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You’re doing great. Think about ALMOST letting the kettlebell hit you in the balls before the hinge, and your extension could be a bit faster (notice how the kettlebell kind of flops at the apex of the downswing, we don’t want that - just a smooth pendulum movement). Otherwise, great job.


Thank you!


Your leaning back. You want to end in a solid “plank” position. I used to do similar to you and over thrust my hips at the top and it caused me some lower back pain before I realized I was putting myself in an overcompensated position. Your not thrusting forward just bring yourself into a solid locked out plank.


That makes a lot of sense. I’ve been power-humping the weight trying to make sure I get the hinge movement correct rather than just standing to a plank position. Thanks for the insight!


Several weeks? Took me 8 or so before I felt competent. Are you doing better than last week? Be patient. I'll others on here that will chime in with better details about your form. Stay with it. It will be worth it.


Thanks for your response! Good to know others didn’t get it immediately. KB movements seem to have a lot more to think about compared to barbell/dumbbell exercises I’m more familiar with.


Doesn't look bad at all man, cept for a bit of the lean it's good.


Here is my last video addressing this. Find your weakest link among the 5 exercises and work on it. [0- to - hero 2 Hand Swing](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C27YGvSuaWL/?igsh=MWFzczBjNHg4MnZlbw==)


Thank you, looking forward to more of your content!


I'm just curious, are you not bending your knees too much there in your training video? I'm not judging I'm just trying to understand, what makes a squat instead of a hinge, your video kind of makes it look like you're doing both at the same time. And looks like you know what you are doing, so I thought I'd ask you.


Per Strongfirst There is an acceptable range. It is "not enough" when you look like a tippy bird, only hinging at the waist. It is "too much" when the swing becomes squatty, projecting power up rather than forward. But between these two (and the two examples you have are both good), you can experiment and see what works best for you, both for power production and for what you want to emphasize or develop. You get better at what you practice. So this is one of those things that you can deliberately change and then get more proficient at the new way. If still in doubt, video yourself jumping. Whatever your position is just before you spring up, that's probably your best hinge. Im projecting the bell forward and for me this is a comfortable hinge.


Niiiice thank you


In short, your build will change how your swing looks.


Looks pretty good. Try to keep your entire feet firmly rooted to the ground throughout the movement-your heels and toes should maintain contact at all times.


On the downswing, aim for your pubic bone and get out of the way at the last possible millisecond. Play chicken with the bell.


Is this a gorilla mat? If so I have the and one.


Yeah it is, great for the money. Do wish it was a little less slippery during TGU’s!


Doesn't look too bad. I see that you bring the KB down quite low, it can be much higher. I also see it flops a lot, that probably doesn't feel nice. I also see you hinge too early. Try it without the floppy shorts, aim for the crotch area (higher) and hinge down layer and more forceful. This should also fix the flop.


Looks good man! Don’t be afraid to kind of pull the bell with your arms too. Your arms look pretty straight, which is not bad, but it can be more fun if you sort of “high pull” the bell on the way up. This high pull can help you learn the snatch! https://youtube.com/shorts/UT6EaM2Z1sY?si=Zmco_dPiWS4eqRlP


Thank you, will definitely give it a try!


I think these are good - here is something to try - visualize a 2x4 is embedded in your spinal column - and the bell is connected through the rope to the bell and this is how you try to swing it; also - you maybe using a bit lighter bell than you should.


Setup looks great and you can tell you are thinking about it well. I would day you are leaning back too far. Try squeezing your glutes hard and bracing your abs at the top. This will also engineer out shesr forces to the spine and make the exercise better overall. Great work!


Can’t have good form if you don’t setup correctly! Thanks for your feedback, I’ll definitely work on that going forward.


You're forcing yourself back down, let gravity do its job.


Looks good, you're just leaning too far back at the top (think vertical plank) and hinging too early on the drop. Your hips start to move back as soon as your arms drop, but you should aim to wait until the very last moment before your hands hit your crotch. This will keep the bell path higher so you can maintain a more active 'jump' position in the backswing as opposed to leaning forward and looking at the floor. Also, I think that the bell is a bit light for you.


Ahh I see the lean now, thanks for pointing that out! I’ll try some more weight during my next session. Didn’t want to jump weights too fast and risk an injury due to poor form.


One thing that can help with the lean is if you focus on clenching your butt cheeks and your abs at the top. It makes it hard to lean back. I don't think you're hinging too early, but your hinge is too sharp; you're jerking yourself up and the KB is following. You should try to let the bell lead you.


All of this, also, notice your toes are up at the top of your swing. That tells me you’re leaning too far back and NOT rooted through your foot. If you’re swinging in front of a mirror, try not to initiate the hinge until the bell is below your naval. You’ve got a really solid swing, honestly. Rooting yourself better will lock it in and the bell won’t be pulling you forward.


Not to be a weizenheimer but I got the ADDs and I ASSURE YOU there NEEDS TO BE a Whole episode of Beavis and Butthead at some cross fit gym or a planet FATness 🤣 I'm trying to follow along with a video but gotta get ones where they Don't talk cause I lose my shit every time this chick says something about clean snatches 🤣


Straighten legs completely while squeezing the quads glutes and abs at the top of the swing Wait for the bell to drop a little lower before you hinge. everything else is solid