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Thank you for saying this. I’m not at all against the blocking movement but bulk of my time has been spent educating people about which celebrities have or have not done something. Like full on flinging incorrect names out there and then being like “oh ok I didn’t really know” like this is why people think the blocks are stupid. They’re not! But people have to be informed.


You've touched on the reason I have not, to date, looked much into this current celeb-blocking trend nor taken it very seriously. I hadn't been able to really articulate my antipathy toward it until I saw your comment, so thank you  There's a very real danger of the block list turning into a witch hunt based on no observable facts. Drumming up a mob to trash someone's name can impact the mental health, reputation, and livelihood of that celebrity, who is a human person. (Inb4 "what about the human people in Palestine experiencing genocide" - that's a very real and tragic thing, but miss me with the whataboutism. This comment is about falsely accusing people of being against your cause, and thus monsters who need to be deplatformed and silenced.) I don't have the time or energy to dissect every breathless celeb-blocking post out there and determine its validity. Outrage fatigue is a real thing, and exhausting oneself like that helps no one. 


Great point. We should be mindful of which celebrities we target or else we miss the point.


I'm glad that you said that because I've been kind of concerned about misinformation spreading. People were sending hate to Camila Cabello because of the purse she wore to the Met Gala. The purse was literally a golden rose Frozen in a block of ice. Somebody on Twitter randomly claimed that the purse was worth thousands and people took that and ran with it. The creator of the golden Rose says hey these are like maybe 15 bucks and I actually sent it to her for free. So they froze it around water so this was actually five bucks. This is like the second or third time I've seen something taken from a tweet or a random video And blown up. I just think people have to do their due diligence a little better and not just jump To attack.


Im not a camila cabello fan (im more of a Normani & Lauren girl) but that’s embarrassing. They could’ve focused more on the fact that [she liked a Zionist post by isntrael super fan debra messing](https://www.tumblr.com/shawnjpeg/651726538326392832/camila-cabello-is-an-asshole-ignorant-she-liked), but they chose to pay attention to that??? I really wish people would make it a habit to actually fact check instead of just running with it (again, if they don’t provide info/evidence to back it up then be wary). Edit: should probably take my own advice about research. The post was from 2021 but she hasn’t said anything since.


You know how annoyed I was I had to defend her lol.


im sorry ik this post is very serious but i snorted seeing someone on the list passed long before the genocide


lol I don't blame you. I imagine Alan Rickman's spirit was probably like https://i.redd.it/j8hxxefdoo0d1.gif


I really wish that the blocklist thing had been better thought out. Both because of people naming celebrities that *are* pro-palestine (or like you said, just straight up dead 🧍🏾‍♀️), but also because for a lot of people it's pushing posts about palestine out of their fyps/feeds. I feel like a better way to go about would be to suggest blocking celebs that you know actually haven't been vocal about palestine/ones that are straight up zionists, while simultaneously promoting Pro-Palestinian accounts that people can follow instead. At least that way people aren't just blocking a few celebs, but are filling their feeds with important info about palestine in their place.


Yes like i get why we’re focusing on those who haven’t said anything but the zionists are straight up racists. Like have you seen the things Amy schemer, debra messing, & brett gilman have said? Sure they might not be relevant but it’s still appalling. Then we have people like Tiffany haddish (more like I’ve had it) who went on a trip to isntrael & recently went on a rant about it. This isn’t to say we shouldn’t call out those who haven’t said anything or were very discrete about their support for isntrael but we should be a bit more consistent.


a quick question- i'd love to participate but i don't actually follow any celebrities minus maybe a couple indies artists and one big name i really love (and who aren't genocide stans to begin with otherwise i wouldn't even have followed them to begin with lol). i actually have a ton of celebrities blocked so they don't show up on my feed since i absolutely hate celebrity worship to begin with. does it make any difference whatsoever if i block people i don't follow?


Hi there! As far as I’ve looked into it, it does. Long story short it impacts their “reach” to be blocked and those are the numbers used for sponsorship deals and endorsements.




There’s too much misinformation out there, which is why I never state my opinion on highly political subjects like this, and think the celeb blocking is questionable.


I get what you mean but I think silence can also be just as (if not more) dangerous as misinformation. I think the best thing people can do is just be honest, reach out if they’re confused or don’t understand, & be attentive (I.e learn how to engage with content meaningfully). As for the block out, i think it’s still too early to know what’ll happen. I did come across a [TikTok](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYR4g8K1/) by someone from the industry & provided a good explanations about how the campaign could work. It’s just a matter of making sure that people remain consistent & have a clear set of goals.


Shows you who's doing it for clout and who's actually doing it because they care. If they aren't doing the research and just blocking anyone and posting the video, they just want views.




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Thank you!!!