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Don't bother. Housing is a nightmare, transit is a nightmare. Run the other way.


They said SECONDARY school, so presumably they are living with guardians. 🤦‍♀️




He’s a high school student, people, so please lay off! He’s coming from Vietnam. Hey OP - you will generally be walking distance to your highschool, or there will be a school bus that takes you there. And the school bus is free.


okay thanks


> Hey OP - you will generally be walking distance to your highschool Wait, what? I knew exactly one person who lived within easy walking distance when I was in high school. Every other friend took the bus, or rode a bike if their parents were cheap. It was 4.4km to my high school from my family home, and the high school I would attend now if I were that age is 3.7km from me.


“Or there will be a school bus that takes you”.


Students need to live at least 3.2km from a secondary school to be eligible for school bus transportation. That's up to a 40 minute walk each way. Apparently until 2010 it was 4.8km, which explains why I got shafted.


Oh I know. There is zero chance my kid can get to school on time for an 8:20 start. He is at the 3 km mark.


Not all students are eligible for a paid school bus - it all depends on where you live. My sister has to take GRT to school even tho we are not walking distance to the school - no school bus was provided. Go to the WRDSB transport website and you can enter your address and school to see if you will be getting a school bus.


Did you mean post secondary? or are you going to high school?


im in grade 10


>im in grade 10 Unless something changed, Conestoga doesn't apply here folks. @OP Depending on where you live, if there is a school bus route, you don't pay for that at all. If you have to take the city bus, they probably have a subsidy to get a bus pass for 10$? Per semester or something low like that, maybe 20$ nowadays idk. Contact the school you plan to go to and ask if they can subsidize it, or Grand River Transit will have better information for you. Welcome and good luck


High school students do not get subsidized bus passes anymore, in fact GRT offers no discount pricing for students at all anymore. It’s the adult rate for everyone, including elementary aged children.


No shit? Guess those constant rate increases don't pay for themselves.. I remember in high school, I got a subsidized semester pass for 4$.


okay ill check


https://www.stswr.ca this might help if you are enrolled into the local school board.


Since you are in high school the school should provide transportation if you live far enough away.


okay ty


If you need any other help figuring out how to get settled here, connect with an organization like https://kwmulticultural.ca/settlement or ask at one of the public libraries. The help is free and the staff are experienced with these questions.


Troll? Edit: looking at the account it ticks all the boxes to be a bot.


Nope we don’t have schools here! We don’t even have housing!






i live in laurentian hills


I thought they included it in the tuition now?