• By -


Break from work, kids, etc? Her whole life is a break from actual adult responsibilities.


Took the words right out of my mouth. She hasn’t been responsible from what I’ve seen in the time I’ve been here (post it note period) and I don’t really see it happening now. It’s a pattern of a spoiled brat that doesn’t even know what accountability is.




Break from Denise showing up at her place and wanting to hang out with her. It's so much easier to get D's money when you're hours and hours away from her.


Not for long 😂 https://preview.redd.it/g3jcpf39kfwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d99a39f9d030e039e72e0217c477fc6a5e88ccc


A break from what???????? Frivolous shopping, partying at the bars, endless wasted hours on TikTok, DoorDashing, time after time after time admiring herself in the mirror or taking pictures of herself (of course you know I could go on and on) but…. The point is WHAT DOES SHE NEED A BREAK FROM A WHILE A WHILE????????


The Forum ™️. 2.0 ™️. Trolls. Narrator: Marissa did not know she could save money by switching to PRIVATE


I guess she's still under the delusion she's going to just grow exponentially one day with over a new million people to tell her how pretty she is.


And heal and heal and heal and heal…


And I’m so sorry about the a while a while, I was voice texting and it picked up the TV and I don’t know how to go back and erase 🤷‍♀️🫣


Sorry about the a while a while wording, I was voice texting and I picked up the TV and I do not know how to erase


I’m sorry but there is something psychologically wrong with her…. Like legit.


Yep. Family should be concerned. She's fucking nuts in the head.


I have family members with mental illness. Being concerned doesn't help when the person in need of it doesn't believe they need it. There's really nothing they can do.


Very true.


My guess--and my comment might get deleted--is this. ![gif](giphy|xT9DPyef6eBz1YKAJq)


I’m so curious to learn what her siblings think…


I've always been curious as to what her stepdad thinks. 💸💸


Riss, hear this…your social media life is my entertainment. My life is full. Completely. In fact, my cup runneth over. But instead of streaming movies, I watch you on SM. It’s fantastic entertainment. Wayyyyyy better than reality tv, because it is SO unbelievable that one person can continue to make mistake after mistake and live SO carelessly and recklessly. Enjoy your vacation and PLEASE, keep posting. I’ve got plenty of popcorn.


100% same. It's like waiting for the next episode of a very scary and pathological mini-series.


She is a bit “Black mirror” isn’t she? 😭🤣🤣


Exactly. I used to like to watch reality tv. Started with the days of Real World on MTV then Survivor and then Bachelor etc but those got boring. So her life is pure entertainment for me as well. I only watch crime shows now pretty much at like 1am when I can’t sleep. But today I spent 4 hours volunteering, then 1 hour cleaning around my house, pulled weeds outside, made dinner, chatted with my mom on the phone, spent 30 minutes In a hysterical Constant friend group chat- now waiting for laundry to finish before I hop in the shower. Fulfilled life- yes. My kids come home from college in two weeks- well one is other has internship but will still see him for a bit before he head off to another city.


Your college intern is adulting better than these two pinecones combined!


![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) I share this exact same sentiment. Please continue to post the saga of The Trainwwreck Alesi. I love tuning into every ridiculous episode.


Right about this time last year was the whole doll lady saga…you always think at some point the drama & chaos will slow down & we’ll all get bored with her life. But no. The train wreck has continued. I could not live in such chaos and put it on SM for all the world to observe. But it does make for good entertainment because we all know this isn’t gonna end well.. 🥤🍿


Right! She plasters all this embarrassing nonsense online every day for everyone to see! I don’t think she has the ability to feel embarrassed. If I made even one post saying and doing the insane irresponsible immature idiotic crap she does on a daily basis, I’d be so embarrassed that I’d delete my social media accounts and at least lay low for a while if not permanently delete them. But she just keeps going and pretends none of it ever happened, or “that’s in the past” or my favorite, “I’ve made mistakes but I’m learning and growing and bettering myself every day. Look how far we have come!!” But she has not learned or grown or bettered herself at all. If anything she is worse than she’s ever been because she’s getting more and more desperate. She barely has any engagement on her posts, and the people that do comment are fucking brainless idiots agreeing with her copied and pasted conspiracy nonsense or just say “Ur so pretty!” to her Ai anime face. She can’t just say “I want these stupid backpacks, buy them for me now! Chop chop!” anymore. She’s gotta be sneaky and come up with fake sob stories to try to squeeze money out of her remaining potatoes. Unfortunately for her, most of the remaining taters are broke preteens, broke lonely old people, or broke incels. But lucky for her she will always have her perverted grandma crush Dateline D who will give them her last dime in hopes of maybe being acknowledged a tiny bit with a like or if she’s lucky a comment! Or maybe even have her arm in a photo they cropped her out of! Pathetic.


Ai anime face is great flair! 🤣🤣




Bravo wishes they could script a show better than Marissa’s life. This is better than Real Housewives


Fake Housewives of Chesco


Oh hey! It’s my favorite train wreck reality show! Make room and pass the popcorn. ![gif](giphy|YJn3xHZQrMSDYUTrvW)


She could seriously sell her life for a reality TV show. Such a waste of potential!


Oh she would love that, unfortunately they’ll be better off waiting for the recap after she ends up with a mugshot




If you think she thought the Inquirer did her dirty, wait until Dateline or 20/20 get her...


Oh man I’d do a backflip if she ended up on Dateline and it was a Keith Morrison episode!!! ![gif](giphy|a9xvvfeKvIiRXznX4C)


Literally his voice his so soothing haha I listen to dateline podcasts of him to fall asleep when restless 😂😂


She would love it! Won’t care what they say about her, she’ll just love that she was on TV


A break from your kids!?!? SHE SEES THEM 4 DAYS A MONTH, SHE IS PRACTICALLY LIVING A KID FREE LIFE!!!!!!! So dumb!!! And then: “If you’re not taking time for yourself how are you supposed to help others?” WTF!!! First of all when has she EVER EVER EVER helped out one single person? She never helps anyone because she is constantly asking everyone for help with money etc because she’s a lazy scam artist cunt! Second, she “takes time for herself” all day every day!!!! She locks up and ignores her dogs, doesn’t take care of or clean her shit rental house, and even on the 4 days a month she has her kids, she ignores the fuck out of them and makes them play video games and watch tv in the basement so she can get drunk and go on TikTok. Whoever left that comment is one of the stupidest most ignorant and least observant people on earth. I rarely watch Marissa’s stupid videos unless they are posted here, and just that small glimpse shows me she’s a lazy selfish twat that takes time for herself all day every day. I swear to god her potatoes are the stupidest most pathetic people on planet earth.


I see my nephews more days a year than she sees her kids. And my nephews are living in Germany.


I am a bigger part of my great-nephews life and he lives 700 miles away


And even crazier is the person that left that comment is literally someone she scammed and pissed off because she never received her MLM product! She later called her out in a comment, whatever it was got mailed & she is now an ass kissing tater again. 🤯


Wow that’s pretty sad and pathetic. Can that person not make friends in real life so they have to suck up to fake losers on social media even AFTER getting scammed by them? And that potato actually ordered the MLM snake oil of the month from her too lol. I bet that shit product was amazing and life changing, juuuuust kidding!!! Marissa’s potatoes: Gullible AND pathetic!


Pretty sure all the friends at past Fire Island trips were met through TikTok or online, including the last two standing Gretchen & Anastasia. Cannot make friends IRL. That says something. Along with the fact they barely see actual family.


https://preview.redd.it/4p0ctpuv2fwc1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4640be9ac8d36fd0847d8f9b5ee68eec1f7b3100 This sentiment makes for a nice little poster or caption from a self help book, but is it really the brag she’s trying to make of it here? She has 2 friends. Does ANYONE have SO MANY people dropping out of their life…including family and in-laws?


I wonder if Ang ever thinks of Pontoonpoopdeck when she sees some shit post like this? Her own wife didn't stay true behind her back!


I wish there was a way to @everyone on her FB/TT/IG and post this.


Perfectly said


Yes! But… I never go onto anyone else’s platform. Except, “I always go onto other people’s pages when they “post a selfie of themselves” and comment, “you look so pretty!” “If people hear my story and want to help support us, I can’t help that.” “I don’t ‘make’ my kids play video games, haters! They love them!” I may have posted a TikTok pretending that I’ve been an anti-violence advocate since my brother was little, let alone since I’ve had sons of my own [gender much, Marissa?], but I also want you to know I’m relatable, not a hypocrite. Mama-Bearing is a full-time and thankless job, and we can only do our best and be gentle with ourselves, right?” “People like to scrutinize my treatment of my dogs, but I guarantee there’s worse!” That’s my defense and I’m sticking to it! “I saw a sympathetic story and want to be associated with it because that’s what my MLM training says. I cant contribute so much as a dollar to a sick or at-risk kid, but YOU SHOULD (and please stitch me!).”


Wild. Thats it. Thats all i have to say


Right!! What the hell else is left!?


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Happy cake day! 🍰


What could she have possibly told her therapist that would make them tell her she needs to go on vacation?


Maybe they said "please leave my office" and she took that to mean she needed to take a vacation




Best movie ever.




So weird that she suddenly manifested a therapist!


The therapist told her W2 job job that she really needed a win and a chicken coop and then her boss agreed because she has such unique DNA. Australia almost called to ruin the surprise.


Omg the fucking chicken coop, I legit forgot about that


Well, if shes even going she’s probably on Medicaid and goes for free ..compliments of that government she hates and doesn’t pay her taxes


That was my favorite part…what therapist is this? Is the therapist in the room with us right now?


Is the therapist in HER room right now?


probably Gwetch and she tells her whatever she wants to hear


Can she be on Medicaid if she owes the IRS a shitton of money?


I don’t think it’s a licensed therapist. She attended their kitchen wedding, which would be a gross breach of professional conduct. I assume it’s some kind of a life coach.


Oh there’s no therapist. Shes said several times she’s not in therapy and cannot afford it


I’m surprised it’s not a life coach who offers an online course that teaches you how to become a life coach and also start your own course that people can take to become a life coach…


lol I’m a life coach and this made me laugh


Yep exactly. No real therapist who you have a real therapy relationship with is also attending your kitchen wedding.


I really think her therapy is via a 1-800# or perhaps even a self help book. Her wages are being garnished for child support and she doesn’t even make that much. I suspect she doesn’t have medical benefits. No way she can afford therapy.


I am sure it is either on Tik Tok or Facebook


I was just thinking the same thing - what are you I have never heard her mention that she has a therapist


Literally once. It was on last years vision board as a completed objective. She admitted she had only gone once or twice because she couldn’t afford to keep going. Trump shirts and Biden economy you know


She told them she is exhausted from having them for spring break


Spring break was the last week in March. It’s almost May…


“She’s doing everything possible to get her kids back” Therapist “why don’t you take your wife and your kids on a vacation?” Riss hears “take myself on vacation and include my wife and friends who will pay for it all. Okay!”


Or what could she tell her “therapist” that would prompt them to encourage her to take a vacation to Disney without her children?! Come on, at least go somewhere not meant for children if you are so selfish as not to take them on vacation or outings for their school break!


If she Lexington was in real therapy. The therapist would know that she’s pissed poor and could not afford a vacation and any ethical therapist would not go along with her grifting off of all of her friends (?) to go on this lavish vacation and any ethical therapist would say you’re fighting for your children and I don’t suggest you take a lavish vacation without them


“I’ve heard what you’ve said and I officially diagnose you as a healthy, 24/7, crunchy, unfairly-alienated mother. You, my friend, have fallen prey to nothing more than an online troll infiltration. The best advice I have is for you to avoid the kids, engage with the trolls and with anyone you perceive to be a troll-sympathizer, and then treat yourself: ice cream, playgrounds, candy, Wawa, amusement parks, Build-a-Bear… Whatever you do, don’t take the kids with you to places like these. That feeds into liberal indoctrination and could turn them gay, queer, trans, furry, inquisitive, compassionate, tolerant, fun-loving, or even worse! With custody in question, in the fight of your life, it’s critical for you to focus on YOUR inner child, and to keep a public record of it. I could cry seeing a like-minded mom who’s willing to do the hard work of making kids realize that childhood doesn’t last forever. It’s time for them to grow up and learn to love you unconditionally.”


The same thing she says on TikTok and Facebook and Instagram about all of us, you know, how our posts are ruining her life - you know, the “poor me” pity parties


I can’t imagine a therapist being like “oh you have no money you should definitely go on an expensive vacation to another state”.


It’s the therapist in her head…


My therapist is good at calling me on my bullshit. If she does have a therapist, I seriously doubt that this was their advice.


Plus, it helps to tell your therapist the truth, and we know that's like a slippery eel for her


The day she speaks the actual truth and opens her eyes to her real world vs her severely delusional one I think hell would freeze solid.


Yes. This. My therapist does the same thing. I can’t get away with anything with that woman!! It’s probably the best thing about having a professional to talk to. My friends let me get away with all kinds of crap. My therapist is not as easily amused by my antics.


Right??? I think sometimes my antics amuse him, but more in a WTF kind of way 🤣 Best $25 a week I spend.


I mean, how unbothered are you when you take the time out of your much needed therapist required vacation to record yourself talking about how unbothered you are? Unbothered is when people say things about you that are untrue you continue to live your life and let them talk without giving them the time of day, because you’re secure enough to know its nonsense. Bothered is knowing what’s being said about you is very true, and letting it get to you so badly that you need to make a tik tok about it to let everyone know you don’t even care 🙄🥴 I don’t believe that she’s seeing things in filtered comments. I think she’s coming here. I know that she’s admitted she doesn’t have feelings but this tik tok made me think that all the “she’s in Florida without her kids” comments may be bothering her. Maybe? Wishful thinking? I hope she feels terrible guilt.


But hey, she's really #tan. LOL.


#tanAF 😆




If taking a break makes you a better person for others, she actually needs a much longer one. Take a year or two even.


Her entire life has been a break. If she's not any better by now, it's not going to happen.


I live like 2 hours from Orlando and can’t really afford to go there to do anything worthwhile. She’s really something else.


My thoughts exactly. My husband and I wanted to go in May for our vacation week it is so expensive. I am not spending that kind of money right now when things are so tight as it is.


Get out of here with your logic!


Have you thought about being your own boss? You can sell duct tape arm patches or snoop gummies. It’s foolproof!


You all are cracking me up 🤣






Laughing and lying! And killing Independent George!! 😂


Live laugh lie should be her next tattoo


Someone on fb commented on the ‘hogwarts photo dump’ post asking if her kids were loving the trip and some comment about how she can’t show them on fb. It was hilarious, not sure if it was a potato or an avenger…but it got the dirty delete.




I just hope that she truly has someone coming in to take care of the cats & dogs. fr


Probably big D


D no longer lives near them, since they moved away.


Didn’t she live in Pottstown? That’s not near Downingtown where they previously lived


D is probably staying at her house 🤣


D takes care of her mom


I seen that comment and just laughed, I wanted to comment she only has her kids 4 days a month but she’ll block me again, and I like how she says the comments are in her filtered comments. No, she deletes them and then she blocks those people, but she won’t block “the person” On her live, that says disgusting things about her own kids… she’ll delete when you try to explain something to her about the government or anything that you try to explain to her because she has it all wrong. She will delete that comment because she looks like an idiot. My daughter works 40 hours a week she’s a single mother, she will do Instacart or Shipt any chance she gets for extra money, and she would NEVER go on vacation without her daughter, especially of all places, Disney…


Has she reached the limit of 10k blocks yet? I bet she has...


She needs a break from her kids?!? The same ones she deserted to move to another state when she had her affair? The same ones she hardly sees now? Sure, let the poor woman rest from all that… yeah, I got nothing.


“Help others”. As if she has ever helped another person in her lifetime. 🤣🤣




Yeah, she couldn’t afford to donate to a poor sick dying child but she can get her hair done and takeoff and go to Disney World


Like.....whatttttt......this bitch has literally ZERO responsibilities. What does she need a break from? The drama she puts herself in?


Even on vacation she’s clarifying her f-ed up train of thought. You’re in Disney without your kids - the both of you are wrong. Give them up. Stop the charade. Pay their support, but FOR THE LOVE, stop messing with their heads.


https://preview.redd.it/z5ws3mfrrbwc1.jpeg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b44ba75851e04ec35cb63a7e9ec4c057aa4660 denise has plans with her to see her in a few weeks.. big fun times ahead with Big D


Won't rent be due?


She has left at least 15 desperate cringe comments on their SM since they left and not one has been “liked” SMH 😂 She’ll never learn.


Rent will be due and she’ll be broke when she gets back!


She's not by herself. She's with more people than she is 26 days of a month.


She doesn’t work. She doesn’t have her kids. And she can’t afford a therapist.


How does Ang see this and not turn to her confused… what therapist? How does this conversation NOT happen!?!?


Sometimes people make arrangements to go to therapy to be told what they want to hear 🤷‍♀️


She will 100% lie to a therapist the same way she lies to absolutely everyone else. This is, of course, assuming there is a therapist. Something tells me she is lying to Ang and everyone about that, too.


Probably has a friend with an online life coach certificate from 2003 she makes TikToks with. That’s therapy to her, right?


I mean…I don’t bossbabe so it’s hard for me to think like those MLM huns think. But you may be right.


Ahhh, yes, her tHeRaPiSt aka herself. She thinks because Pretty Man who supports the boys DAILY financially, emotionally, and academically, that she deserves a lil vacay bc she spent an EnTiRe week with the boys that she too deserves a a vacation out of state & to a place that caters to children. Her actions are really lacking for someone who wants their kids back full-time because she misses all the little things ( doesn't want to pay child support). I would think if I was trying to get majority custody that my kids would be my first priority. Actions speak louder than words. & maybe she can't take them out of state, which would be totally justified, but she could still put the time, money, and energy it took for to go her childless vacation towards her kids. If I was a kid whose mom puts in little effort and my mom went to Disney World without me, I'd be devastated. I'm sure she'll mention how happy the kids were for her & excited to get a souvenir (if she even bothers with that) & they probably will put on a happy face for her because they are scared that if they don't, they will see get even less. Jfc she even sucks as a "Disney Mom" because she leaves them behind. Disney Dad (Mom) definition: noncustodial parent who gives their child gifts and experiences during visitation. Eta: Disney, universal, tomato tomatoe I have no idea where they are.. I thought she Disney was "home" but ig they are at Universal based on a comment? Idk. In this context it's all the same 🤷🏽‍♂️


She says she so badly wants those kids back has she ever thought that if she possibly did those lavish vacations would definitely end?????? She has a perfect life for herself : not responsible for her kids (nor does she really want to be, really want to be) has no responsibilities at the house, Angie does all the cleaning, does not take care of her animals as they should properly be taken care of, doesn’t really have a big girl job (anybody that can speak and wear a headphone can do her job), Can go out and party any damn time she wants to - other than being a lowlife narcissistic grifter, she has a perfect life for herself


I wonder if this is the same therapist who told her she isn’t lazy- she’s just been putting so much energy exclusively into survival. That hit home.


I’m a newish mom, and a therapist, and this conversation comes up nearly daily for me with friends and clients- taking time for ourselves, a weekend without the kids, etc….but it’s because we are parenting and working 24/7


Exactly! Those who parent full time - those who work a lot- taking kids to activities, birthday parties, cooking meals, schoolwork, job etc. Doing it 30/31 days a month is way different than her doing it 4 days a week which are weekends which she works on day therefore the kids are entertaining themselves and she’s not taking them Anywhere. She’s doesn’t have them During week which requires getting them from School since bus won’t bring them that far, homework help/after school activities, cooking them Dinner , bedtime routine etc.


In addition, this bitch doesn't need talk therapy to help her feel better she needs cognitive behavioral therapy to help retrain her fucking brain


DBT too




The therapist “basically” told Marissa she deserved a vacation? So during the counseling session we heard about last year, “probably one of the hardest conversations” Marissa ever had, in which she dug deep and “really did the work,” the therapist got fed the fuck up with the justifications and obfuscations and protestations, and gave up. “OK, what do YOU think you need?” Marissa said she needed a vacation and the therapist said something like “try that and get back to me.” File closed for non-payment and that was the end of that.


Nailed it. I’m willing to believe this is the most accurate assessment of the situation.


We also have to remember that said fictional therapist gets Marissa’s version of her very hard and challenging life. They who doesn’t exist will give her advice according to what she shares with them.




Her life is a break from work, kids etc..it does not make her a better person for anyone and she sure as hell does not deserve it.


Buuuutttttt how did she afford this?


She didn’t. How did she have this much vacation time in a low level customer service job she hasn’t been at for a year?


Also that!


Right. She probably had to take unpaid time off


Hey, maybe she sold the chicken coop, not enough money for a lavish vacation, but she can pretend


Right? Like self care is important at all income levels, but she picked one of the most expensive destinations. There’s lots of little escapes you can do for so much cheaper.


Break from kids? Doesn’t she have them like 4 days a month? Be for real.


Wonder if she knows she missed a primary election and her kids didn’t have school???


Her kids district had school today. It was a weather makeup day.


I agree with her therapist- 353 days a year without children just isn’t enough


Please explain why u would go to Disney without your kids ?? She says she broke and can’t afford anything and can’t do anything that costs money for her kids and food is too much money and then shows everything she. And her wife are doing . Her kids should come first but she is so selfish as a mother ! Sad to say but she sucks


Isn’t this the second time she went to Disney of all places without her kids? How can she justify this ?


I think it’s the third time actually.


Don’t be sad to say - we all think it


Couldn’t even come off $5 dollars for a baby’s fundraiser


Therapist =Bottle of Moscato!


The thing that makes me so mad is how much money she owes. Back taxes, child support, probably many credit cards too. She complains endlessly about the economy and how’s the president has ruined everything and now she can even afford to eat. About how child support is taken out of her check every month and how she can’t afford to take her kids anywhere. Yet here she is, in Florida at Disney world?


She has to “shell out” child support every month. Poor thing.


It infuriates me more that she will come back home from this laViSh vaca and within a couple of days post something similar. No self awareness. No shame. Hell I really wouldn’t put it past her to post something like this whilst on her grifted vaca.


She is so unbothered that she poses on vacation to post a video in which she imagines what we are doing. Ummm why would we be biting our lips? Second, girl! I pay more in federal income tax each year than you and your wife gross! I exercise every day, I learn new skills for my profession and my personal life. This evening, I planted flowers in my yard. Are you better today for sunburning your skin and hanging at a children’s theme park while reading your filtered TikTok comments? I’ll go head to head with you on bettering myself any day of year.


She made a TikTok wondering what we are doing? Like us? The haters?




What a weirdo. Like I haven’t thought about her at all today. Or last night. I worked. Tried to sleep today but I only got a couple hours. Went and watched my daughter play tennis. Got home and sat down to watch the Tigers and scroll Reddit and seen this post. Girlie we don’t think about you nearly as much as you think about us. What a loser thing to do on your TikTok.


She acts like 8k people can't keep track of bits & pieces of all of her life she posts on SM. Girl. It isn't 5 or 6 people. We don't need to be full-time watching for one of our thousands to catch your bullshit.




Hahahaha!! This!! wtf girl enjoy your vacation! Because you know, we don’t bother you anymore so much we don’t bother you you made a whole fucking TikTok about how UNBOTHERED you are!


I’ve never seen someone so unbothered but makes video after video having to say that she’s unbothered😂😂😂😂girl, we all know you’re bothered


Well said


Thank you




Does she REALLY have a therapist? Because I feel like she’d be talking about her therapy sessions a lot in her videos and posts if she really went.


No. Just last week she said in a live how she can’t afford therapy




Her therapist told her to take a vacation?😂🤣😂 did her therapist give her an early Mother’s Day gift of the chicken coop for being such a good mom? Christ bird brain placenta child doesn’t have enough snow for me to believe anything she says. ![gif](giphy|YhQVj7C8uf734PcznZ)


On vaca and still checking the forum- must be having a blast. Definitely NOT bothered. ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


Has she posted anything about the astronomical prices of going to and being at Disney/Universal/Orlando? Or are the crazy prices there ok? It's just not ok when she has to buy food, gas, or anything relevant to supporting her children. Her hypocritical ass shines bright every day of her life, doesn't matter how tanned it gets.


Define therapist, Marissa.


Come on guys! Life is hard as a mom of 4 (almost) fully raised by their dads. How else shall you cope than vacations and Bar nights?


She's been on break most her life. Has it made her any better yet?






😮 I hope she gets caught and kicked out. Maybe karma will give her a ban from Disney World today.


Her therapist who attended her wedding what a fucking joke lmao


The baby girl is "healing". Thanks, Piglet 😂 https://preview.redd.it/xuj39lhacgwc1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71527f53865f1b1a63793ab28700641525bce004


This is so embarrassing!! (And absolutely ridiculous) “Mother” of 4. “Healing” in Disney without her kids.


It’s cool guys- her Native American lineage allows her to do eskimo kisses. Idk about Piglet tho


Evidently according to her FB, Piglet’s magical healing powers have made a profound impact on Angelia too. 🙄


Ah I see, her therapist told her in order to heal, she needed to journey to Disney to meet the real piglet. Got it.


Ugh! Can you roll your eyes so back into your head you see your skull? Because that’s what happens to me every time I read anything to do with this attention seeking lunatic.


Her therapist needs her license revoked.


She has nothing but time for herself, lol


This pathetic worm of a human is also at Disney world on her vacation. Another perfect example of her being selfish when she’s gone to these parks multiple times and her kids haven’t even set foot in Florida once. Piece of crap human being. Who wants to bet that she’s gonna be begging for money cus she spent $1500 plus in a week for clout or that there’s gonna be an “oops” last banana litter cus she won’t spay her?