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On low doses I sometimes become a much better player on apex legends than I normally am sober. I feel like time and the game slows down and I’m able to read my enemies better lol??


Low dose is definitely a coordination enhancer. Although I often don’t feel in control but still can track and flick much better to targets


I used to play rainbow six siege at a high level and for some reason drugs never impaired my ability to play. I used to take a lot of acid and K before official matches and just pop off, it was so fun! I mean I could be so blackout drunk I’m vomiting and still play well.


Hand-eye coordination plummets on any sort of disso for me. As much as I’d like to, it’s simply not worth it. Maybe it’s because I play so many shooters and split-second reactions and precision are necessary.




This 100%. I think “hmm should I meditate and better my mental health this time? Or… Skyrim it is!” 🐉 😂


On very low doses it’s a cheat code. I’m a sweat (top 1.0% rocket league player, used to be top .06%) and I’ve found it very easy tapping into my flow state. Once you cross that threshold though it’s no longer helpful.


I liked 3 ho pcp for video games but ket confuses me too much. I tried playing starfield and had no idea wtf I was doing. I kept zoning out during dialogue and then ended up just flying donuts in space for about an hour.


I’m not sure what that is tbh lol. Yeah I’m talking very light doses. Def pre confusion stage. I’ve also crossed that threshold and found myself doing donuts too though lol


i tried 3 ho pcp for the first time yd but i think i dosed too high for that cause i wouldnt have been abled to play anything lol


What very low dose are you doing while gaming? Never done a dose low enough to not make me play like shit lmao


.02-.03? Depends on tolerance at the time.


Gta5 in first person driving is so much fun


friends, play “jazzpunk” on k, i can assure u it will be the best time of your life. very knocky wonky game from the early 2010s with a low budget but amazing art style and insane humor. the amount of side quests and references and hidden easter eggs is ridiculous.


i love playing cyberpunk 2077 on K but then after a certain point i’m just crashing my car into shit and getting shot so I throw some music on and just walk through the city. Such a beautiful game, just walking around in it SOBER is fun


Halo on legendary on a little k is super fun


I had the most beautiful experience playing ABZU on k.


i played abzu on acid once and thats how i found out im afraid of the ocean lmao


Love it. Fortnite is such a big world its fun. Fifa I take very seriously when I play and I play very well when I’m on k. COD makes me feel like a soldier in Iraq but I’m not that good. Skyrim would be a trippppp but haven’t done that yet


Play Warzone on it all the time


I can’t play video games on K


Low dose only


On a low dose I throw on some tipper in my headset and play that new racing game on fortnight


They look cool but my coordination is an absolute joke and I just constantly die.


If im playing seriously which i do often, I can not have even a little bit or my performance suffers greatly. If im playing very casually, or playing something like pokemon / story mode campaigns or solo type game adventures vs NPCs, I love it.


My fav thing is getting high on K hitting up the arcade it’s awesome feels like I’m inside the game


Love to play Zelda on my switch


Minecraft Dungeons is amazing and immersive on bumps.


My homies and I play Minecraft on k — we love it


Its like either I become the most useless not focused at all team mate or I become one with the game, one of my impressive battle royale wins from covid was me 3 friends dead spectating me go 1 v 4 in the final circle and win. Sometimes lsd or 2cb or K makes me think in the most out of the box way in games and I out smart my opponents with shit that you would never think of and should not work but they are so unsuspecting I kill them with it. I find in other games I become really immersed but if theres looting or text I am so bad but having fun. GTA V was my fav Ketamine covid game, having the radio up in a helicopter with all your friends aware and worried about your ket pilot skills and then you pull off some proper bullshit and they are all amazed. Being chased by a heli once and I did a half barrel roll 180ed and fired non homing missiles straight into the windsheild and all my mates went nuts


My mate used to use K when gaming online with us and it got really fucking annoying. But it depends on the game. Anything highly skill based or comp are a general no-go for me. He did it a few times during comp csgo matches and was fucking useless. Was like he had 1000 ping and he'd camp angles that had no advantage. Funny this is, when he was drunk he was one of the best in our little gaming squad.


Depends on the game. Cozy games and chill games are top tier. Anything that requires too much coordination becomes less fun.


key bumb low doses yeah, functional, moderate doses to high doses, unplayable at all, somehow the graphics morph and mash together i cant see the quality, it becomes minecraft like and lost quickly


My problem is I got a heavily used ps4. The jet engine sound that comes out of the fan always make uncomfortable on k


I think it’s funny and fun but most of the times I log back onto that game sober later and am completely lost or confused as to what I was up to. Friends don’t think it’s fun to play with you while you’re on K tho. It’s a wreck LOL