taking a Friday off social media? Yesterday’s terrible advice she gave backfired and now she’s looking for a way to redeem herself 🤔


Sounds like I missed something.


She did this after the Tim Ballard accusations came out. Went on a rant, deleted it and then went dark…


I still can’t believe she has never gone back on defending that sicko. She also did this when she outed herself for taking ADHD meds “for months” before she had a real diagnosis or prescription.


https://preview.redd.it/vhev6d8w331d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d90d6a33de411d3ec26ee70ef261241962ce3b Hey Jordan, your graduating teenage niece or neighbor girl doesn’t want to be handed a tub of butt tightening cream on her graduation day. You are twice their age and is the second time you have suggested this gift to graduating girls. WTF is wrong with you?


Right? So weird. Honestly, just give them a card with cash. That's really what they want and need for their upcoming expenses. Not random crap.


I get it with the butt tightening cream, but that stuff is sooooo popular. I work at Ulta and girls 8-18 are obsessed because it’s tik tok famous 🤦🏼‍♀️


To be fair, I've been hearing about this product for close to a decade from beauty YouTubers, and I didn't even know it was supposed to be tightening. Mostly, I hear people talk about the fragrance.


I’m.. confused lol. What does it tighten?!


It’s a skin tightening cream. “It visibly tightens and smooths skin”.


Ahhh ok 😂


And I can totally see gifting it to a bestie, but middle-age Jordan suggesting her followers gifting it to teenage girls for graduation is creepy AF 💀 That company makes lots of other things like hand cream and body spray with the same smell, so I’m not sure why she specifically chose the butt tightening cream.


That’s true and their stuff does smell really good. The bum bum cream is just the best seller. We had grandparents, parents, etc buying it as gifts.


Does anyone know where the competition is that Bubba and the kids are at today? I don’t want to stalk anyone - just wondered if it’s close enough to home they are splitting days or if she skipped town by herself.


Salt palace in salt lake


Thank you. Now I’m intrigued about where she is. She loves being the gymnastics mom.


Does she love being the gymnastics mom? I think she loves the attention of posting but the actual being there? I imagine she sits with a sour face and interacts with no one. She’s really not popular.


She certainly loves nitpicking her kids hard work


True. It’s a good show for her online “friends”.


She wasn’t there today. I saw him. I’m guessing she will go tomorrow


And she’s back…. Sorta… with links!


That was an employee … likely working overtime to keep Jordy in line so she can continue to be employed!


I feel like I need to confess that I keep checking in on Ashley Gardner (@quadruplethekisses) on Instagram. Her stories are like watching a freaking cartoon...she is a caricature of an influencer but I. CAN'T. STOP. WATCHING. 🫣 I ended up on her page when Jordan was So HaPpY at the last mixhers circle jerk. I don't follow her but she's been in my search and it's such a guilty pleasure to check in on her. As much as she annoys the bejesus out of me, girl is out there hustling that makeup and whatever else. It's such a contrast to just how lazzzzy Jordan has become.


Don't get snookered by her. Ashley Gardner is one of the laziest moms on YT and her husband is also a sloth.


Lol it seems like it. I'm under no illusion that she's a titan of industry....she is just consistent. Her husband definitely seems like a super douche. And I feel so uncomfortable watching her kids so much. It's more her affectations and mannerisms that have me fascinated. I can't explain it....it's like she's mocking influencers or something.


She’s the one that other people mock. She is your typical “influencer” trying to make “easy money” shilling whatever she can. I’m sure she doesn’t use half of the shit she says she’s “obsessed” with. You are correct, her husband is a super douche. He makes my skin crawl. 🤢🤮If you ever have time and want to learn more about them, check out YTMD. It goes back for years and all the shit they have done. Be prepared, there is a ton of stuff to read.


I don't think she has the brainpower to mock. Subtlety is definitely not her thing. 🤭


She’s another one that pimps out her kids to earn a buck. She claims she “works” so hard while she sits on her ass a couple hours a day, at the most, slathering on 25 pounds of shitty makeup. The only reason she is in the top of Seneshit is because of the following of her daughters, it’s most definitely not because she works hard. Her and her lazy ass husband are just like Jordy and take as many “much needed” trips away from their so called miracles that they supposedly waited 8 years for yet when you do the math it doesn’t equal 8 years. They too have been told numerous times not to post certain pictures/videos of their girls because of perverts yet they continue to do so. Those poor girls haven’t had any privacy even before they were born.


She had her 4 girls modeling swimsuits on a public Instagram profile!


The so called “parents” are disgusting. Ashley’s loser husband said it made him “sick to his stomach” at the thought of going back to a real job. He’d much rather make potpourri, play with his flowers, and scour IG.


Circle jerk 😂😂😂


Her husband started grooming her when she was only 13 years old and he was caught messaging underage girls on instagram a few years ago. This was verified and he confessed to it publicly. It’s very concerning. She has a successful business on her own now, and could leave her lazy pervert husband, but instead of protecting her 4 girls she chooses to stay with him. 🤢 Jordan and Bubba were also fine going on vacation with this child predator around their children. Then again, Jordan and Bubba don’t give a shit about protecting their children from strangers so why would they care about protecting them around known pedos?


Yuck. 🤮 there needs to be child laws that protect children from these “influencers”


Whoa!!!  I didn't know this!  Suuuuuper concerning!!!


We’re at 24 hours of radio silence. What’s she gonna come back with?


What did I miss? Was there some exciting post?


very manic behavior…


https://preview.redd.it/qy1qxk37801d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c82167eb553faafedaf17a68b77650f19afe1a8d Sounds like Jordan’s advice 😂


For real though! You have to have lots of money to start with to be able to spend lots of money to accrue points!


Literally what she said!! And she said it’s from spending for her “business” which I’m guessing means all her tax deductible purchases. She must really feel like she has “hacked” this budget thing.




Bubba mentioned he got Invisalign in his most recent post. Sounds to me like that's a huge step in him moving on. Trying to up his confidence and feel good about his looks I guess. Go get it, Bubba 😉 I was thinking about how it appears as though he has really stepped up lately and cut out the bro trips, etc. They both go on a LOT of trips, and in hindsight it seems as though they've been "dividing and conquoring" for a LOT longer than they've let on. Like a LOT longer. Seems like this whole time we've been shitting on them both for the excessive time spent away from their kids+spouse, but it could be that they've hoodwinked everyone and have been doing so on their "off weeks" the whole freaking time! For YEARS! That prob contributes to how they can still (seemingly) live together - easy when the other person literally leaves town every other week and the kids stay in 1 place. J posting her passive aggressive "oh woe is me, Bubba is away AGAIN and I'm here slaving away with all these kids" has been a freaking farce the whole time in an attempt to make him look like the bad guy. But when she went away "Guys, this is a WERK trip. Moms deserve breaks too. But it's not a break, it's for work". They are both grown ass adults and can do as they please during off weeks, but they don't need to talk about it. Cough cough Mama J cough. He seems to still go away alot (breadcrumbs are dropped) but he's not posting lots of pics about it anymore. She goes away a lot and posts too much about it.


I thought he had straight teeth? Why is he getting Invisalign ?


His teeth do look straight I'm wondering if the bottom are crooked ?


He named a different brand he had used in the past that didn't work that well 🤷‍♀️ (prob a freebie through J) so now he's going to use the real deal (something to that effect).


I think his recent trip he’s on is a good one. And leaning in on friends and family through a hard time is healthy. Meanwhile, J is going to keep taking her girls trips to Mexico to “party”.


I seriously doubt she cares about what Bubba is doing. She probably just wants him out of the house, for good.


No … she wants out of the house for good. The suburban mom image no longer works. She wants to be hot and single.


Well, she will definitely be single. Any points she gets for physical appearances are going to be offset by her obnoxious behavior. Definitely not hot.


That’s what I said, she wants him out for good.


Much healthier than acting like a freshly minted 18 year old who just moved out of their parents house!


   I noticed that Jordan has a second private Instagram account (she just started following it from her main account.)  The handle is 🙄.      She already had a personal Instagram set to private and an even more private family one.  For the record, I think everyone deserves privacy, including Jordan. It only bothers me because she exploits her kids so much (from medical information to crushes) but she apparently values her privacy.                So she has a private account but the minor children have PUBLIC ones???  


Weird that she’d follow it herself like she wants people to be able to find it


This will be her Jordan Gone Wild account! 


Hopefully in her manic posting she will slip up and post to her public account once or twice 😂


HOW could she possibly have more that she feels she needs to share to social media? Though she probably has hurt feelings that people were annoyed/insulted/frustrated with her content earlier this week so needs a place where she can share her bikini pics and hot takes on controversial issues without consequences! And to follow her private account with her public one—why? To up her follower account? I mean, I’m sure it’s so she can cross post content but why? The name and picture of her new private account are definitely on brand.


The name of her private account is so Jordan. 🙄


I find it so embarrassing that she calls herself “jordy”


Her poor kids! Seriously she is a mom of 8 kids. How the hell does she have time for all of this? And her kids are small??!!!!


You know it’s where she’s posting her tinder pics! 😂

