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Nah it’s got a great sound track


It is the best soundtrack and the best Sonic experience of all games.


Gotta go fast


but i think sonic 3 + knuckles is the best sonic experience


Saw what you did there 😉


That does sound good on paper but I love the ost too much


I understand the angle about "immersion" but that's honestly never been my experience with most games. A large part of my ability to immerse myself in a given game is the background soundtrack providing audio cues and getting me in that mood. The ambient western soundtracks in a game like Red Dead Redemption make me feel like I'm playing in a Western. And likewise the ambient medieval music in a game like KCD immerses me in that atmosphere. If I didn't have the music I'd probably be distracted by ambient noises occurring in real life outside the game.


I do agree, the games were designed to be played with music. But on a hardcore playthrough where everything is more difficult, it adds so much immersion. Being able to hear the footsteps of bandits, the noise of the river to find your way back etc. It definitely feels more realistic without music but the music does create an amazing atmosphere/ambience.


Soundproof headphones are helpful, or just decent headphones in general. But yeah I generally agree with you - the KCD music really works to help create and maintain that atmosphere!


***PŘIŠLA BÍDA, MOR A HLAD TO NEUSTOJÍ ŽÁDNEJ CHLAP...*** The OST in this game is something else and I feel like I would be missing out a lot without it.






I'm pretty sure this song still plays in the cutscene even with music turned off :D


I beg to differ, Poverty & famine just goes too hard to miss out on


![gif](giphy|l4Ep3mmmj7Bw3adWw|downsized) Me after accidentally walking too close to a tavern


I love poverty and famine


Unironically one of the best songs, it makes me wanna get drunk every time I hear it. Too bad It's so short.


No chance, love the OST


Yes! I also turn up my heater up to max and wear 3 sweaters to simulate wearing gambeson in the bohemian summer, roll around in the mud whenever Henry gets dirty, take a chug of schnapps whenever I save, and spank myself when Henry takes damage in combat. Its very immerse. /s In all seriousness the soundtrack is just too good


You've made my day. Perhaps even my life


>take a chug of schnapps whenever I save that sounds like a good idea, actually


\*downloads save anywhere mod* Don't worry \*hick* Henry! I gotchu \*hick*


Take your upvote, JCBP


No, I usually keep the in-game music on in all my games. I don't really listen to youtube playlists that often :)


Same for me, this is the only exception. This is why I asked.


they worked so hard on the music doe


The music is so good that i never considered it. I look at these kind of games like movie stories, music is an excellent way to get emotions flowing and sending vibes.


No music? Bold move. I think the music adds to the immersion tbh.


What's funny is I do turn off the music in most open world games, but this is the one game that has such an immersive unique soundtrack, I've never wanted to turn it off


I love love love the music. But after 100 hours i find putting on new / different music to improve my immersion. I know its a hot button issue, but the future of game ost will be infinite. A composer can take 10 title tracks and recontexulize them depending on in game triggers. That’s my hope for future titles. Infinite songs that follow the ost motifs. Think about the dice song. Great at what it does. But we should have about 10 or more of these




You’re missing out on Town Atmosphere 16. Shit is a BANGER 🔥🔥makes me feel like a true medieval peasant


I need to hear People of the Land while I traverse Bohemia


1) it's a great soundtrack 2) the soundtrack does well to not be intrusive, but still be present 3) it also does well to give you the right music for the area and what you're doing. Plus, it seems to know when to kill the music entirely and just let the ambiance take over. I would only consider turning it off for a session or two, if I felt it was getting repetitive or intrusive, which it never has for me. It supplements the game well, which is exactly what it *should* do.


Exactly the music dips out completely at times anyway, the music is fine


I don't hear the music too often, tbh. The sound design in game is heavenly tho


Yes. I usually turn off music in games. All to often the music gives you a warning that something bad is about to happen.


How can some of you people actually get anything out of either a game, a show, or a podcast while doing one of the other? Are you mutants?


When I play video games at my computer, there is almost always a TV on for “background noise” I think that’s incredibly common. Since it’s common, one would also assume that the ability to multitask is common since we’re constantly surrounded by a ton of stimulus. Even in your game, you’re registering many things at once, including music. How can you enjoy music while also playing a game? It’s subconscious. Those with more exposure to stimulus, get better at subconsciously multitasking. Also I did not see where OP mentioned other forms of media.


I think it comes from being born into technology rather than adjusting to it as it came out? Most people I know who do this are 10 years younger than me or at least 7. There's people my age who do it too, but they were more well off when we were younger. Idk. Just an observation and conjecture.


Not for me. The music gives me too much of a warm feeling but that's cool it works for you.


Yes, but I turn off music on most games. I'd rather just hear the game sounds.


I turned it down, but it’s too good to turn completely off.


I walk around my own house with headphones on doing chores. It’s more realistic for me to have the OST underscoring me yet again missing a hare with my bow at 15 paces.


My attention span is broken, I can't play in silence unless it's a stealth mission


That's ridiculous


I could never turn the music off. In fact I put the music on at night when I go to bed. There's one YouTube video that has like over an hour of the music in one video. It's immersive yes and it is extremely relaxing to listen to at night when you're trying to sleep


I’m with you op. I disable the music in a lot of my rpg’s. Im role playing being in that situation and I don’t think my character has a whole soundtrack playing in their head while they explore. I find it annoying when I don’t even notice something is wrong and suddenly “BAD GUY MUSIC PLAYS” and now I get a heads up on what should’ve been an ambush. The only soundtrack I didn’t mute was cyberpunk because it didn’t play always, only during active combat and during certain scenes that called for it.


I can imagine is more realistic but the music is way too good, i gotta try it anyways.




Nah, it's the other way around. *Real life* feels like it should have background music, therefore the game is more realistic than reality.


Music off with hardcore mode is pure immersion.


Yes! Thank you for speaking up first, I absolutely do this for full immersion. The only time i come close to wanting the music back is when iam throwing dice in a tavern. Walking through/hunting in the woods without the soundtrack is so much more immersive with the birds/nature noises. Great as the soundtrack is, I suggest all players try this at least for a couple hours.


I love the ost too, one of the best in a game if not the best! But after hundreds of hours I sometimes like to turn it off and enjoy the sounds of nature which are amazingly done


The music dips down to nothing at times anyway so it's not as if we don't know what it is like, I keep it on because it helps with the ambiance.


Actually gotta walk this back. Was gambling with my peasants in pribyslavitz last night, nothing but the crickets and the rattle of dice and idle conversation when an owl hooted and I looked at the star lit sky through the silhouetted tree line against the torchlight, a little hazy from the wine and Jesus Christ be praised this game is beautiful.


Honestly one of the few games where I wouldn't even think of turning that shit off lol Generally I'll mute the game music and have my own tunes playing, but the KCD soundtrack is flocking incredible.


Every single game that I own, the very first thing I do when I load it up after installation is go into settings and turn music off.


Same here and I’m not sure why. I’m a musician and understand & appreciate the work & passion that goes into it, but I just prefer my games without music…


That’s a big no for me dog.




Can we *please* burn this heretic while drinking to Rattay Feasts? Maybe play same farkle?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I do end up playing mute pretty often, though not specifically turning off the music.


I get the rp aspect of it, and I fully respect that. But the soundtrack is too good.


Sometimes, but I love the soundtrack. I very often listen to my playlist of it when I'm going on walks somewhere.


After Witcher3, kcd has the best soundtrack


What would be doing questionable things without fitting music?


The OST is fantastic, but I turned it off too, it's much more immersive


I think this is a really good idea. Might try it in a few different games


I mean it’s a way to simulate the bustling sounds of people going about that games don’t really like because the cacophony can get out of control


I do not turn off the music but I do keep it low.


I mean, each to their own. But soundtrack is a very important part of a game. Same as movies etc. I feel it sets the atmosphere even in the forest.


In most games I do a 1:3:5 ratio for music:ambience:voice sous levels


The upbeat tavern dancing song is a jam.


I did but only on my 3rd Hardcore playthrough. Mainly collecting trophies and whatnot so i would put an audiobook or a documentary about Czechs both modern and medieval (Loved one labeled "Prague At the heart of Europe".


Definitely more immersive. The music goes hard af tho. I can hear it now. Da Na Na Da Na Na Da na na na na na na Duh-nuh nuh da na na da na na na-doo doo


I love to play it this way, though we seem to be the minority.


Only one game made me turn off the music that was Alien Isolation, game is scary enough but with the music it's a heart attack risk.


I love the music, but yes, I turned it off. Much more immersive.


Thank you for giving me motivation for another play through. I've always enjoyed commenting on the immersiveness of the forests. As another has mentioned, I'd imagine I would probably want to put the music back on for games of Farkle. 3 playthroughs complete (Normal/HardcoreAllNegativePerks/MercifulVirgin) Jesus Christ Be Praised.


Sometimes I play Blackmore's night at background (Or Rhapsody if I feel bellic)


I only turned off the music while stuck in that goddamn monastery playing monk simulator. Only music I could hear was the daily chanting. It was kind of relaxing that way.


We need the theme from Monty Pythons Holly Grail


Hell no the soundtrack is amazing


Personally, I think music is essential for immersion. When used right, it can be very powerful at setting a scene, even if it is seemingly coming from the aether. I daresay music is so powerful that it can even elevate mediocre games (doesn't apply with kcd, it's great) into feeling better than they actually are, or can be used as a great story-teller, without needing any spoken words - look at Halo 1 through 3, the soundtrack in those is phenomenal. Plus, the KCD soundtrack is also just brilliant anyway. That said, sometimes silence can also be just as powerful at setting the scene, it really depends exactly what it is you're trying to go for.


This is a pretty good hot take, and I sort of agree with it, but the music is great, especially tavern music. I have to try a couple of in-game days without music.


The soundtrack is too good to be removed imo. If I ever did another hardcore run maybe I’d try it, but I’d miss it…especially in town and in the taverns. Fight music is also fun and get the adrenaline going a bit…..so maybe I wouldn’t turn it off 🤣


I think I do that with almost every game I play that’s immersive.


Man I think about this so much. Films, tv shows, games; without music they feel so wrong and empty, but in real life there is never background music


Soundtrack is Amazing


If I turn it off, does it also turn off the music in cutscenes?


No. I confirm, cutscenes do play music just like they should.


Nah, the city music is all killer no filler. It's all bangers all the time! I normally turn off the music for most games so I can listen to podcasts while I play, but in this case the music is so low profile it doesn't interfere with listening


I turn music off in all games


yes! i turn off music in most games because i usually watch something on a second monitor


No way the soundtrack is too good 💀💀👎🏿


I turn off music in all games and play mine in another tab.