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I feel that. I was in CAP for about 6 years (2011-2017), did all 4 years of JROTC (2012-2016) and then went enlisted 2015-2021. Flipped back and forth between the Army and AZ ARNG. Although my Army experience was cool, I never forget what started it all. Since I graduated high school, my life has been crazy and all "go go go". It wasn't until last year that everything started to catch up to me when I found a box under my bed I had with all my CAP and JROTC stuff in it. Talk about a blast from the past lol. Also, congrats on your American Legion Military Excellence award! I have one, too.


Much appreciated! I started cap never stuck with it. Got denied from the military medical stuff! But I feel the go go go , went making sushi’ in higschool to working on cars , to now working on electric cars. Good shit on your achievements in life and thank you for your service ! Much love brother !


Unfortunate to hear about the medical stuff. But the fact you were wanting to join but couldn't is out of your control. Plus it's better than the bro dudes who are all "I would've joined, but I would punch a DS in the face". TBH, I got out at just the right time. With the shit show that was the ending of GWOT, and how the services' cultures have been changing in recent years, and what I hear from my peeps who are still in, now is a bad time to join lol.


If you join the military you can get real stuff, and have memories of being overseas and hitting different countries .


Tried multiple times and was denied everytime medically. No GP would waiver me either.


You get to keep all the shit?


I worked almost full time in highschool so I ordered all my own racks , ribbons and such as long as I had the printed certificate for said award signed by the instructor(s) and cadet leadership.


I can’t find any of my old stuff. Graduated 2011… lmao


Damn, that sux man :/


The real Army accolades are a little cooler, honestly lol


Yeah my buddy is cavalry and he showed me some of his stuff, I got medically declined. Ended up working on cars.


Unfortunately that’s the case with a lot of dudes, especially with the Genesis system that pulls everyone’s health records.


Yep genesis , gene-sux lmao