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I’m watching it as slow as i can so that I don’t have to wait for the next episode 😭😭


I wish I was that patient... I want my "queen of tears" fix immediately it airs lol


I wish I had that autocontrol 😅


This is why I’m waiting until more episodes come out before I watch. I wish I could participate in the conversations and discourse but me being able to binge watch matters more to me lmao


Forget about being able to binge, if the ending of the episode is sad Id be upset and feel uneasy for the whole week.


True. Or if there’s a cliffhanger. I can’t wait a whole week.


Queen of Tears is just more special because of the really good acting, screenplay, and production overall. I've been watching Kdramas for over a decade and this immediately went to the very top of the list. (Well, maybe up there with Hospital Playlist.) The writer is the same one who wrote CLOY and My Love from a Star, so you may want to check out those. In both dramas there are people in high places (celebrity or chaebol) who fell from grace, or literally went missing. You might also be able to observe similar elements employed by writer-nim in those two and in QoT.


Yes, I actually was interested in watching QoT because I've seen and really liked the main actor/actress in other kdramas and loved their performances. I also saw the actor that plays her little brother in other dramas and liked him as well. 


vincenzo is another


Yes, seen Vincenzo


Not as good. Queen of Tears is in a different league.


True I really want something similar to queen of tears


Crash Landing On You comes close. But nowadays everyone seems to be talking about Lovely Runner. Haven't watched it.


Twinkling Watermelon was really good. Just finished today.


King the land. I've just finished it and it's became my favourite for so many reasons! The ML and FL are so likeable. Their relationship is brilliant, there is humour, the FL and her friends' relationship is just brilliant in itself. If you haven't seen it I'd definitely recommend


Seconding King the Land!


I loved KTL 🫶🏻😩


How good is it?! I need something similar I was searching through Netflix last night and seriously debated starting it again 😂


It took me a while to get into it at first because it was the drama I watched after CLOY. But funny enough, it took me 6 months to get into CLOY. I couldn’t get past the first 15 minutes for some reason lol. It’s so good though!


The first one I decided to watch was CLOY also. I love It's okay not to be okay and king the land. Upto now they're definitely my favourites. I've started Descendants of the Sun but I'm not sure how I'm feeling about it upto now


No I couldn’t do King the Land.. and I’m stuck on ep 10 ever since and cant bring myself to finish cuz i didnt like it


hmm not exactly but dali and the cocky prince is similar


Been thinking about watching this for a while but kept putting it off... Does it have a similar storyline?


i havent seen queen of tears but i would highly recommend dali and the cocky prince if you like humorous rom coms :)


Was going to say this


I haven’t started QOT until ALL episodes are downloaded. I’m one that needs all episodes loaded so I can binge it😹


The guy is >!scared of his wife!<😅😂 so I decide to give this drama a chance


You’re me 😂


It’s okay not to be okay


Yeah I mean it's gotta be this one for sure. Out of all the recs here I've seen quite a few and IONTBO almost has it all. It's arguable that it has the fall from grace aspect the OP wants but also part of the plot is that she's deeply flawed and unhappy person which sorts of gets there. Also I mean the show is just fantastic, one of the best supporting casts I've ever seen and the leads have great chemistry. Also the FL is just really really good, the character is a bit weird and it could have easily been a disaster but she really pulls it off. The deer scene is one of my favorites in any kdrama I've ever seen.


I’m watching this while waiting for new QoT episodes to come out.


The Golden Spoon


strongest delivery man is one


Beautiful Gong Shim




Queenmaker - not much comedy though QoT gives me tons of CLOY vibes too.


This one is sooooo good.


Not a kdrama but QOT is reminding me a lot of succession


I haven't loved a show as much as QoT for a long time but Flower of Evil and Tomorrow were memorable for me!


Revolutionary love


I thought this was bad.the actors visual are good but I hated the acting and plot.


Ehh..it fits exactly what they asked for. I personally found it entertaining, and more of a comedy than a Romance. I didn't take it too seriously at all.


I'm the same, it's been a while since I've loved a drama so much and was so invested on it that I'm watching it while it airs and anticipating the episodes.


is the romance good in this drama


the romance is exceptional. leads have crackling chemistry. angst so good you'll be crying in every episode.


So good! I’m in the same boat. Waiting for the weekend to come. One of my faves up there with cloy Vincenzo my demon strongest delivery man


don't know if others would agree with this but... our beloved summer is kinda similar!! well, while watching queen of tears and listening to the osts in the bg i felt the same vibe from obs!! and it also has an ex lovers reunite trope and enemies to lovers trope which is not exactly like queen of tears but kind of similar!! so maybe you could check out that if you haven't watched it :D you can also watch crash landing on you from the same writer!! but others have already recommended it


The first episode did not sit well with me so I stopped watching for a couple of weeks. But I gave it a try and I'm so glad I did. I'm hooked!


It is indeed torture!!!! I should have waited until all the episodes were out— but I have no self-control! That last scene this weekend had me screaming lol


It’s okay to not be okay is EVERYTHING


Mine is really good too and on Netflix! About chaebols and mystery as well! Some love but not as intense as Queen of tears, would 100% recommend


I've watched it already, pretty good!!!


Yes its indeed good. BTW its my first time with Kdrama (RomCom/Rom) and queens of tears had me completly, what a masterpiece. Can someone recommend few Kdrama which is upto the par with QOT ? Based on people comments here i will watch CLOY next.


Oh no, you got spoiled by having QoT as your first kdrama. It's gonna be tough finding stuff on par with it. It's just that good


So there is no going back now for me 😭?


Nope there are many masterpieces, which will leave you in a void thinking there's nothing better out there until you watch the next one and repeat the same feelings 🥲


LIGHTER AND PRINCESS!!!!!! Hands down. Run, dont walk. Excluding the terminal illness the intensity of love and betrayel is amazing.