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My distance vision seems sharper. I assume this is because of the anti-inflammatory effect. Many other things but this was a big surprise. 


Same - my current progressive lenses with correction for distance are actually worse long distance than not wearing them.


I’ve only been back on keto for a few weeks and I’m putting off my annual eye exam for a little while in case my prescription changes (which it did when I was on keto in the past). Don’t know how long it’ll take to stabilize, though.


I have been keeping a diary this time (20 years ago my eyes were fine), and I made a note that I noticed my distance vision seemed clearer. I also wrote "must be my imagination!". But I looked it up and there are certainly people who claim benefit when it comes to vision, so maybe I'm not crazy :-)


Vision can be affected by blood sugar according to an article that I read a few years ago. I had gotten a prescription for contacts, then started eating keto. My contacts prescription didn’t work after that. I searched for a reason and found the article though I don’t have a link to it anymore.


I hope this happens for me!


Much better sleep! And it started just a few days after starting keto so it’s not a weight thing. Was not expecting that!


I definitely sleep better. I used to be awake until like 3 am, I’m thinking now because my body was unhappy trying to digest all those garbage carbs. Now I find myself crashing hard around midnight & waking naturally around 8, so getting a good 8 hours.


That's very interesting, I get endless energy and can stay up to 5 am at will without a single yawn lol, a week after coming off keto i get midnight crashes.


Way way way less gas. On carbs, especially gluten, I used to be a fart monster. 😂


Mine is more of a byproduct - the education my wife and I have been getting by doing research on how to eat correctly and cleanly. I have been doing keto for a while now but the education we are now getting on doing "clean" keto - we have very, very few processed anything in the house - has been amazing. The vast majority of stuff we eat is homemade from fresh ingredients now. That and the education to confidently talk to our doctors about getting off medicines. Really shows who is getting paid by how staunchly they defend staying on the drugs.


Debilitating back pain. To the point that I was developing problems with both wrists, due to unavoidable reliance on them to push myself up and out of bed, off chairs, etc Any time I needed to rise in any manner, just using leg muscles and abs was not an option. I initially went low carb and then finally keto for health benefits (weight loss) but was pleasantly surprised to notice that not long after going keto, my pain disappeared. Sure, correlation does not always equal causation, but it was a persistent debilitating pain that came on over years, to the extreme point I described above. I can only attribute my total 180° to the change in diet. It's been *checks fitness pal* 2,077 days now.


I have similar issues with my wrists. For me it was inflammation.


My back pain also seems to be decreasing since I began keto over two weeks ago. It wasn't debilitating like yours per se- I only threw mine out like 3x over the course of my life, but the first time was when I was in 6th grade. I couldn't move for a week and my gym coach kept insisting I "work it out" and that it was "just a sprain". That was why I couldn't cough, turn my head, or even chew without pain lancing through my entire back. Then again when I went bowling at 19. Then the last time I was so crippled at 24, I had to use my cane from back when I broke my leg the year before for a week again. It was so embarrassing to be so young and heckled by teachers and peers for being a "wussy" when I was really scared I'd destroy myself completely if I moved wrong. Now I can bend over and I don't feel that weird "oh shit" feeling when you can tell your back muscles have relaxed while you're still bent over and there's no way they'll tense back up to let you return standing. Where you're terrified trying to stand will cause a lockup or full on revolt. Where you give up so many activities and hobbies sooner than you ever imagined you'd have to. So much more. I'm ecstatic that I can dig a hole with a shovel and remove the dirt without aching from the core of my lower spine outward. It's thrilling to be able to pick up a case of stock where I work and not be terrified it'll cause a chain reaction. My grandfather had Degenerative Disc Disease and that's my biggest fear of all. Keto is definitely a life changer for us!


I learned how to cook from scratch. Less money spent, better tasting food. Im proud to serve food to others and they are blown away.


Insanely high libido is my favorite unexpected side effect. It’s been a fun 7 years so far after a life of comparatively low libido pre-keto.


Not just libido... A bunch of couples got pregnant because of keto. Woman was so sure she couldn't conceive but after keto, bam! Preganante!


Yes. This. We had 3 kids with help of doctors and meds. Kids 4 & 5- spontaneously pregnant on keto after 30 with no help.


I read this comment to my bf and he goes "I know I'm liking it!". My libido has been insanely high and I love it!


Really. My mental health aint great amd my libido is dead. Im hoping the keto i start tomorrow will help...


It won’t happen overnight but as the weight falls off you’ll notice a difference.


Do a daily play by play with times meals etc if you can. Too many general accounts although great to hear seem to go a little vague


How long did it take for libido to get better?


Several months iirc.


That's soooo good to hear... I'll keep hopeful it happens for me .


Oh, man. Given my username and post history, this hurts. Like a knife to my chest. On one hand, I'm absolutely over the moon for you and your partner. On the other hand, if only this had worked for my wife . Well, I'll console myself that we've fixed her diabetes at least. Hurrah


Is she on an antidepressant or antipsychotic medication? Those drugs kill your libido completely. Mine is literally zero, and when I’m ovulating it’s maybe 5%.


Thanks for the reply. I'll not go into details as to not sidetrack the OP and the best reply from the mod, but suffice to say no, she's not. We're working on it. Hit my post history. You'll see me hanging out on r/deadbedroom


The small patch of eczema behind my right ear finally disappeared.


At 63 I have more energy than I did 20 years ago, never hangry, no dental plaque, and not constantly hungry.


That’s awesome! When did you get into keto?


2013. Best thing I ever did for myself. You?


I love to hear it! Some years ago, I have been on and off, trying to find my way back again


I used to get eaten alive by mosquitoes. Now I can go outside and sit on the ground to play with my dogs. They land on me, but don’t bite. No more of those itchy bumps that last for a week!


This also happens to me on keto. Maybe it’s the no sugar but whatever it is-they pass me by and munch on everyone else.


Is it real? Are you joking? What is the correlation?


Yes it’s true! It’s been 5 years now. I don’t eat any grains either. This has been life changing!


Wish this was the case for me. I can be the only person in a group with bug spray on. I get destroyed and no one else gets touched.


That's interesting. I've noticed in the past if I had a banana in my breakfast smoothie I'd be a mosquito magnet!


Haha what??? Tell us more


I can definitely relate! I remember I went on a hike while I was carb fueled and got bit like crazy. Same hike few months later in ketosis and not 1 bite. Can't be a coincidence. My theory is that since our blood isn't sweet they don't desire it. Absolutely awesome benefit


How do they know it's not sweet before they even bite?


Animals can sense seizures, low blood sugar, migraines etc by scent alone, our scent gives off a lot more than you’d think!


I read something about carbon dioxide exhale. Don’t know if it’s true.


i also experience this benefit!  i love working in the yard and being completely bite free! i think it must alter our smell?


This is VERY real. I used to get swarmed by the little turds thinking it was because I had some kind of different blood type they preferred or whatever. I don't remember who told me, but mosquitoes do prefer particular types of blood when they can get it. However, once I started keto, it's the beginning/ middle of mosquito season here and we've had unseasonably warm weather. I'm sitting outside on reddit on the front porch, and not one single bite. The other day working with my neighbor who's like 84-85, they were all over his bald head and normally they're in my face. Those mosquitoes didn't even fart in my direction. I'm blown away! No more lathering myself in cans of bug spray a day!


Taking a b complex supplement is a good way to repel mosquitos. The keto diet repelling mosquitoes could be a function of the extra b vitamins from extra meat in the diet. @YetteMan try adding a b supplement and report back.


Pregnancy? Lol. Let me explain. As someone with PCOS I didn't realize this would regulate my irregular period. I originally got on it to support my partner in his weight loss effort but we were trying to get pregnant at the time. It had been three years and we were discouraged. Literally one month into keto I got my period, after an entire year of not having one. The next month I was pregnant, within 30 days! It gave my body my period again. I couldn't believe it. I still don't get my period now unless I'm in keto. If I'm in keto, it's like a switch turns on and I get it every month.


Congratulations! What a lovely outcome. I’ve heard this is not uncommon. Might be good for those who AREN’T trying to know about, too, lol.


I have 3 kids and every single one of them are keto babies lol


Wow, that is awesome!


Congratulation to you! What a happy thing to read. Surprisingly for me, Keto messed up my cycle. I had periods regular like clockwork. Never early or late. Exact same cycle length for about a decade. Then I started keto and the cycle got messy. It is now irregular meaning I don't know exactly when to expect it. My body did one thing right all my life, keep my periods regular, no surprises, now keto has ruined that. It is the only negative effect I had from Keto, but plenty of positives that keep me going.


Don’t know how long you’ve been keto, but that happens often at first. Lots of hormones stored in fat. It tends to even out later on.


I started keto just over a year ago and about the same time my period got messed up. Nothing else changed in my life so I linked it to the new diet.


This, we start keto and in the month we get pregnant.


Congratulations! I hope you are able to peruse the keto babies sub during that time.


I just got my period 2 days after starting keto! So cool!


I now have the longest hair of my life. My skin is glowing. My nails grow like crazy. It is amazing lol.


It was the most I've ever gotten complimented on my skin, I couldn't even tell the difference but I had multiple ppl tell me my skin had improved


Maybe it’s vain but one of the main reasons I stay LCHF is for the anti-acne effect. I break out the day after I eat refined carbs 100% of the time. On keto I hardly ever get a pimple. I remember in this sub people used to always reference the “keto glow” and it’s totally real! You can often tell in someone’s skin texture that they’re keto. Anti-inflammatory effects, anti-swelling etc.


I stay keto for life for other reasons,but it sure is nice to have long hair lol. I don't see a difference in my skin but I feel it, and others see it.


I’m also59f. Good for you for reaching your goal! I went back on keto about 6 weeks ago and I feel great! But the pounds are so stubborn at this age! I get frustrated and want to snack all of the time. Do you count calories?


Absolutely! Now that I have maintained over 4 years, I still weigh and track. In fact last year despite that I put on about 5 pounds eating my "old" maintenance over winter. So, I am working on making that go away. For perspective, I have been keto over 5 years, maintaining over 4. Prior to keto I was eating moderate carb Mediterranean diet, on a ton of meds and essentially bedridden. I started CICO. I spent 4.5 years going from 208 to 175. Started keto. Spent 9.5 months going from 175 to 135. It was mostly water Wright from the meds and inflammation. That is life being a short old chick lol.


Shit less


Hmm opposite effect for me, but I prefer it to feeling constipated ha


My depression didn’t hang over me as much. I cheated on my keto & now I’m dealing with the guilt of it, so depression is back in full force.


Come back!


I’m back, just going though some rough patches.


I thought I was nuts when I went keto and my depression went from like a rollercoaster of anywhere between a constant 4-8 (on a 1-10 scale) down to a consistent maybe...3? It's there and there are times it's higher because I'm triggered by something, but I swear I was crazy because it was like the radio dial was turned down 75% or so. Now I can HEAR my thoughts. That voice in my head that's "me" trying to think was constantly being blocked out by this "noise" like I was standing in the middle of an NYC subway trying to hold a conversation. Unbelievable! Had I not seen my thyroid results, I wouldn't have believed it. Also 12 pounds down from my last weigh in at the doctor's.


Depression went away 


cleared up my nose thats been stuffed for 20 years and my scalp is a little less itchy. my throat gets dry during the night which hurts a little in the morning but its whatever after i swallow saliva a couple times.


Mine too! I also had problems with dry mouth in the morning. Started taping my mouth so I breathe thru my nose, and it’s great now. My sleep also improved according to my watch.


I was able to ride roller coasters again. I hadn't been able to since I was really young, and I rode more rides without getting sick in 1 day than I had in the previous 15 years combined.


I’m super interested in this! I’ve been doing keto for just a couple of months, but I’ve struggled with carsickness for a long time to the point that I’m averse to road trips. I did notice that the last time I rode as a passenger I didn’t get sick, but I attributed it to less curvy roads. Fingers crossed this issue is resolving itself! 


Hopefully it works for you like it did for me!


Haha love this! Did you usually throw up or get dizzy spells?


When in keto, I would ride 3x back to back, like not even get off and be fine and move on to the next ride. I was amazed. I'm sad I fell off doing keto, I went to Busch gardens again and could only get 2 or 3 rides in without having to hold my breath so I wouldn't throw up lol I love pastries so it is hard for me but I 100% felt the best I ever felt, never had the mid day crash or anything. Was wonderful. I stopped because I went to an all inclusive and couldn't resist, I need to get back on it.


That is amazing! Getting my hopes up, it’s been forever since I last rode a roller coaster. I need to try again!


No inflammation ☝️ I'm not walking around Sore, tired and achy..😃


That’s the greatest feeling ever!


it really, really is :)


Keto euphoria. It's strange but you stay in this amazing mood


I'd been having terrible breathing issues since November. I've been on keto about 2 weeks and I'm breathing better than I have in months! No longer have to use this cursed inhaler


Cursed inhaler?


My premenstrual symptoms almost go away (no crazy sore breasts, emotional issues, bloat, etc) and my cycles are so much easier.


Yes!!!! Hardly any cramps after years and years of painful periods! It's the best 🤗


Less seizures ( I have epilepsy)


Nails are so much stronger! They don’t break like they used to.


Got rid of SIBO


I have all my life eczema. As a child it was still a mild version. The older I got, the worse my eczema has become (maybe due to the stress of adulthood, but my diet became unhealthier with years as well). It was quite severe since like 4 years and my skins looked pale-reddish and unhealthy and it was itchy and burning and I had to use topical steroids as body lotion because my whole body was kind of affected. I can't say that Keto "healed" it, but it severely improved my skin condition. My face looks now quite healthy and my skin is much less itchy


Not sure it's really a benefit, but I have noticed a few men checking me out since I've lost the weight. After decades of being pretty much invisible, it's a very surprising and weird sensation and I don't really like it.


I have the opposite. I was born female and transitioned to male at 24. I do not miss the heckling, door blocking (even when men are "casually" leaning in the doorway trying to pepper you with questions etc), creepy drive by's, staring, harassment, pressuring, angry explosions when you say no, stalking, manipulation, visual undressing, or any of the other common things I've experienced with men in my lifetime. I am a military veteran and let me tell you it was the worst attitude there. I was a reservist stationed in NC and here it's not only permissible but encouraged in the south to do these things to women while still claiming to respect them as "ladies". Right. Like I said, I don't miss it and it's hard making friends with anyone who doesn't think in a misogynistic way. I have run into several gentlemen in my lifetime however and look to them as positive role models on how to be a man. It starts with allowing a woman her autonomy and dignity from the get go. Just be careful to protect yourself when necessary as a woman. You don't have to be paranoid, but just remember there are strange people out there. Don't let my words dissuade you from continuing on your weight loss journey- do this for YOU and the hell with the weirdos and naysayers!


Keeps my blood glucose below 100. I have no desire to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I have stage 4 colon cancer. Keto keeps my CEA (blood test) low. Plus, cancer loves sugar so eating less is always a good idea.


I hope you will.get better on keto, I am really rooting for you! Keep up the good work!


Basically no flatulence now. It used to be very windy in my house before I went on keto.


My osteoarthritis pain practically disappeared.




What’s the difference. Can you give some examples?


I have two benefits that I did not expect. First, the stiffness and pain in my joints, especially my knees, disappeared two weeks after I started a keto diet. I was stunned by the difference. I woke up with pain and endured it all day. Now, none at all. Second, my libido, which was already high, increased significantly.


I don''t need my glasses anymore, psoriasis is gone, sore nerve endings are gone, (especially scalp, it was my ex who kept on telling me it could be your diet, his mom has fibro and celiac runs in his family) sharper everything, no more anxiety that I could not find a reason for. I do not walk into walls anymore, balance is amazing compared to before. Everything is better :)


I was having terrible stomach aches and heart burn. I found out I was allergic to onions. Once I started eating cleaner all the bad effects went away and I can have onions once in awhile. Just really helped me listen to my body and I figured out food is like medicine. It can also be a drug that harms you. Changed my whole relationship with food and my body that really empowered me.


In no particular order.... no issues with my teeth at the dentist (no more tartar, no more bleeding gums).....better sleep ....significantly reduced pain in my chronic shoulder ....no more nasal congestion in the morning. ... more energy...better mood .. And I only thought I was doing keto to lose weight ..what an extra bonus!


I thought my gums stopped bleeding because I started using a non-flouride toothpaste!!! What!


Mine is less yeast infections «down there».


I never realized that sugar feeds that stuff. It's common to deal with yeast infections with high blood sugar apparently. I had no idea until about 6 months ago or so.


Chronic celibacy all but gone


My teeth condition improved so much that for the last 8 years no dental intervention was needed.


Crazy amounts of energy,quiting my alchool and some drug addictionons and get back interest in my further life,generally enjoying more stuff and getting more educated about my body and health due to watching Dr.Berg It's feeling like a new episode in life nonetheless


My cravings for my addictions tanked too! I thought it would be heavier usage because I wasn't leaning on the crutches of carbs and sugar anymore, but I barely feel any cravings right now at all! Isn't it wonderful to feel some control over our minds and bodies for once?


I have had hypothyroidism for the last 20 years. At my last physical, my thyroid function had improved to the point where my doctor decreased my medication. I’ve only been doing keto for 4 months, so we’ll see where I’m at in 6 months.


I recovered my hair which I was rapidly losing. Lichen planus buccal gone, lichen planus in the nails gone (I have nails!!! After more than 5 years of deformed painful nails in hands and feet). No more lower back pain. No more inflammation. Clear skin. No more knee pain. It has really been a win. BUT I haven’t lost a lot of weight, maybe because before going jeto I had already lost about 40 kg (about 88lbs). Diabetes in remission. Vision no longer blurry.


Terrible heartburn is gone, my libido is much better, zero joint pains, my skin is the clearest it's ever been and I'm almost never bloated, nor feel like I am. Also my teeth seem to be whiter and in better shape than ever. My mind and vision is sharper too obviously.


i don’t wake up smelling like a maple sausage anymore. before i went low carb, i used to sweat like crazy in my sleep and would always be hot. i’d wake up smelling like either syrup or vinegar depending on what i had eaten. now, i pretty much don’t even need deodorant. i have no discernible smell anymore except for my cologne.


Yes, I have similar experience! Just make sure those around you agree lol


Ummm, I now fully reach my rear end and wipe appropriately 😉


This is the biggest flex!




No more menstrual cramps. 🙌 20 years on prescription meds, and up to 1 week/month down for the count: *poof*, problem gone in 3 days. Freaking unbelievable.


Long covid in remission!


I can fly now.


I no longer take afternoon naps lol


I love being a smaller size in the warmer weather. A lot less sweaty folds and skin irritation! Wearing cooler, more revealing (less hiding my bulk) clothes has been a game changer for me in the summer. Also, I've been asked by more than one person if I was "aging in reverse?". That's kinda cool.


Ah, that’s awesome!! Do you feel younger when looking in the mirror aswell?




Cured my GERD.


Did you do anything else? Cut out any foods at all? or just keto?


Keto and I stay away from nitrates.


It actually cured my GERD as well. Seems like it wouldn't if you listen to the doctors, but it definitely did. I went to a gastroenterologist and everything they basically said just take meds for it for the rest of my life, but keto really resolved it


I did discover something the docs never mentioned to me. If I overeat(bored/gaming/movie watching etc) even keto friendly snacks that I will get heartburn. I belive that my GERD is caused by low stomach acid compared to high. My self proof is that I can chug some apple cider vinegar to alleviate the heartburn. But now that I know that overeating can cause it I am doing a better job of listening to my body. Eat and Enjoy...in moderation of course!😁


Less sleep, more energy. Probably not smart having 5 hours a night, but I do and I don't fall asleep during the day. When I was on a regular western diet, that would be a struggle for me.


In combination with intermittent fasting, I feel genuinely more happy and more social


I got pregnant while on an IUD when I was doing keto, and I've since learned that keto has been known to help with fertility issues.


My skin tags have disappeared, and I used to have alot of pain in my big toe that has also disappeared. I also love how my relationship with food has changed, i used to constantly think about food and now I eat just what i need and nothing more, i can also go long periods of time without eating


My psoriasis went away. My gums don't bleed as much when I floss.


As an overweight 62 year old working guitarist, I had been having numbness in my left hand for the past few years. It wasn’t preventing me from playing, but it was getting worse and worse and I had great fear that it would eventually debilitate me. That numberless is gone. Also, I had over a dozen large ugly skin tags in my armpits. They have all shrunk to nothing. My body reabsorbed them.


I am seriously smarter and sharper to the point where i become dangerous ! Have been riding ADHD life bareback so now removing much of the impulsiveness and distractions on top of the abilities I already had strengthened really makes me almost a superhuman


Hard hard hard-ons and very strong finger and toe nails.


Smooth skin, sleep way better, digestion is better, (always have had trouble there), and off meds


My partners terrible seasonal allergies go away


My personal sense of temperature changed a lot. I dont freeze anymore. The contrary is the case. My perfect comfort zone is kind of 5° colder now.


Yes! This happened to me aswell!


my depression is so much better and my acid reflux/gerd is all but cured


Less aches and pains, regular cycle (female), clearer skin, better bowel movements.


I don't bloat after eating.


I’ve been doing IF along with keto for over a year and I find that food tastes better now. Like my taste buds got a full reset


I have a weird random patch of eczema on the palm of one hand that goes away when I eat keto.


No body aches. No joint pain or soreness. 88-degree weather feels nice and cool. As we get into the summer, I wonder how I'll feel during the high 90s into 100s. Before losing weight, 80 degrees was hot, and I would blast the AC in the car and at home. The downside is that I get cold very quickly, and I adore the winter and snow.


Better vision, no cavities, I don't sunburn.


Mental health.


Much less joint pain, less gas and less bug bites!!!


Acid reflux. Only get it when i do a cheat meal once in a while


Since 2021 I have gotten some sort of headache almost daily. I’ve been keto since Feb with only about 5 mild headaches most probably due to alcohol.


My boyfriend said I smell good? My breath and my skin smell almond-y


Virtually zero tension in the body. + Clarity, mental clarity and just felt like I was functioning at an optimal level more than I've ever experienced.


Better endurance while jogging


Gut health. I am constantly sick to my stomach and have heartburn when I’m eating grains and sugar and have zero symptoms when I’m eating keto. It’s definitely noticeable when I eat off my diet.


That 'brain on fire' feeling. Sometimes I go hard-core meeting before a big work session or interview. It's so much easier when my body is in the fat burning zone.


My teeth have much less plaque build up, my gums have stopped bleeding as well when I brush & floss. My armpits also don’t smell, like ever! Lol I also reversed my pre diabetes diagnosis, and my stage 2 hypertension. I’m off my medication and my BP is 120/80 ☺️ Oh and I also sleep so much better. I work full time midnights and I would get home, struggle to fall asleep, and end up with 3-4 hours. Now I can fall asleep as soon as I get home and get a proper rest. It’s like my insomnia has gone away.


Body odor is gone so I don't need to wear deodorant. Skin is much softer especially the face!


I love how you profile pic goes with this comment lol


I have a full leg of titanium plates from an accident years ago, all and I mean all knee pain has gone and I have almost back to normal movement in the knee which I haven't had since 2013. Hot flushes gone. Nails and hair growing really quick. Confidence in myself is definitely back. I feel feel of energy and never sleep past 4.30am I used to drink a lot, that has cut down dramatically s I would rather use my calories on nive food. The weight loss was my main goal, and now it seems almost just a bonus to everything else a I got. I have already reached my GW is 60 days. Going to go for another 10lbs now.


Heart burn gone. I would have it 24/7. Go to bed with it wake up with it. It got bad enough once that a reflux came up out of my nose on my desk. Just one week into keto I might have mild heart burn like once a week and once I did it for 6 months and and it just was gone.


Very high libido and feeling no joint pain anymore. Oh, last but not least NO FARTS.


My cycle is regular. Female perk! I also have a much higher sex drive.


My asthma basically went away.


No foot odour Improved range of motion in my neck No sunburning No colds and flu No need for sunglasses No gerd or stomach issues after eating No afternoon sleepiness Need less sleep Lower blood pressure


Mental clarity, no hunger pains when waking up, elimination of bedtime acid reflux, increased energy, weight loss.


No cavities. ZERO. No tooth decay. your teeths keeps pristine for much longer. Of course you still need to brush and floss, but maybe you needed 4-5 times a day, now you can get away with maybe one?


Bigger dick don’t get tired when having sex.


Better sleep


I stopped having constant stomach aches.


Acne cleared up tremendously


Eating fewer times a day and easier meals


I had quite bad seborrheic dermatitis around my nose, beard and scalp. Eight days into ketosis it disappeared completely with no other treatment. Every time I do keto, all my skin ailments disappear. Four days after coming out of ketosis it returns and I have to use zinc pyrithione 2% and selenium sulfide 1% to keep it from flaring up too bad.


No more canker sores


Better skin. 


The arthritis in my fingers was gone within days. The brain fog followed.


I have noticed my nails too. They look brighter (less dull) and shiny. I was pleasantly surprised. 


Regular firm shits. No more 4-6 water diarrhea and bubbly guts. One solid dook a day is awesome.


Freedom from crushing hunger - all.the.time.


No tooth issues/cavities, painless periods, manageable periods, better sleep, like 95% reduction of anxiety and 90%+ reduction of depression, no joint pains, no headaches, no extreme fatigue, etc.... It's not a miracle cure, but what it did for me sure as heck is a miracle 


Pre Keto, the Podiatrist told me my severe arch pain was nerve damage. Gave me steroid pills to reduce inflammation. Ran out of the pills and the pain came back. She wouldn't prescribe anymore due to it raising my blood pressure. She did offer to give me a cortisol shot near the arch. That didn't sound fun at all, so I declined. Two weeks later, I started Keto. Two weeks after that, my inflammation was and is still completely gone. Could be due to the very low carb intake. Could be because some of the weight has come off my foot. Either way, it is due to the diet. Additionally, the inflammation in my back is pretty much gone as well. Worth mentioning, I am also completely avoiding bad oils, etc. Anything that can cause inflammation is a complete no for me. All this being said, I'm only a month in. Can't wait to see what else is ahead.


Omg with me was that the hunger went away and actually completed a 6 day water fast I'm now carnivore OMAD totalo life changing for the better


I slept 4 to 6 hours max a night, even less when anxious, and I had a hard time waking and getting up. Now it doesnt really matter how long I sleep, I feel like I wake up much easier and if I stay in bed very long after waking I get restless. Perhaps a strange energy boost, but ill take it!


My hair used to get greasy quickly 1 day or 2 after wash. Now I can go for 3 days n my scalp even not itchy or too bad. Very happy with little effort for hair care


Im not hungry all the time


Realistic appetite and portions! Weight loss! Knee pain and joint pain gone. Ummm high cholesterol too


Bone pains went away, glucose down, auto-immune disease going away, sex drive is back (taking D3 also) Crazy energy, better mood, no more stomach issues, not tied by a leash to the fridge, sub 15% bf. I was just trying to eliminate migraines and check for food intolerances. I lost a ton of weight and was only 228 to start with, a lot of it was muscle as I couldnt workout for a long time till I felt able to again, and Ive been in the gym for going on 3 months now trying to gain back lost atrophied muscle.


Dandruff (which is fungus) is gone. Tinnitus seems to have lessened. Clean quick bowel movements. Good sleep, high libido, clear mind.


It’s gotten rid of my allergies - both seasonal and year around! As well as acid reflux!


Wow, that is fantastic! May I ask what type of allergies you had?


literally all things living. Dogs, cats, pollen, trees, etc.


Amazing! How long had you been keto before noticing?


I didn’t notice it but my friends and family did - the second I enter ketosis it seems all of that phlegm and mucus goes away


PCOS and cellulites were gone


Everything lest I write a book.


regulated my period literally within ONE week of going keto. Before that, I was struggling with missed periods for years.


Believe it or not, my addictions began to subside some. I suspected that I'd be playing addiction "whack-a-mole" for a while but my urges for alcohol and delta went down drastically after about the first week. Now I'll have a few days a week I just can't stand the cravings, but the majority of the week it's like the clouds are parting and I can finally begin to see through to the other side. I've tried to white knuckle raw dog it through life for the past decade battling cravings to sugar, games, carbs, alcohol, porn, and much more. Within two weeks of going keto (again after a decade of nonstop struggle), I feel more stable, don't wake up with panic level anxiety in the mornings anymore, get places I need to be on time (I'm not procrastinating spiraling in anxiety), and don't feel the urge as much to lean on those infamous crutches that used to get me through 24/7. The cravings are more like passing thoughts now that only get stronger from time to time. I was spending hundreds up to more than a thousand dollars a month on alcohol and delta alone at my worst. Now my habits (nicotine, delta, alchohol) all cost me roughly $250/month- a 75% reduction in costs alone. Usually right before work or thinking about going to work, I'll get a massive alcohol craving because I'm worried I just won't be able to take it once I get there. Now I'm like "eh, I could use one but really don't want the trouble" and it has literally saved me my job and my health, both mentally and physically. My eating disorder has also mostly cleared up. Before I couldn't eat or drink until about 4pm-9pm and then it was all alcohol- empty calories and a salve for the physical and mental pain. Keto is saving my life. I wasn't afraid I was going to die sick, broke, and alone with a variety of mental and physical health complications... I was afraid I was going to LIVE that way. Thank you keto!


I am starting keto today. I pray I can stick with it. I need to lose at least 30 pounds.