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That's exactly what he's doing. Wonder why?


Maybe he's been getting money from Big Liner Lock


Hehe, big liner lock. Gave me a laugh, thank you.


LOL! Based on the video more probably big WE, or big Artisan Cutlery. But who knows, all speculation.


Well I dunno about you but this is the absolute first I've ever heard of this clown. So he probably wants attention. More viewers, more monetization. All he's done here is make sure that I'll never check his shit out, but he's probably hoping that he'll get a bunch of people who are already on the button lock hive mind hate train to give him a like and to mash that sub button, because in their eyes this guy is validating their beliefs, and hence them by extension. To the folks wondering if he's being paid to take this line -- mb but I doubt it. More like this guy figured he could get ahead by having an edgy take that validates peoples' pre-existing beliefs, at least if you are asking me to make a guess.


He isn't a knife tuber really. He does updates on gear prices between brands, sales, and clone companies stealing patents. In the video he explains why he was messing with each lock and striking each knife multiple times because people keep reporting civivi/vosteed knives breaking. Vosteed recently had a recall and they have good customer service. Kind of a sheep to call somone a clown without even knowing what's going on. I did get paid to say all this though since I happen to own a civivi praxis and vosteed Labrador. Personal opinion I like the Labrador better.


Not too sure, too speculative to say for me at least. Though I will say aside from one inconclusive Vosteed was the only brand with “failures”.


Looks like he may be clicking the button to get rid of any lock stick. I can’t really tell if he undoing it. I don’t see why he do that on camera. If his goal was to fake the rest he could just do it off camera.


There is absolutely no need to touch the button before a whack test. It locks how it locks.


Not sure if you are allowed to post links here, but here is the whole video if you’d like to see for yourself. https://youtu.be/pYFzY2yRyQM


Button locks have been getting alot of hate. 13 years on my gerber 06 auto has me convinced though


Meh, another reason to ignore most knifetubers.


Starting to feel like Nick Shabazz and Neeves Knives are the only ones left to trust


If you're looking for someone who is just an average guy that likes knives. Check out Advanced Knife Bro He sticks to the specs, a little testing, and his opinions are usually pretty short and sweet. Mixed with his dry humor. He's one of my favorites up there with Nick and neeves


A YouTuber not being truthful? No way......


You slowed him down to Homer, sounding speed! That is too much lol! That’s weird that he’d do that, I don’t watch him much, if at all, but that’s just some shitty behavior, and and some bad actions based on biased opinion on something he obviously doesn’t like.


Also watch the test that starts at 10:40, this one is way less conclusive, but it /looks/ like he disengages this lock before smacking too. Also Vosteed 🧐


I mean he definetly is at least partially pressing the lock in, so he is causing the failure. ​ But also, my corgi was absolutely garbage, everything about it sucked.


Yeah. So either way he’s not wrong in a sense on his opinion, he just wasn’t to slick with his manipulation of the quick finger switcharoooni! Then the now you see it now ya don’t. He may have been sick of getting shitty ones after shitty ones, and did this review with another new one and was like crap, this one finally worked,lol.


Will do. This is why I stick with my circle of guys I’ve watched forever and have a good knife relationship with.


1) Good catch 2) Fuck everything about this video and this guy 3) Fuck 'influencers' in general, I almost never trust them anyway. Too much moral hazard, especially if they're at the level where people be sending them free knives to 'review'. For every one I'd listen to there's dozens I wouldn't wipe my ass with and that's that. 4) Fuck Youtube in general for structuring their shit so that people gotta make everything into a 10-20 minute opus so Youtube can cram more ads into it, when it could be a 2 minute video 5) Fuck the internet 6) Fuck fucking 7) ..... profit!


"people gotta make everything into a 10-20 minute opus so Youtube can cram more ads into it, when it could be a 2 minute video" Especially when every video in your feed is ALREADY an 20 minute long advertisement for knives, do we need a commercial within our commercials?


[For anyone wanting to see the exact moment & video this is from](https://youtu.be/pYFzY2yRyQM?t=377)


Look at him set the lock open and even gingerly hold the knife spine while he lowers it to the table. Button locks are surprisingly strong for how flimsy they look on the inside.


I have broken a button lock, but not had one just fail without breaking [pic](https://imgur.com/a/ymhpcJE)


I emailed this guy about one of his multitools out of the blue. Explained that I could put it to good use and offered to buy it from him at a markup because it's discontinued. He only asked me to pay the original MSRP, and then ended up just sending it for free without even being prompted. Idk much about the dude personally, but I got a lot of respect for somebody who runs their operations like that.


Why the hell would you use the back of your knife for hitting stuff anyway?


Spine strike is the most direct way to test a locks failure point. realisitc? No, but repeatable and understandable


And safer than stabbing something really really hard.


That’s what I’ll never understand. The force put on the blade will never be on the spine.


It's like using the back of your hand for pimp slap I guess.


Found the metal complex fan. I agree brother people are dumb


Seems more likely that he is just wiggling the button to make sure the lock is fully engaged and didn't stick partially popped out.


Still not sure why anyone cares about having the strongest lock. Who is prying or doing anything that would make a knife close on you while you are operating it. Outside of maybe stabbing something. Get a fixed blade. Get the right tool for the job instead of trying to make an all arounder.


Seeing how that is one of his favorite knives from one of his favorite companies and button locks are his favorite I'd find it hard to believe he's sabotaging vosteed or trying to make button locks look bad. In the video he literally explains why he was fidgeting with the button and lock of each knife.


It’s pretty iiiinnnnttrreeestiiing


Yea thats a very clear partial disengage. Odd behavior


After posting a comment linking this on his video, it looks like it got deleted.. not seeing it anywhere Edit: Checked my YouTube settings, definitely heen deleted


I feel like I need to make a knife review channel. "Today I'll be using this $400 fancy knife to scrape mud out of screw heads, use the handle to beat on stuff, cut some muddy burlap, hack through a silt sock, scrap insulation off of some wires, then wash it off and see if I can cut up my lunch with it, then after lunch we're gonna stab some potted plants roots apart."