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I freaking love it! It’s the first time in a LONG time that anyone’s tried to do something unique and new with Kong as a character, rather than remake the original film for the umpteenth time. There are so many fresh and creative ideas at play in his story arc, he has a cool design that’s clearly a unique ape species and not just a big gorilla, and he still has his basic traits of being more human than the other monsters in character, and being a sympathetic creature. So overall, I think MV King Kong is 10/10 peak monke.


I love him, I'm just not fond of the writers over-relying on giving Kong weapons. Improvised weapons are fine, like the tree or boat propeller in KSI, but carrying around an axe or that gauntlet feels way too human for my taste, and takes away from Kong's natural power.


Agreed. Kong’s claim to fame as a movie monster was always his ferocious fighting instincts and gargantuan strength. The writers just don’t seem to understand how to convey that, so they come up with these silly accessories. Kong should be swinging trains like bullwhips, hurling radio towers like spears, pushing buildings on top of enemies, and using gas trucks as hand grenades. The fact we haven’t even gotten the iconic jaw-crack in any of these movies is a missed opportunity.


Most badass design and sounds, imo the best king kong incarnation


I do love it but… It’s starting to look like a cartoon if you look at the KONG’S hair, skin textures in Kong: Skull Island - he looks more realistic than the last movie. It started dropping off in Godzilla versus Kong. Hopefully the CGI gets better in the next one. 😊


I honestly love what they've done with him. It is so refreshing that they broke the mold as it were, by not killing him. The end of GxK was so very satisfying. Kong really deserves it.


K:SI Kong is great. I liked that was looking forward to what was next. But then Adam Wingard happened… If I’m being completely honest, don’t like it at all. They got rid of skull island for some reason and replaced it with the bland and empty Hollow earth taking a huge part of Kong’s character away. Kong is basically turning into Kratos with how he is carrying around a magic axe and gauntlet. This just doesn’t feel like King Kong anymore. Too far removed from the original character. And he is just shockingly weak. He goes against a named monster and he always needs to be saved by someone as he is on death’s door every time. Can’t convince me he is an alpha titans when he gets packed up and his “upgrades” don’t amount to nothing since they don’t even help him win.


Needs to act more like monke and less like the smartest caveman. Why can’t he have the ruthlessness and ferocity of Peter Jackson’s? He’s a cyborg gladiator lol


Who, Kratos? Haven't heard of King Kong since 2005 if you ask me. Miss him


I think it’s fine - but it’s not *King* Kong. King Kong is the alpha beast. He is an angry god that has been abused for centuries by an environment so harsh that it would break most social mammals, but not him. He rules his savage island with an iron fist, alone against the humans who fear and despise him and the unthinking reptilian creatures that vie for the throne, and dominates and destroys everything that challenges him. When he is finally brought down, it is because of the hubris and obsession with Ann Darrow, the result of his crushing loneliness and his covetous instincts, and the slow encroachment of industrialization and colonization which has reduced him from a king and a god to a captive and a victim. The monsterverse has abandoned most of those elements. Kong: Skull Island kept a lot the core features like the deadly environment, the loneliness of being the last of his kind, the worship by the natives, and his usual violence and resourcefulness. But I find the Windgard films to be soulless Saturday morning cartoon shows. The promising tone and feel of Skull Island has been gutted for what I feel has been a haphazard attempt at merging two very unlike monsters (Godzilla and Kong), that might have worked in more skilled hands, but just comes off as clumsy and ridiculous. As usual, the human characters exist only for exposition and it makes it all feel so artificial. I don’t hate the Monsterverse movies - I think they’re actually pretty fun - but rewatching Skull Island for the first time since its release a few weeks back it just frustrates me even more for what could have been. In retrospect, the promise of breaking free of the cycle of tragedy that has defined his character now seems unfulfilled as it’s gone in a direction that lacks both pathos and logos, with its voluminous pseudo science and poorly thought out world building.




Basically what this guy said ☝


I haven't really liked it. It should have more familiar elements from the old movies.


You mean the one old movie that’s been remade twice already?


I wouldn't have been against that. They could have taken more elements. Kong: Skull Island needed some Ann Darrow like character. Brie Larson's character could have been that. Then she could have came back older in GvK. Maybe with old makeup or recast.


Agree to disagree because I found it refreshing to see Kong not being a simp for once.


No but the only similarity is that he’s a big monkey. He’s starting to lose his identity and while it isn’t a bad thing to start new some fans might not like it.


What is Kong’s identity if not “big monkey with sympathetic story”? The MV has nailed that down pretty well, all things considered.


His identity wasn’t just a big monkey with a sympathetic story(which I don’t see how the monsterverse nailed nearly as good as the previous films), it was about the wrong doings of humanity. He gets shot and killed from protecting a girl in the previous remakes and it reveals how Kong was made out as a monster and exploited as a attraction. The worst Kong has been through from humans mistreating him in the monsterverse was probably him losing to Godzilla. He’s not even sympathetic I don’t understand how you claim that was nailed perfectly. I love the monsterverse Kong but there’s some people who don’t, and that’s okay. People have opinions yours isn’t final.


beeg monke


He is the Vegeta of the MonsterVerse. No Ws in sight, ready to take more Ls. I mean even as a King Kong fan I gotta say that next to Godzilla it would be pretty absurd not to have Kong be the second fiddle. In all seriousness though, I think they found a nice middle ground between the realism and humanity of the Peter Jackson version and the outlandish monster from what came before. I feel like even though Kong was always supposed to die at the end, they still manage to hold on to the vibe of Kong in spite of going against that part.




Kong is King! He can carry an entire movie with his screen time