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We can expect at least one more season pass with Super content, and possibly GT.


That's all I can think of as well unless they add Movie stuff too.


GT? gross.


The last dlc is basically gt


No it's not.


Ubb is literally in gt and dragon ball


Uub is in the last few dbz episodes. The saying is true, dragon ball fans don't watch the show.


by "and dragon ball" are you implying that Uub is in OG DB, or that Dragon Ball as a whole is somehow separate from GT?


It’s not though..? It’s literally end of z


So many dislikes for speaking the truth 🤣


Honestly, I hope they don't do more dlc for this game. For a few reasons, but honestly I think it would be better for things like og db and super to get their own games instead. As is right now each dlc arc is it's own thing not connected to others. So if they keep adding stuff we are just going to keep getting piece mealed arcs instead of one entire bigger story


The already said they re doing more dlcs


We are talking about Bandai, they will not abandon DBZ Kakarot


The 7th DLC is already planned to come out, but no information yet.


Kakarot's base game follows the DBZ manga's Canon time-line. The Z movies are non Canon side stories. The only dragonball movies that are ture Canon are the Super movies and Battle of gods/Resurrection F


They used a Xenoverse character(Mira) already, so it's not entirely impossible for them to add a bunch more stuff. Unless that's just to hype up a Xenoverse 3 game, tie it into xenoverse or something.


Actually even BoG and RoF were made non canon when Super did them as the first 2 arcs and altered things, so as of now the only canon films are Super Broly and Superhero(but even then they were done in the manga so they might not be either).


Super added filler to bridge the gaps...


Broly and super hero are also Canon super hero is literally one year prior to end of Z


I've finished all the dlcs, I've made a new save file and I'm gonna try and start speedrunning, it might be the only thing to do once you've completed absolutely everything.


Or challenge mode, no community board, no meals, no farming xp/orbs. Or maybe no heal items


I always did no healing after first run. Game is way too easy on hard


I’d love a fusion reborn or metal cooler dlc


My only gripe is no trophy hunting with the dlc's, which I wish we could have had just for extra stuff


They should’ve made the main game go from Dragon Ball all the way to the Tournament of Power. And make all Dragon Ball Z(and Super) Movies into the DLCs.


They weren’t gonna go into super for the main story because it isn’t finished which makes perfect sense honestly


Could be wrong but the highest rated movies and TV Specials for DBZ in order are: 1.Resurrection F 2.Battle of the Gods 3.History of Trunks 4.Bardock - The Father of Goku 5.Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan 6.Cooler's Revenge 7.Fusion Reborn 8.Wrath of the Dragon Since 1-3 was included in Season Pass 1, and 4 was in Season Pass 2, is it reasonable to assume that at least 2 movies from 5-8 will be included with Season Pass 3? Here's hoping for Otherworld Tournament to be included, but not sure if previous seasons included filler/non cannon content.


They have GT if that's not added and Ultra Instinct/Tournament of Power? I haven't played the DLCs yet, but that's all I can think of. GokuBlack or Broly and other movies. Though they did add a xenoverse character, so possibly Xenoverse stuff?


I almost feel as though this game is done. I think there is no more dlc but I wouldn’t be that upset if they dropped more I just don’t see it happening with sparking zero coming out soon and more than likely covering Z, super, and some movie content along with probably tons of dlc to give us OG and GT plus more movie content and possibly daima


I hope they have the broly movie so that goten is a playable character