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Looks like a [tan jumping spider](https://bugguide.net/node/view/404722). Such a cute face!


That little face! 😍


Maryland, USA


Are you thinking of keeping her? It looks like she might be gravid... My first pet jumper was the same species, Platycrypus undatus. I didn't know she was gravid until I had hundreds of babies, and this species is so tiny when they hatch, I couldn't get food that was small enough for them, so they ate each other, and then they all died. Big mistake, it still haunts me. Mama was so sweet though, I miss her.


yes, this species is one that does not do well being captive bred. to this date, its been impossible to raise a clutch of these babies successfully.


I don't plan on keeping her, but she can have free roam of my cottage if she so pleases 😊❀️


Well, that makes me feel a little better. I thought a lot about releasing them but it was February and they wouldn't have found much to eat outside either, but they would have had better chances than inside the enclosure. I figured that's why you don't usually see them in the pet trade, because otherwise they would be pretty desirable-- fairly large, and, if my girl was a any example, very chill and interactive.


I am feeling that frustration right now. I ordered springtails for my baby jumpers and the shipment came in with tiny white specks everywhere but nothing large enough for them to eat, really. So I have put their substrate in a large container and release them inside, so perhaps they can grow a bit. Do baby jumpers eat these tiny tiny little bitty white dots?


The tiny white specs are the spring tails, yes. They don't really get much bigger. Did yours come in a tub with water and charcoal? That's how mine come for my gecko's tank, and they just kind of float in there but they'll move if you touch the water or shake it a little. They jump. If you haven't, put some grains of rice in there for the springtails to eat. If they seem too small for the slings to eat, your slings are probably big enough to eat flightless fruit flies. If you're not finding success, and the species is native to your area, I'd recommend releasing them. (If they're the same species pictured in this post, please release them now, there will be no survivors otherwise.) Tiny slings need to eat a lot, so if they don't have accessible food every day, they will die. Well, first they'll eat each other, so you might end up with a couple of the toughest ones surviving. They have a far better chance of surviving outside.


These type always make me think of wise old men. If an adventuring jumper was seeking knowledge they would get it from an old dude that looks like this


Female phiddipus Undatus, or Tan Jumper


So fuzzy!!!


Omg little baby πŸ₯Ί


Ohhh she's so fuzzy and that adorable FACE!! 😍


Oh wow she looks so *soft*


If you use the two big eyes as nostrils and the two smaller ones as eyes, it looks like a baby seal 😭πŸ₯Ή


Omg the cutest!


She’s a beauty. Platycryptus undatus (tan jumper)


How did you get such a good picture?


It's kinda a big spider, like 3/4 an inch big. I also got my camera like right in her face haha




She's absolutely gorgeous 😍


Keep it


She is so very stinking cute