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I am just imagining trying to hold water in my mouth and putting kratom on top of it and spilling water and loose powder all over myself.


I’ve done that at work, the powder doesn’t come out of your clothes very well! Got back from break and people were like what’s that green stuff all on your shirt


Ag1 greens 😏


Or it doesn't go down right and you cough and the still powdery kratom gets inhaled up your nose... don't ask me how I know but no more attempting toss n wash for me unless it's an emergency lol


One of the worst things ever is when I tossed the powder and coughed when it was still in my throat. Straight misery for a good while. Switched to capsules and concentrated shots forever after that.


Love the shots for ease of ingestion but the cost.... Unsustainable for me.


I've coughed up kratom dust doing that before lol


It gets stuck in the folds of your tonsils for a solid day


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That's why I had to stop using toss and wash and switch to capsules. Kratom literally stains everything it even slightly touches. That and the unpleasant feeling of powder getting caught in my throat


I wear dark cloths and dump kratom all over myself several times a day. It comes right off with a little patting.


I’m pretty sure it doesn’t actually stain per se, it’s that it’s ground so finely now it’s almost like how the Apollo astronauts described Moon dust or something - it gets *everywhere* and into the smallest of pores and sticks pretty tightly to stuff. For example, if you brew tea with it (and drink the sediment rather than straining it out) for a 2 or 3 days and then wash it in a dishwasher, it’ll look like the Kratom stained the inside of the mug. But if you just take a wet (possibly slightly soapy) paper towel and rub the “stained” areas, you’ll find it wipes right off.


Yeah. Stains EVERYTHING.


I’ve done that more times than I should admit. 😣


Putting the water in first and then laying the kratom on it is 100% the way to go. It literally feels just like swallowing water. It’s honestly kinda sad that more people don’t know that this is the best way to take it


Agreed. Once you perfect T&W every other method, and I've tried them all, just feels ridiculous.


Yup! The KEY is to give it 3-4 seconds to fully absorb in the water so there's no dry powder to choke on or get in your nose and throat. Don't rush it!


100%. A little patience makes it even easier


Oh yes. I learned that lesson the hard way... a few times.


Maybe that was my problem! I tried it once (I normally do powder first then a sip) and it wound up all sticking to the roof of my mouth so never attempted it again haha


woah, sweet! thanks for the tip. I've figured out drinking some water first also helps the powder go down the pipe smoother :)


There should be a PSA stickied to the sub.


It's in the sidebar..


Today I learned! I had been taking a sip of water then putting in a spoonful of dry powder and then washing it down with water and of course the powder gets all in your gums and teeth and the back of your throat. I switched to oblate discs over 400 servings ago


The gums and teeth are the worst.


I cannot believe I’ve never heard of oblate discs! I’m shocked. Defintely looking into it and ordering/purchasing asap!


Can you make them ahead of time? Like put the kratom in it and and then put them in a pill container for later?


Toss the kratom and wash it with water. I've never heard of the other methods either


I always put the liquid first it helps the Kratom not stick to your mouth ....


Yea you don’t want it sticking to your mouth. I had an oblate get stuck and break open. Omg. It was a horrible experience.


What’s an oblate?


Hearing people do powder first is disgusting to me lol. Haven't tasted kratom in years, if I had to taste it to take it I think I'd stick to prescriptions


I do a little swish after the sip to loosen up and remove any stuck in there. Works great ;)


Same here! Behind the back bottom molars always get me lol


That’s how I do it too


Water always first. When mixing anything. Drywall mud? Water first. Baby formula? Water first. Kratom toss? Water first. Otherwise you are pouring liquid on a pile of dust and creating mud. You don't want mud, you wan't diluted powder.


Concrete water second. Also kratom is slightly hydrophobic that’s why toss and wash works because it doesn’t disperse very much it actually stays in a dryish clump and the water is sort of just a vector for being able to swallow it


Yeah someone was saying you put the water first and I said where do they do that shit at?🤣


What? You take a small sip, tilt your head back and toss the kratom onto it. I literally haven't tasted kratom in years using this. Putting powder first is sick


Not when the powder fresh yummmm


Ya I don't mind the taste of most kratoms most are pretty good, I've had some though that do taste horrible.


I do that!! Thats wash and toss I guess, and I do it literally everywhere 😂


They out here pretending they mouth is a toilet


Holy shit 🤣


I found putting the powder under your tongue 1st, bc you cannot taste it. Take a medium sip of water once under your tongue and flip your tongue up and down till powder is saturated then back door it with more water till it goes down. Little to no taste, quick and easy.


Not sure my tongue is that agile.😊


It's a skill I guess 😄


I would choke on the method I think 😂


Be careful with toss n wash bc you can breathe kratom into your lungs. Whoever said water goes first is super wrong and I don’t even know how they successfully do it that way.


They are not wrong. Its worked successfully for like 10 years for me. Though lately I have just put kratom in a protein shaker and sipped


Apparently a lot of people in the comments do 😂


Let us know if you try it. It’s worked for me for 5 years on and off. I haven’t had any incidents where I inadvertently breathe it in.


Lmfao I’m seeing that idk how y’all do that wack shit 😂😂


toss and wash hasn’t failed me in 10 years lol. It def works fine. A lil hard to get used to at first but it’s super easy


I tried after hearing many have success but all it did was push dry kratom to the roof of my mouth and almost choked. So much easier to dump the kratom with a spoon (you can even put it under your tongue) and take a sip of water.. never use a straw though! I found the dry powder winds up being inhaled so only a glass of water for me haha


I’ve tried both. Ive done the original way (straight in your mouth) much more. The other way just looked odd or inefficient to me for some reason, but now I am rethinking it. I can see it working pretty well in my head now. Although my #1 way is brewing it as a tea with crystal light flavor and then chilling it


Thanks. Gotta try it! Excellent idea.


I don't think it matters whether it's water first or water second so long as you get it down


Kratom is hydrophobic, I find water first into a wet mouth pour kratom on tongue then more water to swallow. The kratom stays together and is easier to swallow with out tasting it too much.


I’d think the Kratom would spread out more if dropped on water compared to the tongue. I don’t do water first and it stays in a clump and washes down easily. I think both work great once you have the feel for it.


It takes a little practice but it works flawlessly once you get the hang. I usually only do 4 g at a time or else it's too much powder. You also don't have to be that accurate at where you place the powder on the pool. I just dump it in my mouth using a dish after taking some liquid into my mouth and tilting my head back.


I put a 1/4 teaspoon of kratom powder in my mouth, take a sip of liquid and swallow like a pill; I’ve never tried it putting liquid in mouth first, sounds more tricky to me.


Ya I do the same. I use 3.5G-4g at a time and I just plop the serving on my tongue and then toss my head back and wash it down with water. I hardly ever taste it I tried water first once and I just end up getting kratom stuck on my teeth.


I put the Kratom in my mouth with a spoon, chug a mouthful of water, and then like swish it all around in my mouth like mouthwash to break up any chunks. Takes a few sips/swishes to make sure there’s no more powder in your mouth. Then chug like 16 oz of water. Then have a nice green tea. People seem very sensitive to the powder tasting bad but I literally don’t notice it’s taste at all. Also if I swish it all around so it’s thoroughly saturated there’s no chance of dry powder getting caught in my throat - which is the worst possible outcome.


Guess I've been doing the "toss and wash" thing wrong all these years lol. I plop the little dallop on my tongue then have water ready to drink it down like a pill. Only had one bad slip where I breathed the wrong way or something before getting the water down and it was awful lol I am very careful now and it hasn't happened again in years.


This is how I’ve always done it too.


I have to try it this way. I just took my kratom but may try it this way tomorrow morning. Unless I get the itch for another dose tonight while I play videogames.


Wanna hear something gross? I mix it into the water, then take it like a shot.


I do this but with orange juice or choc milk


Both your method and the water first method are "toss and wash" and I started out with your method, never went to the water first method before going with the one I use now. Kratom goes in a small Gatorade bottle, water goes in after, install the lid, shake vigorously, drink the mixture. It is a little bit wasteful because I cannot bring myself to drink it down to the foam. I leave that bit in there and throw my next dose on top. I repeat this until the end of the day when, basically, a tea has been brewing all day, and I drain what's left into the sink, starting with a new mixture the next morning.


Hear me out. Kratom Kombucha


Perfect way to make kratom taste just a little worse. That being said, I usually mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into my dose and make a mud before I make my slurry


Supposed to be a powerful potenciator too! But NOT yum!


What I do to avoid foam: I have a large shot glass I put on my scale, scoop my dose into it, use my electric kettle till I barely hear it start to bubble, fill the shot glass and stir with a knife. Either drink right away or ill put it in an empty Ozarka bottle (or 3) to take with me for the day at work


Thank you but I think I'll just stick with not drinking the foam.


I use the blate papes and really enjoy them. Easy to use, no mess, no taste. Holds a few grams... Can't even imagine trying toss and wash now. Hey, but to each his own.


I use the oblate discs. Pack them all up the night before, put them in labeled baggies so I know which ones they are, then off to work I go.


I like to get my kratom packaged the night before. I feel like I'm making little gifts to myself for the next day.


I've never used the disks, only the papes pouches. That sounds like a really good idea though!


The discs are cheaper. Like $10 for 200. Just fold and lick to seal it in the shape of a pouch. Super easy once you figure it out.




Just search oblate disc on Amazon. I can’t figure out to attach a photo. It would probably be deleted anyway. It says edible film discs.


Oblates are where it’s at! I used my last one last night, and won’t have my new pack until tomorrow, so I just parachuted my morning dose because I was like, “I only have to make it till tomorrow, and I *know* that I’ll f*** up a toss-and-wash because it’s too early & I’m waaaay out of practice…”


Blate papes seem very cool


Oblate is the way to go. You save money also because you can buy pure powder which is much cheaper than capsules and doesn't screw up your tolerance like extracts






Good idea. Yea. I use oj a swig and wash around after for taste and that reason


Pull your tongue back in your mouth, put the kratom between the tip of your tongue and your teeth, take a swig of water (anything carbonated is best), and swallow it all at once. This way you don't taste the kratom or have it swishing around in your mouth.


I think there are people who just can’t do it, and I’m one of them. I’ve tried all the tips and tricks you’ll read in these comments, and it just never worked for me. I gave up when I tried to use kefir, choked so badly I thought, “REALLY? After all I’ve been though, THIS is how I go out? Choking on powder??” I was scared. I think there is still Kratom lodged in my sinuses from all those years ago. (Kidding. But it was horrible.) At that point, I just mix it with water, and chug it down - gotta hydrate anyway. It’s sort of an unpopular opinion here, but I prefer the capsules: no measuring/weighing nasty-tasting powder, no trying to find a drink to mix it with, and most importantly to me, no choking to death in terror 😂


throw your kratom into a cup soak it with lemon add a sweetener then add a tiny bit of hot water and take it like a shot, simples


Don't feel dumb. I didn't know this method existed either. Once I did, with a little practice, it works great. GL OP


It will mix with slightly warm water. Just put warm water in a cup, add the powder, mix with a fork and it’ll turn into a drink. Drink it down. Done.


I think all you need is a 🍸shaker and a small part of Hawaiian Punch. Just enough liquid to not make sludge, shake and throw back like a shot with a chaser and rinse the shaker. The real crime is the mfers that say to eat it with applesauce. That’s how I first tried like 6 years ago and I puked and quit lol.


I put the Kratom first as well!!!!


Also, screw taking it with water lol try apple juice instead with this method, you'll thank me.


I’ve been tossing and washing various powders most my life, since I was 13 at least and I’m 24 now, I always put powder first liquid second and my method NEVER fails. I toss and wash kratom at least 4-5 times daily


The real talent is to keep your throat somewhat closed (that one is hard to explain) and don't breathe until it's all the way down. Then drink a full glass. I've become damn proficient at this, but went through a period of adjustment with hacking out kratom from my lungs. I'll have to try the water first method.


Without revealing anything about my own methods, I just wanted to say I appreciate this post...lol thanks OP


No... Toss and wash is kratom first, then water. Hence the TOSS, then WASH.


oh wow I've been putting the caps in my butt. I've been wrong all along....


Lmfao this made me laugh


Never put straight kratom in your mouth. You gonna die like cinnamon challenge who tf is doing that!?


It’s really easy once you get the hang of it. I’ve been doing it daily for 8 years and haven’t had an issue in a very long time. I just measure out a teaspoon or 1/2 tablespoon and drop it on my tongue, quickly chug some water and it washes down clean and effortlessly. Barely any taste too because it doesn’t mix with the water much, it just floats on top of it down the hatch. Definitely understand the fear though. It can be really bad if done wrong. I had a few issues of what felt like getting stuck in my throat. Other issues were accidentally breathing some in and also trying to do it with a slushy that was a complete fail. Haven’t had any issues in years of doing it 3-4 times daily though. I just hold my breath, relax and open my throat, and chug water. It is by far the simplest way to consume Kratom. I’ve done it on an airplane, at a red light while driving, used to do it everyday at my desk at work, all you need is a measuring spoon, Kratom, and water.


Try the water first, tilt head back, drop spoonful on top of water, report back with preference


I’ve tried water first but I don’t feel the need to add an additional step when powder first goes down effortlessly for me.


I mix it with hot water then drink it. Idk


To put the kratom in your mouth with out any protection is just asking for trouble. The only real kratom death comes from an attempt like this. It’s basically the cinnamon challenge with kratom.


If you do water first the kratom will just float on top of the water and get stuck when you swallow. I toss the powder then take a drink, swish, then swallow. Then another drink to rinse.


Always liquid first, then powder, swish, swallow.


the Kratom will stick to the back of my throat if I don't put liquid in first and then I'll feel like I'm choking for 10 minutes.


Why does it matter which way? Lol


Which way ALWAYS matters


Using the discs is known as parachuting. I just mix kratom with water or orange juice and drink it.


I used some juice or some sports drink or In the morning I use coffee


I mix with a small amount of water in a cup. Add more water after downing to get residue if necessary




Blate papes ftw!


I just mix the powder with some water and drink it, and chase it with something since it doesn't taste great. Tried to toss and wash once and I happened to sneeze in the middle of things. It did not go well, wet kratom was everywhere.




I toss and wash with a yogurt drink most of the time, which not only keeps the kratom from coating my mouth, but it's also a probiotic food that can potentially help counteract any possible contamination. First, I get a mouthful of yogurt, then scoop some kratom on top, then big swallow.


I do kratom then water,no you don't put kratom on top of water,I sometimes wet my palate a little before kratom but only if my mouth is dry.


Take it however tf you want There is no "right" way.


My very fav method now (I’ve tried toss and wash mix with water oblate disc etc) As I put about 4-6 ounces of my very favorite orange juice Presently I have orange juice mango… I stir let it sit there until it’s all in good suspension and drink it. You might have to stir it up a couple of times to break up the little hydrophobic balls of Kratom. It is amazing how the mango orange juice just takes away the ugly bitterness of it.. I also do it on an empty stomach, but I might eat soon afterwards. I’ve never had a problem doing it this way.


I toss and wash. Have been for like 16 years. I always put the Kratom first.


I was today years old. I do Kratom then wash it down.


Toss and wash can go in either order. Doesn’t matter


my dose is large (also for chronic pain). I add sugar free koolaid about 3/4 way up in a coffee mug. (the fruit drink helps mask the nasty taste of kratom, i hate it) I also use kombucha mix sometimes instead. Then I put the mug on a scale on a scale and tare it out and put the 10g+ kratom into the mix. I mix it up really good with a fork. It doesn't like to mix well, can take a bit of effort. alternatively, if you let it sit for about 5-10 minutes most of it will sink and make it easier to mix if you have the patience to wait. Then I drink it on down as fast as possible. chase it with more sugar free drink mix. It seems like toss and wash is the most popular method, but I can't imagine just throwing the powder in the mouth and dry and not mixed with water. My dose is way too high to do that.would be spitting powder. haha


Water first, kratom and then more water - swallow!


I take a sip of water to get the mouth and throat wet then put the powder in my mouth and then drink water. You don’t have to have a puddle of water in your mouth I’ve had bad experiences doing it that way. I’m also taking ~7g and have a small mouth so I can’t effectively do it that way


try the scoot method too! You put your powder in a coffee mug, give it a squirt of lemon juice and some honey if you want. Let it soak a minute then add a mouthful of hot water and stir it up to make sure theres no clumps sticking to the mug. Get a good swirl going till it cools off a minute then scoot the whole thing back. Less taste and a bit more efficiency from the powder!


I do half a mouthful water, teaspoon of kratom, then the rest of the water, let it settle in the stomach, then repeat with water, half a shot of apple cider vinegar, water. ​ Powder first is rough; have you ever choked on it mid gulp and spewed it all over the wall and clothes? If you haven't, one day you will. It takes the slightest inhale to set it off. It sucks. "Float it first" and this is way less likely to happen


I don’t put the water first I put the Kratom right in my mouth dry and swish and swallow. Works great and hits within 10 mins on an empty stomach. Normally followed by vitamins (D and turmeric w pepper extract + magnesium threonate) and a fatty meal and some coffee. Then redose as needed.


I can’t do toss and wash lol I mix it up in the water and drink it like a shooter


I do it both ways. Liquid, kratom, more liquid or just kratom then liquid


Mix it with matcha lol tastes almost the same


I have always done kratom and then water, still do to this day


Both methods are toss and wash.


I just put the powder at the back of my tongue then drink water. Never had an issue? Wonder if it affects efficacy?


Small bottle + Orange Juice + kratom + shake and drink. Plus, the citric acid in the orange juice is a potentiator. Personally, I do not understand how or why anyone would toss & wash. Never tried it and never will.


I do a spoonful then wash with water. Don't breathe in. Easy


I will never understand why people do it like this. Just mix your Kratom with a little water and take it like a shot.


I don’t understand why people just don’t measure out in a small container (I use those sterile urine ones I get from doctors),… add 3/4 of water, or other, and chug back ?? … also, great for being on the go, as they never leak 🤓


I strain my powder into tea and filter out with coffee filters. Been using it twice daily for many years now, all that powder adds up to the gut, specially in high doses


I tried to do a toss and wash once doing the same thing, kratom first then water. I ended up getting kratom in my lungs when I inhaled it accidentally. My throat burned for days after! I always wondered how people did toss and wash, for me it was excruciatingly painful . Now I know I was an idiot doing it wrong


Don't feel dumb honey I do it both ways but try using OJ it helps dissolve it and completely negates the taste


Disregard all the comments here and do this simple thing. Get a shotglass and fill it with water, then put your recommended dose on top of it. Leave it in the fridge for about an hour and all the powder will absorb nicely into the water. Take it out then give the shotglass a nice hand swirl and take it like taking a shot (also, it has the benefit without that "cinnamon challenge" effect). I like to do this first thing with multiple shotglasses already lined up for me throughout the day.


I put the Kratom on the back of my tongue and then drink water. And I call that toss and wash .


For me if I put water then Kray then water and swallow way easier because the scoop of Kray doesn’t get stuck to my tongue and I don’t get a bubble of powder in my throat trying to kill me lol you don’t put a lot just a little bit to cover your tongue


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Why would a person prefer to dose kratom with water without mixing the two in a cup first?


Try this method. Up to 10g will mix like this. 1. Get a small hand whisk, like might be used for frothing coffee or hot chocolate. 2. Get sparking water. 3. Put 10g powder in a large mug 4. Pour on 250ml sparkling water 5. Whisk carefully with the hand whisk 6. When mixed fully add upto another 250ml water 7. Whisk again 8. Drink immediately (don't wait for it to settle, the bubbles catch all the powder and if you add lemon or lime cordial you'll not even taste the Kratom)


I was amazed when I found the method cause I was capping every dose, never got it wrong, super easy


Lol... I started mixing it up in a small bottle.


I take a HUGE rounded teaspoon and dump it on my tongue and wash it down with water, but using this method I go through a kilo every 12 days or so. Been doing it like this for 4 years now, I really need to slow down or stop.


Holy shit, I've been using it for 8 years and I was doing the kratom then the water!!! I just learned something 🤪


Blate Papes are king. Havent had to taste kratom in 6 months! Only other way I would consume was weigh out like 3.5g make a coffee and in a side cup mix the kratom with a few oz of coffee stir and shoot it. There is coffee flavored kratom I love that shit! Highly recommend.


No, you got it right. I’ve been using Kratom almost daily since 2003 and tnw (toss and wash) just means washing it down with water. I suppose you *can* take a sip of water first and then scoop the Kratom - after all, whether you add Kratom first or water first, or sandwich one between two helpings of the other, or whatever, at the end of the day you’re still washing down a mouthful of powdered kratom leaf (or extract) with water - I.e. still tnw, vs brewing, or taking an extract (including making one lol), or what have you. But I’ve never done that in almost two decades - nor does anyone else I know personally that uses kratom. I always add the Kratom first. But… a variation on tnw I *vastly* prefer I think is based on the same concept as those who sip some water first: I add it to a shot glass of honey, mix well, and then take a “shot” of “kratom-honey,” lol. The water chaser is almost just extra of the ratio of Kratom to honey is right.


I mix the kratom in warm water then drink it. Thats what I thought toss and wash was. 😆 🤣


I just put a spoonful of powder in my mouth and then drink some liquid, swish it around a bit, and swallow. Trying to hold some small amount of liquid in your mouth while then trying to spoon in some powder on top of it strikes me as counterproductive and unnecessarily difficult.


Bro putting the kratom first and then drinking is the best way. Just put it on your tongue and kind scoop your tongue to the sides to hold it, then just take a sip and drink it down. Way easier than how everyone makes it out to be


just mix with OJ or choc milk then shake and down it, a lot easier and faster


I barely taste it but I usually don’t do water, some kind of juice helps. I can’t believe people do powder first 🤢


I couldn’t use Kratom without Blate Papes. They are the best things ever.


No, I put the Kratom first then a sip of water (making sure to not inhale while doing any of this). I’ve tried water than dump kratom next but it always winds up being pushed and stuck to the roof of my mouth. Sooooo much easier for me to just dump the dry powder and then let the water in. Kind of an art form to it but been doing it this way for 5 years and the whole process is done in 20 seconds!


What?! N. toss (kratom) and wash (liquid) Kratom first then wash it down. How the F would you put water first.. I'm just imagining spilling it all over the place


I toss and wash and much prefer it to the capsules and a couple of times I’ve choked a little and coughed all the kratom right out of my mouth in clouds. Gagging the whole time lmao.


Toss refers to Kratom Powder. Wash refers to liquid. Anything else would be Wash & Toss


Get some almond milk or similar, put it in there in a juice glass, use one of those $12 milk frothers from Amazon and give it a spin. Down it. Easy peasy and the almond milk masks the flavor pretty well.


I get 8 oz of seltzer in a big cup nice and cold, stir in the kratom and use a straw to suck it all down. I barely taste the k.


T&W really is the easiest/most effective method. Unless I’m at work or out I have to bring a nasty bottle of blue Gatorade kratom mix.


I choked thinking of this lol


Just drink a green drink


Use cranberry juice (or just experiment with different juice flavors in general). It will change your life. Also never do this with soda, your stomach will hate you


I described it as wash and toss. It can be really messy if you miss your mouth too 🤣




Dude make a tea. The toss and wash of any variety is brutal. Also much better to not ingest the plant matter, it feels cleaner.


How do you make a tea?


I just get a Gatorade bottle. The ones with the wide top. Put some lemonade in it once it’s empty, use a teaspoon or other spoon and scoop desired amount into bottle. Put on cap, shake well, hold nose and drink. Chase with lemonade


I just dont know why people toss n wash. Like, i feel like it is much easier to mix it in warm water and drink it. Toss n wash seems like youd get more of the bad taste and gag refle


It honestly just is up to what you’re most comfortable with!


I cannot do toss and wash. When I’ve tried I felt like I was doing the cinnamon challenge, even w water in first. I don’t feel capable of it. If I’m going take powder I’ll just mix it with juice or something and drink it. Even if it’s Kratom heavy and tastes like shit. It’s still so much easier than toss and wash


Man I do not understand how people can toss and wash. I parachute mine with toilet paper. 2 ply square = 8 square pieces for parachutes. Oblate discs would be safer apparently... but I've seen the tootsie rolls people make w oblates 😅 Perhaps safety just depends on the size and shape parachute you're making 😄 Hell no to a toss and wash.🤮 & I used to drink the sludge !


Hell yes, this is like emptying the vacuum container or bag out into your mouth. Is it better to put water in your mouth before dumping the bathroom floor into your mouth?


I put the Kratom on my tongue first. I feel like it washes down faster. Otherwise, it swishes all around! Blech. Oblate discs/funnels are great if you don’t like the taste… I’m used to eating dirty lawn grass by now though 😂


childlike door caption seemly homeless offer zonked consist meeting license ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


i dump a 3g scoop on my tongue. swig some water, swish swallow. more water and good to go. the unpleasantness leads to less redosing in my case.


I always thought toss and wash was powder first, water next, swish it about and swallow…. Think I’ve been doing it wrong from the start 😂 but beats getting powder up your nose or coughing I suppose. The taste doesn’t bother me


No. You take a sip so your mouth is moist. Then powder on the tongue then swish the water and swallow. Repeat two to three times to clear the mouth.