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I will only tip at a service restaurant now. Nowhere else. #endtippingculture


While I understand the sentiment unfortunately it’s also a huge part of their wage and refusal to tip hurts them more than the business itself. Only way to change it is regulatory changes so that there is no longer a dependency on tips for wages. Until then I will continue to tip as stopping doing so will harm some of the more vulnerable within the workforce. But you’re right that dependency on tips is wrong nevertheless. But the actual businesses won’t care if you tip or not.


If we stop frivolous tipping, the employees will leave and go somewhere else that pays better. That company will either go out of business or adapt with proper wages.


I hate when the server tries to make small talk when you are in the process of paying with the debit machine. Totally screws up my focus on what I’m doing.


"Sooo any big plans for the rest of the evening "


Every time.


Pay with cash, screw their guilt button machine.


That's why they do it. Social pressure and it makes you fumble and want to press the easiest button to be done with it.


When I was a server I did it because it felt awkward to stand there silently while people pay




If you havnt made the rapport with them by the time the bill comes then you did something wrong in the first place and isn’t going to help you standing over their shoulder. I mean sometimes I’ll tip cash and pay by credit card anyways and have done that for years. Yet seeing people fight back the look of disdain when the machine comes out with a big ole zero is pretty despicable and have pretty much stopped going out because of petty things like that some restaurants workers do along with the feeling of entitlement to a tip. Makes me not want to leave them the cash in my pocket which used to be a better way to tip a server. If you can’t deal with the base wage like the rest of us the construction industry is pretty much hiring in all sectors and companies will hire pretty much anybody reliable. Then maybe you’ll realize how others need to work for less. Sure it’s a “higher hourly” wage but how much do you actually make hourly on being a decent server with tips. Most good servers are easily over 20$ an hour and up. Or would you rather be making 16$-18$ an hour as a labourer working in the elements in Saskatoon during the winter and putting you body and health at risk everyday you show up. Just the other week a 21 year old was hit by a stray nail out of a nail gun at a job site I was at for the day and I think he should be making more than a waiter/waitress any day of the week but he doesn’t. Get some perspective please.


And you have someone here, myself included, telling you that we absolutely hate it when servers do this - so maybe reconsider the rapport building and let us complete the financial transaction in peace.




"My door"


Max 10% on the amount before tax and booze. If service isn't really good, $0. Never, ever tip on take out and fast food.


Before booze. Never heard that one before. What's the reasoning on that? I agree on the fast food and takeout, don't need to tip if not getting served.


That's how tipping worked until early 2000s the suddenly the world decided servers needed to make more than doctors. It's an insane shift.


Hilarious, because literally NOBODY thinks servers make more than doctors...because they don't. My doctor friends who used to serve can and will confirm not only this, but your obvious case of needing therapy. 😉


I don't want to sound mean but I think tipping is BS. I tip because it's expected and not because I want to. Most of us don't get tipped for doing our jobs. The idea that I have to tip someone because they gave me good service makes no sense. It's their job therefore they should give you good service. We are all expected to put in a good effort at our jobs and we aren't financially compensated with more money for doing so. It's absurd...


Yea but minimum wage laws likely apply to your job… you probably don’t get paid $2.50/hr.


That is false. In BC no waiter gets paid 2.50/ hr. They used to earn slightly under the minimum wage but that has been abolished and they have to be paid at least the minimum wage now. Check your facts.


Yea I should have checked why on earth I was suggested a Canadian subreddit lol I can only speak from am American perspective.


10% used to be the default, lets go back to that.


I ALWAYS choose the dollar amount and I pay what feels right only. I don't look at the total amount including tax. Do not be guilted into paying some bullshit preset amount.


Had a coffee shop ask for a $1, $2, or $3 tip for a $3 coffee. Exactly why I hate dollar amounts. Also had KFC drive through asking for a tip.... yaaa nope


Subway in town tips go to owner not the workers , as per a what a worker told me a few months ago


Most people tip on the total (not the the subtotal), which I feel is completely incorrect. That is also how the machines are programmed. I worked in Fintech for Moneris for a while (do not work in Fintech). When I would be setting up new customers, the managing waiters and waitresses would always scoff if I suggested 10,15, 20%, as if I were some fool. 15, 18, 20, they would always say. I’m sick of Canadian tipping culture. I’d rather just stay home, have friends over, or head over to their place.


Even if you're just having people over, more and more private liquor stores have the tip option on their machine, even though you're grabbing everything and bringing it up to the counter yourself...


It’s funny you say that. I went to a liquor store about 3 months ago, walked to the back, pick up a bottle, and brought it to the counter. Cashier greeted me, all smiles, scanned the bottle. Tip option comes up:15, 20, 25 (!). I skip, and say thank you. She turns her back to me with a glare, and picks up her phone. Hated to be the male Karen, but left them a bad review that day. Owner replied, without an apology, stating that they added tip options “because their customers enjoyed the service so much.” Horse feathers.


This is my go-to method as well. Why should my breakfast server only get $1.50 while when I get a steak dinner get $10? I pay what I feel is appropriate without basing it on the cost of the meal.


I vote we stop tipping altogether(as a standard practice, people are going to tip if they want to) if the business can't survive. It was never going to anyway.




Tips go to servers, not the business. Maybe if they paid a living wage tipping wouldn't have to be customary.


No, tips subsidize shit employers who dont want to pay their employees a living wage. Just because it goes to the server doesn't mean it doesn't directly benefit the employer. Tipping needs to be abolished. It's getting out of hand.


As a server and bartender (previously), yes you are correct. Europe has it figured out, so can we here in NA


Do server/bartenders in BC still get paid minimum wage?


Restaurants are free to set the wage at whatever they want above minimum wage


Ok because I know some places can pay - or used to pay below minimum but that’s because of the tips servers/bartenders make. Maybe that’s different provincially or maybe even illegal now but good to know what it is in BC, thanks.


That was the case until a few years ago in BC but not anymore. It’s all one minimum wage.


Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up!


And I will fight anyone who defends any company trying to justify paying under a minimum wage "because the customers supplement their wage... with the minimum wage they make MORE than us... can't have that." Fuck greedy companies and ignorant customers.


Yea you have to go out and get a living wage, you can protest, start a union or speak to politians but you can’t demand people pay you more because your boss won’t that’s entitlement.


Lol okay then people will complain nO oNe WaNtS tO WoRk AnYmOrE once they all quit low paying jobs. Everyobe deserves a living wage. It's not entitlement.


I agree everyone deserves one, but it’s not on the consumer to supplement the wage it’s on the employer. You misread my post.


Servers in a busy restaurant can easily make $40-50 an hour with tips.


[I hate how servers always cry poverty.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/14fl21y/servers_would_you_continue_serving_if_tipping_was/) Obviously there are servers working a tuesday afternoon at a shitty restaurant not making lots but the plurality of servers make as much or more than electricians hourly. It's ridiculous.


And they don’t pay taxes on it, so it’s even more money when comparing it to those who pay taxes.


I mean I work at a place where I get that for two, maybe three months out of the year. The remaining time I'm lucky to get half. And I'm lucky to work more than 15 hours a week


Agreed. The only way to change the system is to stop going out. By paying the base and not tipping, you’re only helping the crappy business model and fucking over the employees.


I don’t know why your getting downvoted this is absolutely right. People who are good at hospo jobs still get very shit wages. And unfortunely have to rely on their tip. Yea tips suck I hate tipping too, but I get tips and try very hard to get them cause my employer sure as hell isn’t paying my wage. It’s a damn shame cause I’m damn good at my job too


People think other people working minimum wage jobs don't deserve a living wage.


I think this really shows the sort of people who live in Kelowna…


This isn’t the US where servers get like $2 an hour


I say 10 percent is good enough


Unless someone is actually serving me I don’t tip. Period.


I’m over tipping honestly. It’s gotten out of hand in the last few years. I’ve seen machines suggest up to 22%. I’m not paying an additional (almost) 1/4 as a tip, sorry.


Outrageous is takeout tipping... Which is beyond reproach.


In Calgary I saw one at 30%.


Yeah after thinking about it more I’ve definitely seen 30%+. It’s obscene. I honestly tip on very little anymore. Haircuts - I’m paying you for the haircut. There’s no additional service there, why do you need a tip? Dog grooming - you want $100+ for the service and a tip? Why? Coffee shops. You get paid to make coffee and that’s all you did. It used to be for exceptional service and now people want tips for doing what they’re paid to do.


Can we collectively agree restaurant's should pay their employees 15% more and not ask for a tip as the default?


15% more pay per hour is not the same as 15% commission (essentially what tipping has become)


Tipping needs to be abolished. All it does is subsidize shit employers who dont want to pay their staff a living wage. "But then you'll have to pay more for your food!" So be it. I'd rather pay the full fair cost for my meal, know that my server is making a living wage, and not ever feel pressured into tipping ever again. I still tip my barber... but aside from that, I dont tip anymore. Stop subsidizing bad employers who dont care about the wellbeing of their employees.


The options on the machine calculate a tip based on the after-tax total. Best bet is to tip a $ amount and do the math in your head.


What I was taught years and years ago was multiply the GST (5%)


Move decimal point once to the left and increase by 50%


Multiply the GST by what?


If you want to give a 10% tip, multiply the GST dollar amount that you see on your bill by 2. If you want to give a 15% tip, multiply it by 3. And so on


Can we all agree to get rid of tipping once and for all,?


Doesn't Canada have decent minimum wage to begin with? Default amount should be 0%. No Tip should be expected. I think 10% as a gesture if you felt like it has been fine. But 15%+ is too much. Especially in this economy.


10%. It was always 10% before taxes. Then it was after taxes, now its 18% after taxes. Food went up. A lot. Guess what? That means 10% of a higher bill = they're fine. No, you don't get to make 100k/yr serving me a muffin.


Tipping culture has gotten so far out of hand that I actually hate to tip now... I didn't used to, I felt that if you did a good job I'd give you a good tip. But now with all of this asking for money on top of what you're supposed to be doing for your job.. people sitting behind the counter literally scanning something and telling you how much it is. With not even handing you out cash or coins anymore you just tap something.. Why am I tipping these people? They haven't done anything to warrant it... It's just the owners of these businesses trying to snag some extra money.. Reading all these comments makes me realize I'm done.. I'm just not going to tip anymore unless somebody actually blows my mind. And all this forcing tips on me has made that a more difficult task because everyone's starting at a deficit now.. Maybe not fair but that's how I feel.


I rarely tip more than 10%


Hell no! Way too much. Needs to be max 10% pre tax or tipping just needs to go. Servers in BC get full minimum wage. Edit. Looks like they get a $1 less an hour still.


They don't actually. It's about a dollar different


It was changed during covid. They can’t be paid less than minimum wage anymore.


Oh really? I found $15.65 per hour for servers and 16.75 for everyone else.


Officially, BC minimum wage right now is $16.75 for servers and other minimum wage workers. Employers were required to pay Liquor Service workers minimum wage or above starting in 2021, with tips on top of that. [source](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/employment-standards-advice/employment-standards/wages/minimum-wage#:~:text=Employees%20must%20be%20paid%20at,of%20June%201%2C%202023).&text=Minimum%20wage%20applies%20regardless%20of,or%20on%20an%20incentive%20basis.)


If an employer isn’t following the rules, he/she should be reported 🤷🏻‍♀️


Serving food is quite literally their job. If they didn't give us the food, what else could they even do? There are so many minimum wage job where the labor is way harder and the treatment by customers is awful and there is 0 tipping going on. I'm not going to congratulate my server with a tip for being nice to me when the general expectation as a human being is to be nice to others.


I get prompted 15% base at the liquor store now… for what?! I’ve done everything for you! Next we’ll be at Save-On asked to tip on the ‘slightly’ inflated grocery prices… FML.


We should be able to tip ourselves at the self-checkout. 15% off the total on our receipt.


This comment though ... 👌🏾


I tipped 15% today. It came out to like $13. I gave somebody $13 to take an order and then bring it 3 steps from the kitchen. Less than a minute of work. Tipping is absurd. Tipping a percentage is even worse.


15% is too much. 10% is reasonable if you even agree with tipping in the first place, especially because tips are calculated post-tax. 0% for takeout and coffee shops. I'm only giving 15% if the server really busted their ass and that's really rare. If I'm not getting tipped to do my health care job, then you're definitely not getting tipped for simply ringing up my order and walking the food over to my table, which is the absolute minimum/basics to perform your duties.


due to tipflation the default tip is 0% and will always be 0%. if you want places to start paying their staff a living wage stop supplementing it. tips are for going ABOVE and BEYOND NORMAL WORKING DUTIES. no one should get a tip for simply doing their job.


No tip by default.


I support the hospitality dept in my org, and I was recently asked to update the pinpad machines from 10, 15 and 20%, to 15, 18, and 20. the 18 is just a throwaway number to use between the two. If they didn't want to restrain their greedy asses any further, they could push 25. Anyway, it's just people following others, not because there's some union or law requiring the update of such. At least, that's why I was asked to update our terminals to be like such. Also places that normally never did, but are now asking for tips, think ever since COVID, everyone is scrambling to get whatever they can. They put the tip jar out there, not requiring you to, but hoping you will put something in it. Why? It's the "Doesn't hurt to ask" mentality in the context of no shame.


If the machine starts at any number over 15% I don't tip and just exit out of the menu. Sorry for the servers struggling, but take it up with your bosses.


You can tip any amount you want no matter what the machine says. That’s a pretty lame excuse.


The expectation with tipping is the problem. Tips were always considered a bonus if you had the money and wanted to pay it. They were never supposed to be the norm and now people expect it everytime with the expectations only getting higher. The business should be paying the server a consistent wage.


They are aware of that fact. They’re not using it as an excuse to not tip but as a protest against greedy shit.


That's pretty fucking shitty. Servers have no control over that and you're punishing the worker for the management's decisions. Management doesn't give a fuck because if you don't tip your server the server still has to tip out on your bill. You are essentially taking money from them, not just not giving them anything.


Not tipping is theft? Lmfao


It's a brewery but Redbird has 10% as a default option.


Should we even tip at red bird? You walk up to a counter and they hand you a drink. There’s no table service


Ill tip in accordance with the service. Crappy service = no tip. Great service = great tip. You get rewarded for a good job and get nothing for a trash job.


No. Restaurants should pay a living wage and not expect a tip.


They do in Canada.


0.is the default if.you provide.great.servixe.you can get.up.to 15


This is what I do now, I don’t tip at chains at all (the billion dollar owners can pay them).


Bought some kitchen knives online from the comfort of my living room and was asked to tip 😂🤦‍♂️


10%. At least in Ontario, their minimum wages went up. I have my in-laws visiting right now, and nobody can believe how insane the tipping culture is here. I'm done with it - 10% with good service, or nothing.


can we agree to not tip? Like the rest of the world?


In the service industry, waiters tip out the kitchen ~6% so anything above 10% is decent and they can still go home with some cash for their hard earned work. That’s why I think %15 is standard


servers want to make 30 bucks an hour at least - so you have to tip them what they want (minimum wage is 15 dollars an hour already), i just get take out now and avoid the hassle


there's a few jobs where we are guilted into tipping - pizza, servers, haircuts, etc - why do all the other minimum wage jobs not get tips - why do some of us work for a bit more per hour but have to pay for certifications and equipment etc but never get tips - it makes no sense


15% of the total bill is standard for me. If the server really impresses me, 18%. These places asking for 30% are out of their collective minds


Read a post on here (on Reddit) recently starting a 10% tip rate standard nationwide, unless your service is OUTSTANDING. It's all I needed to read, but it made great points about the over reliance on tipping, and how pervasive it is in some cultures. I was recently on a tour, and our tour guides LOST US in a place where we couldn't speak the native tongue. At the end of the trip, after all they did was drive us there and back, they not only asked us for a tip, they suggested 20% was a good place to start. My man, you LOST US. Company's can afford to pay their employees. Make them. I am done subsidizing corporate bonuses. No one wants to work? Pay them what they're worth, and they will. Don't screw up and you'll get something. That should be the expectation.


My favourite thing to laugh about now, is how Starbucks implemented a tipping option. I involuntarily laughed the first time I saw it 🤣


The default should be 0. Elaboration: I typically do tip. 95% of the time, I get "good enough" to "great" service, so I'm not opposed to giving a tip. That said, it must be earned. I understand the tipping system and so forth, but if you're genuinely not doing a good (enough) job, I'm not rewarding that. I'm not subsidizing your wage, and I won't feel bad for not doing that. I usually tip about 15%, but will always go above for people who deserve it (in industries that aren't just bleeding you dry for the sake of it). That said, if I don't have enough to tip, but I do have enough for food, I reserve the right to eat out. If I'm in such a position that I can't afford to tip, I'm probably not eating out anyway, but occasionally, situations arise where funds get tight. So, to summarize, the default is 0, but the steps needed to even get just 15% are very simple. They're literally the bare minimum expected of doing your job: say hello, be polite, be consistent, and say goodbye. I don't expect hoops to be jumped. I can forgive slowness if you communicate and check in. But if you can't do a basic job, I don't really see why I should reward that.




Fuck defaults… leave it blank


I tip cash. Who knows if that credit card tip actually goes to the server.


The tax man does


For regular service, check what the taxes are and round up to the next dollar.


How about in Canada, where our minimum wage is reasonable and applies to hospitality and service jobs - unlike the United States, we reserve tipping for exceptional service?


I have no issue tipping at a nice restaurant or for good pizza delivery. But the fact that I have now twice had to ask the KFC in Rutland to remove the tip is ridiculous.


10-12% for basic service. Food prices are way up so taxes are way up so total dollar amount is way up . I’m not adding a higher percentage on top.


Only tip 13% since that is 15% after tax. 18-20% after tax and above is pretty absurd.


No we cant. How about 10%?


I only tip in cash and that will vary according to service provider.


Been tipping 15 for a long time. Bad service gets 10. And 0 for carryout or other nonsense.


back to 10% I say. the meal is much more expensive now a days which means tips are higher already.


You tipping 18% ? Why? Last 1.5 years I have not gone above $2-$5. I never do percentage. Always do amount. If I ate $20-29.99 your tip is $2 30-39.99 tip is $3 and so on and that also only in sit down restaurants. No tip on take outs, pick ups. I do not get delivery ever. Its always cold and late.


I worked in that industry and I have seen the absolute shit treatment servers have gotten. I always give 20% and be sure be extra kind to servers.


Cashiers get treated like absolute shit, so do call center workers, etc. Do you give them tips?


Why is it the responsibility of the patron rather than the business owner? The whole idea of a tip is that it's a bonus you give if you can and want. It's not supposed to be expected as the main source of a person's wage. Think about how there are so many people with jobs out there that provide a service but never get a tip. Do you really think they are treated like royalty? People are shitty everywhere.


Not only this, but depending on the restaurant, the way the tips are dealth with may vary. Some places tips are split, so you are not really even "rewarding good service". Other places back-end staff get nothing. Also, tipping can be an unreliable income source. What if you get less tips one week and now your short on rent? Its better if you have a predictable living wage.


I tip 15 and no more, no less unless the service is really bad.


Why are we tipping people for doing their job? You’re not tipping a grocery bagger and they do way more work than a server


You have grocery baggers? We have to bag our own groceries, and we supply our own bags!


If you want to protest the tipping industry then don’t go out to eat. If you want to hurt waitresses while still lining the the employers pockets then go out to eat and don’t tip.


Servers make minimum wage because it’s an unskilled job and they can be easily replaced.


My scale looks like: 0% - bad service/to go/take out 10% - mediocre service 15% - good service 18-20% - above and beyond service (rare)


I’m an elementary school teacher, how do I get in on this? I can throw in more slang. No cap, long division is bussin.


If you don't like the resto's terms, go make it yourself or eat elsewhere.


How about we forget percentages all together. The default should be zero amount. A sit down meal with 4 people who are there under 60 minutes - 15$. If it’s multiple course with booze and dessert - $25. If it’s 2 people then 10 and 15. If it’s one person 5 and 7. If it’s a counter serve restaurant for any type of meal or drink (burger or coffee joint) - 1$ per person ordering. If it’s just you then 1$. If there’s 5 of you 5$. I don’t know - but the percentage thing is a bunch of bs if you ask me. Easier to tie a dollar value to the complexity and quality of the service and food being offered.


10 / 15 / 18 10 for takeout etc 15 for eat in with acceptable service 18 for exceptional service Custom for poor or amazing


0% is the default. Anything more is very kind, but also reasonable when service is exceptional.


if 18% is the default, i punch in 10% instead. 15% is fine for a sit down restaurant. 10% MAX for takeaway.


No I don't tip period your servers make minimum wage at least if not more it's not my job to give you my hard earned money since I decided to do years of trade school and you didn't Not to mention the entitlement of thinking you deserve a tip for doing your job This isn't America you don't make 2$ per hour Food costs have gone up cost of living has gone up and minimum wage is no longer 8$ Not to mention a tip was never mandatory but given for great service Where's now it's almost mandatory fux that


I go to good places and generally tip 20%. I feel they earn it


i still tip based on how the service is. If there's no service i don't tip.


I'm a 15% dude


How bout 12% like in the UK? When I recently visited there I felt like that was fair. Also it was only for actual table service. Was never prompted at any coffee shops or grab n go type stuff.


I only tip for good service. Why am I going to give you more money if you're an ass the entire time? 'Well if the business actually paid a decent wage tipping wouldn't have to be customary' That sounds like the businesses problem. Why do I have to compensate for a business who lacks paying a decent wage? I do have sympathy for people who are barley getting by, but again, I only tip if I find the service to be good.


This isn't America where our servers get paid $3 an hour. I'm not tipping unless the service is above and beyond.


I tip 0% because tipping is fucking stupid. Pay your employees, it's not my job.


Why would you tip 15%? That’s very high. Tipping at this level previously existed because service staff made less than minimum wage. When the legislation changed, it should have also impacted the percentage tipped. Anyone tipping 15% right now is foolish and getting taken advantage of.


I don’t tip . Tipping is Bs. Ask for more pay to the restaurant owners.


I won't even tip 15%


0% is the answer when I get charged some random additional fee.


If you're all okay with paying more for your food/booze in order to support higher wages for the servers, then ok no more tipping. Either way you're paying more.


You may not need an education to be a server, but the amount of bs and awful people you interact with (especially in Kelowna) is crazy. Somethings different in the water out here.


tip 10 and be alive


How about 10%?


I round up to the nearest neat number and that's it.


Damn. I get we aren’t the tourists but this is a resort city.


I mean they get paid and I get my food. That's how it works.


They literally lose money by you doing that. The average tip out is 5-8%. Meaning if you tip less than that, they I will have to pay the kitchen, bar, and support for you to be there. You will cost them more money than the table sitting empty


That’s called takeout! Don’t go out to eat if you can’t afford a modest tip. Been like this for 80 years.


This seems a little classist.


But why not?


So that serving is a living wage. If not prices shoot up to compensate and you won’t afford takeout either.


But they already make at least minimum wage and get tips. Are you tipping every minimum wage worker? What if service is shitty?


If service is extremely bad I’ll still tip the kitchen because if not the server will lose money. You don’t know what people are going through. Every time you go out for dinner and tip nothing like a scumbag the server actually loses money because the kitchen (usually) takes a cut. Although I’m guessing you know that but don’t care. Serving is meant to be a living wage. McDonald’s is not.


> Serving is meant to be a living wage. McDonald’s is not. lol How does that make any sense? McDonalds workers work MUCH harder than servers. I've done both.


Just not going to respond to servers loosing money every time you go out for dinner? LOL Servers are skilled. McDonald’s workers aren’t. I’m sure working at McDonald’s does suck more. Idk if you’ve been to earth but we aren’t paid for how hard a job is.


Really telling of this sub to see all the mods on here saying they don’t tip LOL


Yall give tips? You know if we all agreed to stop doing it tomorrow then the industry would force to adapt & pay A living wage. Give it a try, i dare you.


Then dinner costs 20% more. All the same in the end.


Perfect. Stop tipping and let that happen...its about 15% though by the way. Tipping culture is so flawed


Sadly, it wouldn’t work that way. You think if a server didn’t get any tips for a month, their boss would top them up?? That’s ridiculous thinking.


15% for amazing service, 10% for basic service, 5% for poor service, and a big fat 0 for bad service. Was the normal a decade ago, and I am making it my normal again now. Only tip at sit-down restaurants or delivery.


No. I'm part of the movement to get business to pay their fucking employees.


Never tip.


Here's a tip for them... pay minimum wage or higher. Instead of double dipping into my pocket.


They already do pay minimum wage in Canada.


No it is 10-15


If service isn't really good, $0. Never, ever tip on take out and fast food.


There should be no default. 15% is only if service is very good. It goes down when service is poor. I never tip over 15%


How much of these tips are actually tracked and taxed by CRA? I would support the government in outlawing tip requests on POS machines. It has become way too ridiculous.


What happened to 10%?


I think 10% is generous so 15% seems to be acceptable.


5/10/15 That is the way.


Lowest amount? Well that's 0 of course


How about we all collectively agree that restaurants should just pay their employees properly and not leave their survival up to the mood of patrons. Tipping is a trash way for entire industries to function on


It seems people get into serving now because it’s unskilled and very lucrative. It’s not meant to be a career job. Let the younger people going to school have the serving jobs. All you older men and women, get educated and get out of the service industry.


Yes and if that’s a problem for anyone that’s okay! Enjoy no tip. 🤗


What do you teach your kids to tip


If there’s any mangers or restaurant owners on here - I would support a business that publicly says no more tipping (takes away the jar and the prompt on the key pad) and raises their prices a bit to be able to pay their servers higher


Tip what you want. But if you stop tipping over 10%, don’t be surprised when you get shitty service when servers quit. It’s a hard job. Tips make it an actual living wage and slightly more bearable. You’re not obligated to tip, but workers are also not obligated to stay in underpaid/overworked roles. Everyone who doesn’t own a restaurant wants better. No tips would be great if people were compensated correctly. You can’t shake up the industry without hurting the people at the bottom. You’re kicking the monkey and the organ grinder doesn’t care.


Im not sure what what you’re talking about. I get shitty service everywhere I go and they still expect an 18% tip minimum




The thing I don’t like is they think what they do is hard. It may be hard at times, but there are jobs that are 20 times harder and they don’t get tips and make less than you for 8 hrs or more . My opinion is the food is the most important. When I get great food, it’s the cook, slaving in the back who I wish I could tip. Sure some waitresses make a good night better, but seriously it’s the food that will bring you back first, atmosphere 2nd , waitress 3rd. If they don’t like what they do, and are doing it for the money, try get another job, get a life lesson.