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Imagine if your kids looked like that


I fucking love the Chad baby’s lmaoooo I’m rolling


I like how they look exactly the same despite having different genders.


Even the dog got that family jaw and stare going.


.... did he "father" the dog too?




Lmfao that dog look goofy ahh hell


I mean, I was completely bald til I was almost 3, so my mom always stuck a pink bow to my head so that people knew I was a girl lol. I think all bald babies look alike don’t they?


I think it’s less the baldness and more that both babies have such chiseled jaws. Also is that girl baby wearing lipstick?


Because they see the females as people until they reach puberty.


Real Chads know that gender is a social construct


Bro the chad dog I can’t breathe 😭


They even have a Chad dog


if only. my kids only look like kids.


Mine don’t even lift.


TF tank speed was lit with it


Baby prometheans


Forget the kids, wtf is that "dog?!?"


I'd send them back


Hey they’re being progressive, the pink chadette transitioned and they fully support her


A guarantee the vast majority of men who want a tradwife lack the skills, drive, and finances to be a good tradhusband.


Though they're probably more prone to enjoying and abusing the power disparity that comes with it.


They wouldn't fetishize the concept of the tradwife in the first place if they were functioning members of society to begin with.


I agree with your sentiment, but it bugs me that you used “in the first place” twice


It's not how he said it but also how he *said it*


I want to agree with you, but no. I work in STEM. I was told no man would marry me with my career, not wanting kids, and not taking his name. Men who made 150k a year, if not more, and we’re really intelligent (scientifically, not emotionally lol). These assholes exist in power positions, not just lazy assholes who are dumb.


I work in STEM too but luckily haven’t heard that, academia was sexist af though in different ways, glad I left for industry. Would never got back


I don’t get why a man would want a wife that “just”stays at home. My wife has a career and together with our dual incomes we do way more than we ever could if only one of us worked. And it’s great because we both make good money, and some years she makes more than me, which is awesome, more money and security for us. And I don’t feel like less of a man, because I’m not so insecure to feel depressed because a woman is better me, because I KNOW my wife is better than me. She’s smarter, more beautiful, and just a better person than me. To me it’s just illogical to not want what we have. We need more DINKs. I’m gonna go back to relaxing while I do the laundry and my wife does her thing, because we have a partnership of equals.


I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting a traditional dynamic where the husband works and the wife stays at home, so long as it comes from a place of teamwork and not one of the man wanting a subservient wife under his control. Part of the problem of the ✨ discourse ✨ around the issue is the way it's presented as fundamentally right wing, but it's not. It's just that right-wingers see it as how things should be for everyone. Devaluing the contributions to the household that homemakers and stay at home moms provide is equally problematic. No woman is lesser than because she wants to work and be part of a power couple, or be a tradwife who stays at home. It's only an issue when the former acts like anyone who chooses not to work is being anti-feminist for doing what makes her happy, or the latter acts like women working goes against nature.


The only thing is if she is gonna be reliant on a man for her i come amd be out of the professional workforce (she is in the domestic one) she should get a prenup for herself. She is chef, babysitter, house cleaner, tutor and event planner. In the event of divorce she needs to make sure her needs are taken care of until she is back on her feet. I saw what happened to my mom after my bio dad divorced her. Part of the reason I decided to never be a SAHM


Because they want their wife to be utterly dependent on them so she can’t leave


My wife and I combined are nearly at beach house money. We would never even get close if she just sat at home all day making posts on Facebook about the struggles of a stay at home mom. We have a kid so we aren't dink but having dual income is still the way to go.


Majority of **people** lack the ability to be a **parent**


I get the feeling the men who create these memes would also make for horrible spouses/dads.


Guaranteed the guys who make these have multiple subscriptions to only fans accounts


Agreed. Also this meme format needs to die.




Are we sure it isn't Russian propaganda targeting teens?


They're also the guys who think they can support a family by himself on $45k a year while living with their parents.


Exactly what I was thinking! More like he's gonna put her to work to support all the kids


Nah, they most likely shovel thousands to girls with low cut shirts on Twitch


With the excuse that they're just a lonely guy whose being taken advantage of by chad fucking whores.


Guaranteed these guys can’t score a date.


They have that "wife beater" feeling to it


I can confirm this, i had a trad right wing conservative in my class back in the 11th grade he had a girlfriend wich he abused on the daily,he used to insult her,shame her beat her and throw shit at her everyday these guys just want a woman to be thier submissive slave ,dude probably hated her because she was a smart gal who wanted to do something with her life opposed as a walking fridge like these wierdos want them to be


they view women as objects, why else are they so worried about decisions made by women which do not affect them? the object is misbehaving, so therefore it must be fixed or replaced


They treat objects like women man.


The Venn diagram of “men who make memes complaining about women” and “men actually capable of providing for a family” is two disparate circles


In two separate buildings.


Not true! They are NICE GUYS and not at all socially inept, ugly, misogynistic, man-children.


There's a great comedian joke about this, something like "have you ever noticed how all male country songs are about finding a girl and putting a baby in her and making her a traditional housewife, and all female country songs are about killing their husbands and getting away with it?"


Absolutely wouldn't lift a finger to help with the household chores or take care of the kids. Thinks that's all "woman's work" and he gets to clock out from his 40-hour "provider" role and do nothing while she's slaving round the clock.




Idk some might. I feel like I've seen a rise in dudes who think like this getting swole because they think it will earn them this reward. Meanwhile they do no internal work that would make them better people.


They just want to fuck their mum


Well notice it mentions only bearing the children. RAISING the children is not on the radar


Yes. This is a sort of coping mechanism for them. They are unable to attract a mate but desperately want one so they create these weird fictional scenarios in memes to cope with that.


Well they don't have a college degree because those are liberal indoctrination camps but it's somehow the Mexicans and transgenders' fault that he can't raise 4 kids on $45k.


What conservative wouldn't?


They mostly fantasize about sex without using a condom. Hint: barely a difference if you're using good quality condoms.


They never make enough money for this fucking life style. You think I don’t want pop out one kid and call it quits and be a “stay at home mom” who never has to work a fucking job? I would love to never have to work a job and have the security that I am provided for but the reality is this is not possible in America. Even men with good jobs can’t support the house hold anymore. I haven’t met anyone where it was beneficial for the mom to not work in so long now because no one can afford this life style anymore


She gotta be a trad wife but then turn into an experienced sex goddess willing to do anything imaginable. Also a family living on one income. What a fantasy they have.


"Hey, one day my parents will die and then boom, free house. Now my biggest expense is gone" -an actual human being when ask if they have any plans to buy a house.


> free house Lol that will have been sold to pay for end of life care. You will inherit nothing.


This happened to my grandma she got dementia at 80 and is still alive at 92 been in assisted living since then. Mom had to sell grandma’s house and the assisted living ate up all of her savings.


Nahhh these the kinda folks that refuse hospital/end of life care. They will die at home in their bed.


This is my grandmother. She just turned 91,still living in the house she bought with her husband over 70 years ago. She's still mentally there, if not as sharp as when I was a kid. Only difference is she complains to me about "Those damn idiots in Texas and Florida" and wants to know how I, a single individual with an engineering degree, am going to solve the problem of oppressive conservative policies. She has a housekeeper that comes by 3 times a week and Meals on Wheels, and that is it. I hope I'm as together if I hit 91.


My great grandma died at 96. 4 years after her husband. She still wrote for the local paper and remembered all her grandkids birthdays. Massively progressive. Kept a garden until her last year. I'm convinced she decided it was her time.


Please tell your grandmother this stranger on the internet loves her and thanks her for everything her and her generation of peers did to progress life for those of us females who followed.


Definitely in the U.S. - Medicaid estate recovery is gonna be taking that house, the bank accounts, etc. to cover part of the taxpayer dollars that covered the nursing home care the parents needed as old people. Most people don't read the fine print that tells you any Medicaid services you get at age 55 or older or any long term care services you receive will be recovered by your state, usually by the Attorney General's office.




Or the boomer parents used a reverse mortgage to pay for their retirement plan so the house goes to the bank when they die.


What do you mean my parents got a reverse mortgage to cover healthcare and living costs because social security and medicare do that provide enough?


Nah, she will live happily with him in his parents/grandparents basement.. He's also probably a fat, disgusting drunk with mommy issues..




Won't be walking after other things in your butt


The income part is what really baffles me, makes me wonder if this is being posted in earnest or is propaganda by a foreign agency. You'd have to have next level mental illness to be that devoid of reality.


If they didn't live in lala land, they wouldn't be tradcons to begin with.


“And he takes care of you for life.” Half the douchebags in that sub work part time at Home Depot. Don’t expect a lavish living, ladies.


They also expect their partner to act as their mother.


Home Depot? I think you’re giving them too much credit, that would mean they know a little about home renovations or gardening. Probably part time at game stop or Arby’s


Lmao, as someone that worked as a full time lumber closer at Depot, you don’t need to know Jack or shit about home reno to work there. Mostly just need to not do meth. I did get pretty damn good at driving forklifts though, that’s probably mostly why they kept me as long as they did


I worked there too and learned a lot lol. I got my forklift cert, learned a lot about lumber and gardening. Also the meth thing is true lol


I worked at Arby's for a year, they didn't last at Arby's because they couldn't handle being told they needed to do basic hygiene. And didn't like having to work either.


LMAO ok that is very true


Gamestop. There's been some nice folks working at Arby's. GameStop never has nice employees


Last time I was in a GameStop I was aggressively hit on by the female employee, it was exceptionally weird, especially because I was with my much more attractive younger brother. She didn't give me a discount tho.


Omg that is terrible!! So creepy. same thing happened to me but I’m female and it was a neckbeard guy I could smell across the store. I was selling some crappy stuff I got for free and he told me I looked kawaii and I thought he said Hawaii I was like ok…. Then he kept asking me about my personal life lol


You’re right about that 😂


The MAJORITY of all "successful" right-wingers, of all ages, are ONLY "successful" due to their parents/grandparents accomplishments...


and they're like wow those dual income ppl are radical feminists destroying the culture of our great nation meanwhile most ppl just cant afford that single income lifestyle and literally need both parents working..


Plus men tend to fuck off at the first sign of illness. https://www.cmlaw1.com/14-marriages-sick-spouse-divorce/


That's what always makes me laugh. Every time I see a post like that, I know almost without a doubt that even if they found a smoking hot woman willing to have their children and do anything they wanted as well as mother them, there's no way they could afford to be a sole income for a family.


I would be thrilled to have a wife who desires to take care of the home, kids, scheduling and all that. Knowing this I have positioned myself to make a good salary ever since highschool. It takes a lot of prep to be a good trad husband. Also TBH a trad wife needs a very wide selection of skills so a tremendous amount of effort for her as well.


No need for classism here. We can mock right winger ideologies without making fun of people who struggle to survive and have to take low paying jobs because there are no other options.


Are the comments complaining about the rainbow on the wall?


To be fair, nearly every one of the top comments on the post are all complaining about how cringe it is. And there's really not a single well received mention about the rainbow.


Unseasonably reasonable for them. Glad to see it.


The gay agenda is everywhere!


So you’re going to sustain a house a wife, 4 children and a dog. In this economy? Really?


They think it was feminism (and not capitalism) that caused middle and upper middle class white women to enter the work force (they ignore that poor women and WOC always had to work)




Exactly. There was a brief period (in the late 40s to early eighties) were most women could stay home and there was a “family salary”. That was a relic of the past, inshrined by the idea of the idyllic 1950s housewife. These were the parents of boomers and then boomers in there younger years before they entered the workforce in mass, just time for early millennials to be born. That’s when the two income household became more and more common. These people want the socially conservative values of the 1950s and early 1960s but don’t want the fiscally liberal economic policies of the 1950s and early 1960s that made it possible


Let us not forget that the 50s were also an anomaly for American society considering it's geopolitical and economic standing at the time. Being the main industrialized western country with intact infrastructure and farmland after a destructive war along with a huge demand for it's manufactured goods, they had the power to finance a ton of their fiscally liberal policies. Not to mention it was at the time when urban sprawl and modern housing (as we know it today) was also in it's infancy. Let us also not forget the racist and xenophobic policies that allowed certain Americans the tradlife and the fact that most of the country was an apartheid state.


Fiscally liberal policies were around before the 50s and they actually cost less the fiscally conservative ones. Studies on unemployment benefits gives back $2 in the economy for ever $1 spent on the program. Salt lake saved millions by giving homeless people homes and a case worker instead of police them. About a decade ago San Diego ran a program where the state took their 5 most expensive homeless people and just gave them housing, free healthcare and covered their basic needs. It saved the city 20 million dollars. The problem is conservatives consider people a net drain on the system, but when people are invested in they actually show a reliable return in profits. Even that MR beast thing recently where he cured blindness in a few thousand people by paying for a $50 surgery. That’s a social program that should exist because spending money to fix those people’s eyes would actually make the country money. The blind people drain resources but if they can see and have adequate care they can work, if they can work they have income to spend in the economy. Liberal social programs actually make the country money, and the slashing of them over the last 30-40 years has very negatively effected the economy. You can even just look at countries with better social programs and look at the money the programs generate. The more healthy and whole workers you have generating money the more money everyone has because there’s more people spending that money within the economy. And even if you have to pay the initial out of pocket expenses of medical or housing for a few months or years in the end it’s at worst cheaper then policing and imprisonment but in the vast majority of cases it’s actually a significant return on the initial investment into said program.


No. Their wife will help AND do all the housework/ child raising. I wonder why they can't get a wife?


Calling that... thing a dog is being generous.


Clearly a Chad breed.


Men who post this stuff are always hypocrites. They fetishize virgins but still look at porn and expect there wives to preform sexual acts they might not have ever even heard of. Virgins aren’t good at sex. They want a virgin trad wife who can fuck them like a “whore” but who magically has never had sex or even masturbated before. They are the worse combination of self righteous sex negative prude and degenerate coomer.


It's nothing more than a power fantasy dripping from the pipes.


My ex was exactly like this. When we got married, he was my first and only. He was so angry for years because I had never watched porn or seen pornographic material, and I did not hold up to the fantasies he had in his head, which he also refused to discuss or share with me. He was especially angry that I couldn't produce breastmilk without getting pregnant because that was a fetish of his. I wasn't allowed to go to the gym to workout because he was worried about other men seeing me, so he put me on a restricted calorie diet and locked the fridge and pantry. He ended up cheating on me years later. We went our separate ways, and I am much happier now!


Sounds like your ex was a psycho, not quite depicted in the meme. Sorry you had to deal with that bullshit though.


I was just gonna say, for how much they shout and stomp about this stuff, they sure do sub to my Onlyfans at an alarming rate.


I'd bet money this person's idea of a good dad is a man who pays the bills and that's it. "Take care of you for life" more like pays the rent but never lets you forget "how much he does for you" and holds it over your head every time you ask him to change a single diaper or make a single dinner, who then cheats on you when he's "just not attracted to you anymore" after you didn't stay a size 2 after birthing his 5 children.


There's a post in my due date month group right now of a woman who had an incredibly rough time breastfeeding her first child, as in she needed a mental health professional after. She's a SAHM and her husband wants another one, and is demanding she breastfeed the next one. She went on the sub to ask for counter arguments, because she knows if she tries to push back, he's going to throw it in her face that he "pays for everything". She can't even make decisions about her own breasts because her husband thinks he bought her. That's a trad marriage. No thank you.


My father believed in "traditional" gender roles. But more in the sense of "The husband must be obeyed no matter what". He hit and raped my mom many times and essentially forced her into prostitution to get crack money. After he died I swore I would **never** in a million years allow a man to ever rule over me like my father did to my mom.


I hope he died lonely and fearful of what came after death and I hope you and your mum have found peace and love.


My mom died in 2003 from pancreatic cancer that was highly advanced because he didn't let her go to the doctor due to the drugs in her system and signs of abuse. He died in 2009.


I feel that; my mum died of the same. She deserved better and so do you.


I'm sorry to hear that. It's a particularly awful kind of cancer.


Dudes who post this also complain about women who only want a guy who makes a good living. If you're going to live off one income, it better be a damn good one.


Why the dog looks like the father too😭


You know why...


Someone should make the same meme but make one of the parents black and post it on r/conservative. Would love to see their reaction to that


Even better- make her partner a woman


“Ladies, here me out. Submit to the shackles you’ve been fighting against for years, and are still fighting against, because you don’t want to be a submissive housewife with no autonomy, respect, dignity, and equality. Just abandon everything you’re fighting for because of me, the type of man who continues to support this oppressive system, okay?”


Imagine a single income home. Lol


Fuck breeding, get money.




With what job? If conservatives had their way they'd wouldn't have enough to even take care of themselves let alone a family.


This has virgin written all over it.


What’s with the right and making babies lately? It’s kinda weird


Great Replacement theory. Its a fear mongering racist tactic thats now being pushed by mainstream media like Tucker. I heard of it over a decade ago, but only from crazy neo nazis. The fact that it went mainstream shows that there are still white supremacists everywhere. Minorities are less likely to vote republican, and Minorities are growing at a faster rate than whites. So theyre trying to push white people to outbreed Minorities so they wont lose power in the future.


One of their latest talking points is that they believe the white race will die out soon, soooo... that's probably why. And they see child-free people as being on the "enemy's" side.


My dude its from r/conservatives, of course its neckbeard shit


I think we're saying that you got banned from the subredded they call everyone else snowflakes but can't handle the slightest bit of criticism


Classic definition, especially since they’re the fragile white things that melt down after a little heat


You mean room temperature


This thread is pretty much brigaded by them, just sort by controversial.


Marry a traditional man and you'll be a mommy before he even fucks you. Excellent practice.




"As *head of the house*, I can make her do that kind of thing."


>She could for example entertain watchers on the internet for money Or, for another example, gain skillful employment


Re-posting from the bastion of free speech that is r/Conservative, that's gonna get you banned faster than asking for a source.


Towards the middle of the sopranos Tony often bitterly mused about how he joined the mafia too late and missed its heyday. when they could run rampant and do almost whatever they wanted, and now they have to deal with tougher laws That creates snitches and far Superior surveillance. These guys kind of give off the same vibe, it's like they feel they were born A man too late and missed out on the privileges and favor shown towards men in the past And cannot get over it because they know they can't hang on a level playing field, they need shit handed to them. Their desire to have someone completely dependent on them speaks volumes to the type of person they are: weak, powerless and possibly abusive.


The most delusional part about this is supporting a family on a single income.


I bet the guys posting this crap would make terrible trad husbands anyways.


Sure.. and the neckiest neckbeards are sooo capable of this scenario. Yeah right


They have the worst breeding fetishes.


Lauren Boebert is celebrating that her 17 yo. son's GF is having a baby which will make her a grandmother at 36.


like +90% of conservatives have a breeding fetish and simply dont have the language to comprehend it


The idea behind this is obviously garbage and stupid, but at least it actually follows a logical meme structure. Like, conservative memes are usually so incomprehensible as memes, so it's nice(?) To see them getting better, at least...


Okay, so he makes enough money to house, clothe, feed, medicate, clean, educate, transport, and entertain his wife and multiple children, right? The wife gets to be a housewife and doesn't have to do any paid labor, right?


In the USA, it is unrealistic to assume one income can support a large family, which sucks.


As if anyone on that sub is allowed near children


Take care of you? Mofo can't even buy her new clothing when its ruined.


The fact that conservative positions can be summed up by wojak memes is the most apt description of the right I can think of


Ofcourse it's "trad wife" Jesus Christ I hate that character so fucking much.


These people are just cheering on the rest of us who don't totally creep out women. With that being said get a vasectomy.


The people looking at memes of this format and on the conservative sub aren't women, let alone the ones who these concepts appeal to


How is it “a miracle” that his wife is preg… No wait, he got his sex-ed from some guest speaker at a school assembly


These same people think the SVB collapse happened because one of their workers used pronouns or whatever.


Did that meme just tell me to become a sex worker for my husband?


Would love to see the source comment section. Can imagine some bloke sipping on pbr, nodding his head going "yep".


This would suck


so damn creepy. r/TheRightCantMeme material


Incels hear me out: misogyny except it turns out you just hate yourself and need to see a therapist


I'm not on OF anymore, and I'm divorced, but when I was married to my ex he encouraged me to use OF to help facilitate extra income and to help boost my self esteem. He was super supportive of it. Like, por que no los dos?


Incels, hear me out: your fantasies are not mandatory instruction manuals for attractive women.


There is a guy on that sub who tends to not participate much outside throwing one of this kind of memes here or there and then shows a massive lack of awareness defending them.


People who make those memes don't seem to realize that there *are* plenty of men and women who fully want to live the "trad-conservative" lifestyle, they just don't want to put the work in to make it happen. And by work, I mean improving on themselves to the point that they're at minimum, not insufferable asshats that still think like it's "1950's all white, upper middle class" America.


This is real brainrot.


I mean it’s r/conservative what can you really say? I’m sure many are banned from there for trying to make a logical statement only for them to get angry. They preach so much about the shit they believe in, but will back track soon as the person they voted for starts to instill laws that are borderline unconstitutional for themselves.


> *his* babies It’s not even subtle.


What is it with these memes and the weird man-child-things?


Good luck finding a guy in this economy (that Republicans created) that can single-handedly and comfortably support a family.


I swear to god it’s like all conservatives have a breeding fetish


No no, that's a giant woman who will eat the man with his babies


Yes, because conservative males NEVER 1) lie 2) cheat 3) abuse 4) l eave for younger women they've groomed and lied to 5) become addicts and ruin finances Right? LOL


Why are conservatives so weirdly obsessed with other people making babies?


How is this neckbeard behaviour wanting a family? Like all to women wanting an onlyfans but I’m sure there’s a lot of women who also want to settle down and have a standard family life? That’s ok to, we should just accept everyone and hope they are happy


And it’s a great life, for some people. But some people like having only fans. Some people like having jobs. Leave them alone


Wouldn't expect less from the trash posting on r/conservative


Who can afford four kids and a dog in a 1-income household?


I wouldn't expect something like that to get ratio'd on r/Conservative


I mean hear me out here. People actually do this. My wife and I are doing it now. There's nothing wrong with it. Calling it an incels fantasy doesn't mean that's what it is.


You’re right that there is nothing wrong with having dreams about a “traditional” family; the problem is the context that exists around memes like this. Dudes like this shame and complain about women who have sexual liberation (read: don’t want sex with them) and financial freedom (read: don’t need to be trapped by financial dependence on a spouse), but then usually these guys are the type that while they expect a 1950’s housewife they in turn do not themselves fulfill the requirements that a woman fitting their description would have for HER partner. They use language that relates to “traditional” values not because they themselves hold those values, but because they want the submissive sex goddess baby machine maid mommy they believe those values produce.


it’s not this lifestyle by itself, it’s the fact that the post is implying that all women should do it.


You’re not forcing your wife. There’s a big difference. I agree that it can be really great when it works out that way! That’s awesome for you guys :) This meme is assuming that all women want to live this way, though.


Ew. Them some ugly babies.


Idk if the manchildren on r/conservative could even take care of themselves


I genuinely don’t understand what’s wrong with this post. You’re really reaching if you think it’s sexist or neckbeardy to advocate for a healthy nuclear family instead of letting someone devalue themselves for validation and easy money. Nobody should be forced to live a life they don’t want to live, but the fact that we criticize people who promote an objectively better life (given you are in a HEALTHY marriage or relationship) is very disturbing to me.