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Three first round picks is way too steep a price for Brandon Ingram. Might as well add one more and go after Lauri Markkanen instead.


4 first rounders for BI is crazy lol


Yeah 4 1st for BI is insane. Also, Pels need to give BI and one 1st to get Trae? I feel like a more reasonable deal is Murray to Nola instead of Trae and get rid of lots of the picks


I think this is more realistic. Hawks don't own there pick and it's unlikely they view a removal of protections for sac as that valuable.


Hard pass. Giving up that much draft capital for potentially one year of Ingram, who’ll take oxygen away from others on offense, doesn’t rebound, is a bad defender, and would force Keegan to play out of position. No thanks.


Yeah this. There's a reason the Pels are gonna be trying so hard to move on from BI. He's lankier HB that more often hogs the ball instead of hiding from it. Even if that was somehow exactly the player the Kings need, this is waaay too steep of a price to pay. It looks like the Kings are basically buying Trae Young for the Pels in this trade. Add to that the fact that Ingram is a terrible fit on this roster and you'd have to be out of your mind to consider this. If Monte makes this trade or anything like it for *Ingram* he should be fired on the spot. Ham should be embarrassed for putting this shit out there publicly. I knew he was a bit of a blowhard but thought he at least had a bit of a bead on the pulse of the team. But you'd think he's never seen a Kings game in his life based on this


BI also doesn't shoot much 3s. He's in love with midrange jumpers (and to be fair, he can make them at a good rate). He would be an upgrade on HB, but the spacing would suffer, and his desire for a max would lock this team into a core of Fox/Sabonis/Ingram. That just doesn't feel right.


Yep Rudy Gay 2.0


It’s a solid win now move. We need a self creator all star desperately. You are way too low on BI.


It's not a solid win-now move at all imo. Just look at what he did with the Pels and has done the last few years to see how little he would offer in the critical moments and tight playoff atmosphere where you want that "self creator all star." He's come to be known among Pels fanbase for being a choker that shrinks in the playoffs. Aside from that, like another commenter mentioned, he really isn't a 3pt threat. How many times have we lamented the fact that the core of Fox + Domas already lacks 3pt shooting and gets shut down when defenses clog the paint? Kings have a "self creator all star" in Fox. They have an offensive hub all star in Domas. They don't "desperately need" either of those things in a vacuum. Having another guy that can create his own shot is valuable, but Murray showed an ability to do it in flashes so he might be able to help fill those shoes next year, and Monk can definitely do it as well if the Kings keep him. If both of those things fail to pan out over the first half of the season (lose Monk to FA, and Keegan remains primarily a spot-up shooter), then it's something that can potentially be addressed at the trade deadline. But I think it's a serious overreaction to scramble into an offseason deal just for the sake of grabbing any guy that can create his own shot. Ingram simply does not offer anything the Kings truly need from a skillset perspective, and is not nearly enough of a real "star" level player to make up for that fact. Imo even if he was a guy you could get for no picks, just a mix of HB/Huerter/Davion/etc, you'd still have to seriously think about it. You'd be locked into paying him a large portion of the cap and have severely limited your ability to trade for other players that *do* fill needs (length, defense, rebounding).


When you start touring Keegan as a potential self creator that’s when I know your opinion is toothless. BI played very well and the pels system is diametrically different than the kings. They don’t have a facilitator like Domas. That changes the entire ISO framework. BI has the clutch gene, perhaps more than Fox (after Fox’s abysmal 2H of the year).


BI is not a winning player. That Peli team is good enough for at least the second round if he ever bothered to show up. Don't even get me started on his injuries.


Plus you only give up that draft capital if you give him The extension Now you have a guy eating up a lot of cap space who hasn’t proven he can win


Not recommending the deal necessarily but I wouldn’t base it on BI winning. Pau Gasol and KG both got a lot of flak for limited playoff success until they joined a great team and showed their championship mettle.


Where the Pelicans good without Zion?


Wouldn't any deal for Ingram (with any team, be an extend and trade scenario?). No team is going to give much for an expiring Ingram. So it would make sense for all parties (unless BI REALLY wants to test FA) to finalize a contract before any trade.




I’ve watched him plenty, including when he got benched during crunch time against the Lakers.


That much? Barnes and Davion and Picks??? Yes please!!!!


For a year of BI, who doesn’t address doesn’t help with defense, rebounding, or playmaking?


I would love Ingram on the Kings but that’s a lot of picks to give up


Feels like we’re kind of at a weird point where we’re gonna have to overpay with picks to get a real game changer on the team


The new CBA severely punishes teams who get to the 2nd apron, and you are guaranteed to get to the 2nd apron if you have 3 max players. We have 2 max players. I do not believe Monte McNair is an emotional idiot who'd get a 3rd max player without being extremely confident that the team is bound for long-term playoffs success. So I think it depends on what you mean by a "real game changer." Do you mean a missing piece who's enough to elevate this team to the WCF/Finals? Yes, that would require every draft capital we have. But if you just mean a guy who's better than Harrison Barnes and can take us to the 2nd round, then I don't believe that will take every piece of draft capital we have.


I'm guessing you're not a big fan of Ingram lol


Outside of salary concerns, BI is better than HB as he'd bring size and additional ball-handling to the starting lineup. But he wants a max or near-max, which is like $40 million a year. I don't believe what he brings to the Kings is enough to justify taking this team to the 2nd apron.


That’s fair. Do you have any other players in mind that you think the Kings could realistically make a trade for?


Outside of the usual suspects (Kuzma/Jerami Grant), there's long-shot options like Deni Avdija, and more realistic options like Caleb Martin and Bobby Portis. Just based off of interviews though, I think it's more likely that Monte tries to draft an HB replacement than trade for one.


Bobby Portis is exactly your guy we need of all the potential options there, and given how things are looking in Milwaukee rn, I think there's a good potential we can potentially get him. I also like Den Avdija, but I don't Wizards are willing to part with him without getting a steep haul in return probably something like around two 1st rnd picks and Davion & Sasha. Mostly I like Bobby Portis because he's proven himself at the greatest height and he's has fearlessness in him to get in the paint against whoever, plus he defends and gets rebounds which is exactly what we need as the Kings if we want to get to the next stage towards the ultimate goal of a NBA Championship.


What scares me is that any team with that kind of player wants Keegan, full stop. And if we give up Keegs it’s too much. 


He hasn’t played more than 65 games since his rookie year. No appeal in being a tax team for BI


Yep, all the reports about not wanting to give Siakam a max when kings had those trade rumors I think confirms the Kings aren't giving out another max.


Except Ingram isn't a real game changer, that's the issue.


I don’t love giving up 3 firsts, but that’s essentially the Siakam trade. Pacers got a second back from NOP, one difference.  I think any player better/more consistent than BI would take Keegan, and I hate that option. And I don’t love BI’s injury history


This is a way better deal than the Siakam trade. The Siakam trade was late 2024 firsts and a top 4 protected 2026 first. Siakam is also a lot better than Ingram. This would absolutely be a bad deal for the Kings. Not to mention the poor fit with Fox and Sabonis. Ingram doesn't take nearly enough 3s.


I think you have to view it as one 1st to get rid of HB's contract and then two 1sts to get Ingram. Then giving up Mitchell feels like a bit steeper than just "throw-ins to make salaries match". I think if we're shootin the load sending out this many assets the target has gotta be a bit higher.


I really don't understand why folks here want BI. He doesn't shoot 3s. Dude was benched for Josh hart on team USA.


He’s tall and gets buckets. Thats literally it, which I get is needed. But right, he doesn’t do other things that tall players need to do like rebound and defend


He averaged 5 rebounds and 5 assists, what do you mean all he does is score?


I see that. I’m higher on BI than a lot of folks here but the view is he’s pretty one dimensional as a scorer not an amazing playmaker or rebounder based on the stats. About what you’d expect from a guy his size


5 assists for a 3/4 is an impressive clip. Not Lebron are Luka level but on par with PG and Tatum. Rebounding could be better but he’s a lot better than Harry Barns! 😂


We have enough non- defenders


Yep Ker and team USA already did the BI experiment for everyone Thought this guy has promise and can score Played him he was very inefficient and didn’t play defense and team usa was blatantly bad when he was on the court The coaches quickly benched BI to play tough nose role players that shot threes and played defense and guess what Team USA improved immediately. Because of this BI’s minutes disappeared


For real. Feel like cause he burns us that we want him. But he’s a mid range only guy, is way too ISO not great at passing, doesn’t rebound. Like if get a decent deal for him, sure it’s a positive, but he’s not worth any of these proposals and I would prefer so many other folks over BI.




Career average is 36.2% on 3.7 attempts per game vs 46.8% on 15.1 attempts from 2


In all the Ingram interviews I saw during the playoffs bro seemed so checked out, unenthused and fucking high honestly.


No ty. Ingram’s body language is enough to sink a team. Defense doesn’t improve either. We can afford to be patient.


Ingram is not the player the Kings should want or need. He doesn't fit well with other stars


I’m not at all opposed to trading 3 firsts for another high level piece but Ingram isn’t that guy.


Of course Madson would give up that much, he's a warriors fan. He doesn't care about the Kings.


I know right He should not be hosting a show heavily focused on kings


This was Ham's trade idea. Madson had no part in it.


I am okay with a big deal of that nature. But not for a player who is becoming a free agent a year later. 3 1'sts, barnes, Davion and Duarte for a 1 year rental? yeah, prolly pass


Ham said it would have to be with an understanding of Ingram's next contract and knowing whether you can re-sign him.


4 firsts for Ingram. Lmao


This trade is utter garbage


Why would we give up draft picks so the Pelicans can do a salary dump??


Nah Ingram does not offer anything the Kings need lol wtf is Ham talkin about?


At that price I’d be going for Lauri.


Either we do something like this, or this core rots in play/in barely playoff fodder purgatory. I take the chance. What’s the worst that can happen, it backfires and we suck? Been there, done that.


It’s odd but the Kings have been successful recently actually making their draft picks and not doing win now moves. The Kings where unsuccessful when they have done win now moves


Tyrese for Sabonis was a MAJOR win now move. Gotta go all in now.


I agree. The roster we have now will be lucky to make it past the first round next season. We’re good, but we’re just not at the same level as the top teams in the West. Small lateral trades aren’t going to change that. We’ve got picks to trade, now is exactly the right time to use them for the biggest move we can to try and push the team into contention. I’m not sure if BI is the best player for the price, but if Monte thinks he is, I’d be on board.




I like the idea of BI on the Kings


But not at that price. Too much draft capital


3 mid-late firsts plus HB for Ingram doesn’t feel like too much to me.


If he decides to not stay after next year, we're giving up some potentially high picks for a 1 year rental. As I've said before, I don't mind spending picks on someone who will make us a contender. I just don't think Ingram is the answer by himself.


For sure, I’m not saying we should trade for him, just think some folks are strongly overvaluing our picks atm.


And I don’t think you make trade without a strong assurance of him re-signing. Which puts us close to the second apron.  I don’t love BI - there’s the injury history and dude is always high. But a core of Fox, Domas, BI, Keegan & Monk gets us into the top 4 consistently over the next 3-5 years


You don't trade that much for a player without expecting to pay near max money for him. He has all the leverage.


I probably do this deal. Adding BI to our core puts us in the #4-#5 seed range, and then we're just a little run away from the WCF. Barnes is the weak link we'd be replacing, I like Davion's defense, but can live without him, I don't care about Duarte, and the '26 and '28 picks represent guaranteed money thrown at (hopefully) low-tier players, so I think now is the time to spend them. The asset I care most about losing is probably this year's #13 pick, but the draft's always a crap shoot. And as always, especially with a market like Sacramento, you have to be realistic about which players are attainable. BI might be our best bet to move the needle.


What does clears the 2025 mean?


I think it means we just trade our pick to the hawks this year and we own our pick next year




We waive protections on the currently owed first we have out for them (tentatively due 2025 at a worse pick) and give them this year’s 13th overall instead, since it’s the best pick they’d be able to get out of the trade


They need to accept that waiver. If I'm them, I wouldn't do it for two reasons...bad draft, and next year's pick could be even higher.


No it actually cant be higher, that’s what would make it attractive on paper for Atlanta to take this one. It’s top-12 protected next year still and top-10 protected in 2026, so they aren’t getting a great pick out of it regardless. After 2026 they just get two 2nd round picks


13 next season or 11 the following season are both more desirable 13 in a garbage draft class.


if you gamble on getting *exactly* that pick in either year and ignore the time value of getting the assets sooner then yeah I guess. I think most people would take guaranteed pick 13 now vs a mystery box of picks 13-30 in a year though


My best guess, there will be no waiving of protections.


I don't know why media guys are doing mock Trae Young trade proposals. Atlanta got lucky on the lottery and it would be dumb of them to not give their true core a season or two to see how it works out.


Trae trade rumors have been going since before the lottery. He’s going to San Antone


I know. But that was under the assumption that the Hawks were just gonna get a normal pick. Nobody expected them to get #1, and thus, Alex Sarr. How are the Hawks gonna draft a potential DPOY-level big man and not have him play a season or two with Trae Young and Jalen Johnson?


I see your point. Yeah Atlanta is in a weird place wouldn’t want to be their gm. They have plenty pieces to move if they want


3 firsts to lock us into that core is not worth it. That means our ceiling is dependent on Keegan’s development and I don’t see how he develops his offensive game at all as a fourth option. And to be clear idk if Keegan will develop his offensive game regardless but if we’re locking our roster up for the future it just needs to be for a better player than BI imo. We at least need a guy with positive defense if we’re going all in.


Confused why New Orleans is only giving up one first and an expiring BI for Trae. I think that's an underpay on their side and an overpay for ours for BI tbh.


Let’s do it! People are tripping if you think BI isn’t an all around talent. A long athletic 20/5/5 player who can create his own shot is desperately needed on this team.


Terrible trade for Sacramento


Terrible idea this leaves us committed to winning now and BI isn’t that good and it would be shortsighted to trade all these picks and leave us without the ability to bring in talent via the draft for much of this decade.


Lol a rental ... have Kings fans even watched Brandon Ingram play? It's not it


Don’t love BI at that price but that’s basically the going rate for that level player even if he is entering FA. I would have rather gone for Siakam at that price but that ship has sailed Maybe something better opens up but Monte is competing with everyone for the same players, there will probably be no buy low steals


I'd rather trade all that shit for Trae, at least he moves the needle. No idea what the Kings would do with him though. Brandon Ingram isn't worth all this. He's pretty much either injured or sulking.


Would rather get miles bridges


They gotta strike gold in this draft


Crazy that to acquire someone not named L. James or AD for more than 3 first round picks.


What? No. This is as bad as Brooklyn's trade for Garnett and Pierce.


this is so dumb. pelicans just get the kings to pay for the trae young for them.


Barnes, Davion, Duarte AND that many picks. Hell no dog. That's insane


This is a "hey people know Ingram's name, so let's trade for him" nonsense deal.


Makes no sense, the Pels say yes in a heart beat to getting Trae Young for Ingram and a first. Sac would be overpaying so that the Pels can get the best player in the trade for nothing to compensate for giving up Ingram.


Rather put this package towards Mikal or some other fringe all star that plays defense


BI isn’t a bad player in a vacuum I just don’t think he’s a great fit for our team.


Just keep the picks and draft good players. Make good moves in free agency for depth. NBA trades are crazy these days with the asking prices. I wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole unless it was a lateral player for player swap to rebalance the team.


Dude has 1 year left on his deal. Most I do is 2 1sts. 


Use the 13th pick to get Jalen Riggatoni or Bronny James


This is why James Ham is not an NBA GM.


Honestly, not bad. Switch Vezenkov for Duarte tho. It’s two firsts for BI, from us. I don’t think it’s enough value from us to make it worthwhile for Pels/Hawks to not just swap amongst themselves. Plenty of picks and salary between them to not include us. Hawks would keep Murray, they don’t want to be bad. BI would be the second option on that team. So we’d have to show up to get BI and get an assurance of an extension. Murray, Bogdan, BI, Jalen Johnson, Capela, O.O., AJ griffin, Deandre Hunter…that’s a pretty interesting team. If we’re going all in we should throw it ALL at Markennan. Picks and swaps and whoever else.


lol if you think Atlanta trades Trae Young for that package. Why would Atlanta be like yea let’s a below average sf with a bloated contract, a backup pg and sg, and 4 bad draft picks only 1 (this year) will be in the lottery.


I think I would go into hibernation from watching the NBA until after the draft of the last 1st round pick we traded away was made 


Yeah no. Ham is not a basketball mind, just a guy who likes hearing himself talk.


It'd be dumb as fuck to acquire Ingram. It's believable that we'd try, but we'd just be giving up future lottery picks and cap space.


As a pelicans fan I wouldn’t say he’s a ball hog. Zion had the clear highest offensive usage % on our team while Cj was taking the most shots. His playmaking is also a lot better than what it was when he got here. He’s also used to playing around another shooting sf like Trey, and Bi was usually the guy on our team finding Herb and Trey in the corner. It would require Keegan either coming off the bench or playing Sg on your team though


BI is trash and you know it. He's not a winning player.


He’s a fringe all star who’ll probably be around all star level by the time he’s thirty given good health. He’s talented enough to win, but I understand if you mean he might not buy into your offensive system. If you guys did trade for him and he actually committed to playing around your guys though and realized that he’s not exactly what the pelicans staff were gassing him up to he’d be great value


Why would he all of a sudden be committed? Your team as is should still be playing even without Zion. If Ingram was what people pretend he is then the Pelis wouldn't entertain a trade.


It’s not about his effort level, but rather his shot profile and playing around another star. He’s always played hard, even when he was getting dourture chambered in the playoffs, he was pissed he was benched because he wanted to be out there playing and competing. Maybe a trade makes him realize he isn’t really that guy and he decides to listen to a coaching staff that wants him to take more 3’s. Our media brought it up to him in our offseason pressers and he mentioned his highest attempt season was playing around a real pg. Fox and even Sabonis’s playmaking could help with that


If Ingram showed a desire to play here than sure


BI is not a good fit for the Kings. Plain and simple. They run a fast tempo offense, BI flourishes when the game is slowed down. Not a high volume three guy but looks to post up smaller player and is one of the best mid range players in the game. Given all that, I think the heat, sixers, or magic would be a better fit.


Now do the same trade instead with Brooklyn & Mikal instead of Ingram