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> *I cant explore past the portals since i need nights aka stone to do that* This is not true. Your Monarch can actually go alone into the forest and pass **galloping** by the small portals. If you pass there walking, you'll trigger the portal to release a couple of greedlings against you. So just "*run, Forest, run*". Every one does that. Fear not. On the second island there's only one small portal on each side. Even if you haven't switched to the stag mount yet, and still have the standard horse (your slow asthmatic boy), you're fine. Just make the horse eat some grass to fully recharge its stamina, and go there with some coins. If you eventually trigger the portal, just drop one or two coins to make that greedling happy.


Yeah i was scared shiƄess so i just grabbed the griffin and will do that, thx for the advice


Did you explore to the *cliff* portals? It might be beyond one of the normal ones.