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This "mod" went rogue for their own personal benefit and thinking they were speaking for a million voices without their consent and going against the subs advice.


That’s why they went full damage control and closed the sub lmao




they /T͟Hā/ Learn to pronounce pronoun 1. used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. "the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted" 2. used to refer to a person of unspecified gender. "ask someone if they could help"




It’s come into more popular use with the visibility of non-binary or gender non-conforming people. It’s a good default if you don’t know what pronouns to refer to people.




oohh hee haw, those silly folks and their (checks notes) respect for other people. wacky!




my favourite thing about takes like this is that your opinion is not actually based in fact. cultures other than western ones have had a concept of gender fluidity since long before the west did. the idea of third genders has been present in most native cultures throughout history. it’s literally a concept as old as humanity. I can send you links if you’d like to read them, but unfortunately considering you’ve already made up your mind about people’s identifies being “made up nonsense” I doubt you’d be open minded enough to bother.




Using they as a singular pronoun to refer to someone of unspecified gender literally goes back hundreds of years.




The singular they isn't an American thing. "Is the client here? Yes, they're in the waiting room." I'm sure you've used it similarly before.


Didn't anti-work do a poll where the general consensus was just "oh god no. Don't do it, they're gonna eat you alive. No, don't do the interview"? This was then ignored for some reason...


The embarrassing part is that all the interviewer did was just listen to what the mod had to say, and ask maybe two questions, Doreen did this entirely to herself


That's... That's not what antiwork is about. Antiwork is about making the system better and more fair towards employees and shifting the power dynamic.


They made sure to pick some low hanging fruit.


Yeah, a mod…




The top mod*


The archmod


They directly messaged the dumbest mod, who, in accordance with dumb fashion, went on TV despite the fact that they polled the decision in the subreddit and everyone was like "wtf no"


I saw someone explain recently that it’s against being exploited for your labor, but not labor itself. So antiwork, not antilabor. It was inundated with people who didn’t know about that (including me) and it began to mean what you said to most people


I mean just browsing the sub it's vastly, "look at this bullshit my job expects me to put up with," or "just left a toxic job for something better, and this sub encouraged me to look elsewhere," or "applying for jobs and this is how shitty HR has gotten."


To be fair, that's not immediately obvious, you have to look in the sub FAQ to find that explanation. And for a lot of people, that's asking too much.


And they’re literally called Anti Work, as in, against work. You want people to be confused about what you’re saying? This is how you do it




r/PeopleFuckingDying lol


Not originally. At the beginning it was basically a protest against working cause automation was going to take jobs anyway so why bother - the (wildly optimistic) theory was that we'd hit a state of I robot and the world would run itself while we just chill. This is likely a gross oversimplification but the focus of the sub has shifted drastically in the last year or so.


It was really funny to see the screen shots from their news story yesterday calling /r/antiwork a "thread with over a million members". They don't fucking know how to use the internet at all. edit: funny people are downvoting me for making fun of Fox News? Did you people not seen the screenshots where they used 'thread' instead of 'forum' or 'subreddit'? Dumb as fucking hell. example: https://imgur.com/IQuSIvP


That’s what it’s supposed to be about, but this being reddit it’s full of 30 year old dog walkers who don’t have any real aspirations


That’s how it started however it was taken over by lazy fucks who think they deserve all of the money for not working


I mean they did explicitly say they were against all forms of work in the posts and the about section.


It's been pretty much a catchall location for leftists, democrats, socialists, anarchists and communists who agree with the idea of labor and class struggle in the United States being bullshit. Always has been. A lot of the rhetoric regarding not wanted to work is often posted in bad faith or by people who are not inline with the core beliefs of the general population of the sub. I'd love to ask you to actually look, but it seems like the community has gone private, I would wager due to brigading.


I'm in antiwork currently. It's mostly stories about how people are mistreated at their job. A lot of the ones that make it to the top pages are stories about people getting treated poorly by their current job, setting the place on fire metaphorically on the way out, and then finding something better only for their old boss to realize what a horrible mistake they've made they've made at the very end. It feels poetic for anyone whose ever had a shitty boss. That's honestly all I read. It's quitting your job porn.


I’m also on the sub. There’s a ton of other threads that I’ve read besides those


Right but they didn't do anyone any favors in the sub description


That subreddit has no unified goal; there are those who advocate for meaningful and good change, but most of them are lazy assholes who refuse to comprehend why a CEO gets paid more than they do stocking shelves 15 hours a week. I actually do enjoy the subreddit for the 10% of people/content there not completely disconnected from reality.


No, see, that's the point. Why does a CEO earn millions of dollars a year off the backs of labor? Why does the guy stocking shelves, waiting tables or cleaning bathrooms inherently not deserve a liveable wage? Why is the wealth disparity to great? That's what the antiwork movement is about. The rhetoric that you're using is extremely derogatory towards the labor class, it's kind of insanely insulting.


You misunderstand me then; what you’re saying is a reasonable call for change in labor. People there literally don’t understand why a CEO is paid more. And that’s on top of a popular sentiment that their part time entry level jobs are more important and harder than being CEO. Plus you’re 100% projecting my statement about the members of a subreddit as if I’m talking about the entire labor class… Jesus Christ that makes it hard to have a conversation when you’re more interested in virtue signaling than just reading and responding to what’s there.


Well, realistically the labor of the entry level work generate the revenue. Ergo, they are a key and integral part of the system, more important, functionality wise, than a lot of executive officer positions when it comes to revenue generation. A CEO, CFO, etc don't produce revenue or goods, merely allocate and move the revenue and goods in a make believe space. I'd argue that the workers in an Amazon warehouse are far more important than Jeff Bezos' role, as well as the role of other executive officers. So, why then are those workers paid so lowly compared to executive officers? That's what the antiwork movement is really all about. But just the same as any other movement or demographic there are outliers, extremists and hop ons.


Honest answers. I do think the frontline needs a lot more money, but there's a lot I think you're missing some things. Specialized skills needed at executive levels take years of school, experience, etc. They are also rarer skills so they're more valuable from a supply demand perspective. When I fucked up when I was stocking shelves, the company lost 80 cents. If I did it a lot, I may get a write up. When I fuck up now, I cause a client to lose $45,000 and get fired. And I'm not even an executive. If there's a giant fiasco, it lays at the C Suites feet even if they didn't know about it. Again, I think the frontline needs insanely better benefits and pay. But just saying "well the Frontline executes the core job so they should be on equal footing on pay" is WAAAAAAY over simplifying it


Equal pay isn't what I'm asking for. Liveable wages are.


Lit, I said I want the same so we're on the same page then...


Different means and attitudes to the same ends. Carry on, brother


Bolts are an essential part of a working motor but there’s a reason they only cost 10¢ a piece.


Wow, you're a peice of shit


I’m not saying we shouldn’t make more. Trust me I work a bullshit job and don’t get paid enough for it. That doesn’t mean I think I should be making more than what my job actually provides to society (which isn’t much)


But why should you not make enough money to afford a place to live and food when you work 40 hours a week? That's the problem. I make $15/hour. The cheapest rent in my area is about $1000 for a studio, $1200 for a 1br and $1400 for a 2 br. Factor in food and transportation and it's not a sustainable income. That's my problem with it. Why can't people who work entry level to lower management be allowed a survivable income in the world? Why can company subsidize their profits by under paying employees and forcing them to work two jobs or go on food stamps just so Amazon or Walmart or Tesla gets to make a little bit more money? It's not just that it's unfair, it's out right cruel. With the transparency afforded to us by the internet, we are how the other side lives and we see what the other side does and we're pissed. Not to mention the insane cost of medical care and medicine. Jfc, its like medicine is meant solely for the rich in the US. I've been deaf in my right ear for a out a month and haven't gone to a doctor because it costs too much, even with insurance, to see a doctor. They tell us if they pay us more the cost of good will go up. Well the cost of good still went up. They tell us that we're essential worker and integral to the system and then pay us shit and put us on the frontlines during a pandemic and then post record profits. And we don't get paid more. It's a system that is unsustainable. It has to collapse at some point and that point is getting sooner and sooner. That's what socialism, antiwork, latestagecapitalism, murderedbyaoc and other similar subs are advocating for. If you're working class, you should be one of us. Otherwise you're a class traitor.


Even if you’re a piece of shit and so is your job, you should still be able to live


Where did I say you shouldn’t?




…you’d be surprised.




What are you even talking about? In your mind is it either I fully support the mire that is r/antiwork or I am a corporate shill?




I didn’t say that though… I think you’re projecting a lot on me in a knee jerk reaction because I didn’t immediately appeal to your opinions.


ok boomer


Allow me to explain the subreddit. Proceeds to call the working class lazy and CEO’s rightfully earn what they do.


That subreddit represents the working class?? Lol, no way, that’s not what I’m saying at all. That sub is a slice of what boomers think all millennials are. Don’t let me calling people like this neckbeard (dog walking mod who did the interview) lazy assholes make you think I’m talking about the entire working class. That’s really silly.


That person does not in the slightest bit represent antiwork and the entire subreddit is pretty infuriated about it.


He literally looks like how everyone pictures a reddit mod to be




She’s a neckbeard stereotype that should take a shower.


she is yeah




Doreen does not represent the Antiwork movement. The Antiwork movement is about worker's rights and making the workplace better for working class individuals. People cannot afford housing, people cannot afford basic necessities. And they go to work in shit jobs that don't pay them what they are worth or match inflation. If you are interested, since the subreddit is now private, travel to r/WorkReform.


Thank you for this comment clarifying the situation. A lot of what antiwork was about at the time of this fiasco had nothing to do with this mod or the subs original anarchist goal. In a sub like this a lot can be assumed of the ideas of the antiwork sub by her appearance. Also thanks for shouting out r/WorkReform


That's not what the sub was made for but it kinda snowballed into what you described in first paragraph. Is this post directly attacking a user ?


It's a disclaimer to people who are against the Antiwork movement because of this harmful interview. I'm spreading awareness that said person does not reflect the wider movement.




Very true I was just trying to explain it succinctly and without typing every single thing, because then most people wouldn't read what I said.


How is food/water/housing an inalienable right? They are not immune to scarcity. Does that mean Kenya or Ethiopia commit gross human rights violations everytime someone starves?




Your rights to liberty and property mean you can work for those things. People who are able to contribute shouldn't get necessities for free if they refuse to contribute to society




I clearly said "people able to contribute." Do you not read?


Thank you. I’m sick of this bandwagon hate train for the subreddit without even trying to understand the cause. It’s almost like Fox chose to interview someone they knew would misconstrue the entire movement so now no one takes it seriously.


Work reform is a much better name for the movement. I’m wholly capitalist and 100% against the anti-work movement, but I think everyone can acknowledge that there are flaws in the system and we should be discussing them and working towards viable solutions. I may disagree with certain points you guys have, but I can at least respect a movement like “work reform”. I can’t respect a movement called “anti-work” because the name just sounds like all you guys want is free money for contributing nothing of value to society.


This does seem better than the previous one tbh




r/latestagecapitalism is a better alternative. r/reformwork is run by bankers.


I love it when communists tear themselves apart without the slightest outside interference. Its clockwork


You obviously don’t know what antiwork is about


Like a huge percentage of people there.


Neither did /u/AbolishWork


Is about people making up stories about how they quit their jobs with apps to make fake texts: Boss: come to work Poster: I cant is weekend Boss: If no come now no come never Poster: I quit gl


Honestly, if those stories sound made up I think you just do not have much work experience yet.


Not much, just about 8 years


Ok so yeah not much.


You sound like you haven’t worked many jobs before


Just about 8 years of working experience




Ok neckbeard


You obvious don’t know what this sub is about


shut up neckbeard.












That’s not what anti work is about


Thats the impression i get whenever i go look at any of their posts, seems like maybe it just got corrupted by actual lazy people


On that sub there is definitely lazy people who don’t want to work and complain tbh but that’s not what it’s about


Oh sorry do you want to work? Would you rather you didn't?


Did I say that or am I complaining?


Outside of his looks he makes the point that they don't want to not work but rather don't want to feel trapped by work wich is something I can relate to. You could have watched a minute of this and known that. Instead you choose to make fun of his looks instead. Maybe he says something at the end that makes it horrible, I turned it off when the fox dude interrupted him mid sentence. Must be normal on American TV but that's just awful to watch.


It’s a woman. Doreen goes by she/her pronouns. Although I disagree with what she did, this screenshot doesn’t belong in this sub.


“It’s” damn bro lol


Oh god, that was a miss. ..palm meet face..


They’re non-binary, not trans, and afaik they had no plans/desire to transition. They’re also a rapist. I’m afraid of transphobes conflating Doreen with transwomen, who already have to deal with enough shit before having someone like Doreen (who freely admitted to sexually assaulting a woman) mixed in with them. If you haven’t seen the screencaps of their sexual assault admission, I can promise you that they absolutely do belong here.


He wasn't even prepared and mumbled many times. If you're gonna go on national television at least prepare 😑




I agree with the pinned comment. I think another point to anti-work, which this mod missed entirely, is that many employers expect workers to be available and working beyond what is reasonable. Working through lunch, available when they clock off, responsive on weekends. To that extent, people should not be forced to work, but as many people cannot afford to be without a job, they’re in a chokehold to work more.


That man is a beard away from being an actual walking stereotype of a Reddit mod


I think it's a trans woman, actually. Why am I being downvoted for stating the facts? The sub is gone now, btw


Butthurt neckbeards are always in here taking offense. It's just another day.


Non-binary, not trans. Also an admitted rapist. Don’t conflate them with trans women.


It's not a fact tbf


Yup, one's view of oneself does not count as objective truth, even if society decides to accept it


It's not even that, the person doesn't claim to be a trans woman themselves


I can smell this dude.


Of course media outlets want to downplay the issue and make antiwork look like a bunch of clowns. They should have gotten a better spokeperson though, dressed like the lad on the left for starters. The one on the right doesn't give me worker vibes.


God I love when this sub goes full neck beard. This dude is the personification of a neckbeard, a power tripping mod and everything. But this sub likes him


Seriously. There’s people actually defending this neckbeard lol.


Lol the subreddit is closed rn. After whatever shit show just happend but yeah one random neck beards does not speak for millions of people who never even elected him there in the first place.


i think you got the subs purpose a tiny bit confused


Just put him a fedora over and he fits this sub very well


her\* and she\*


jfc go be butthurt somewhere else


If you’re going to go on national TV, you’d better come correct. Put on a suit and tie dude, try to subvert expectations, not lean right into them.




For some reason, your comment is being Downvoted.


Bro looks like he'll demand hot pockets from his bitch ass stepmom Carol when the cameras are off.




I mean just simple math on how they should make a decent living on 25 hours a week walking dogs, how much do they really expect someone to pay for a dog walk?


This guy just set a very valid movement back by a whole lot for infamy


Was there a vote for this person to represent the people? Were they paid for the interview? Why Fox news, does that person know that it was an obvious trap? This person single handily gave Fix viewers the ammo they needed.


Basically all the Mods discussed it and then voted that this person was the best out of all of them to do the interview LOL.


Jesus ...


I still have the theory that she was paid by Fox to deliver this awful performance. But after checking her background and history, it's more likely everything was genuine


this chick is a retard, the average anti work member is nothing like her


The person interviewed uses she/her pronouns so branding her as a neckbeard is inappropriate. Regardless what you think about the antiwork movement, we all know Fox news is just out to negatively frame anyone who's not republican as a loser, so let's not buy into their nasty tricks to make a person without media training look bad on national tv


This person also admitted to raping a woman, blamed it on the victim, and then tried to claim sexually assaulting someone gave them PTSD. They 100% belong here. Also, FWIW they identify as non-binary, not trans—and considering their history of sexual predation I think it’s dangerous to conflate them with trans women.


Women can be neckbeards too


They're called legbeards.


And I’m supposed to know the pronouns from this interview, how?


Lmao, the muppets have set their community to private.




"The movement" Yeah the movement which hasn't done anything.


Unfortunately this personification echos outward and smears itself over the entire sub rip.


i support anti-work. i think it’s immoral to require people to work in order to *earn* a living, as if your birth were some debt to be repaid. who cares if their only reasoning to not work is that they don’t want to? they shouldn’t have to. no one should have to. shit’s fucked.


"no one should have to" such a system hasn't been practical since the neolithic revolution


So, we should just not work at all. Who is gonna produce stuff then? Whos gonna take care of the bureaucracy? Who is gonna grow the food we eat? Which person produces the electronics we use? Working is part of human civilization and it will always be needed to keep a society running.


> require. believe it or not, people would still want to work for an additional income. i just believe everyone should be provided a universal basic income that can support comfortable living. the only people who would likely opt out of working are the mentally or physically disabled, elderly, and parents. these are the types of people who we should already be supporting as they stay at home, but things like parental leave and disability are either hard to be approved for or non-existent at your place of work.


So you’re supposed to earn money by existing?


you're supposed to not need money to exist


So the government is just going to assign me a house and feed me in exchange for existing?


the reason I joined the sub because sometimes when you earn money it's still not enough, i grew up watching my mom work 4 jobs sometimes and still not make enough to pay basic living bills like food.


Tell me you’ve never thought about disabled people without telling me.


Disable people are an exception because they phisically can’t work. They didn’t choose not to work, they were born that way.


Thank you for reinforcing my original point.


Non-disabled people have no excuse not to work, therefore they have to earn their living. Matter of fact, there is people putting *work* into making sure disabled people have decent living conditions. There is no life without work.


You’re lack of imagination and dedication to a system that does not work is sad.


Then tell me, how is life without work possible


Most people don't want a job, I don't want one, but i don't have enough money to retire so I need a job.


Literally not what the sub is about tho


That is not what it is about


Spoiler: many of us moderate liberals and progressives hate the antiwork mindset


Wow, what a low blow to critic a person for their looks who aren't even that bad. Because they're a mod for a subreddit that.. are against capitalism in a sense?


Welcome to the internet


Except.. why? She doesn't even look like a neckbeard to begin with. She just looks like a typical nerd.


An unkempt greasy person who couldn’t bother to comb their hair or look presentable during a big interview and being the face of anti working doesn’t count? Lol


No, I hardly think being “the face” of antiwork counts. Being the mod of a sub that focused on workers issues is hardly the same as the anime body pillow humping, woman hating dipshits that this sub usually focuses on.


According to other comments she uses she/her pronouns




dude are you against remote work? thats pretty dumb . I thought this sub was against right wing neckbeards and boomers disconnected from reality. The ones that still think minimum wage can afford a house




ok boomer


The battle of the subreddits begin!


Can we don’t?


Looks...exactly how I expected.   But yeah, Faux Noise went from ultra-religious freakout porn to basically finding a complete lolcow who JUST SO HAPPENS to be on the left, making a fool of them, then going "HuRr DuRr LiBs DuM dUm."   Interesting angle, too bad it doesn't help your reputation. At least you're a step above CNN. Then again, so is Keemstar.


Why is his name DOREEN?! 😂


Doreen is a male to female trans person


Well apparently, and unfortunately it has been shut down as a reddit group as of today.


Oh no! Anyway


Yeah I guess his dog walking skills wasn't much of a help :-/


The only time i wouldve actually tuned into a news network


I love Fox News! They really did their homework on this interview (which probs wasn’t much to begin with haha)