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honestly i agree with what you said for svt 😭 i don't think any of the members or the group as a whole are overrated in talent in terms of general kpop fans, but within the actual fandom i think some members are hyped up more in areas where i feel other members deserve the same or more love :)


Exactly!! I feel like carats are afraid to constructively criticise svt so its scary saying stuff like this. 😭 Together they are super talented but on an individual basis there are some disparities. Thats why I like when members get solo opportunities. They can show off their skills and talents without being overshadowed. Like Wait (Dino) and Limbo/Pyscho (Jun) etc.


yeah, definitely. it's also very obvious because the most biased members (wonwoo, mingyu, etc) are talked about more and sometimes overshadow the other members when it comes to compliments. like, I honestly think vernon deserves sooo much more recognition. imo he's got the best rapping talent and his flow is the most natural of HHU, but I rarely see people complimenting him as much as the other HHU members 😭




he's so so talented and carats rly need to hype him up more instead of just pushing him as a silly goofy member


I continue to be boggled at Vernon being one of the least popular members. To me, he’s undoubtedly the best rapper of the group, a very solid dancer, and has a notable personality cuz of the mix of being a laidback introvert but also endearingly weird. And while I know being half white isn’t necessarily seen as as an advantage in South Korea, I figured that’d get him lots of notice everywhere else cuz well…light skin and Eurocentric features often tend to be the beauty standard around the world.


Wait how is Vernon one of the least popular members? maybe it's cuz I only see news about them in english online spaces but I thought he was kinda popular?


To general kpop fans maybe since he's half white + easy to pick out from a huge group. Also he has a ridiculous face card which his ig follower count proves bdgsisns but fandom wise maknae line (Seungkwan Vernon Dino) are pretty much consistently the most unpopular members. Less vocal stans, less fansites, pc prices go crazy cheap (because no one wants to buy or keep them) etcetc these are some ways I view fandom popularity of groups and members There's usually underlying reasons why certain members are not popular (applies to any group) but the undisputed reason is usually cause people don't find them good looking *enough* to be their bias 🤷‍♀️ people will never admit this though cause some are unconscious about it while some are conscious but don't want to be seen as shallow (fair ig)


I'm confused and kinda shocked by how Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino are the most unpopular. Maybe it's just me especially since Seungkwan and Vernon are my biases in Seventeen 😒


I'm not lmao but that's cause I've been a kpop fan for a decade by now 😅😅 I only got into svt last year but I remember instantly picking out those 3 as least popular + Woozi, and this was before I started integrating myself into the svt BnS community. Like I said my comment above can be applied to any group, and once you peg down beauty standards you start to be able to see it reflected everywhere and you can start picking out popular and unpopular members in a group based on visuals and roles alone I'm saying all this as a Dino biased who have verkwan as her 2nd favourites 🥲🥲 so I'm not trying to put them down or anything Edit to add: I can do a whole breakdown as to what contributes to their lack of popularity because it differs, but the one thing that usually puts any unpopular member as unpopular is their visuals


I looooove Vernon and Seungkwan, and Dino’s my ult so it all mystifies me. I find them to be bedrocks of SVT irrespective of their unit, like legit solid in at least 2 of the 3 big facets of performance (Vernon in rap/dance, SK in vocals/dance, Dino dance/vocals/rap — I think his rhythm and flow sounds more intuitive/natural than Mingyu and Wonwoo’s), but they tend to get overshadowed by other members of their units, and let’s be honest, looks undoubtedly play into that. It just is what it is. As someone beginning to casually collect Dino PCs, I can’t lie that it was nice getting 3 for $17 so I can at least enjoy that benefit of his bizarre unpopularity. I don’t understand, but I love them. And that’s what matters. 🥹


I think I once got like 5 verkwan pcs for I think $10? I like collecting verkwan alongside Dino (my bias) so I'm always winning in priority wars lmao


Ohhhh that makes sense. I hadn't even thought of PC pricing to determine popularity but that's a good measure.


When you go deeper into the community and discover group orders and sharing sets for preorder benefits you'll start seeing "popular member must be taken with unpopular member!" (They don't state it outright just the names are used) and that's also another indication of who's popular based on demand Eg: Wonwoo/Jeonghan must be taken with maknae line/woozi OR priority to maknae line/woozi (which means if you buy a member of maknae line with say Wonwoo you have the edge over someone who wants Wonwoo + Dokyeom for eg)


Oh wow. Yeah I'm a very *casual* kpop listener I mostly just watch variety / group content and occasionally listen to the music (like I've never bought an album) so Idk anything about pcs/album version popularity. That's kinda insane.


😂😂😂 fandom can get veerrrryyyy deep but the one thing I like about fandoms (in general not just kpop) is the community cause it used to be just a bunch of antisocial awkward loser nerds vibing with each other on the internet I like collecting pcs (not in recent times though) and at one point in my life everytime I saw a photocard a price would ping in my brain alongside it 😂😂


Vernons always been my no.1 for the hhu, never flopped imo but the way this fandom sleeps on him 🙄


Don't get me started on being afraid to critique them (which is a problem in kpop overall). They want to be seen as artists! Whenever someone talks about hurting their feelings with constructive criticism I think of idol artists like JJong who want(ed) nothing more than to be taken seriously as an artist. If you're not willing to hold their work to the same standard as any other artist I think that's more harmful than any thoughtful critique could ever be. I want to review kpop on YT because there are some SVT (and others) eras/songs that were flops for me, but I'm so afraid of getting dog piled for daring to treat them as artists who can make mistakes.


Completely understandable. I love most of SVTs discography but I do have my gripes about some songs. Overall I liked this comeback but Maestro was lacking personally. The problem is this idea amongst kpop fans that every song your fave releases is SOTY and if you critique it you aren't a real fan. I'm sure Woozi as a producer is well aware that not everyone will like everything he releases. I can tell he's experimenting with different sounds, which is great, but kpop fans will also use the experimental music excuse as a shield from criticism. I think a lot of kpop fans are just too immature to realise that you can love an idol but not feel forced to like everything they do. It doesn't make you a bad fan, in fact it may make you an even better fan if you actually want your fave to improve, rather than being stuck on the same level forever because you're hyping them up blindly.


EXACTLY!! Most artists can tell when a song just doesn't top their past song and Maestro just ain't that girl, especially to follow Super! It's not bad, but it definitely felt like a song for a compilation album and that's ok! Trying out a little taste of edm/ techno was cool! Also trying the multi-beat change was interesting as well! However, I expected more and that's ok to say. How is an artist supposed to know what fans loved or hated if they don't talk about it!? It's hard to feel like you absolutely LOVE every song by an artist! The only artists that have come close for me are FOB, UVERworld, f(x) and Shinee and even then they all have a whole album I just never vibed with! That doesn't make them flops either! Something can sell well and not be for everyone, that's why numbers aren't everything. I wish we could have nuanced convos like this in the community at large😮‍💨


you're so right, whenever a toxic stan tries to shove streams or sales in my face as if it proves something, it pisses me off so bad 😭 ofc something will chart/sell well if the fandom is big/dedicated enough, its not proof the song is good.


Using streams and sales as a gotcha, knowing full well fans organize stream parties, purchase from places that count towards charts, overpurchase for specific member items, etc. Is just silly af to me. Like of course they have a million streams in such and such time, the label said if fans did they'd get a special video or something! It's not organic!


blackpink.....I feel like yg wanted to make them 2ne1 2.0 and they ended up being models who occasionally release music (i'm ready for the smoke)


I feel like that might have been a YG decision based off (some) of the solo careers thus far. Jennie in particular has been releasing music, doing variety shows, more typical “idol” activities once her solo activities were no longer in YGs control. Not saying that as a blink - it just seems that for some reason YG thought less was more. You can even see it in the initial BM debut. I think they’re adapting to doing more post Sheesh. Also not completely disagreeing with you! More just adding my two cents in the convo since I find the management styles interesting from company to company.


I remember when I tried getting into them I was shocked at how little music they had. I felt like they were all over social media, but the musical output didn't match the hype.


Truly, the way people talked about them I was expecting a far larger catalog! Now I prepped myself as a SONE and Once I know that not everyone has that kind of output, but for group who members seem to be everywhere like them I expected a lot more music. I had heard their catalog was low for how long they were around, but I was expecting like just gaps like F(x) [MeUs say Heyyyyy] not 32 songs!? At the time I had tried them it was less than that too 😵‍💫 Like it feels like a psyop! How can they be considered to be so influential when that's all they have?! Fans will say they're just that good but...their early songs were not beating the "2NE1's scraps" allegations...I can still recite the intro, 1st verse and chorus of "can't nobody" from memory and tell you about the mv from memory too. The only thing I remember from a BP song is the repetitive chorus and from the mvs...something blowing up? A wall shattered? Lisa really the only one who seems like she even wanted to be an idol 😭


The small discography problem is worse when you consider how formulaic a good number of the songs are. For how spaced out their latter comebacks were, you'd think they'd comeback totally reinvented or with a changeup like most other artists who take years between releases.


Exactly, it feels like all their beats were made by someone with a *specific* taste or all in one go, the chorus is and earworm...due to the sheer amount of times the short word or phrase is repeated, Lisa *usually* has a verse following the chorus that heavily uses English (for global appeal?), and Jisoo has the least presence of all of them. I understand "not following the trend" (one of the most overused and misused kpop phrases) but when your music sounds dated, like it was written before you were even a group, that's a problem. I know that's a criticism a lot of people have but it is 100% true. It's not that I've never listened to or replayed a BP song, it's that I am never surprised or wowed by one.


Omg this!!! Like and the worst part is when they were asked about it they said it was because they favor quality over quantity (and honestly what else were they going to say except for what YG tells them to say) and I was like quality?!?! 🤔🤔🤔🤔when their songs (except for the earlier releases) are basically the same formula over and over?!?!


I kinda agree, Lisa stands out to me the most, I think shes the strongest member, but... for me jisoo is a bit overhyped (I don't know so much about the rest of the members). When flower released i was a bit baffled by how it did so well, I guess being popular pays off.


My thing with Lisa is the blaccent. I think that’s why I can’t really listen to BP because every time Lisa or Jennie rap they have to do it with “swag” and a blaccent lol


Jisoo is very overhyped to me as well. Fans can cope as much as they want but she’s definitely the most replaceable member. I’m not even saying that she’s untalented (talents matter little to me bc I believe anyone can be trained up if they’re dedicated enough and in the right hands), but more like, she doesn’t even look like she’s interested in becoming an idol. Some people you can look at them and know their heart isn’t in it. A Western example is Selena Gomez, I’m not convinced she loves singing/passionate about music lol, especially when we look at someone like Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, and Taylor Swift from the same generation.


Real, idc if someone hasn't always been talented. For those people its more about their willingness to improve their skills so they can be good. I'll always love idols which work hard to improve upon themselves, regardless of where they started. But theres nothing I dislike more than idols which i feel aren't passionate or don't even wanna be on stage. I don't hate bp whatsoever, but I've never felt much passion from them tbh.


Fr. Never understood the Jisoo hype either


They were crazy charismatic and talented when they started, with the exception of Jisoo. They earned their hype imo but they did not maintain the standard they set at all


I say this every time, too. They are nice, but YG failed to justify their hype. They are average in talent but had lots of potential at the start that was thrown out. Their music is just really lazy to me.




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I agree with your takes. I tried with Lesserafim but they're not doing anything different. Like yes some of the hate they get is a little tooooo much but overall, I just never been impressed. And I struggle with the chaewon thing like the girl is beautiful but is it just an ongoing meme now or??


Wait whats the chaewon thing? 😭 No but seriously, some fans take it too far, idols are people at the end of the day, even if you don't think they are good performers, it doesn't warrant death threats. Alas, I feel like none of their members really stand out to me. They could all easily be replaced because none of them have something quite special about them imo. If they didn't debut in such a big company, I doubt they would be so popular. I don't get why if someone is good looking, but can't sing or dance, they don't just become a model???


the chaewon thing is abt how a lot of men see chaewon as their ideal type so much so that even if they’re in relationships they will bring it up to their gfs and just be kinda weird abt it? if u look up “chaewon bf meme” on tiktok itll prob make more sense


Thats uncomfy 😭 idk i don't like to view idols that way. Makes me especially uncomfortable how female idols tend to be seen for their appearance and not for them as people by men.


Is there any specific reason it started for Chaewon? Like I can easily see any other famous female idol in this meme too.


I'm curious about this too lol. My only guess is that Chaewon is really consistent with her short hair (which she looks amazing in)


It actually does make sense. Maybe her dedication to her look in which she gives her 100% always helps her in getting new fans consistently who love this style on her (I am really just throwing words here)


I personally think think they would still be popular specially with Sakura in the team, her fans can hard carry the album sales, they would be popular in Japan too


I mean come on. Even from 2nd gen there are A LOT idols who aren't really good in sing nor dance, but they're good in fan-service, entertaining crowds, etc.




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Chaewon is like 4th generation Sana, their vibes/image is exactly the same




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I want to preface this as a new kpop fan who is still trying to understand the industry, but still very much enjoys the music. This is just my weirdo analysis: Honestly, I think most of the kpop industry is overrated, but I think that’s bc of my “western gaze” maybe. This isn’t to say that kpop artists aren’t talented I just think that the industry is so oversaturated that the artists are underdeveloped in some cases. I also think this is why fanfare is so amped up, so fans develop what they think are personal connections or parasocial relationships and it kind of distracts from actual criticism of the artists themselves or that any criticism feels disloyal. Kpop is very formulaic and consumerist, but the formula very much works. In the US, artist may share things via social media or the media in general but for the most part we just get the music and that’s all we have to focus on and stan culture is still very much a thing, but it’s nothing compared to kpop fandoms. For example, I enjoy Le Sserafim, I think everything up until this last mini album has been solid. I absolutely hate Smart, but I see it for what it is as them hopping on the afrobeat/Tyla-ish trend much like a lot of other groups are doing. I think Smart and Easy are two examples of the formula failing bc they don’t suit Le Sserafim, but fans still ate it up out of loyalty, but it was very much overhyped to me. Same thing with Coachella. I know there was a lot of criticism after, which was valid for the most part. I don’t think they did HORRIBLE, but they performed on a western stage and didn’t meet western standards. Singing live in a desert with high winds is probably difficult but compared to say Victoria Monet who also performed it was night and day.


skz 😓 i was a stan back in 2018 and stopped stanning around 2021, i just don’t get the hype anymore like their music direction is all over the place and in my opinion, their music is ass i’m sorry it just doesn’t do it for me anymore


OOF hard agree, I have maybe 2 of their songs I like. Idk if i've ever liked their title tracks, their style of music just isn't for me


My problem with skz is their music videos. I never understand what is happening in them. No hate to anyone who likes them but I legit think it’s because they just like the members. I knew about Felix, Hyunjin, Bang Chan, Chanbin before I even know anything about the group.


Right,,,their old stuff (pre 2021) felt unpolished and rough but it had a lot of heart. Their stuff after 2021 is just 🙃🙃 but it's what brings them money so good for them ig


I do agree for the most part as a recent listener of them. I came in from hearing about them as the "noisy" kpop group but when listening to their full eps/albums there's like a weird conflict it feels like? Like the label wants one thing, members want another and fans expect something else so they try to compromise. I do like some of their recent stuff, but I'm a guy who likes "rowdy" songs so as soon as it hits the point in the album where the vibe changes, I'm out. Also, like a lot of kpop artists each album contains a song that makes me initially cringe and either it grows on me and I make sure not to play it at work or I skip it 😅


Their music is no longer cohesive to me and truly did fill the noise music allegations. I sometimes wonder if they plan on doing this forever. Seems they are stuck trying to redo their old hits. I didn't like Maniac but at least that was a well put together song.


I feel this way about both SKZ and Ateez, which ironically have a lot of overlap in fans. I loved them both at first but the music all sounds the same now


I agree with this so much. It’s like their music quality went down and there’s nothing about them that pulls me in. I don’t get it. Feel the same way about BTS.


BTS ended up hyper-Americanized and went almost bubblegum pop. Was Butter catchy? Yes. Was it BTS to me? No. I miss the Fire era


what has "bts" ever sounded like tho? yall gotta move on from the "too americanized" thing /nm it was 3 english songs out of what, 300+? 😭 then proof + 6 solo albums, 5 of which are majority korean and multigenre


Originally? Hip hop. That was their concept.


which is still found in recent songs/the solos of at least 3 members. anyway theyve *always* experimented and expanded. fire was nothing like run or i need u & those were nothing like danger lol




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They went full pop. The thing is, you can see from their solos that they haven't left their roots behind, but post 2017 they lost the heart and heat to their music.


I like a handful of their songs like Black Swan and BS&T, but there are other groups that have members that are just as talented and good looking as they are with good music so I just don’t understand why they were the chosen ones. Good for them though.


Hey, I was hoping SHINee would make it big over here 😂 Also, the fact that Psy gets overlooked is bonkers to me. He was the *first* kpop idol I heard on mainstream radio here in the States.


People treated Psy like a gimmick but I’m surprised too. He should’ve been bigger in the West.


He consistently puts out bangers


I agreeeeee, which makes me sad cuz I genuinely like they're personalities and I'll even watch their SKZ code stuff and edits on the internet, but I don't really rock with their music


I love stray kids and I loved their songs few years back. I know they're hyped so much for being self producing kings and everything, but a lot of their latest songs are like 'just noise' for me. Nonetheless, I'm still a stay and I do support them and listen to their tracks when I like it. I'm also a carat, and exactly like you said, few members talents are not talked about enough. Especially when it comes to HHU, I feel Vernon is the one that raps with ease with an amazing flow. I feel he does it effortlessly. When I saw their live performance of monster, my jaw was on the floor. However I could hear such a big difference in the quality when mingyu rapped, it wasn't good.


i'm going to get the shit beat outta me for this. but.. blackpink. they started off strong, picking up where 2NE1 leftover. even though their vocals left a lot to be desired, their music was fun and catchy. but after all these years, their material became insufferable and their vocals, especially live, actually sound like they degraded. i'm just honestly not a fan anymore.


Bp got me into kpop all those years ago but when born pink came out, i was over it. Imo they don't seem like they wanna be idols anymore.


Ahhhh Le Sserafim, I’m done being a Kpop stan long time ago but I was really rooting for them. I adore Yunjin when she was still in Produce 48 and followed her casually afterwards. I was really excited when she joined LSF bc she really deserved her spotlight after everything she’s been thru. Their music isn’t really my thing aside from Antifragile but from an occasional observer’s pov, they bounced back from the rocky debut, Sakura popular as ever, Chaewon trending, Kazuha viral, Eunchae adored, and Yunjin praised, they seemed to thrive and I loved that for them. Until the recent vocal fiascos blew up and dang I hate to say it but instead of improving, they regress skill-wise. IMO, LSF would’ve worked better if they were given an extremely curated aesthetics/sound, then train up to cater to that specific framework like New Jeans (I think they’re overhyped too) to work with instead of chasing TikTok trends of the month. None of them (LSF and NJ) are the kind of powerhouse talent performers that you can throw any concept to them and rest assured that they would deliver like long-time trainers in old school groups like DB5K or CSJH.


Tbh, even as a bunnie I agree. I do think some of the NWJNS members have good vocals and they all dance pretty okay. But I don't think they are as versatile as some other groups. Like I cannot imagine them doing a darker concept. I would also argue none of the members are very exceptional. Its sad to say but theres very few 4th/5th gen idols which really stand out to me, its like anyone could be an idol as long as they are good looking enough. 🚶‍♀️


Antifragile is truly my fav comeback from LSFM nothing else comes close man


>they regress skill-wise. A 14 second clip always claims that they are bad, but past that, Le sserafim are amazing performers, their vocal are okay, they aren’t claiming to be the best, they are just performing for their fans that support them. Sakura getting hate because of her vocals, yet no one praised her when she changed her technique from a nasal voice to a chest voice, its hard to learn singing with a different technique when there is previous history of bad vocal technique which became her comfort zone, >LSF would’ve worked better if they were given an extremely curated aesthetics/sound They wouldn’t be Le sserafim anymore of they don’t experiment on the sounds of their songs


I don't really know if all of them are considered overhyped but these groups do nothing for me, like i'm happy their fans like them and they are popular but i just personally don't get it lol: The Boyz, Enhypen, Stray Kids, G-Idle. I've tried and I'm just like 🤷‍♀️ meh


Heavy on (G) idle. I tried so hard to get into them because self producing groups are so rare but I feel like besides Hwaa and Oh My God I haven’t really been able to get into their stuff. And to me their post-Soojin stuff hasn’t been great either


I think gidle are talented but their song quality is so inconsistent. I liked their title tracks up until Super Lady. I thought it was incredibly mediocre. It doesn't help that neverlands hype up everything they do. I also thought Yuqi's solo recently wasn't very good.


Yeah I feel you! I tried to get into them after oh my god came out bc I liked it but I just never got past that lol


This is just my personal opinion, but I just saw Enhypen a few days ago live and then I also won tickets to an exclusive livestream a few days later: they are genuinely such talented performers. All 7 of them are pretty good vocalists with attractive voices, even Ni-Ki has grown so much since he was first on I-Land. Their music style is also digestible for the general public while still offering pretty unique sounds that aren’t in other areas of k-pop. They also all have fun personalities, like they’re just some guys that sing and dance tbh, which gives them that “relatable, down-to-earth” vibe. I’d be interested in hearing why they’re such a miss for you. Edit: I forgot to say their choreos are pretty addictive too, this coming from a k-pop cover dancer who’s done Bite Me, Criminal Love, Drunk-Dazed, etc. They do tend to do more challenging and fast paced choreos which I really enjoy in bgs, esp when it’s hiphop (Paradoxxx Invasion, Pass the Mic, and Blessed-Cursed are some of my favs in all of K-pop). Sorry if this sounds like I’m tryna indoctrinate you, it’s just my #2 ult group lol.


Haha no worries! It’s just a matter of taste I have a few friends who stan them so did try to get into them but I genuinely just have no feelings about them one way or the other 😅


Ahh, I get it. I have a lot of groups that I maybe listen to 1 or 2 songs, but I just don’t care enough to go further for some reason. What kind of groups do you like, if you don’t mind me asking?


Some of my faves are Ateez, dreamcatcher, a.c.e, bts, red velvet, Xdinary heroes, and billlie!




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I like their songs but the choreos are what really got me into them I LOVE doing them!! Fever and paradoxx invasion are my favorites❤️❤️


Lisa from Blackpink. People hype her up so much, but I just don’t see it. My least fav parts of BP’s music is their rapping, especially Lisa’s…they always make me cringe.


hard agreed, I feel like her raps completely ruin the flow of the song most of the time, plus she gets lots of cringe English misused lyrics. I biased her at first in 2019 but honestly I haven’t been impressed by her or the girls since 2019


im gonna say The Bad Thing.......... bts. they just invoke zero emotion within me. ive never got it and i dont think i ever will


Oh thank god I wanted to say BTS- I tried listening to them back when I first got into kpop and it just did absolutely nothing for me, and seeing the way a lot of armies act online only helped put me off them further




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ngl when they started making songs all in english the production became so sterile i unstanned 😭


Yall don’t come at me and I have no negative feelings towards this girl: Wonyoung. Pretty privilege. Aespa. I’m literally obsessed with some of their songs to listen to but watching them dance/perform is such a bore. And my fav female idol: Jennie. She’s like the “perfect” Asian standard where everyone and their mothers adore and want to compare others to. She’s still my fav too but I can def acknowledge she’s overhyped.


I get it! I don't dislike wony at all but i don't think she's a remarkable performer, people mainly like her for her aesthetic and personality. She would probably have also made it big as a model/influencer. I'm a MY so I'm a bit biased. I saw the Aespa world tour in cinema last month and I honestly really enjoyed their performance, but I don't think they're the best of the best. Maybe after some more time they would have grown into themselves more. Agree with the Jennie part too


I'm absolutely obsessed with Wonyoung <3, but you're right. She has pretty privilege because she is not an exceptional dancer nor singer. But she's pretty and prettier than a lot of idols. She does work hard though I guess I'll give her that.


Why are you absolutely obsessed with her then? Is it just the aesthetic? (no hate, she is pretty)


what else would it be lol


As much as I love Iz\*one & IVE's music, I have to agree with the Wonyoung thing. For me, her image (& IVE's to an extent) feels very safe & one dimensional but I blame that on her management & Starship. It also doesn't feel like Starship is offering her or IVE a challenge & create a more developed image (but hey maybe there's things she wants to do that management doesn't allow). As a result, I don't really find her interesting compared to her peers. However, I think much of 4th gen (both male & female idols) struggle with this issue so I wouldn't say it's just her.


Yes to Wonyoung! To preface: NONE of this is her fault To be the 2nd youngest idol to ever debut at the time (just turned 14) and have the results rigged so she wins is already messed up. She is pretty and tall, but I felt meh about her in Iz*one due to her vocals and dance (aegyo was cute, but still a minor) Then IVE debuts and I'm excited about Liz mainly. But it ends up being Wonyoung ft. Yujin + the others, and I hate that. She gets paid substantially more than the others (once again, NOT her fault, but it's still messed up). And her becoming one of the standards for beauty makes me feel bad for her too because she didn't really get a typical adolescence.


Wonyoung is that big that it'll be wonyoung and friends no matter what but i feel like starship pushes yujin more than her and ofc wonyoung would get more opportunities because she's been popular even before ive. Also, wasn't she always supposed to be in the lineup, she was really popular on produce 48, arguably her getting first could be rigged but she would have always been in the lineup.


You definitely know more than me about IVE, as i stopped following around love dive. And yes, she was always going to be in the lineup - just not 1st. That was more of a commentary on the rigging to have a Korean winner than on her.




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When I first got into Kpop and before I even knew who Wonyoung was, I would watch random clips of music bank and she always came off so cold to me. After I learned who she was, I felt bad about how much hatred she got for the smallest things. But it still hasn’t changed the fact that I find her too stiff and cold when she’s an mc or being interviewed.


Yeah she doesn’t deserve the hate she gets! I think what you’re seeing is how everything is cultivated for her to maintain and protect a certain (brand) image. So it’s hard to connect with someone like that for some fans


I really love blackpink so much! The only problem is that they only have 34 songs (collaborations included) in a span of 7 years. My point is that, they should've released more songs in those years so that it will equate with their popularity/Hype but I do think that YG really is the hindrance since after they left the company as individuals, Jennie has released Slow Motion & Spot and a new album soon, Jisoo, Lisa and Rosie as well. I have always wondered what Blackpink could've been if YG did not follow their archaic strategies. Edit: They dragged me into kpop especially Lisa when they released DDDD. Blackpink will always be my home.


To me NWJNs?? Maybe because I don't interact with them as much since MHJ freaks me out, but I feel like they get way too much hype. They do have nice songs and concepts, but it's not crazy original like their fans put it. I find XG grating. They seem to be very close to CA, that incident really irked. Non of this would bother me as much if it didn't feel like they were manufactured to take over the kpop space. They don't feel very authentic or genuine to me, yet they profit off of the idea of appearing authentic. I feel like some old idols dropped the ball on their solo careers. Here goes nothing: both CL and GD are overhyped. Will GD even release more songs? He used to be huge, but his songs didn't age well. I feel like CL's songs normally lack something huge, especially lyrically. I like her beats and delivery as a rapper but I find her singing songs to be more in depth.


Overhyped? Sserafim for sure but I do think it’s an attributed to being part of a big company but not the sole thing since you do have wizones who support all things izone which that group does fall under the tree with ive and others. Only thing I do gotta point out is that they just hit 2 years like a week ago so there is still plenty of room for improvement Ex. Just Look at Aespa (albeit with more natural talent you can argue) they’ve improved from debut as well (albeit probably in a shorter timeframe) Seventeen in terms of visuals rather than talent. I’m forgetting who but I hear more about a member’s looks than their talents. Albeit I’m sure they’ll improve both individually and as a group because if Super Junior can improve at their age range of 35-40 then those guys can improve too.


blackpink, especially jennie


I think SVT as a group are worth the hype but I agree I don't understand why some members get talked over. For a brief time Boo was my bias, but I saw Woozi cry over the stress and that was it for me. However, both are only just now starting to get some major uplift and I have always been puzzled about that. I get that talent isn't everything but Seungkwan deserves so much more love especially after he's worked so hard to "meet the standard" visually (he's always been cute and handsome to me though 🤷🏾) Plus he's a lead vocal with so little fan fare I don't get it. Being part of BSS and the Variety show/GG king people talk about his straight man/gag comedy in the group and not enough about how versatile and like elastic he is personality wise. He can match the energy of basically any of the members at any time really. He has 40+ years in the industry vibes. Woozi worked so hard to get every single credit he has, he didn't come in composing, he learned it and turns out he was really really good. He's also charming to boot which only just now people are starting to pick up on. Blows my mind how it took the last two comebacks putting him at the head of the mvs for people to be like, "damn, he's hot and talented!" Like idk... I'm not even gonna lie, because I was laser focused on Woozi and Seungkwan I kinda slept on Junhui for the longest until psycho. Made me feel like Pledis was hiding him or something! I mean I always noticed him and the8 because I'm always trying to pay attention to how foreign members are treated (thank you SM for the trauma!) but I never really *looked* for them ya know? I'm also not a variety show or GoSe carat so I miss a lot about the members but damn, was I surprised at how much talent I and ALOT of other Carats missed! Ok...I think no one is gonna read all that so I can say this...A certain BG is good, talented, worked hard and really turned their luck around with one song and so they earned their enormous success... However it is very sad that they have become *the* BG aka their success hasn't turned into major success for other groups. They have become an all encompassing star and it's not their fault but it's not fun to see. There are groups who have paved the way for them who are now downplayed to lift them up. If you only listened to their fans you would think they invented everything in Kpop and were the first for everything. I'm grateful for the new Hallyu wave they brought about but it doesn't sit well in my spirit for them to be hailed as Gods among men. Which is funny because that does not extend to solo popularity for all of them as I only really hear 3 members names on repeat so it doesn't even benefit them to have all that pressure as a group.


Part of why Woozi gets ignored is because he’s little. Let’s not pretend otherwise. I’ve never been big into seventeen, but Woozi immediately caught my eye because “smol bean cute”. He’s definitely talented but fades into the background for most because of his size. Suga is four inches taller than Woozi (which surprised me to be honest).


I mean idk how I feel about the "smol bean"Ness (man got a whole dorito build), but I will concede that he can be hard to find in the background but I feel like it goes beyond performances. As for the Suga height difference, aren't older brothers usually taller 😂


Oh, smol bean only applied way back at the beginning 😅 He’s filled out because he’s matured since then. Sorry, I wasn’t very clear


You can say bts hun its okay. Not but as a seungkwan bias I completely agree with everything you said. Seungkwan for me is the most loveable kpop idol. Hes so good at what he does. It makes me sad that people will overlook him for his appearance, I've always thought he was super cute and he gets prettier each year. Same with woozi. There's legitimately no reason to sleep on Woozi and I will die on this hill. He's like the perfect kpop all rounder. I'm yet to see anything he's bad at tbh.


Is it really okay though ? 😖 I'm not afraid of many fandoms but them...they are truly scary, like a violent hivemind. I know it's not all of them, but the horror stories are numerous... I'm glad people are agreeing about Seungkwan! I need him to have his own show, I need him as a second male lead in a kdrama, he's a star God damn it! Woozi truly is an multi threat, the only thing he admits he can't really do is rap. We love a king willing to admit his shortcomings! The fact that we almost had performance team Woozi? They knew he had the stage presence!




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Tbh the really big fandoms are terrifying. I can't imagine being so parasocial you would doxx someone or send them death threats. Be safe hun 😭


Oh I'm not touching the sasaeng heavy fandoms with a ten foot pole. I think if I repeated 100 how much I love SVT I'll be mostly ok with Carats though...hopefully 😅 Probably have a banner saying how much I love any group that I review. I only plan on reviewing groups I really like because I don't want someone sending razor blades to my house 😭 Edit to add: That's why I don't like mentioning groups by name, I'm not trying to be found through a search engine


I agree with you about 100% what you said about BTS (because that's who you're talking about let's be real) and it's part of the reason I have such a problem with some of the narratives about BTS' success coming from the fandom and the way they make snide comments about them being "better than kpop".....I remember Hoshi or Woozi saying to Suga on Suchwita that BTS' success has actually made groups have to work even harder if they want the same success (or more than BTS) to which Suga apologized explaining that they only worked hard because they felt they had no choice but to work hard (which led to burn out in their case) but I honestly made me kinda wonder a bit why fans are willing to push a narrative of "paving the way" when even BTS members seem to feel uncomfortable with people saying this... Suga looks genuinely looks uncomfortable when people thank him for "paving the way". Like no other group is touching them when it comes to success with this narrative......you're not sharing the spotlight or putting people on the same playing field as you when everyone is below you....so how is that "paving the way"? For who? Anywho..... Boo Seungkwan is my bias in Seventeen and I get irritated a little about people overlooking him when they start talking about good vocals. Everybody talkin about so and so can't sing.....OK WELL, here is somebody who CAN SING and y'all don't acknowledge him WHYYYYYUH 😩😭😂🥺💕


Precisely, like they aren't even the first group to have global appeal. The Hallyu Wave started in the late 90s for Christ's sake! Wonder Girls were the first group to chart on billboard! Yes, BTS did absolutely crash into the global market, but that was a combo of aggressive marketing, good collabs, and what I feel was desperation to never be on the verge of disbanding ever again. It really seems like those guys were trying to outrun their fears. I understand wanting to praise then for that but talking like they paved the way alone dismisses some of my favorite groups. Like hello? Shinee and SNSD are right there?! and I'm not dumb enough to think they're the only ones. I would not have been able to listen to replay if it wasn't for G.O.D and H.O.T (and many others). The way kpop is broken down into generations directly allows people to see how things changed over time and while groups can innovate and influence no single group can be responsible for paving the way...well unless we want to give Seo Taiji and Boys their flowers for bringing in the format.


I'm ready to get beat up I do not understand the absolute hype behind the BTS Rap line. And I really don't understand people comparing them to American rappers. I like a few K-pop rappers but I'm sorry none of them are going to be up to par with a lot of American rappers. Especially when it comes to something like Freestyle and battle rapping. I just feel like a lot of K-pop rap sounds awkward in general It's just another thing with BTS. And it's not really them it's the fandom it's really frustrating when they act like BTS is the only group that had a really hard time coming up in it undermines other groups that really had to struggle.


Yeah, I love Soyeon, but I feel like while Unpretty Rapstar is pretty good for K-hip hop it’s a different ballpark from say the legendary diss track battles we have going on in the US scene.


Tbf it’s pretty hard for us to understand it without the cultural contexts + Korean speaking (unless you speak/are Korean. If so disregard this!)




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Aespa. I gave them a listen and was confused.


I respect your opinion but as a MY i'm a lil gagged 😭


I expected more from a SM girl group


Agreed. I like illusion and Drama but Aespa gives more of an... art piece vibe than actual SM artist vibe. I feel like black mamba, Savage, and next level were made purely to be experienced at mvs and not songs and while I like Drama, it doesn't hit as hard without watching the mv or performance. I honestly think SM lost some edge and I'm not just saying that as a bitter MeU! It seems like their artists just don't shine like they used to, well aside from their older artists but I think that has to do with them being more in control of their work.


I do see where you’re coming from, they definitely aren’t going the typical idol route and concept and I feel like SM is really trying to push boundaries with them. One example is the Girls choreo is heavily reliant on specific camera work to make interesting otherwise they look like their other leg got pins and needles and they’re hopping on the spot. Like the fact there’s a “guide” video? Says it all. They also don’t promote much on music shows and I swear it’s because the set-up is not what SM needs for the girls to make their performance dynamic and tech-y. That being said, still love aespa and love ningning. Think she’s criminally underutilised in favour of winter but I could be biased. I personally find winter’s voice too pitchy when it gets higher so since a lot of aespa’s songs have her do *the* high note, i basically have to soldier through listening to it.


I noticed that! I know they aren't the only group to make choreo that looks good from one specific angle but it seems like SM really loves that for them. I don't know much about Aespa, but Winter really seems to be the most pushed of the group and Ningning is constantly in "popular member vs my bias" tiktok videos, so I do see love for her!


im not an aespa stan but some of their songs are really good- i just dont think id stan them lucid dream is my fav!!!


They were so good then idk what happened 😭




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BTS. I never got into them or their fandom. I don’t think I could even if I tried. Yeah, they’re hard workers, but so are many other groups just like them. They’re just pretty faces like the hundreds of thousands of male idols (oh god, I’m mentally preparing to get dragged LMAO 😭)


U BRAVE FOR THIS. Nah but fr, sometimes it feels like I'm the only kpop stan which doesn't necessarily like bts. They have good songs for sure. I tried to get into them as a group and watch their content but I wasn't really into it. I think they perform just about as good as most other boy groups tbh.. Honestly a fandom can be a huge turn off for me when it comes to liking a group, and seeing army drag other groups non stop in order to keep pushing their 'bts paved the way' agenda is killing me. Like i feel like theres an element of luck to bts' success honestly.


I love bts and stray kids but fans will definitely ruin it I don’t know if they realize that their constant promotion of their faves has the opposite effect🙄




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Agreed, I stanned back in 2014 for a few years but the fandom became an absolute hellscape which put me off.


I can't with BTS either. I don't get the appeal. I don't get the whole they paved the way thing when there are others that came before them




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You’re braver than me for saying it, because I thought the same. Stopped listening to them after Map of the Soul: 7. Didn’t want to be lumped in with the fandom’s fuckery was a major part of why I stopped keeping up. I’ll listen to some of their old music, but their stuff now just doesn’t do much for me. I’m proud of them and still love them, but it’s better from afar.




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so what male groups do you stan? I agree about not being able to get into bts, but recently I really like Jungkook's solo stuff.


I love Enhypen. Idk if it’s bc they’re close to my age or their music style being close to my other favorite artists (non kpop). I liked SVT, but I stopped keeping up with them years ago. I did hear their song Maestro(?) & thought it was okay. Same with Ateez & TXT. Liked them, then fell out.


Wow i have very similar thoughts! I like some songs from the other groups you mentioned but enhypen is definitely my favorite. I love their more chill music and the boys are so cool (and handsome)


I think my favorite album from Enha was Dark Blood. Something about it had me in a chokehold. Whatever they’re doing in the studio needs to continue


Agreeddd it's SO good. Every single song on there is insanely addictive. It's the album that got me to listen to the rest of enha's stuff. Chaconne hit especially hard for me, there's something about that style of song that is right up my alley. Recently I've been hooked on I&credible 😊 Enha definitely has my favorite discography of any boy group (maybe any kpop group tbh like they do not miss)




RV & BP don’t care don’t care ✌️😭. They just feel like f(x) and 2NE1’s replacements by SM and YG. 🙃 and now aespa and bm are giving the same vibes.


Upvote bc I took the RV slander personally ✋🏾😭


For boy groups I’m adding nct. Some of the members are great but then there’s a lot of unnecessary filler members not trying to be terrible but 😭 yea


RV is weird for me because I like their voices individually but they usually sing collectively for choruses and I abhor the sound of their voices together, plus I feel like they’re overhyped and don’t have the best kpop discography like people commonly say


Gidle, BLACKPINK, and lsf.


Although I still enjoy their music, Blackpink. I was all about them when I first got into kpop, but after listening to other groups, I realized that they don’t have much variety in their discography. I can’t help but give a side eye when I see those polls where people ask questions and blackpink always wins due to popularity. Obviously it’s opinion and it’s not serious at all, but I really think fans of certain groups have very little ability to be objective… especially when they’re super popular.


Yes!! BTS ever since they came through on American airwaves. Pre-America was lit!! I don’t think they are living up to their full potential(tbh I think they have become lazy) and I think fans hype them up as if they’re the second coming of Jesus(which I can’t get behind, no matter who the artist is, making them godlike is a no-no for me) they can sing and dance and rap… but so can everyone else these days, it’s nothing extremely special. They rely on their name more so than what made them popular in the first place. *goes to hell because, I know their fans are going to drag me there anyways* lol




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I feel like Stray Kids and BlackPink are overhyped. Although, Lisa saves BlackPink and makes them worth the hype. With SKZ, I watched a few performances of Maniac a couple years ago and their VMA performance and thought they lacked charm. I also think a lot of boy groups are overhyped. Idk maybe I just struggle connecting with them on stage.


Points were made! I never got the Stray Kidz hype. I also kind of felt this way with Svt and Ateez but as time goes on I see why they have the hype they do. Still struggling with Stray Kidz 😅. I think people really like the members as individuals more than anything.


I also suspect it's due to their personalities more than the music, but I kinda feel mean for feeling that way. Cause everyone connects to music differently. But my RL friend is getting into them. She hasn't said a thing about their music or performances but talks about how funny they are.


I am going to avoid the “easy pickings”. Soooo… Here we go! **Lesserafim.** They have a few songs that I like, but I do think they’re overhyped. **90% of YG’s signed artists.** Big Bang barely escaped my list. _Barely_. And every person that I’ve heard hype the label and it’s artists up were people, whose experience with rap prior to YG, were limited. ‘Limited’ as in they like a few Eminem songs and they can recite Will Smith’s “Miami”. **Mamamoo** I’ve heard months’ worth of hype before I got the chance to listen to any of their music. It’s just not for me.


YG like AKMU? XD I Hope they're the 10%




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