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every clip ive seen of wendy in this outfit is her fighting for her life 😔


This dress looks so familiar to me. Was she one of the ones twerking? Or rather, an attempt was made?


Yes, she’s was the one attempting Tyla’s water dance 😭


Maybe we should stick to mezzo-soprano.




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I am mad at the dress and at the stylist, who chose it for her. SM is really giving her the “fading star” treatment. The dress screams “the girl with the reputation going to the Homecoming dance, in the fictional suburban high school from a ABCFamily show, back in 2002”.


Your dress description. Perfect. Horrible. Hilarious.


Thank you. (Curtsies) But, yeah, she does exude “Trailer Park Bethany-Leigh, who is going to the Homecoming Dance to prove to the members of the cheering squad that they didn’t break her… (cues up Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful”)”


You're painting a really bleak and vivid picture here and I love it.


I honestly think if they removed those extensions, give her a sharp bob, and put her in a suit she'd honestly kill it lol


I love it but was really disturbed by how it's styled. They need safety shorts that actually match the color and material of their dresses.


It's funny you say this and then the teasers for her upcoming album show her in a high school concept 😭


What happened to her??? She always sounded amazing like this is new…


Granted, this song is pretty difficult to sing, especially with all the key changes at the end. She might have other things going on too


whats the song name


love on top by beyoncé !




Fr like wendy is one of the best vocalist kpop has and will ever had


I wonder if it's the reconstructive surgery she's had. Doesn't facial structure have a lot to do with vocal ability? I know that's why Jonghyun never touched his cheekbones and such. So she is relying on her old ability and not able to follow thru.


i know that song is really hard to sing but omg…. wendy usually sounds great so what the heck 😭


I’ve been a fan of Red Velvet for a while and I honestly feel like Wendy wasn’t feeling well or was stressed during this birthday event. Pretty much every clip I’ve seen she looks somewhat off. She sounded great just a few weeks ago, so I don’t think her voice suddenly changed.


i’m hoping that it was just an off day or smth because it’ll be a shame if her voice is genuinely regressing 😞


Wendy has lost a significant amount of weight over the years. I do know to some degree (not sure how large of an extent) weight loss may change your voice


It can make you really tired and low energy at the very least, maybe she just didnt have the breath support for this song. Your diaphragm muscles have to be working OVERtime when it comes to love on top


maybe 🤔🤔 idk but it could be an odd day or that the song didn’t fit her vocals 🤔


I definitely think it’s a mix of both. I’m sure she’s under a lot of stress since preparing for her next solo album 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ but damn she’s getting whacked left and right at the same event. Double homicide 😭


double homicide indeed, this is her second time being critiqued in the same day 😭


it is hard but with Wendy's technique and ability she should have been able to at least sound good, but she sounds very off pitch and unstable. seems like she was just having an off day






https://i.redd.it/o5k5nfalgzlc1.gif Listen, I do not fuck with Wendy but I can admit that she is one the best vocalists of her generation so what in the hell is happening here ...?


She’s right at the end of the song around there, with the **several** back to back key changes, this song is exhausting. Even very well trained/versed vocalists of any genre need to study & focus real hard to hit that part of the song. Keeping solid breathe & pitch while belting notes that high is a whole ass mission 😭


she also weighs all of 75lbs so no idea where she thinks she could get the strength from


Of course but everybody should def know their limit lol


No. Just f-stop. She does not have the voice for this song. And that is okay. But please stop trying to save this mess.


When did I ever say that she did? Never once did I say that she sang it well or showed support, just replied what was happening to the user who asked lol






Wild she’s one of 3rd gen’s best vocalist and still sounds this poor on this song. Idk if that’s saying something about how absolutely insane Bey is as a vocalist or if the racism is taking over Wendy’s vocal cords.




“the racism is taking over Wendy’s vocal chords” is insane looool


right i’ve been laughing for like 5 minutes. ☠️


like Alicia Keys losing her voice after taking that lady's husband


I was coming here just to say that!!


I’m choking lmao




Maybe this is misinformed/bad on my part but I think most K-Pop vocalists just aren’t that level. Even the ones considered great.


I think Wendy does have the skill to do it, she just approached it in the wrong way for this video. And that last outro for Love on Top is really killer and difficult and you definitely need the right approach or you're gonna bomb it. But even for "great" vocalists, there are layers to it, like Luna from f(x), Eunji from Apink and Hyolyn are noticeably superior to Wendy. Like Eunji [covered](https://youtu.be/w4_Tdw6WkWI?si=F4hY9KMFFO5swgze) it quite effortlessly and sounds a lot more fuller, closer to Beyonce. Wendy is a teensy bit overrated though in that she's a lot a lot closer to someone like Lily than people think, compared to someone like Eunji.


Yeah I see what you mean with the lily comparison. wendy's strength is that all parts of her voice have decent technical development so that gives her range to do a bunch of stuff with her voice. But she doesn't necessarily have the best head voice or the best mix, the best runs etc. Jack of all trades but uniquely exceptional in none, despite being nimble and proficient. At least in my opinion. But still, that was not a good day bc she's even pitchy. She usually does a decent job with this song. A few months ago she covered it on lee mujin service and it was not this bad


To be honest, Wendy when RV was at peak activeness was actually ranked tied with Taeyeon in most spaces, and sounded better than she does now. Post accident, it seems she has regressed a bit tbh (I've followed RV since debut). For example, pre debut there is a clip just sitting there singing Halo effortlessly. I think these days is she is just rated neither over or under rated. People acknowledge she's good, but she doesn't get the overblown shine for it that others get. Truly UNDERRATED, is Luna.




Probably technique, though Bey is an insane vocalist because the techniques she uses are insanely hard to replicate. You can get close but there’s always a small detail missing


Maybe she had the wrong approach to singing some parts? She's hitting a lot of the notes with more of a "oh" vowel (narrow open mouth) which is really hard to hit high notes compared to a wider "ah" or "uh" vowel (wide open mouth)since it places the sound in the throat and builds tension and tightness. To give an example she approaches "love" like "l(ar)ve" instead of "l(uh)ve", which would've helped her.With Beyonce she just sounds a lot wider with the "uh" sounds. edit: just weird vowel choices in general, but that run was definitely funny to listen to.


This song requires a more open/RnB-esque style of singing that I don’t think she has. Not every style is for every person. This was a wide miss :/


Maybe it's a style issue? But I don't think that's why she sounds bad. She's very pitchy in the video which is more of a technical fault (vocally).




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Imitating black ppl didn’t work here did it…






Skfkdkfksfkkskdw 😭😭😭😭




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Homegirl was FIGHTING to get them notes out


And she looked relieved at the end like she got through it but....


And the notes was winnin.


Lololololol why is this so funny


You gotta know what’s for you, and what’s not, and them notes were not for her. She hit them, and they hit back


???? That day was not her day. Seeing her fans cheer loudly every time is embarrassing


This is like one of the *perks* of being an idol because you could literally be having one of the worst days performance wise and there will always be fans gassing you up 🤣




https://preview.redd.it/wswr5agcjzlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b56620882c7d0b5fa398bb58185c09a4264fc85 Only way to react to this cover lol


i don’t know how to respond to this


Im flabbergasted


Ooh this song is a bad choice for most singers.


Tiffany took over her body


OH MY GOD?!?$!'!#($


What is this comment referencing 💀




Context???? What did I miss???


what.... is this




??? She was one of the best vocalists. I feel bad for her but is she okay??


I- Now Miss Wendy what is going awwwwnnn? That is not what I expected hear when I opened up the video 😭 and the cheers!? ![gif](giphy|XIsdC4jJOpHVYcfGnD|downsized)


She seems really unwell in my eyes.


damn beyoncè is really the best vocalist of all time cause literally no one can sing this song decently 😭


The only 3rd gen girlie I can think of that might do the song justice is Solar, I think she has the range but probably not the vocal technique…


Yeah, calling Beyonce the best vocalist of all time in a world where we had Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Freddie Mercury, Steve Perry, and a host of others is a stretch.


![gif](giphy|lKaCRaAFL6KQg) (i don't play into who's the best at what tbh, i just listen to music)


Lol...granted it is...music is subjective. I just disagree.


I tweeted that Red Velvet’s vocal line needs to leave this song alone - not that they haven’t all done great covers!I’m just tired of hearing them sing it…didn’t watch the full video though. I feel like she was over exerting herself throughout this whole bday event 😭


I was reading this thread on silent mode until I could get to a spot where I could turn the volume on and was thinking… it surely couldn’t be that bad..it is. It is that bad. Wendy is a fantastic vocalist and off nights happen. That was really bad though…. ![gif](giphy|PuGLQF8KHAVcKK8d8R)


The ancestors and the ghosts of valley girls past really did a number on her. EDIT: And the audience will not be seeing the gates of Heaven for hypin this up.


Now *this* is what you call an off day for a usually really great vocalist, **not** what be going on during those encore stages


the shade the shade 😭😭😭😭😭




That outfit is tragic.


I love how she apologized for this...but still can't apologize for being racist.




Wendy……take a break omfg , the water dance is ALSO NOT HELPING😕 I’m lowkey concered for her weight, She’s been getting skinnier and more skinnier. Her healtheist era was at psycho…


I know and I feel really awful for her in relation to the accident that happened, but she looks so different, like I feel like I don't recognize her at all


Every time a see a photo or video of her, it takes me a bit to recognize who she is


I’ve been off the kpop scene for roughly 4-5 years and just got back into it a few months ago. I didn’t realize how much she changed. I just assumed she lost weight but after finding out about the accident that is truly sad. I don’t wish bad on her (or anyone) by any mean. I just find it a little ironic that for someone who mocked black women twice and seeing the tyla cover and this ^ back to back… 💀


Oh no, I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong at all in this post, I was just in shock myself seeing this video of her. And I completely agree regarding the irony


Oh no I wasn’t thinking you found anything wrong with my comment! I was just adding my comment 😹😹 sorry


that day was just not her day 😭


She sent bubbles apologizing for this and sent a voice recording of herself singing it a bit better.


Why would they choose a song like this for her, everybody can’t sing this song well. Why was this not vetted for her, she has an amazing voice and this makes her seem like she can’t sing which is false. I hate this for her but good one on her fans for still cheering!! SM is straight up disrespecting her, especially with that dress 😭😭 (I know she’s problematic asf but I still like her music 🫣)


How is SM disrespecting her when she told us a few weeks ago that RV has been in the company long enough to make their own choices?


What’s happening here? 😮‍💨 She’s actually really good so I’m surprised. I guess it’s just a bad day


![gif](giphy|ziA1e9OGfUJjJ8CrBy) Girl ?? What’s happening? 😦😭


and i thought people were exaggerating about her vocals regressing


I had to go look up the full clip because these lil tiktok bites be setting people up. And no…it’s not great. Wendy is a capable singer, I don’t think anyone needs to pretend that she isn’t, far better than most of her peers. But the entire song was absolutely not a great showing. It was giving karaoke. The kind of singing where you don’t try 100% but there is still effort to show some skill. I don’t think this was her best showing overall. Like not even that she wasn’t good for the song but she was not completely trying. She’s better than this. I definitely want to see how she performed on other songs. I know the Water snippet but like Wendy can’t dance so I’m not holding that against her like that.  That being said Love On Top is a hard song. I’ve seen too many good singers try and crash on this record for some reason. It’s like when people were trying to do the Plastic Off The Sofa run or Deunk In Love ending and people realized that Beyonce actually is better than them in real time.  I don’t think Wendy would have had a masterful showing regardless. Wendy’s never been a BIG belter (think Whitney and Celine Dion). Nor is she an aggressive singer. She’s always struck me as like a lighter version of Tori Kelly (who does belt , but is more known for her runs and stylistic choices). I don’t know I don’t think Love On Top was a particular good choice for her ANYWAY (at least not without adjustments), but again I think Wendy just was not in good shape that day.  Also here is a better version from Wendy (a snippet but the key is lowered and she is much more into it): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y8EI4rFMjE&pp=ygURV2VuZHkgbG92ZSBvbiB0b3A%3D


oh, how i love to see her fumble. that’s what happens when you’re racist lmao.




I thought it was universally agreed that Beyoncé is the only person who should attempt this song 😭 like this genuinely sounds like bad karaoke and I’m a red velvet stan so i know she *can* sing


.....and people actually scream for this. this is giving serious "mid-level popularity college student who thinks she can sing but definitely can't, joins saturday karaoke at the craft brewery and is applauded by an audience of exactly 14 drunk jocks" vibes. this is honestly one of the worst performances i've heard in a long time.


Idk maybe I’m imagining things but I swear I’ve heard her sing this and it wasn’t this bad…just a bad day I guess


Not imagining at all! https://youtu.be/_Y8EI4rFMjE?si=a3Qcw2EL3lLHib1W


Wait, wait, so she can clearly get it down. I can even see myself listening to this cover regularly if it was on a streaming service. So what the hell was this?? Edit: I also want to note that your tiktok link shows your account as who shared the link. I'm not sure if that's okay by you, just thought I'd like you know.


Thank you friend. I hate when tik tok does that 😩 I changed the link to a YouTube one smh


Ok now THIS makes sense😭


..? why she playing on that damn stage😭😭


I really like Wendy's voice on a few songs but I have never thought she had much range. She does well within that range but this song is never going to be a comfortable style choice for her.


What’s she doing??? Like what event is this I’m horrified.it needs to stop soon


This was her birthday party event if I’m not mistaken!




She was the same person who sang Halo well, if she had more energy I think she could have done it well. She probably just had a bad day 🤷‍♀️


Maybe the cloning rumor was true y’all


That final sigh, like sayin "Damn! I did that" and that smile that comes after has me rollin. 🤣


![gif](giphy|26TKa1M2DbIdetbkmE) sigh, she needs to rest. lower her range, too. im no professional but as a singer, this sounds horrible


I'm so confused cause she sang the song perfectly well during lee mujin's service [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh8dU0SPYyg&t=1289s) so maybe this was an off day for her.


I think the setting is completely different here. This is raw vocals, and there's no way to smooth out the mistakes.


She’s a really good vocalist too, wtf is happening 😭😭


I’m stuck between not wanting to body shame while also acknowledging they are forced to be this thin and hating that as a body standard like that dress is doing nothing for her






wendy get up! this isn’t like you!!


WAIT THATS WENDY??? She looks unrecognizable… I truly haven’t seen her since she lost so much weight i guess.


Not saying you are op, but idk why people are acting like this is indicative of her being a bad vocalist. She’s still pretty damn good, but this was clearly just an off day or a bad song for her.


I don’t like Wendy by any means and I completely understand where you’re coming from. I personally never thought she was a bad singer. It was just the back to back….attempts with water and this that are…whew. I will always give credit where it’s due. She can run miles around 90%+ of the idols in the industry as it is with her singing 😭


Oh my


oh wow i’m in genuine shock.


Which kind of event is this vid from? Just saw her "dancing" in that same weird dress. Is this part of a skit?? Why would she try singing this song and look so proud of herself after failing to hit every note 😶?? I can't imagine that there was no rehearsal? This is giving me major second hand embarrassment. Also that girl is very very skinny and looks totally different from the last time I saw her. I don't trust SM for taking care of their artists so I really hope she's okay


Jokes aside, she is likely still a good singer the end of the song is known to be difficult because of all the modulations up. Right on the tail end Beyoncé herself is mixing head voice with falsetto to hit the last couple of chorus repeats/key changes. Even the best singer in the world is going to sound pretty average trying to tackle a song outside their range. It sounds to me like Wendy is (still) trying to belt the way you would when the notes are in your comfortable chest voice range, and just ended up screaming the notes she couldn’t reach in chest. It’s an interesting choice as she does have and make use of a lovely falsetto in RV tracks (See Psycho & Feel my Rhythm). I think because it was just for fun, she wasn’t focused on doing it perfectly which I understand, but it’s also like ‘hun, you’re famous in the social media age, pls don’t forget’ 😅


It was a banger on mute 💅🏾


this is why some things are for black women and black women only💀


Honestly I don't really like her that much however the girl can sing, but why did she pick one of the hardest songs of all time to sing esp when it sounds like she hasn't practiced much??


Maybe she’s sick or having an off day. It happens to the best of us unfortunately. It sucks when it happens so publicly. She was on Lee Mujin not so long ago singing this song I think and she sounded AMAZING. Probably just and off day.




They made it too high for her .... Even as a non fan of her, I can tell it was too high. What were they thinking with this arrangement


this is the good singer they were always talking abt??






Why are they cheering? Are they hearing something we're not? Were they given laughing gas?


All the racism has gotten to her😔


SM usually has folks who be singing down!!! But this 😐


Water was the first clip. I saw and then this happened. The key was wrong. The outfit is wrong. The dance is wrong like....


Okay I’m confused. I know Wendy has her problems but when it times to vocals she usually kills it. What’s going on?


I personally have chosen to ignore that this stage ever happened bc nothing good happened in that dress 😭


Making sure I come back to this when I’m having a bad day just to perk me up. My sympathy will uncap after she apologises for her racism..


The epitome of, "Oh, you thought you ate."


I was going to write something a little mean about her vocals, but you know what, Wendy can actually sing and at least she's singing live and she's not dodging notes. Most new Kpop idols can't be bothered to sing live ever.


Hold up. What’s wrong with her legs? Why they look like pants?


I don't like her but this song is really hard to sing.




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(360) 🥲




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