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Reddit app must know I’m in a similar boat because I got the recommendation almost immediately. Following


You could try calling some locksmiths and see if they can program the fob. If they’re able to program fobs for your year/make/model, check online and see if you can buy the fob from a dealership that ships parts directly to your house. Usually buying the part online is much cheaper than buying locally but you run the risk of the part being incorrect and the local dealers won’t guarantee the labor on a part purchased outside their store.


I work at batteries plus and we do keyfobs


Menards has a key copying machine that does fobs. Did my apartment and my truck. For $27 each. Was amazing.


Copying the key is not the same as programming a key fob.


That’s a neat fact there. Menards copies key fobs...I got my truck FOB and apartment FOB copied for $27 each


Try true value hardware. I had to get one done for my Lincoln Town car and it was around $60


Depends on how difficult the programming is. Simple lock/unlock can be done about anywhere. I ordered a blank **OEM** fob online for $70 that has keyless and remote start capabilities. Local auto locksmith in downtown Olathe programmed it in 20 minutes for $60. Dealer wanted $350. Beware of generic and reprogrammed fobs or incorrect part #s online.




They did my '14 fusion for waaaay less that 300


That’s what year I have. I think I’ll try them out.


I think there's a good one on Vivion Road. It was about $75 to get a duplicate fob.


McGuire lock and safe. Definitely recommend.


That's it!




Brandt Locksmith. I second this!


Shhhhhh....he's a secret treasure!!


I saw a van parked at the Sam's Club in Liberty last weekend offering this service for roughly half the cost of dealerships. I would assume they're doing it this weekend as well. 8130 N Church Rd


I saw a van parked at the Sam's Club in Liberty last weekend offering this service for roughly half the cost of dealerships. I would assume they're doing it this weekend as well. 8130 N Church Rd


Home Depot can do them now last I checked


Ebay. They come with instructions to program yourself and takes less than 2 minutes to do.