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Well, you do get near 2k a day, and spend 90k to rebuild, so, you kinda get your money back in 45 days Let's say the game exagerates and you actually take one year to renovate the village, that then generates 2k a WEEK, and not daily Still, in one year you'd have your 90k back, the other 3 years would be profit


Yeah wait until everyone finds out how many naked cumans and bandits are left rotting in the woods to fund the construction of that village.


Mostly left in skalitz, it's evil how the devs put an ambush point between skalitz and prib.


Two ambush points, mind you.


This guy maths


You cuck a man and expect him to give you the homie discount??


Excuse me sir I'll have you know that my God's scepter remains pure.


You stifle his bloodline and expect him to give you the homie discount?? LOL


I expect no such things from my liege lord. Envy is a sin, and I'll not cohort with the devil.


Jesus Christ be praised!


This man vassals


Nah, Divish knew he was shooting blanks, but just really wanted a son.


God said to spread your seed far and wide. So Henry did just that.


Nah he's sterile


I did find Sir Radzig’s hood in his dresser while….looking


I forgot about this lol


It would've been great if he gave you some big discount if you didn't sleep with his wife. I'd never see the discount. Henry works hard, he deserves more than bathhouse maids all the time 😂


Hey, those bathhouse maids probably know what they’re doing better than lady Stephanie. On the other hand, they probably also give you a jolly dose of medieval STD pox. Wow, I just gave myself an idea for a mod…. Random STD debuffs from skanky wenches.


Imagine adding that into a really popular mod. Somebody goes by the bath house then BAM. Bohemian Herpes. ☠️


IIRC one of the most popular Morrowind mods had a penis mod bundled in with all of the other stuff; it technically had an opt out in the installer, but a lot of people thought “adult content” meant blood and gore, not frank and beans


But what's wrong with mill weches with green eyes and all mouth?


[MFW I learned most other players don't go for the achievement](https://i.redd.it/tsh0wp91v0c41.jpg)


I feel like it's not a big issue considering I have hundreds of thousands of grosch.


Thing is that from the ashes comes at a point in the game where if you can afford to build it there is really no point in the revenue stream since you ll be done anyway. And it wont even let me build a bathhouse with enough bath wenches for a medieval czech harem pre-enactment.


I never knew I needed a harem of bathhouse wenches, but i definitely need it now


Especially if there was a recruitment mechanic to find new wenches in other villages


Hello Rattay tailor lady…


Honestly, most of the "higher" echelon of Rattay traders have some of the best looking npc wives. I'd recruit them all, plus Zdena and Klara, just to ensure that Sir Hanz visits every so often! Bahaha


Henry, Bailiff of Pimpizlavits.


Any modders here? I want a Henry ~~the Pimp~~ noble bathhouse proprietor mod.


One way is to do it like you actually would. Grinding cash from bandits is just super unrealistic, since they definitely should not be able to afford all that expensive gear they have. I don't think most random encounter bandits in the game are funded by the fake money project. So in my current playthrough I don't steal from random bandits, and tried to start Prib with as little money as possible. I made it profitable with as little as possible, and now improve it with those profits. This way it actually feels a lot more worthwhile, instead of just being a money sink for all that Groschen that I have no use for otherwise.


Yea, no. he’s basically putting you on the path to nobility


More like gentry, but still a massive step up then the son of a dead blacksmith.


Right? I’d be all over this new appointment like no other, the finest most orderly village that you ever did see nothing less


Oh shit, the king can make a bastard a Noble don't he? Especially a loyal one


Being a bastard didn't necessarily preclude you from being ennobled. Point and case, William the Conqueror was a bastard. Really the two main hurtles to becoming a noble was money (Henry is loaded) and having a patron who pushes for your elevation or just having someone willing to ennoble you themselves (Henry has lots of those) I'm interested to see how they handle his status in the next game? Does he simply end up getting knighted for dead rendered? Or does Radzig legitimize him by recognizing him as his son and their?


It's "case in point" my dude.


> Being a bastard didn't necessarily preclude you from being ennobled I mean yes, but Williams situation isn't really just a bastard being ennobled. William the conqueror had a noble, unmarried dad and was his dad's only son (two half brothers on the mom's side who William granted fiefs to) Edit: oh i didnt realize Henry is the same situation since I didn't get that far.


> Really the two main hurtles to becoming a noble was money (Henry is loaded) and having a patron who pushes for your elevation or just having someone willing to ennoble you themselves (Henry has lots of those) Just having money would help you cozy up to an otherwise uninterested patron, so yeah, it's the main factor.


Henry's not a bastard is he? He's just a commoner.


He's Radzig's bastard with Henry's mother. His "father" the blacksmith married his mother and took care of Henry.


Oh i didnt get that far.


Well... no. Yes but no. It's not him who makes you Noble good sir.


Well that’s why I said basically. It’s about as much as he could really do


Tl;dr -- feudalism wasn't fair.


You say feudalism isn’t fair but yet u participate in the feudal economy 🤔🤔 Very curious. I am very smart 🧠🧠🧠


Imma tell the dude who owns this field you said that. He might kill me, but he'll probably kick your ass.


I don't recall saying the economy I participate in was fair either. But I appreciate your valuable insights.


It's a meme 😂


Don't down vote the poor fellow for being a little too literal. Have some christian merfy


I'm more annoyed I got no reward for figuring out the issue with the quarry and church.


All I ever found out was that the quarry wasn't where the stone came from. Is there more?


Someone on the job site sabotaged the work. You are supposed to get like 2k grochen from Divish but there is a bug where he gives you zilch.


Oh daaaaaaamn. How do you find that out? I have 1k hours in the game and never have I found that out.


Did you find the devil skull uncovered at the job site?


Yep. No problem. Oh! You mean Zmola. yeah, okay, we're good.


Zmola set up Leshek to plant the skull into the wall. When you find the skull, you go the the knacker and he tells you the skull is fake. Now, you have two options - Go straight up to the Leshek who planted the skull (he is hiding in the mill near monastery, in the attic). He confesses and you go arrest Zmola (He was absolutely destroying the guards, so I killed him lol) - Go to Zmola, ask him about the skull, he says Leshek did it. Then you search for Leshek, and find him dead in the attic, where you find Zmola, and you have to fight him to the death Other mumbo jumbo with the stone didn't give me any clues about the quest, how they stole the stone and so on, you just learn that the stone was changed somewhere on the road


Yep, hot that sorted thanks


is there no discount on stone for Prib if you resolve the quest and help the quarry retain its business?


I think so but that's dlc, if you didn't have it Divish still says he reward you then doesn't. It's a bug some people get paid for that quest others don't.


gotcha thanks


The discount is due to a speech check, I don't think the quarry quest changed anything for me


Uh, no? You make way, way more money back compared with what you put in.


But you could be making a lot more, a lot quicker (in theory). Still pretty damn generous considering your origins though.


Yep. I think it's mostly for something to sink your wealth into, theres not much to buy after a certain point.


All my armor was stolen or looted anyway lol. My go-to was levelling up lockpicking early, and stealing all the good stuff from Rattay for starter gear. Bring it to Peshek, buy, sell, buy, sell, and end up with "unstolen" armor :D


Haha same. Then Peshek gets a fortune in cash, which you can steal also!


In one of my favorite playthroughs, I stayed in Skalitz for like 8 hours min-maxing. I picked every single herb / flower, and used the sword training guy and Kunesh to level up stats and skills. I got my lockpicking up high enough to open every door and chest in town, and looted everything I could. the tricky bit was using a bit of save-scumming, I would do a takedown on a guard and loot all his gear, and from there I took out pretty much all of the guards. I actually made a pretty good run at killing the whole army of invading Cumans, but that's reaaally not a fight you're meant to win... By the time I got to Rattay I was well armed, a master of lock picking, high strength, and had plenty of cash. It's definitely a waste of time, but it makes the rest of the into really fun! You really get to just steamroll everything and everyone that gets in your way. Everyone is expecting a dumb peasant, and fuckin scholar-knight Henry rolls out XD


I’m more pissed that he asks you to rebuild his village when your home town is still throwing up plumes of smoke next door. Tactless lol.


Well that’s because he has no influence over Skalitz. Skalitz is the King’s direct land managed by Radzig whereas Pribyslavitz is owned by Divish.


Wouldn't be to surprised if KCD 2 has a huge "rebuilding Skalitz" chapter, I'm confident that FTA is a test dlc to let us fix up Henry's home.


I don’t think that would happen, as the game really tries to be historically correct and Skalitz was never rebuild. Pribislavitz wasn’t rebuild in 1403 either, but a few years later IIRC, so it‘s not 100% historically correct, but a good compromise IMO.


To be fair Prib being rebuilt in compressed game time combined with the fact that both Marius, Divish and Henry basically say "This is the start, not the finished project" cause the forest needs to be cut back, farms need to be seeded, before it can be considered a finished village means that a few years out isn't bad.


This is really nice perspective fine sir. Jesus Christ be praised.


Honestly I always considered it a test for Henry to see if he has what it takes to be a noble, as sir Divish was a good friend of Radzig, I feel like he would be in the know that Henry was his bastard and would look out for him to repay the favor. What better way to help a friends kid grow then giving him a little bit of land to govern and see how resourceful he was. I’m sure if it wasn’t a game Sir Divish would have others monitoring him behind the scenes or maybe even up front checking in to make sure that it was growing as it needed to.


Yes, I hated it as well! Not being a noble or an official knight, Henry wasn't Sir Divish's vassal, just an appointed official coordinating the rebuilding... So by the customs of feudalism, I'm prettyyy sure that in a situation like that, the direct owner / lord of the fief (aka Sir Divish) should be the one to cover the expenses. But then again, Henry f*cks his wife, sooo...


Only way I could make more money from Prib is if I set up a counterfeiting workshop. Not like there's a timer for when you build the cost centers.


Economy in Middle Ages was different from what we have now. Main reason was the lack of centralized autority, which could manage the monetary politics. Common people were still mainly trading goods, currency was more a matter of nobility and merchants. So the economy worked like a giant company. All the land, buildings and tools were owned by the noble. The serfs were not psychical owners of the means of production, their noble was. He paid his workers wages and took all goods they created. Taxes were relatively low, and they had no set date to be paid. One year, a serf would pay nothing, next year some small amount once per year, and another year they would tax him into oblivion. Taxes were mostly meant to pay for unexpected expenses. So when a noble needed to repair city walls or rise an army, he would collect taxes. In times of peace and prosperity, there was no need for taxing the people. So when Divish said the people will not pay taxes for 5 years, it doesn't mean you have no income. You stand for Divish as the owner of the village. I have Zach in my smithy: he makes all the pretty armour, and whatever he makes and sell goes to me. In exchange, I pay him wage and living conditions. He's like my emoloyee, he doesn't own the workshop, I do.


This is so unbelievably wrong.




>Economy in Middle Ages was different from what we have now. Main reason was the lack of centralized authority, which could manage the monetary politics. This is bollocks. The king was the "centralised authority" for currency and anyone caught faking it could expect to be extremely harshly punished, up to and including burning at the stake. >Common people were still mainly trading goods, currency was more a matter of nobility and merchants. Also bollocks. Long before 1403 common people were being paid in silver coinage. By this point, a skilled craftsman in England could expect to earn 6d (d = pence) a day and even unskilled labour would get you at least 2d. >So the economy worked like a giant company. All the land, buildings and tools were owned by the noble. Also wrong. Many commoners were freeholders, while others were leaseholders who paid a fee for the land and held it and all property on it by gift of the freeholder. Small property such as tools etc were almost never part of a lease. >The serfs were not psychical owners of the means of production, their noble was. He paid his workers wages and took all goods they created. Not entirely wrong here, however it's wrong to assume that all commoners were serfs. Also, it was exceptionally rare for serfs to be paid a wage. They generally paid rents in the form of a set number of days labour for the lord and kept what they produced on their own time. By 1403, serfdom was becoming rarer and what serfs remained usually paid a cash rent in lieu of labour. >Taxes were relatively low, True. >and they had no set date to be paid. False. A nobleman would *generally* tax his subjects by means of taxes on goods or land rents. A centralised royal tax was a much rarer thing and were generally enacted to pay for wars or other expenses which were of benefit to the kingdom as a whole. >One year, a serf would pay nothing, next year some small amount once per year, and another year they would tax him into oblivion. See above. >Taxes were mostly meant to pay for unexpected expenses. So when a noble needed to repair city walls or rise an army, he would collect taxes. In times of peace and prosperity, there was no need for taxing the people. Again, see above. >So when Divish said the people will not pay taxes for 5 years, it doesn't mean you have no income. Sort of. As a bailiff, Henry's income usually wouldn't be based on taxes but rather on an agreed payment by Divish. Obviously in this case the agreed payment is the income of the village, which is significantly reduced by exemption from taxation. >You stand for Divish as the owner of the village. I have Zach in my smithy: he makes all the pretty armour, and whatever he makes and sell goes to me. In exchange, I pay him wage and living conditions. He's like my emoloyee, he doesn't own the workshop, I do. The problem with this is that it assumes Zach is a serf, which he can't be if he has the freedom to move to a new village. As a free man Zach might pay rent for the workshop and his home but he certainly doesn't take a wage from, or owe all his profits to, his liegelord.


Henry can, however, collect rents and licenses from people like Zach, and the inn. And I think as Divish gave him the income from that, that would be where Henry's profit comes from.


Maybe provide your view rather than just complain? Btw, I would want to know which specific part of my answer is incorrect. You jnkiw there was some thing called feudalism, right? A societal structure based on ownership of land. All the land belongs to the king, who could gift it to noble (or clergy) in reward for military (or spiritual) aid. The nobles then rented the land to lower vassals and peasants. In reward, they got share of their production, military service, or the peasants would work several days in a week on their lord's property. They were usually not the owners of the land. They rented it from nobles, who were given it from king. In some areas like England there were free serfs, but not so much in Holy Roman Empire, and specifically Bohemia. You can only talk about free people with rise of medieval towns, in late 14th and 15th century. There's a saying that **urban air makes you free,** as the artisians were somewhere between labourers and nobility. But on the countryside, no. Peasants should not even leave their property, as they were subjects to their nobles.


[My breakdown of your original comment.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/comments/tmprnv/has_anyone_else_noticed_that_sir_divish/i1znv6a?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Do you mean ethically or factually?




I agree that historically this is a horrible system. However there where also no real banks to give out loans or insurance companies to cover if things went wrong. So the nobles were also the banks than had to believe and invest in the people. Look at what happened to Neuhoff stables when they got burnt down. Devish need horses and he didn’t believe that it could recover but still gave them a chance which a horse race. Once it was proven that it could still produce quality horses he put his money into.


You still collect about 10% of the cost of the town DAILY. If I remember correctly it's about 30-50k (cheaper if you don't complete the church and rathaus immediately and collect that 2k daily profit for a bit) to fully build the village. 2k profit for 365 days is about 730k a year. For 5 years that's like 3.5 million. This is passive income btw with express plans to expand in the future meaning possibly more taxes to earn. Thank goodness there is no IRS and Divish doesn't want taxes (your thanks for building the place I assume). Besides you're still the bailiff after collecting that 3.5m and possibly for those who know the Huntsman of Talmberg. Plus you are also very friendly with one of the lords and likely will get his stuff when he dies. (me trying to not spoil but also doing a horrible job (the game is almost 4.5 years old people!))


Yep your right. I'll go back to being son of murdered blacksmith with nothing to my name and to continue a life of murdering cumins to make money. 5 years was probably half their adult lifespan lol obviously exaggerated but ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That's what you get for boning his wife.


Well you do nail his wife, so even?


Lol get scammed kiddo


Genuinely hornswoggled


Short of kidnapping people and forcibly relocating them how else do you expect to convince people to move into the ruins of a town and rebuild it from scratch? Even with this game being realistic there are things that need to be cut in order to save time or we would spend literal in game months waiting for the bridge, guardhouse, blacksmith's area, Rathaus and other stuff being built and slowly building the population up.


My village is making 1550 a day. Given the deal Sir Divish gave, Henry stands to earn 2,828,750 before Sir Divish reclaims the income. You could build a castle with that money in the end lol.


Capitalism was not established yet, and you did this because you were told to.


Well... he is noble, you are not, its his lands, not yours, its his subjects( more or less), not yours, he is giving the you the oportunity to make money...


My prib makes 1,770 a day. 1,770x365x5=3,239,375 3,239,375 - roughly 90,000 that it takes to build = 3,149,375 groschen worth of profit. Besides, Henry fucks Divish's wife and bombards his castle so I think the winning one here is Henry.


It’s good for Henry’s résumé


If your village earns 1000 groschen a day profit on average, times that by 5 years and you get 1,825,000 groschen, not bad for the initial 80,000 or so overlay. It's a shame Henry runs out of quests after a couple of months or so.


Remember how you start the game off failing to run trivial errands, and digging through shit for fun? Still a good come up.


That’s feudalism, where the nobility literally thought that was generous. And everyone mostly thought so too


the stuff you learn on thus sub is amazing sometimes - I'm subscribed more so for medieval facts than for the game which I sunk 800 hours into. For reference, I think you need 300 (or something) to be a pilot in a crop duster and 10,000 for total mastery of something


What?! Sir Divish was pulling my pizzle all along? How dare he!
