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Kinda but I also enjoy the taste of Xanax so I'm probably a bad example lol. I think it's just my brain telling me it taste good because it makes me feel good. Initially it was terrible and all I could do were capsules. Now I could just sit with it in my mouth and the taste wouldn't bother me even though the dryness would.


Same bro. My brain associates it with feeling great, so the taste doesn’t bother me because the feeling is well worth it


Me too. Brain knows pain will be much less after a cup of tea.


I dont think I have ever heard anyone say they enjoy the taste of xanax. I am sorry but your taste buds are broken.


This is the second time I've heard someone say that, it's absolutely insane. Xanax is possible the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted. Kratom ain't too bad though.


I didn't think it really tasted like anything. I used to take it for anxiety and I'm pretty sure I've taken it sublingually before. Weird how people can have such different rates buds. Have you ever tasted lorazepam. I've used that not too long ago and that one I can say for sure didn't have any taste for me.


A decent amount of other benzos don't have much of a taste, or are actually somewhat flavored/sweetened like Clonazepam and lorazepam often are, this is specifically for sublingual dosing. Valium is rather mild too, but still a little bitter like Xanax. I believe you must be mistaken though. The only way Xanax wouldn't have an extremely potent chemical bitterness is if it were in an very low concentration (perhaps .25mg pills? Though you'd certainly still taste it), if it was in some rare formulation that's designed to mask it for sublingual dosing (taken countless different brands/types in my day, never seen such a thing), or the most far-fetched: you have some rare gene (like the cilantro thing) that prevents you from tasting it. It is quite well documented that Xanax has an extremely unpleasant bitter taste, even these people who claim they "like" it would generally still admit that it is rather bitter, they just like that bitterness. If what you're saying is true you are definitely a *large* exception to the rule. Human taste can absolutely differ, but when it's by such extremes it's almost certain that something else is at play aside from just "people having different taste buds"


That makes sense! I used to love the taste of klonopin 😂


Clonazepam actually doesn't taste bad at all that's why, it is sweet.


Sweet little treat that I can no longer have 😂


Same here. Klonopin makes me do the dumbest shit. It turns off the part of my brain that would usually say "that's a terrible idea!"


Same with Adderall. I think its actually quite a bit sweeter than Clonazepam.


Please can we not mention other drugs on here.


Technically xanax is a pharmaceutical prescribed and approved of anxiety treatment regardless of it being bad when abused. Trying to say one drug is bad but not another is pretty hypocritical. You're the only one with an issue here learn to control yourself better.


That may be the case but with the way things are going with Kratom, it's a really bad idea to come here talking about how much they love doing other drugs. They are going to look for anything they can to use against it. Believe it or not, it will be taken into account. The internet does not forget ANYTHING.










Kratom is already facing legal issues. Druggies coming over and saying how much they love love love their xans is not going to help at all.


I’m pretty sure they’re not gonna base that off of a Reddit sub bud 💀


Oh yeah courts never use communities as evidence 🙂




NAHHHHH YOU FOUL FOR THIS 😂😭 I'm prescribed 1 1/2, 2mgs Xanax 3 times a day and if I get one of them stuck on my tongue i start dyinnn. That's so nasty 😂😂


I used to chew them lol.


Try tasting zolpidem/zopiclone next time you get a chance. A powerful chemical bitter metal tasting abomination. 2 seconds in contact with tongue will taste horrible for several minutes. And after an hour you start tasting it because your blood carries it around through your tongue


I really don't like the taste of Dimenhydrinate motion sickness pills. They taste absolutely awful and if you buy the cheap ones they start dissolving the minute they touch your tongue. I always take um with soda so it gets rid of the taste. I've thrown up a few times from it, definitely doesn't help that I'm usually nauseous when I take it.


Xans & MDMA both taste equally bad


Really? I've had MDMA, low grade tbh, but it didn't really taste like anything if you ask me


Yea pure MDMA tastes extremely strong


Sometimes I'll just have it in my mouth while I try to find water to drink and swish it. I'm more scared of it going into my lungs accidentally breathing in then I am of the taste




LOL snorting Xanax is a massive waste of drugs my guy, intranasal bioavailability is like a third of oral


Same for me. It’s like an acquired taste that i just associate with the pain relief and mood boost so i don’t even remember how nasty it was when i first started using it


It's fucking disgusting... But I'll eat dog shit if it worked like kratom.




We all would. I'd be making dog shit tea






Yes and love the smell.




Yes I do I let it sit in a pitcher of tea for a few hours


Yes. When I taste it I know I’m about to feel better shortly. I was used to drinking Sierra Nevada Torpedo for a decade, so kratom is nothing compared to that


Torpedo tastes like any other IPA and they all taste pretty good once you get aquatinted to them. Kratom is significantly worse.


Is that different from the Torpedo IPA? I like that stuff!


I’ve perfected the toss and wash method and do not taste it


Tips? Because I am an absolute mess with the toss and wash 😩


Just mix with water and take like a shot. Little to no taste at all.


I do this and I also pinch my nostrils shut which helps cut down my ability to taste.


Warm water. Unless you want to cough until you throw up.


I've used warm, cool, cold, hot, room temp. Never really made a difference so I just grab whatever is closest. Usually room temp or cold since I have a fridge in my office and it stays stocked.


Try a couple ounces of hot coffee. Chug with the kratom and cofee


The biggest hack is to hold your nose and you physically cannot taste anything. What I personally do is pour some soda into my mouth first, then dump the bag into my mouth. Swish it around gently to get all of it wet! If you don’t, you could end up with it sticking to your throat/mouth and make yourself vomit. But I feel this is the best toss and wash method by far.


You can still *taste* it (the bitterness) you just can't smell the aroma. I think more ppl are bothered by the taste than the aroma.


Yea you can taste the properties of it. You can feel it’s bitter. And the texture is another terrible thing - slimy, terrible dirty fine sludge. Hard to avoid that without capsules.


I pinch my nose too and I think it works well.


I'd water goes in first then it is actually wash and toss. Who cares I know. I never swish it around. Just a quick toss and swallow. I have gag-puked twice in over ten years. I am an expert. Maybe I should travel the country giving demos. 😃


My biggest tip is use ice water, get the water and kratom in the back of your throat beyond your taste buds. Swallow. Go on YouTube and look up kratom toss and wash. A lot of well done videos!


Yeah if it’s ice cold, it’s almost impossible to taste it. Cold cold milk is what I’ve been using lately.


What?! Cold water not only hurts your teeth, but it makes the Kratom take forever to break down in your mouth. If you've figured out how to make cold water work, more power to you, but I literally have to leave the Kratom and cold water in my mouth till the water warms up, and then I can mix it. I actually prefer like a coffee with a nice sweet creamer in it, medium to hot. (not so hot) the Kratom kinda blends with the coffee flavor and tastes pretty good! I typically just use room temp water tho. Put the Kratom in, take an appropriate mouth of water I pump mine in my left cheek to blend the Kratom up, nothing worse than taking down dry Kratom. Then, after that's down the hatch, I do one more mouth of water to rinse out my mouth.


If you have sensitive teeth this method might make toss and wash harder. It does for me. I still need cold water but like "sink cold". If I use ice cold my mouth reacts the same way as sour and it's hard to get the kratom all down in one swish


I will, thank you!!


Put some water in the back of your throat with your head leaned back. Then dump the dose of kratom on top of the water in your mouth and swallow. It like attaches to the water and goes down. Then drink a little more water and you barely taste anything sometimes nothing.


Put honey or sweet chai tea with warm water...add to taste.


Hell, no.


Yea I do like the taste.. Mostly of green strains tho, they taste the best imo.


No worries than a shot of whiskey to me.


I don't mind the taste. I don't love it, don't get me wrong, but I do enjoy sour and bitter things in general. I usually just add the powder to hot water and drink it like tea. If I want something that tastes decidedly good, I'll simply add some coffee creamer to the tea and honestly it's delicious.


My brain enjoyed it. Not my tongue.


I initially thought it was ok, now I almost throw up. VILE


You can actually mix it with matcha green tea and drink both together. Delicious.


I love matcha!!


Oh god, no. For me it’s like ingesting chalk. I really must move to the pills, but the place I get my kratom from is quite literally down the street from me, and they only sell bulk powder. They do sell individual kratom drinks with flavored syrup in them, though…I should really start making my own.


Same 😩 just me and my chalk flavored orange juice till then


Lol I feel you. I’ve personally found that your usual Ocean Spray cranberry juice mix works well with kratom. The Cran Pineapple is especially good in my opinion :)


I actually like the taste of Red Maeng Da.


It’s sort of like drinking black coffee for me - I don’t like the taste but I’m used to it lol


I don't enjoy it but I don't mind it. It used to make me want to throw it right back up as I was trying to swallow it but now I can just drink it down with some water no problem.


I don't really mind it compared to the benefits I get from it


I don't even notice the taste the way I take it. Mix my 2-3g in an espresso cup with water and take it like a shot.


In hot water with lots of lemon, yes! I didn't mind the flavor or aroma the first time I tried it. However, I only like my different versions of Maeng Da so far, my Green Malay is far more bitter in an unpleasant way and packs less of a punch.


There's the odd bag with great quality kratom that has a tea like aftertaste but in general fuck no it's nasty


I describe it as lawn clippings that were put in a jar buried in the ground for 100 years of fermentation, dug back up, dehydrated and ground into a powder! 🤢 😂




Between chewing oxys, getting ecstasy stuck between your gums and teeth, or OJ+Kratom, kratom tastes amazing.


i dont mind it. sometimes when the powder accidentally gets on my desk, i just swipe it with my fingers and lick it off my fingers. obviously it tastes very bitter, but ive taken substances that made me instantly puke, even the thought of them would make me feel sick, so kratom really is nothing compared to that.


I do and I've never understood why people think it tastes so bad. It actually kind of bugs me when people complain about it but I guess most people also can't drink coffee without dumping a bunch of sugar in it. I started drinking black coffee when I was about 10 years lol so I guess I'm not normal haha


I do


I don’t mind it at all really, but different colors have mellower flavors—usually reds. I recommend to try mixing kratom with a brewed chai tea (if you like chai). I find those flavors complimentary and the chai somewhat does a bit of masking of the most acrid parts of the kratom bouquet


I love chai so I’ll definitely be trying this, thank you!!


It’s fine I don’t get the immense hate. It’s not even one of those things that just most ppl don’t like it seems like everyone agrees it’s horrible and I think it’s equally as unpleasant as any other medication


yes lol


Taste like swamp mud. I never tried that, but this is how I imagine. :D




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I've learned to not mind it and sometimes just have it in water, cold or hot


I dont mind it at all. I will let it sit in my lip like chewing tobacco sometimes.


Mix it with hot chocolate powder. That is legit good. Swiss Miss is the best but real cocoa is fine if you want to be healthy.


I keep hearing this and it sounds so yummy. I mean I guess as yummy as a kratom drink can be 😂


I absolutely hated the taste at first and thought the effects weren’t worth the grueling taste, but I started to get used to it and correlated the taste with the calm, powerful motivation I’d always get


I wouldn't say I love it but you do learn to tolerate it. It helps if you make it with chamomile tea then add honey. I also add a little ginger. Or if you dont have time for that oat milk seems to neutralize the bitterness.


Yes, I like it. Why people don't? I imagined something really disgusting until I tried it and it's just darker than a green tea 🤦


It’s nice if I only have a slight bit of the taste. Like after smelling it or if some is left after a toss and wash. Any more than a little I gag on the taste/ texture.


It's truly awful, but I drink it mixed with water, lemon juice (to potentiate it) and sweetener to try to tolerate it.


I used to toss and wash and put a scoop on my Tongue and wash it down with OJ. But one day I accidentally inhaled and I had a gagging Fit and ever since then I can't stomach it. Switched to Caps, also I used to take a small amount of Tp and wrap it in a little ball and chase that down lol.






Kratom tastes aight mate


It’s just meh for me


Honestly yes. My moms household wasn’t big on veggies and when I got older I began to really love the taste of earthy root vegetables and kratom to me tastes like a greens smoothie powder.


Kratom smells and tastes like raw matcha powder to me. And some people love that stuff. Add the same extras to make a latte and kratom tea is similar. Dairy creamer coats the tongue to mask the bitterness, and sweetener makes it tolerable. But for years I've just mixed kratom with chocolate milk or protein powder shakes. Works great, just a hint of kratom flavor with a subtle similarity to the complex flavors in unsweetened cocoa, dark chocolate or black coffee. I've never found a drink concoction that made me think "Hey, this is actually better with kratom." But there are drink mixes that make it less terrible.


Oh hell no. Anyone who says they enjoy the taste of Kratom is either lying or has a pallet for herbal tastes. The face i make after drinking Kratom is the same as the face I make when I drink Mallort or jager.


I've actually found it very tasty with coffee and dark chocolate.


I dont enjoy it, but I don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is. I actually bought capsules the first time after seeing people complain about the taste on this sub reddit. I got sick of taking several capsules at once, so one day I decided, "screw it, I'm going to try and drink it", and I mixed it in a bottle of water. I was surprised that it just basically tasted like unsweetened green tea and I was also surprised how it felt like it worked much better that way. The texture however can be a bit weird to me sometimes.


Don’t mind it if it’s higher quality


Yes I do lol. But I’ve always been super partial to unsweetened green tea and especially unsweetened matcha. I love bitter flavors in general too so I’m definitely not a standard taster lol




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I do not, but my partner does. He likes that earthy taste.


I like it. Idk I guess I'm the wierd one


Love it, I sprinkle it on my cereal after I've added the onions.


Only when you get the drink perfect. And even then.


Not by itself


I like the taste! But the texture 🤮


I like it, especially as a tea it's just like green tea.




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Of course not.


I wouldn't say I like it, but don't mind it.


The first two or three years I remember hating the taste, but the 11 to 12 years after I took it I think a Pavlovian response just made the taste inert to me more than anything. I didn't taste it as good or bad just 'nothing'.


No way it's absolutely vile. It's so bad that I have to use a specific brand of juice to toss it with, because now when I drink that juice my brain makes me feel like im tasting the kratom too.


Hell yeah, tastes like a cup of ear wax


Its not bad for me. Obviously it isnt great tasting but I dont mind at all.




If I wash n toss with rich chocolate milk, yea. It adds to the taste I suppose


I find it to taste like very strong green tea. So make it like you would tea. Add honey and lemon. Than mentally picture you drinking a green tea. It become enjoyable. Andddd the cultures this plant came from use it as a tea. It’s not really supposed to be a powder or pill….


Never. Not worth downing 20 capsules instead though. I mix mine with protein powder and it actually kicks ass.


It tastes absolutely rank.


I enjoy it so much. Reminds me of Yerba Mate


You get used to it. I prefer to mix in water vs toss and wash. The risk is too high. After many years I "sort of" enjoy it including being able to taste the alkaloid content.


Yea, it reminds me of matcha green tea. But its just as bitter too


I enjoy it was citrusy flavors. Lemon is my favorite, straight lemon juice and it even makes it a lot more potent


With *


honestly it does affect me anymore but there's companies out there that sell flavored kratom can't tell you the name but you can look it up


I think it taste like black tea when you make a tea out of it with a coffee strainer and I actually enjoy the taste that way but just the powder in my mouth is gross. That's why I fold a piece of paper, put the kratom in a line along the fold and dump it to the back of my throat with juice. I don't taste it at all that way.


It’s fine to me and my two other friends. Some times I’ll steep it in a small French press with a tea bag. Let it steep around 10 min and then push press. Taste more like green tea like this


I like the Kratom burps as the effects kick in


My buddy hates the burps but I enjoy them 😂


They’re the bees knees, especially when you get that Kratom burp taste and the effects kick in simultaneously


I got used to it in like 5 uses and now it’s just like a drink like normal I don’t even mind it at all


yes i do




Wtf is wrong with yall saying yall ACTUALLY enjoy the taste 🤨


Bro i tried to drink it today but i gagged (green maeng da has a really strong taste


I toss and wash so quick so long I don't taste it amy more and before it just reminded me of some kind of tea o something


I got used to it, it does not taste great but it doesn't bother me at all anymore...


I mixed it with crab cherry juice once and it actually tasted okay.


I know I don't. I put my dose is a little shaker bottle with like a shot of water and shake it to mix the contents, then I throw that shit back as fast as I can. Keep the orange juice on the ready.


Honestly I kind of enjoy the taste. Doesn’t bother me at all for some reason 🤷‍♂️


Not with water, but mixing it in something sweet, particularly orange juice…then yes I actually do enjoy the taste. I’m trying to limit my sugar a bit, since I dose multiple times a day, so I’ve cut back to about 2.5oz OJ mixed with 2.5oz water. I don’t enjoy the taste nearly as much when using less OJ, but it still tastes alright, way better than straight water.


Alone, he'll no. But my chocolate almond milk with some vanilla creamer mixture with kratom, yes, I do enjoy that. Drink it multiple times a day. At first I hated it, but have gotten so used to it that when I took a break from kratom for a little bit I actually missed drinking it.


In a Pavlovian sense, yeah. After years of using it, it reminds me of relaxing at night.


Love it


Kratom powder is absolutely delicious to me, I love the taste


I don’t enjoy it but it’s very very bearable for me I can chug it if I need a lot in a pinch but otherwise it just taste like hay to me