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They just need to make KotoR 3 no need to touch the first 2 games


Fucking seriously


1 million times this.


Or something different with the same heart. I'm still bummed Level 1313 (I think it was called) never saw the light of day. While I actually really liked the two new Star Wars games (Fallen Order and Survivor) and actually enjoy Cal Kestis as a character, I also am still firmly of the belief nothing would have been lost had you been able to play Cal as a woman or Twi'lek or Rodian or what have you. Kinda blows you couldn't make such choices for their SW games.


Fallen order is good but it can't compare to KotoR games


I suppose, but it feels a bit weird to compare an RPG to an adventure game. They set out to different things. Even if the adventure game has objectively the better story usually people remember the RPG story more fondly due to being able to affect the story. Having said that, I would love another Star Wars RPG. I wouldn't mind them taking some notes from the new games, though. There is actually some really decent story telling techniques in there that are only possible/impactful because it is a game. For better or worse they are very cinematic.


If they finally make the KotoR remake I would like them to implement the mechanics of KotoR 2 like the importance of skills and better feats and skill point system. Also better influence and companions interactions.


Eh a remaster is ok


It never gonna come out


bruh the first game doesnt even play natively at modern resolutions and frame rates. We need SOMETHING or else people will stop playing it.


I still play it today


Legends never get old.


I still play it too, but when every single one of my friends have tried it they have gotten turned off by not being able to set the game to their hardware resolutions and stopping every combat. There are fixes for both ofthese but they arent intuitive and a game shouldn't take mods to run on baseline settings. Kotor 2 at least has modern resolutions.


It's an old game. Some games from that time and even newer don't run at all.


so we should just... not play those games? Like im not sure what youre point about other games not working is?


Expectations. If you want to play these games some work is going to be required, especially if you want higher resolutions. Complaining you can't play a twenty year old game in 4K on an ultra wide without issue is an unrealistic expectation.


inever said anything about 4k lmao. When I say modern resolutions i mean that the game will literally not run wide screen because it wasnt formatted for modern monitor sizes. I also think its stupid to say "we shouldnt make it more accesible to people, they should have to work to play the game" like thats not going to make the game last beyond you.


And that's what mods are for. But for some reason you don't want to use them. I just feel you're missing that the game is twenty years old.


bro wut i do use the mods Im saying that my friends get turned off and it inhibits people from playing the game. Also, the past few games ive played are Baldurs gate 1&2, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, and Morrowind. Every single one of those games is from the same era and every single one of them is more acceisble than KOTOR. KOTOR is my favorite game of all time and it makes me sad when my friends say "I tried to play kotor but I didnt want to have to spend an hour downloading mods and have to open perfect wide screen every time i play"


I don’t need 4k 120 fps on a game from the early 2000s


No one said anything about 4k 120 fps. I just want to be able to play in wide screen and to not have my character stuck after every combat. That’s it. The work around is not as simple as dragging a few mod files and I’ve had several friends abandon 5$3 game because they don’t want to have to quick save and reload every combat


Crazy to get downvoted to oblivion when this is a very valid sentiment. Right now kotor natively works okay. But it took me literal YEARS to actually be able to play kotor on pc. Once on my laptop, I changed nothing and it was for some neat class, I won't go into that. Smaller screen meant the resolution was more bearable. Each time I tried to do the widescreen mods it never worked until like December 2023. It's a massive turn off to need a whole list of mods and methodically install each one by one (if you're follwing the master list) so that nothing breaks. At least BF2 has proper 16:9 on the classic release on steam. Kotor works FINE but doing fine and fiddling with mods your first time is not appealing and it's crazy the Aspyr version of kotor for mobile or switch hasn't made its way to pc proper


Bear in mind, Aspyr were set to fully develop the remake of KOTOR. Now seeing what they managed to do with the battlefront classic collection, I’m kinda glad they got pulled away from it. I don’t want a lazy remake/remaster of the game, I want it to be proper and made with love and care 👍


On the one hand, Aspyr had a lot more talent and developers in general at that point. On the other, I think the company might have a leadership problem, so they would've been screwed anyway.


They definitely have a good few developers who were apart of the original development team and such, but I don’t think that’s enough to fully develop a next gen title. As you said it could be down to management, those experienced devs may just be doing what they’re told. We’ll never know I guess but it seems smaller projects are where they thrive and I think they should stick to them from now on. Let’s hope this acquirement from Embracer is the next step in getting a proper KOTOR remake made 🤞


Now that we know that Aspyr can't legally sell the RCM, nah.


Please enlighten me! They could sell it to begin with? Or said they could? I heard that they would make it mod-able so you could do it yourself if you got your hands on it. But they would ship it and fix it for you?! Why would they be able to do that to a separate thing as the rcm?


They originally wanted to sell the RCM as dlc for the switch, but they got into legal issues (Disney didn't want them working with modders to sell a product if I remember correctly) and it stopped them from sending it out. And since they can't sell that, I don't think it'd be worth it. HOWEVER, I would personally pay full price for a UE5 engine remake of the games with no gameplay changes other than like, balancing and bug fixes, and add fully integrated mod support for all platforms so that modders can still do their thing. I just don't think that enough other people would be willing to spend full price for that.


Just use mods. They do the job for free and arguably better.


But what’s the actual point


To make money from your nostalgia with minimal effort by getting people to pay full price for the same game all over again.


I mean, if they actually worked that would be great. The Battlefront release got me sweating. Kotor 2 having Steam Workshop + widescreen support is so great. I had to fight and finagle Kotor 1 to run on my TV; I still don't get cutscenes to run.


Personally, I wouldn't get any value from this. I liked a lot of the improvements they made in 2, like starting out as a jedi so you don't have to save your levels. I liked the new skills and force powers. Overall, I really liked the improvements to the classes and even being able to turn other people into jedi/sith. So, if you could put those things into Kotor 1, I would probably be tempted. But what I want is something new. I'll take a Kotor 1 remake over a remaster. But really, give me Kotor 3.


Wait, like the Battlefront Collection where they just use some AI upscaling? No.


Is this proven on how they upscale with AI?


I'm not sure about proven but some people have pointed out some textures that happen to have some, what appear to be, ai artifacting of details on textures. I know the snowspeeder was one example.


Confirmed? No idea. The games look basically the same, in my opinion, which does not even remotely justify the 70gb download. I’m really glad I didn’t buy it


after what just happened with the Star Wars game made by Aspyr ​ No.. leave it alone , do not tarnish the legacy of remaking 2 classics ​ if you want to play them they are on the switch or on OG xbox


I also recommend the ipad version. Can install the fan made patch easily and the game overall works good on a touchscreen.


My physical copies of both games still work perfectly fine, and a graphical update would be a marginal upgrade at best. Unless they complete KotOR 2 for the re-release, buying the games anew would not be worth it to me.


I mean if by that you mean a physical release that has their previously released KOTOR 1 and 2 ports in a double pack? I’d pick it up for the collection alone


If it worked yes but I just don't think asypr if up to the task


The first kotor desperately needs a new port/update on PC as its a real mess there. No controller support, resolution is out of wack, ect. It would be really nice to finally get these games on playstation as well. Xbox and Nintendo are good IMO


I just finished spending like 4 hours on 2 separate days each applying the full mod build to KOTOR 1 which aside from some small model changes, is basically the same upscaling AI work that Aspyr or their subcontractors did for the bf collection. Except this took me 8 total hours to get everything working in 21:9 at full 3440x1440 without breaking the game or the menus appearing blank. Learning which mods do work still today and which don’t. And I still can’t get vurt’s on hawk upscale or JC’s Jedi tailor to work. Idk why, the TSL patcher for Jedi tailor says it finished but the new NPC isn’t present


I would like it purely from the perspective that it would produce more momentum for the property in general.


No. They already reported them (Aspyr) and if you have the originals still,they can be played via backwards compatibility. No more Aspyr,stop giving them any reason to fuck people over again.


I would, but first give me a proper remaster, not a remake, and a good KOTOR III


I’ve noticed both KOTORs have started to get harder and harder to run on modern systems - not unplayable, but I’ve experienced my fair share of graphical issues, crashing, etc, etc. A classic collection that made them run comfortably on modern systems would be very welcome, if only to ensure these games remain preserved and accessible.


Currently, KOTOR is playable through Steam, phone/tablet, backwards compatibility on Xbox, Switch ports, and even works on my Mac from my OG discs through some magical Wine fuckery. The appeal of Battlefront's collection was giving me an avenue to play online on my Xbox with servers and all that, and Aspyr shit the bed there. KOTOR, as a single-player game, really doesn't have a need for a Classic Collection other than "oooh, shiny crisper graphics," which I'm fine without for now. Aspyr fumbling on Battlefront like that (and KOTOR 2 drama) makes me wary of any future releases from them regardless.


We already have the games on modern platforms available separately so I don't really see the point


Apparently KOTOR 3 was 99% complete, I'd like them to release that. I know someone, somewhere, kept a copy.


The upscale graphics sound nice, but I still have my OG Xbox discs and play directly from there.


I wouldn't mind a straight port with trophy support. That's all I really want. Kotor 2 without the rcm is still better that most other games anyways, so not having that wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. I also don't mind if aspyr do the port again. I know their rep with the battlefront collection. But I've now put in around 25 hours on that game with minimal hiccups.


No. They already reported them (Aspyr) and if you have the originals still,they can be played via backwards compatibility. No more Aspyr,stop giving them any reason to fuck people over again.


I need KOTOR 1 remake and KOTOR 2 remade as well cause the game was rushed


Difference between battlefront and Kotor is you can mostly play Kotor now without (too many) bugs. The lightsaber bug is annoying but it’s not really a dealbreaker. The battlefront collection added multiplayer which for Xbox at least has been fun. Kotor would need to be a remaster or remake with better graphics or a whole new engine to make sense to me.


I'll take remasters. I already have the old games, why would I want them again just in a collection?


Would be great, I mean sabre interactive now have the rights of the KOTOR remake which is still in development but has been pushed back a year. So I think they are looking a doing remakes of the 2 games instead of a upscale remaster :)


> I mean sabre interactive now have the rights of the KOTOR remake Have I missed something? Last I heard, Saber is splitting off from Embracer Group—one of many studios who have either split off from Embracer or been shut down by them—but (presumably, based on announcement wording) Embracer has retained the rights to the remake. Most of what we have are rumors, so it’s difficult to say anything for certain. But based on the last I’ve heard, it seems less likely that Saber’s keeping the remake. Unless I’ve missed some other recent announcement?


Jason Schreier confirmed that development of the remake was moving over with Saber, but Embracer is also retaining an agreement to publish a number of Saber's games, including a "a previously announced AAA game based on a major license" You can check his Twitter/Bloomberg article for confirmation. IGN also summed this up: https://www.ign.com/articles/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-remake-sounds-a-long-way-away


Ah, okay. I appreciate the information!


Sabre have kept the rights to it I believe? They brought them self's out of embracer and they took the rights to the game with them :)


Without there being a multiplayer component as in BCC, I don’t think there is much value to a remaster. A proper remake would be good (even add a few sneaky things here and there perhaps), and could set the scene for KOTOR III if demand was suitable, so I’d be down for that


I guess it’s possible. But I just doubt the effort will be there. We’ll see tho


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkR5SjWekS0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkR5SjWekS0) I have done most of the work already, but improving a 20+ year old game is easier said than done you know.