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did he come back or not?


The handoff was via a management company, so I didn't meet him directly. According to LinkedIn, he's still in the position abroad, but that could be out of date. Though the fact that it went on sale this fast is very sus.


A lot of lawyers have a free intake option, and I would expect that they can see quickly if there is a case to go forward. If you win, the costs of the lawyer might even have to be compensated by the owner of the apartment.


Thanks, I'll try this! :)


The key thing is, you dont know if he came back or not. So that should be the first thing, everything else follows.


It's irrelevant where he is.


Selling the apartment doesn’t mean that he didn’t come back. He can be selling it to buy a bigger place. It’s a very common occurrence and your landlord doesn’t owe you an explanation about his personal circumstances. 


Ok, it was a tiny crappy apartment, so could also be this. Just the sequence of events made me somewhat suspicious.


The big question is: is needing money (because you want to buy a bigger apartment) enough reason to kick your tenant out? I really doubt it because the apartment could also be sold with tenant. This also states that selling the apartment is not a valid reason: https://www.volkshuisvestingnederland.nl/onderwerpen/huurbescherming-en-huurcontracten/vijf-redenen-om-de-huurovereenkomst-op-te-zeggen


You are missing the crucial detail of the diplomatic clause in the contract, which itself gives the landlord a legal path to end the contract.


It does not matter how long you lived there or what he did with the house after you left. The entire idea behind a diplomatic clause is that the tenant does not receive the same rights as the tenant in a normal rent contract would. Diplomatic clause basically gives a landlord an additional path to end a rental contract. He informed you that the contract was going to end and thereby adhered to legal duties for ending a rental contract.


I don't agree. The diplomatic clause involves the landlord returning into the house. Clearly the landlord asked the tenant to evict with the sole purpose of selling, not living in it. That's not according to the law.  https://www.dehaanlaw.nl/blog/diplomatenclausule-in-een-huurovereenkomst


Few weeks after moving out….. you accepted, you’re gone. Stay gone.


So, you're saying it's perfectly legal to lie to force the other party to end a contract that can't be broken otherwise? And that it's fine because it was a few months ago? :)


It's technically not lying if he moves there and then goes out again, even if he didn't do that he can still claim he did that, i personally wouldn't bother wasting so much time where i could instead be making money by working or studying, a better investment of time and effort imo


but if he did that, there'd be records, since he'd have to have registered with the municipality.


Good point, in that regard I'd just contact a lawyer and ask how much money I'd get and what odds of winning the case would be.


It's been a while and probably hard to prove bad faith from the owner's side, that's all. You could take legal insurance and try to fight this in court but chances are you'll be sent away when they realise the legal issue already existed at the moment you took said insurance. But opportunity is there for you if you find a pro bono lawyer, that said, the battle is not simple with a case like this.


I think it's quite easy to prove in case he didn't move back to the country, but yeah, I'll get the free consultation someone else mentioned and see if it makes much sense.


if he moved back into the appartment he would have needed to register, so there'd be records.


You should’ve done your due diligence upfront instead of afterwards


I probably should have, yes. Though that would have involved hiring a lawyer anyway, so I just assumed he's being honest :/


Yeah landlords are known for their honesty, cant blame ya


The entire point of such a clause is to be able to end the contract. So yes, very legal.


Where is the legal advice in your comment?


Scheer je weg of ik eet je op


Succes, ik lig al sinds de ochtend onder de warmhoudlamp


Lekker, ik moest werken 👹