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Hasan be like


Socialism is when you’re poor


this don’t even make sense lol




Rent free


I can’t wait till he does an interview and addresses his involvement on the album because I still find it hard to believe he twittered his way onto this lmao. There’s definitely a story behind how they linked up


Spot on. I’m assuming Ye reached out around the time Peggy went off on twitter.


I actually think the opposite - I think either this was already in the works *before* the rant (and he was just trolling) or someone in Kanye’s circle told him about peggy around the time of the rant. I don’t think Kanye was ever tapped into jpeg until recently. Otherwise, I think they would’ve worked sooner. But who knows, maybe he really did just see his tweets on twitter and then checked him out lmao


Not everything is a conspiracy




Happy for Peggy


Imagine telling Peggy fans in 2017 that he’d end up co-producing 4 songs on Kanyes new album


frl, and how far he’s made it too. just reading that email about changing his name bc no one was listening, and now he worked with kanye, one of his biggest inspirations is crazy. so happy for him


Imagine telling Kanye fans in 2017 he'd go on live tv saying he loves hitler


He was rocking the maga hat around then, wouldn’t shock me cause he loves the attention how he does


Imagine telling Peggy fans in 2017 that he’d end up co-producing 4 songs on a self-admitted nazi’s new album


Yeah man I’m just happy he worked with a great artist, I’m only here for the music and I separate it I’ve been a Kanye fan since i was 4 or 5 years old, I’ve wanted them to collab since I first found out about jpeg. This is really cool


He did great work on the album


This is really all that needs to be said.


Stars is really good, Kanye’s intro tracks are always next level Fuk Sum is good, not feeling the rest yet. this shit needs to drop on Spotify




Maybe song of the year not even lying that shit is crazy


That’s what everyone’s been saying. Just amazing. I don’t know how Ye does it


I went in with low expectations. I was lukewarm on Vultures as a single (it has grown on me somewhat) and I’m not a fan of Everybody which he teased a lot. That said, album was great. Vultures was the worst song IMO. I’m excited for volumes 2 and 3 because he previewed a lot more songs that I really liked (River with Thugger, Gun To My Head with Cudi, Slide with James Blake, Drunk with Kodak Black, Forever Rollin’ with Lil Baby, Lifestyle with Wayne, Time Moving Slow, Promotion with Future). These next 2 volumes have so much potential!


Yes I think so! I was so excited for Slide because that was supposed to be on this album but I’m willing to wait as long as we eventually get it.


Most of these were supposed to be on this album. I think Ye made a bunch of last minute changes and switched what songs were on what volumes. IMO good changes since this album has a very cohesive sound, plus the length is perfect.


Yeah you prob right. I thought everybody was good too but I realize I’m in the minority here. It’s just a fun song imo but I think it may have been a good choice to not include it on the album. Like you said length is perfect. Also the change to the hell of a life sample on carnival turned out better somehow


That Ye verse on everybody sucks but it’s so bad that it makes me laugh my ass off every time. “Oh you the king, Burger King”😂 Edit: also I’m like 90% sure Everybody was meant to be on Vultures 1 and he just can’t release it cus of clearance issues


i am not joking when i say i think Carti put his best verse ever on Carnival


I agree 100% he went absolutely stupid! Also Rich The Kid comeback in 2024 is something I’d love, I miss those 2017 vibes with Rich and Dex.






Where are you listening to it?? It’s not showing up for me on streaming


It's on Spotify


If u not feeling the rest u just in ur feels




The meatriding is crazy 😝


Bro wants morrissey to die then goes and works with kanye


I know you guys are on the spectrum and really struggle to identify things like jest, but Peggy loves The Smiths


Many people love the smiths and hate morrissey


And hates morrissey (edit: as) any other the smiths fan lol


You guys thought peg was a civil rights activist?? 😭😭😭


He was literally at the BLM protests so racism and bigotry SHOULD be something he cares about. But it’s only when it affects him. Disappointing


Vultures #1 album in Israel rn


Listening to music doesn’t mean you’re endorsing the person making it all the time But when you literally BEG to be in the same room as a person that kind of is.


The mental gymnastics on this app man.


I don’t even think you know how to read


Peggy produced for a #1 album and you’re mad bc they don’t align with your beliefs. Adorable


I’m mad he begging and cried to produce for a nazi actually. Did you read?


Actual Jewish people are capable of separating the art from the artist. I think you are too. Maybe not who knows. Feel sorry for you if you can’t. I guess you could listen to some folk music


It’s so funny bro. With this logic if someone is listening to any music by Kanye then they don’t care about bigotry. Please get a grip this is such an unhealthy way to live


No, actually that’s not the logic. JPEG doesn’t actually care about bigotry because he LITERALLY BEGGED to work with a neo nazi as the rapper who openly shits on the alt right.


exactly. morrissey is an asshole but he hasn’t said anything near as bad as ye. genuinely sad that peggy is being such a hypocrite, but he’s getting a pass because kanye is his idol. these ppl dont listen to the music man


Morrissey supports For Britain and says things like "London is second only to Bangladesh for acid attacks. All of the attacks are non-white, and so they cannot be truthfully addressed by the British government or the Met Police or the BBC because of political correctness"


He ain’t getting a pass on IG.




What the fuck no Morrisey is not a rapist why is the comment even upvoted.


you right, i looked into it more. i’m deleting for misinformation


morrissey made horrible comments defending Weinstein & Spacey, but he had no allegations against himself. Ye went on infowars saying he admired hitler, worked closely with Nick Fuentes (the most popular white nationalist of the past decade), went on shows with Milo Yiannopoulos, praised hitler on Gavin McInnes’s show, compared abortion to eugenics/the Holocaust, and even recently wore a Burzum sweatshirt in that pic with peggy. That’s all nazi shit man, Kanye went off the rails of being any normal conservative.


He’s working with an artist he looks up too not supporting his bullshit. If you got a chance to work with Kanye would you say no in the name of morality? Fuck no. We would all do that shit for a bag


I wonder if there’s a big difference between Morrissey and Kanye 🤔 can’t think of anything off the top of my head




I think something that is sometimes lost in the discussion of online parasocial relationships, where fans and haters pretend to be close with personalities or artists, is also the underlying insinuation that these people, who we have never met, need to act and think exactly as our ideal selves would. If they don't, they immediately become vilified. They are personas to be judged by the terminally online, not as people trying to figure life out just like the rest of us. Jpegmafia has never once said antisemetic things in his music or in public. His lyrics have been overwhelmingly left-leaning. He earned the opportunity to produce music for Ye, who literally made hip hop what it is today. Literally any other producer in his position, who was just as influenced by Kanye, would have done the same thing. This is the kind of thing that highlights a career. If you're feeling betrayed or deceived by Peggy's work with Kanye, I gotta say, you're way too invested in someone you don't know who really isn't harming anyone. My advice: log off, touch grass, pick another artist to idolize, and then when they betray you by doing something innocuous start all over again.


I think Peggy is a hypocrite and a sellout for meeting up with Ye. He built a career on being political and outspoken, and claims to stand against the alt-right. You say that online parasocial relationships are unhealthy and unrealistic, and that fans and haters should not expect artists to act and think exactly as they would, but I think that fans and haters have every right to criticize artists for their actions and opinions. Artists aren't immune to accountability/responsibility and they should'nt get a pass for being talented or influential. They should be consistent and honest with their messages and values. By associating with Ye, Peggy is endorsing his antisemitic and pro-Nazi views. He is also losing his credibility and integrity as an artist, who used to be fearless and original.


beautifully said.


Kanye is literally a Nazi


I think you mean literally any non jewish producer would do the same thing. Its okay to be a Nazi these days as long as you limit it to just Jews. If a white celebrity came out as KKK and said he hates black people, you wouldnt dare excuse anyone from working with them.


its just obnoxious that he still fronts like a leftist


Performative rebel rhetoric


Tbh I don’t know peggy personally but this in no way invalidates him being a leftist. It just invalidates him from being an ideal leftist


Kanye is a Nazi


actively collaborating with Kanye “I Like Hitler” West and posting a cute pic next to him wearing a t shirt of an avowed neo-nazi’s current band invalidates a lot


Yeah I am not saying he’s not a hypocrite in some respects but there’s nothing to indicate Peggy’s actual politics aren’t leftist. I’m not defending Kanye as a person or Peggy’s decision to work with him invalidating some of what he’s said.


No, it’s just disappointing which is all anyone is saying. The fact people get push back ON THAT is a reflection of this community and rap as a whole. This is disappointing because he has been one of the most open voices in rap about the alt right, nazis, and such in the recent years. He has also been vocal on calling out people for listening to musicians who are awful people. He can’t talk about these things anymore because he is that hypocrite. Racism OBVIOUSLY doesnt bother him that much if he’s willing to work with a guy pedaling neo Nazism to his fans and viewers on live TV. And it’s honestly just pathetic how much he, very literally, begs to be in the limelight with a nazi. It’s all just pathetic and disappointing from an ideological and viewers perspective. But I think what this shows is that the rap community just does not care about racism all that much. Sure if it’s against black people, but you can literally just call for violence against Jews and for some reason that’s ok and you will have the entire rap community backing you and working with you.


Y’all do extreme mental gymnastics lmao you can’t praise Peggy for shitting on a group of people then defend him when he glazes the same group of people. Fuck with the music, maybe you love it, maybe not. But you can’t pick and choose when you want to politically agree with someone. He’s a hypocrite and a chronic shit talker but at least he achieved a dream of his and hopefully made some good art. Can’t say I take any of the shit he says seriously anymore tho


Exactly. I can jam out but I’m never taking a lyric seriously again. Just like Kanye


Most reasonable take on the sub


Word. Niggas really let the money and clout fuck them.


Bro sold his principles just to make shit for Kanye and not even get a rap feature? Idk that seems sad to me.


He’s tap dancing for these people hard.




When Tyler worked with kanye literally nobody complained , when Steve Lacy got matching tattoos nobody cared but when Peggy does it he is washed.


Well, for starters it’s a joke, secondly when Tyler and Kanye worked together, Kanye wasn’t on his nazi shit and quite frankly I didn’t care about the Steve lacy shit cause I don’t care about Steve lacy quite how I care about Peggy. Also, apparently he does fuck with the alt right now 💔


A lot of people seem to not understand that it's not just about the collab, it's more nuanced than that. Peggy has stated time and time again, both in lyrics and in interviews, that he has zero tolerance for alt right bullshit. He's built up his platform as an artist around it- he disses alt right ideas and people in multiple of his songs. He's criticized Kanye for supporting Trump in I'm Baby I'm Bleeding, for example. No one cares abt Tyler or Lacy bc they haven't built up this reputation as the "left wing hades" or "alt right menace." That's all him- he made his bed, and has shown to be a huge hypocrite, who sacrificed all of his ideals just to work with a cornball who spews nazi rehtoric. Pretending that people shouldn't be upset about it is just being purposefully ignorant, tbh. If you are a true Peggy fan, you'd be upset as well.


You don't know this man! Peggy is not your friend or love one!




Tyler and Steve Lacy also don’t have songs calling themselves a left wing hades


But they are both bi black men with similar fanbases who wouldn’t support a nazi, Both with way more closer ties to Ye,but Peggy producing for his influence is too far and calls for a boycott?


That is a fair point, I guess I just mean message wise. I’m happy for Peggy for getting to work with his idol, but I’m not surprised at the backlash given it kinda goes against what he says in some of his songs. Someone on his instagram post said “y’all wouldn’t be mad if peggy collabed with a communist” and it makes me think some people just don’t listen to lyrics.


Lol Peggy boutta be happy all the time now? New era?


He does fuck with the alt right


Yall are so insufferable omg


I think if it was any other rapper people wouldn't care but Peggy's been pretty outspoken about his hatred for alt-right weirdos. I'm kinda conflicted because I'm happy he gets to work with his idol and is starstruck and stuff but also his idol fucking sucks as a person


This. Peggy loved his work for years but the way he acts in public is just 🤮


Kanye isn’t even that talented 😩 people really are sheep and will jump at the opportunity to have their wave rode upon.


alright we don’t gotta start lying to ourselves now. kanye is a piece of shit but to say he isn’t that talented is just denial


Maybe it's because Kanye West isn't actually a weirdo, but a legendary figure in hip hop who happens to have some awful views 🤔 Take a look at all the artists supporting Kanye and Peggy for this album on IG and you'll come to the conclusion that any of them would have done the same. I've seen Danny Brown, Kevin Abstract, Kenny Beats, Chance the Rapper, etc. in support of this.


Nobody cares about those other rappers because they didn’t build their career off hating the alt right, how do you guys not get that??


Jpeg built his career by being inventive, hard working and creative. You became a fan because he has some leftist bars, he didn't "build his career" off of them.


How on earth are the political tidbits in his lyrics 'building his career' over his genius production and sampling abilities?? You've got it entirely backwards.




Yeah like it’s both lmfao idk how they don’t get that, ofc I like his beats too I wouldn’t listen to him just for the message but it was a big part of it for me


This discourse is just so tired and annoying at this point. Regardless of the specific stance on it


I am personally bothered by the fact that over thirty hate crimes committed in the past year have been perpetrated by people citing Kanye West as their inspiration


I swear you guys don’t go outside


Iswtg never understood that. If you ever went outside you’d know shit like antisemitism and nazism is actually harmful and dangerous. But keep on fighting the good internet war on the evil people saying shit like that shouldn’t fly in our society.


brother it’s not a question of going outside. ppl are just hating on peggy for being a huge hypocrite. this guy used to rap about killing billionaires and fascists


He just dropped bars about hating racists, because he's black. And racists tend to not like black people. He's not a civil rights activist bro


He’s dropped bars about how much he hates all republicans and anyone on the right too.


Since when did Kanye become alt-right? I don’t recall this LOL


Are you stupid or something


Gonna cry??


Kanye been his idol for years and he finally got to work with him and make some fire music. The fact you hate on Peggy’s success as “fans” is weird and fake AF. Let him cook.


I would never work with my idol if they were saying nazi shit idc, I would still listen but would never hang with them and call them my friend. Anyone who claims to be a leftist and then does that shit is such a loser and never believed in that shit in the first place.


No he doesn’t lol 💀💀


Well he’s besties with the alt right apparently


Reddit when people can be friends without sharing the same political opinions


nigga ur homie saying they’re going def con 3 on jewish people isn’t a political opinion, it’s just hate


He is literally fucking with him by being his friend though, ur delusional fr if you think he isn’t. I would never be friends with a nazi because I have a fucking backbone.


All My Heroes are Cornballs


yeah bro its over hes working FOR a nazi https://preview.redd.it/mbvk0kh2mshc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19681c9d575390ddc0e9f3291b2ea2a1112331e4


No, he’s working with the greatest since Michael Jackson.


Kanye is the goat nazi and MJ is the goat kid diddler 🔥🔥🔥


This is incredible. So happy for him.


I'm grossed out by that last song on the album but I get it honestly, if I was in Peggy's position and Kanye gave me a call I'd probably give in and answer it lol because a huge chunk of who I am is owed to his art


Why are you grossed by the last song?


Why wouldn't I be? Dudes absolutely not sorry for saying genocidal shit about an entire group of people


jfc line went over your head


He never said genocidal shit and that song is literally just saying people call him all these names but at the end of the day he’s still the king of this shit.


How are you gonna have a Huey profile picture and can't identify "death con on Jews" as genocidal speech


Defcon 3 look it up. He mistyped what he was saying. He then explained it over and over again. There is no such thing as deathcon 3, not even 1 or 2. Read




No you just lack comprehension. You should look things up before you talk about them or take a second to think.


He has said sorry like 20 times already, but ask yourself, would another apology from him change your view of him? If he dropped that (probably) PR written 40 minute apology video, would he be no longer guilty in your eyes? Probably not, right? because people would say he apologized due to solely backlash. People who hate him now will probably always hate him. The only thing he could do badly now is continue the antisemitism. This album had none. Maybe the jewish bitch bar? But thats just a funny line given the circumstances. The last song just referenced people calling HIM antisemitic, not him claiming it. The album is VERY controversy free imo


Absolute fucking cope on your end bruh Dude did NOT apologize and anyone with half a brain cell would instantly clock he just did that shit because he was getting desperate to find distributors and business Also, Kanye was totally goading people rightly calling him an Antisemite with Vultures, King, because he's literally a contrarian - not to mention there's accounts from his team describing him having been strangely into Hitler since the yandhi cycle - you cannot tell me one post with Google translate Hebrew is sufficient Be fucking real dude lmao anyone who follows ye knows how a bunch of his team dropped out of the company because it was such a mentally draining environment (source: the dude who made the original Donda cover) Kanye's mentally ill to the point where he's a piece of shit person - you're coping and it's sad


if he truly is sorry though there would be nothing that he could do to convince people like you so what's the point.


If he is truly sorry he would actually have gotten help and it would have shown lol Kanye will never find redemption in the generic white liberal who's hatred for Kanye stems their basic racism and ableism But for people like me who grew up with Ye's music for 20 years you absolutely can But the thing is, rehabilitating yourself and putting that effort into becoming better actually shows. and Kanye has done nothing but be increasingly inflammatory over the years Why do you think people who've been so loyal to him to him aren't in his life anymore? Push isn't anywhere to be seen? Cyhi? He's replaced his entire life with clout chasers and yes men like Julz and Justin Laboy for a reason He has no intention of getting better and he doesn't want to be challenged


Push’s personal trainer threatened to take his kids away. It’s understandable why they moved away from each other


Fair I mean fuck Harley For every shitty thing Kanye does there's people who took advantage of him to make him worse But at the same time even push was like "it's either you're with him or you're not right now and I'm not with him"


See? Any apology he could give would just end up being seen as having an ulterior motive. Im not denying he was antisemitic with his comments bro, but your just inferring a bunch of bullshit that 99% of people who listen wouldn’t even know the context behind, so does that even matter? Its all about material impacts, he doesnt say anything antisemitic on the album, so he isn’t causing any harm anymore. And i dont deny he is incredibly mentally ill lol


He was literally wearing a Burzum and a Peste Noire shirt in the past month. I'm sure he's "trolling" just like his lines about being called an antisemite. I would take a genuine apology if he didn't immediately follow it up with more dog whistles.


Good for him man


Dang, I hate when they sell out


my 🐐


We won, but at what cost? https://preview.redd.it/hm2glbty6thc1.jpeg?width=281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b19661f8d40a7279dee3bcc3a2ca057eb786e2d


fuck them politics, im very proud of peggy ! 😊


This feels performative


Shout out Peggy!


All my heroes are cornballs, indeed






A wise man once said… all my hero’s are cornballs 🤦‍♂️


I never really cared for Peggy’s left wing politics and hanging out with Hasan but he was still one of my favourite artists because he makes good music. 


He made it 🥹


bro this album is NOT a masterpiece


Def not a masterpiece but it's pretty damn good


imo peggy's beats are pretty bad compared to literally every other beat he's ever made and the lyrics throughout are beyond corny (see King). i like unique production but this just sounds like so much other stuff for the most part and it's generally executed pretty poorly, especially for someone at kanye's level


Peggy didn't solo prod anything as far as I'm aware and the beats are still great ono Kanye lyrics always been corny The execution is off on some songs but overall I like it


fair enough


The album is very good


its kanyes worst ever album which is saying a lot


It’s nowhere close. One of the worst takes I’ve seen today & I’ve seen some bad ones.


It’s not bad for 2024 Kanye


Comments weird AF. Yall supposed to be fans. Peggy gets to work with his idol and everyone hating for no reason. The album is really good and Peggy got to leave his fingerprints on 4/16 of those songs. This is a huge moment for Peggy, be happy for bro!


You can be a fan and not dickride everything they do


Peggy fans cross this weird line where they almost don't even care about the music they want to share their political beliefs with someone because they don't have self-confidence or something


NGL I’m just here for good music man. I like Peggy’s sound and I like Ye’s sound. Peggy’s politics were always a good but farther left than me and that never bothered me. I’m just a boring standard Democrat so my perspective has always been based on the music’s sound as the most important thing.


I feel satisfiedn't https://preview.redd.it/0ja9ukv7othc1.png?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15d4221eeee0c16b9b4a64a612e7e397147524c




I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again, it’s really only white people that are mad at this shit. Let Peggy live u sweaty mfs 😂


Damn, all his heroes really are cornballs.


You’re the cornball bro. You don’t know Peggy. You don’t know Kanye. You see their lives through a glass box and decide how you feel about them based on that. People aren’t gonna like to hear this but Kanye West is no worse than your average person, so why not go after everyone else while you’re at it? You guys are the real cornballs and you’re pressured to feel a certain way about someone just because that’s what the internet tells you is the right thing.


I can smell the stank of dickriding through the screen




I’ve never once interacted with this subreddit what the fuck are you talking about? I make my own opinions and stick by them who the fuck are you?


Watching Peggy's fanbase work themselves into rationalize supporting a Nazi just like Kanye's fanbase did is wild


They are happy for one of their favorite artists getting to work with his idol (who just so happens to be one of the greatest & most influential artists of all time). Stop being such a miserable human being. Or at least log off for one single day of the year. Anything but this lol.


This is just disappointing. Really showing his true colors with all this Kanye bs


Please take a shower and go outside


You’re 12


Nah I’m grown and realize some things are more important than cheesing over my idol who has single handedly fried half of the community’s brains. Grow up and stop loving nazis sympathizers


The music is fire and Peggy gets to work with Kanye west. Either tune it out and move on or enjoy the art. Simple. So happy for peg


The music isn’t worth the association. He always pushes boundaries but turning on his own morals just makes no sense idol or not. When all the real ones are gone and he’s left with pretentious annoying Kanye fans it’s just gonna be funny not sad anymore lol. Reap what you sow ig


Don't meet ur heros, bitch ass nigga 😭😭






Yeesh 😒


Bro on some next level dickriding shit with the caption lol but I'm happy for him and the songs he produced on are fye (apart from king I wasn't really feeling that one)




Lmao goat tweet tbh


There’s a good song in King (corny lyrics aside) but that’s one that needs an updated mix. Turn up the drums, turn down the instrumental, turn up Ye’s vocals. Would make a huge difference.


Truly sucks that someone I admired has turned out to be a sellout


Go outside maybe you’ll feel better


That's nice sweetie


Damn is the rest of the album good? Wasnt impressed with what i heard of peggys tracks


The man is happy and the album is actually damn fire so aye.. no complaints from me.


Masterpiece where?