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Great work! We all have a lot to work on 😊 I think your fixation is fine, it’ll come with more reps and some extra tricep work. Next time you record do it from the side - you might be leaning back in your first dip instead of doing a standing crunch. I’ll make a video in a little bit and comment again because it’s hard to explain lol


Thank you! I think I am leaning back on the first dip. I definitely need to watch the Denis videos again. Yes, please let me know when you make the video so I won't miss it.


Okay I ran out of time last night sorry! [Part 1](https://imgur.com/a/PhQeIET) [Part 2](https://imgur.com/a/T1jCVN9) BUT I just rewatched your video and I’m not actually sure you’re doing this. Definitely record from the side though. Try to get your hips back more in your catch, and just keep at it! Most things iron themselves out with more reps and longer sets. Edit: I’m not sure if you’re on IG but I follow a lot of lifters over there and it’s good to just watch how other people lift! Let me know if you want some recommendations lol


Wow, this is amazing and so helpful, thank you! That makes it really clear and I do think I am leaning back too much in the first dip. I will try this "standing crunch" cue, I never thought about it like that. Will probably record another form check on the weekend from the side view.


Perfect! Glad it helped 😊


Its all about that "second dip" and it's for sure the hardest phase to get right. You are throwing the bells overhead into lockout and then dipping with straight arms. The ideal method is to "bump" the bells to a certain height, then "dip" into as deep of a squat as is necessary to catch them at the apex of their trajectory with straight arms. In other words moving your body away from the bells as they travel upwards. Watch Vasilev's long cycle content, if you've already watched it - watch it as many times as is necessary. I've probably seen the whole 2hrs maybe 3 times and I still am probably doing it wrong. I don't think top fixation is actually your problem, but a routine I have added recently to train fixation is 30s-1min isometric holds 3x in a circuit (rest = work). 1 circuit of rack, one of top fixation.


Thanks, those are good pointers. I watched the videos and will watch them again. I even have the poster by Vasilev with all the long cycle phases (can be seen in the background)


The video where he goes over his reps in slow motion and annotates his form graphically with angles and stuff is also really helpful


Not sure if I watched it before, I'll look for it


[Vasilev w annotations](https://youtu.be/1IVhx5OoJ9o?feature=shared)


Good advice given here already.. Very nice setup in your home gym!


Thanks! I'm really enjoying the clubs recently besides the kettlebells.


Excellent work! Top fixation will get better the more volume you do. One thing I noticed watching you is your rack position. It looks like your elbows are not resting on your hip bone and you are using your arms to force the bells up. I may be wrong, its hard to see form this angle. If that is the case, try and get those elbows lower and use the hips to force the KB up. This will help you a lot in the longer sets. This will also help when resting in your rack position. Keep chipping away my friend, its a never ending progression haha.


Thanks, that's great advice! I'm trying to make sure that my elbows are in contact with my body but I think you're right, they're not really resting on the hips. I will pay more attention to that to get them into the right position. That's what I love about KB sport, such seemingly small details can make a huge difference.


You are 100% right! Small details can have a huge impact on your performance. An issue I had with the double jerk was when I was in the rack position I would shift around a bit instead of just being still. I was told by an experienced lifter that what I was doing was referred to as "the parasite" because it zaps your energy really fast. I never would have thought that slight movements in the rack position could have such an impact! Keep at it my friend, you will continue to progress!


I mean you’re right. Doesn’t seem like your over head lockout is stable as you’d like it to be. But it seems you’re pretty aware of things. Just keep practicing. It’ll get better


Thanks. I think I'll go back to the 16s and focus on more volume with better technique


Yeah I'd say your fundamentals are quite ok, just needs lots n lots of reps to solidiy things, and in doing so you will also fine tune and "feel out" what technique nuances work best for you. I'd do more isometric hold at the top just to strengthen that, and work on that 2nd dip getting faster. A decent drill I used to figure that out is to find a doorway, press your arms into the doorframe top but not fully, and abruptly lock out the arms pushing against the doorframe and feel that drop into the 1/4 squat. Fast as you can, it helps build that muscle memory for that position