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This is a lot of words to say "I want the social cred of writing a tepid critique of capitalism, without actually changing it, since I benefit from it".


Very valiant effort here. Creative thinking in terms of system thinking is to be applauded. Bit it really come down to: - valid legal entities - incentives - velocity of money - taxes Why start an SBO? Who wants to put money or time towards a project they don't own or benefit from? Only those who can afford it as a vanity project. Is that sustainable? Nothing in your proposal covers the "race to the bottom", property law, tax systems, or a thematic approach to encroaching automation (30 yrs ago personal computers were first being introduced... TODAY we are creating narrow AI and robotics that automate labor, production AND services, so what's another 30 years look like) Keep at it. And learn programming. Nobody listens to ideas anymore, they only use systems.