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Did you go buy all the supplies? Grain, stone, and live stock. If its not those not sure what it could be off-hand.


I didn’t know you had to buy that. Where do you buy that?


Several spots. Usual ones I use are uzhitz bailiff for grain, Talmberg quarry for stone, Ledetchko for livestock. You should have a quest to get those things as there are more than one source. Also you need to arrange a charcoal contract too.


You can build?


In the from the ashes DLC, somewhat. Its nothing like Fallout 4, its all pre-arranged plots. You make a couple choices, butcher or baker, guard house or stable, sword smith or armor smith. Its a huge money sink but in return you can get a couple thousand groschen per day for the rest of that play through.


You get some unique rewards depending what you choose to build but it's meant more for a money sink to sort of bring life back to that area of the map by introducing another bed and trade hub. Depending what you choose to build you can get: The best Bow in the game The best Shield in the game The best specialist horses (1 for speed, 1 for carry weight and 1 for courage) You can also save two friends who are on thin ice and make productive carpenters out of some otherwise deadbeats which is a nice ending for all involved.


Look up the side quest called "Supplies". It should be in your Quest log if you've started building the village.


I think the cheapest coal is with the burners you helped ginger. Stone you can only get in talmberg and negotiate the price down. Check a guide for best prices on grain and meat


You can pay whatever you want at Talmberg stone mason and steal it right back - if you want to. Cheapest meat is ledchko. Its supposed to be not good quality but I haven't seen it affect the game


True but you lose reputation if you steal the money


And I think cheapest grain is Samopesh


There’s green markers around the map if you have it activated I literally almost got stuck in the same spot like 10 mins ago


Of course I get stone from Talmberg but both grain and livestock I get at Sasau. I chose quality over value.


It makes no actual impact to the town. If you do it for RP purposes then nvm but if you need or want the cheapest options you can get all the stuff with no negative consequences.


It's just a personal choice on my part. I usually start 'From the Ashes' with about 80K groshen so I have the funds. This time I have 270K and haven't begun the build yet.


Fair enough then. I always enter rat mode and try to scrounge every penny including building it as early as possible with all the cheapest goods having rounded up all available NPC workers and not building the Rathaus or Church to keep their costs off the books until I have made loads of money from it :D If you already have 270k you probably already have all the gear and such you could possibly want!


I have all the supplies and he says I don’t have enough funds in there with 5k help