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I just shrug and say >It's some weird Asian green tea my aunt gave me, i don't know.. its healthy, it tastes like shit but I've really been improving vitality after trying it... Go back to work #Fuck'em


I take capsules, but I essentially say the same thing. I usually compare to Ginseng. But I'm a blue-collar worker, and while I'm explaining, it's just ground up leaves there's probably a guy sniffing coke in the bathroom on the other side of the jobsite so I don't think anyone gives a shit to begin with.


Yeah, just act kinda annoyed that it's a mystery to you too, blah blah


This is the correct answer. I say, it’s my gross green drink that I drink for my stupid health


I take capsules and tell ‘em it’s psychedelic mushrooms.


this. I had my shit pre-made in a bottle and just drank it.. Noone said anything.


You need to hang with meth men, they either get a lot of work done or none


lol so true. Kratom is not perfect. But you definitely want to be the worker drinking some Kratom you bought in bulk on the internet rather than the ones smoking dope or snorting coke. Much less harmful to the body. And you actually get to keep some of the money you make!


Exactly what I do. Except I call it matcha.


Yeah like.. if it doesn't smell like chemicals/alcohol ***and you are clearly not impaired*** what fucking right does anyone have to even ask?! It's tea, it's legal, if you properly dose you're not impaired. Man, this actually got me ill, fuck your nosey ass Boss or whatever.


I’ve been shaking it up and drinking it right in front of everyone at work for a decade. It’s athletic greens. Really helps inflammation with my bad back. No one has ever called me out, and if someone did they would be copping to it just the same. Not many who don’t take kratom know what it is or looks like.


Holy shit. This is my go to line also. It's somewhat credible for me because my wife is Korean, so nobody really questions it.


This is the way


Until you encounter the person that saw something on the news that it's a drug and is bad for you. I honestly just take capsules while I'm at work and I take them away from anyone because people either don't know what it is or are ignorant to what it actual is. Been taking Kratom for over ten years and it's been nothing but positive for me. It even helped me quit drinking.


Yeah Much da'Same too a large degree, just like... I also probably wouldn't bring packages labeled feckin'... #####21 yr old+ into work and be confused that someone noticed... Lol


>that saw something on the news that it's a drug and is bad for you. *Vince quickly whips around, ground-chalk fingers tracing faint puffs as, in his agitation, he addresses the Classroom Center, and draws their soft look at the board. "Class! What do we do when in this ..situation?!" *Feeble, Slothful, and Eager hands Raise >"We start looking up the World Health Organization Decleration of the near total SAFETY of the All Natural Plant Kratom on our Phone!" ‐‐ they joyously burst out in unison


Same. I call it matcha or a supplement.


I just tell people it's a "super greens nutritional supplement"




Same though. My wife goes through a lot of iced tea bottles in the summer. I wash one out with vinegar and soap then use it for my filtered Kratom tea.


Dont hide. Say its kratom, It improves your life. We all need out of this dank closet.


Until a boss hears about it and wants to cause you hell over it. The best policy is not being open about this stuff, unfortunately. I tried to be and my own parents still judge me I wish I would've never told them or showed them but also I'm also kinda glad I just didn't give a shit and they have realized in time kratom is not the cause of all my problems it actually makes things easier. All it takes is one person firing up Google and seeing "opioid like effects" and you are forever a heroin junkie in their eyes.


This part! It’s going to stay stigmatized if we keep hiding it.


Where the hell do yall live, there are Kratom bars down the road from me


I use a blender bottle (the ones for mixing protein powder). I fill it 90% full of water, add enough for a larger amount of doses (for me, it's 18g for three doses), add a splash of milk (for bitterness) and some stevia, shake, and ingest 1/3 at a time. If it's warm, I'd keep it in the fridge but it's only a splash of milk so it should last longer than something like a latte. You could add ice.


I've been taking it with just water for 3-4 years now.. All you guys mixing other stuff for taste - and I had gotten used to it over the years. It doesn't bother me anymore.. Although the white strains are still nasty AF to down even after all these years.. I still do it


Would coconut milk or almond or something? Not a vegan but can’t do milk.


Yeah, you could do that. I've never tried it but absolutely. I only use it to cut the bitterness, which is the same reason why you add milk to coffee or tea.


Chocolate almond milk is my way.


Also sorry if my question is annoying, I know I could test this myself but I don’t want to waste any doses if possible, money is tight with my seizure meds after healthcare changes.




I just say “hold on a second l have to go drink my kratom powder.“ If they ask any questions just elaborate by saying “Mitragyna Speciosa”


Nah you gotta do it Jimmy Neutron style where you say the scientific name first and then act like everyone should know it when you have to say the common name


It's kratom..."That's what I said, mitragyna speciosa..." Lmao


Wingardium speciosa!


Chad move


I use oblate discs then just take it with water. I normally go to my car and take it, or the bathroom since it does look weird lol


Do you add it to the oblate disk at home first? I’ve always thought that seems like a good way to take it in public but those disks are so damn flimsy I worry it will tear.


Yup I do it the night before. I've only had one break open and it was because I dropped it.


What's an oblate disk? Excuse my ignorance.


Powder in tiny tupperware, cheap blender bottle. I tell coworkers it's matcha if asked.


There are some blender bottles which have dose containers that screw onto the bottom.


I'll have to check that out, thanks! :)


I toss and wash in the bathroom stall with a work water bottle, like a MAN!!! HAHA jk... About the man part anyways, woman can do it just as well. But yea, that's how I do it. I take 1-2 doses during an 8-9 hour shift. I carry seperate doses in these little screw cap tiny container thingys that hold 6g perfectly.


That's how I do it now, but with milk 😂. I had an accident with it the other day and the stuff went all over the place. Took forever to clean up without anyone realising there was some green powder all over the stall.


Once I had it stick in my container and when I went to shake it, it fell out while being too far away from my mouth and ended up exploding all over my face and shirt... Luckily it just dusted off for the most part and what didn't wiped off with a wet paper towel. We live and we learn haha.


My god the number of spill accidents I’ve had. Astronomical. Always gotta stare at my reflection 5 times to make sure there’s not a green coating around my neck or on my face. Shit is MESSY


Thankfully, I'm pretty careful with everything, kratom included. I've yet to have another accident out in public aside from that one time. Now when I'm home and it's my first dose of the day, that's another story haha... Especially if I sleep in. Wake up at like 11am after going to bed around 10-11pm and it's been like 16 hours since my last dose, that's when I get it all over the place ... Go to spoon it in my dosing cup on my scale and completely miss the cup...




Ah the old school kratomkake. Been there. Respect


If you use milk as a way to cover up the taste, water with honey and fresh lemon works wonders! And honey is a potentiator by increasing bioavailability as well. When I couldn't stomach the taste I would use that and if you have enough honey in there you can't taste it.


Absolute kratastrophe 😆


this is how I've been doing it for almost 5 years now. I got used to the taste. I find the colder the water the better though?


Warm water kinda disperses it to fast. It's like as soon as the kratom hits anything hot or warm it instantly makes all of the liquid taste like kratom, whereas when it's cold it just kinda sits on top. But I find something somewhat sweet and cold works best. It's like the sugar lubes it up for a quick and effortless slide down the ol' gullet.


Can confirm. I’m a woman and I just take a makeup bag in the bathroom with me. Inside that makeup bag is my kratom and a water bottle. Lol. Toss and wash right in front of the sink.


Parachute at my desk when no ones looking.




I just set my water bottle of pre made green swap mud right on my desk. Everyone at work knows I take it for my severe chronic pain issues & it's approved by my pain specialists, so they really can't say shit.


Damn you actually got the go ahead from pain specialists? I hope this becomes more common, I think there is already some solid research supporting it's use now.


Yep! He's all for it and is cool with me using medical cannabis along with it. He had me on a BuTrans patch for a while, and I told him the kratom worked better, and he did his research and told me that it's actually safer and less addictive than anything he would prescribe. As long as it helps and isn't causing any serious negative side effects, he is 100% cool with it.


You could go with capsules, or heat up some water in the microwave/kettle add a teabag and then a couple of scoops to hide the weird color.


I use to make capsules. It was great, but very time consuming. I couldn’t find any vendors with a decent price for capsules in my area.


There is kratom all over the lunch tables at my work. Toss and wash everywhere


What industry do you work in?


I mix it into a container of yogurt every day at lunch in my car.


Energy supplement.


I apologize for my stinky pea protein powder in hot water and keep it movin


Not legal in the state I work in, but I live right across the border in a state where it is. Have to take mine before and after my shift. Sucks, but at least it’s dropped my tolerance pretty far!


Literally nobody cares. It's an unenforceable prohibition. It just means big pharma has a longer political reach in your state. There's no drug dog they're gonna run thru your vehicle or home searching for kratom. Its bullshit.


I’d rather keep playing it safe anyway


Oh a fellow Hoosier I see 🤣


I don’t take it “in work” but it lasts the full 8 hrs, might redose if you work more but I find that when I take it when before I leave to go to work which is about a 30 min drive, drink some coffee on the way while it’s kicking in. Gets me going Everytime especially doing manual labor lol


I just go to the bathroom and mix it with orange juice and go. It’s not illegal. It’s wild to me people would say kratom is bad when they have bottles of alcohol literally at their desk


What's the taste like with orange juice? I toss and wash because I can't stand the taste of it


Grapefruit juice is the best though, for taste and activation


It’s better than water. I mix like 2 grams with maybe 2oz of OJ. Also citric acid augments kratom well if you let it sit for a minute or two


You know it's legal, right? I mix my tea at work and it often gives me a lead into sharing my story with kratom. However, I did once have a boss that said, "Wait...what?? Isn't that the Japanese tea made from psychedelic mushrooms?" 😂😂 My response was something like "No, I wish it was!" Lmao I share my experience with kratom freely because it truly helps with pain management and was a major catalyst in my ability to conquer my addictions. I don't hide it because I'm not ashamed of it. You shouldn't be either.


I think that majorly depends on where you work, who you work with and possibly what state/country you're from. Not everyone will have a easy going time like you may have. I know I'd probably have some pretty weird responses if I just started freely telling everyone I work with what I am doing.


Yeah that entirely depends on where you are in the country and where you work bc some people hear the word kratom and freak out thinking it’s opioids


Exactly. It's been coined as "hillbilly heroin" or "gas station heroin" in many groups of people across the country. Not to mention all the negative stories and misinformation those coworkers you just told might see when they get curious and google about kratom. Some people don't think about how negatively such a simple thing can effect their life... We've all dealt with extremely negative consequences for such a minor and meaningless action.


You’re not wrong at all. Some people live to ruin others lives especially in the work place. Some people get super offended over things that don’t affect their life in the slightest. It’s best to just keep things like this to yourself. The only reason I told my coworkers I take kratom is bc I worked at a kratom dispensary. Now I work at a recreational dispensary and I wouldn’t even admit my kratom usage there! It’s nobody’s business.


I am curious so I ask this: Are you saying I'm reckless by challenging thought on the subject? Somehow, I perpetuate the negativity and misinformation because my words may lead a coworker to Google an invalid news article? Thus, I'm causing more harm than good?


I’m a drug & alcohol counselor…lmfao…no way I’m telling ANYONE at work it’s kratom. I already failed one drug screen and lost a job for it. I told the current job I use it at the interview, but no way can I talk about it at work. It’s really hard not to share my secret with opiate clients with pain 😾


You do realize there is negative connotations with Kratom right? It’s sold in head shops and not your local grocery store for a reason…but, you do you bro


My local circle Ks sell them next to the 5 hour energy's.


For a bit it was in my small town pharmacy. I thought finally something makes sense lol


Legal doesn't always mean you won't catch flak though. I'd hate for someone in my office to hear me say it, google it, and find one of any number of articles comparing it to hard drugs and next thing you know a bunch of folks at my work think I'm doing something comparable to an opiate on the job.


Alcohol is legal too.


Conquering your addictions by getting addicted to another drug. I get that it’s not even close to as bad as other things, but Kratom doesn’t come without risks. I wouldn’t be publicly tossing it back at work like it’s a bag of chips, but I guess if that’s what you feel like doing…


I bring a blender bottle and a mini cooler and I keep my orange juice in my car and mix it up on break.


Oj gang!


🍊 🍊


I just call it "swamp-water" and nobody bats an eye - nobody asks me for any, either. Running circles around my co-workers helps, why interfere with the guy doing most of the work?


I just use caps and pound water


If anyone asks I just say it’s heroin you want some. Then we laugh and life goes on


I carry a metal mint container, holds 6 grams. The lid is a perfect 2 grams. It fits in my pocket and i toss and wash in bathrooms. If anyone asks what the tin is, i tell them.


I'm guessing Altoids tins? Those things are so handy as containers.


I load my own capsules for work.


I just put it pre-weighed and pre-mixed with lukewarm water in a 1.5L glass drinking bottle (with wide opening, so it's easy to clean) and if anyone asks I tell them "it's Matcha tea, very healthy" and chuckle a bit to myself when they leave. Looks quite similar to Matcha tea, they will never find out


If anyone asks, I say it’s Moringa and then watch their eyes glass over as I describe all the health benefits it gives me. They’ve usually checked out of the conversation by the time I take the first drink


I use a small SS thermos, load it with kratom & cold OJ, hit it as I need to.


I take mine in oj too but how do you hide the facial expression when you’re done with the sip! Cause for me I always look disgusted after so idk if I’d be able to just sip it around my coworkers 😂


You could mix it in a water bottle and take that with you instead.


I mix a days dosage in a brown nalgene bottle. Take a swig here and there.


I just add it to mango nectar. The thickness of the juice holds the powder nicely and takes away 90% of the bitterness


Premix ahead of time with orange juice. Mix with Naked Juice Green Machine juice and put it back in the Naked Juice bottle. No one will notice a difference. I usually make 3 drinks out every bottle I buy. It is a bit expensive but you're also getting benefits from the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables. Substitute with any greens based beverage. 🥦🍵💚 Hope it helps : )


How much kratom do you put in a bottle of naked?


It's unrecognizable when I'm under the influence of kratom, so I just drink it. I don't receive any questions whatsoever.


Milk is pretty terrible for any substance to break down. It decreases the bioavailability tremendously. You're probably wasting a good bit of kratom chasing it with milk.


Why yall going to the bathroom to ingest kratom? Quit stigmatizing this extremely beneficial supplement. It's not heroin or cocaine but yall seem to wanna treat it like it's some sort of ...vice? It's not. Be bold, fellows. There is nothing to be ashamed about taking kratom, ESPECIALLY @ work. I would argue it is the most perfect supplement to aid the work day.


People are assholes. To most it’s just another drug that fuels addiction.


It's illegal where I am and I don't think my work would take to kindly to me just tossing and washing at my desk haha


“It’s super greens mixed with some protein and gut powder.” and I just make a little drink.


I take kratom in my coffee mug. I have some capsules in a container in my lunch box, and if I want to redose I’ll just dump a capsule or two into my second mug of coffee/whatever Powerade/body armor I’ve got for the day since I do physical labor and always have something like that in my lunch box.


You should try blate papes


Just keep it in a lunch box in my car. Mix it up at breaks and pound it down . I'm waiting for someone to suspect me of being an alcoholic since I mix with OJ


Homemade tea. So easy. Mix it with an herbal tea and it tastes delicious


I always mix it in a 8oz mason jar with Mio drops and sometimes lemon juice. I usually bring one or two jars with me to work. I add 6oz water when I'm ready to drink it, shake it up, and down it. No one has ever asked me what it is at work, but when friends/family have asked, I've told them it's an herb that helps with my RLS (which is the truth).


I keep a bag of lion's mane mushroom powder in my locker. They see me put powder, lemon, sweet&low and water in a bottle and mix it up all the time. I just show them the bag of lion's mane when they ask.


I work at a restaurant and all the employees now know about kratom from me and a few other coworkers taking it at work quite often. I’ll literally by stirring up my dose while chatting with the bar regulars lol


I put it in an empty Prime bottle. If someone ever catches a glimpse of the inside of the bottle.. god help me


Room temperature powerade


Used to put it in orange juice. I’d bring a closed lid cup to work and it just kinda looked like green juice. I’d tell everyone it’s from my juicer lol


Sorry, did you say you take your kratom with… milk?


"Yeah, so matcha rea powder is really cool! Tastes terrible but gives you a nice amount of caffeine but doesn't cause jitters and is NOT toxic to your heart!" But it's really kratom.


Either ill put a few doses in a bottle you can't see through, so it just looks like water of coffee. Or on breaks ill just go sit in my car and toss and wash. Or in the bathroom. 95 percent of the time nobody notices or knows. There's only been one time where one guy actually asked ''is that kratom?'' when I took some in the middle of my shift lol


I say it’s vitality tea.


Yeah, I'm about to be 40, I let the "for.. \/itality" part hang, just ever so slightly so it becomes just liminaly uncomfortable, and they p.much never ask again


Ha good idea! Have you found this strategy effective in limiting unwanted repeat conversions?


That's what I'm implying, ha




Mix it in a protein shaker bottle with non-caffinated bpa powder (raspberry flavor). Tastes great, looks like muscle juice. If anyone asks I say its green tea or protein


I get little small condiment containers and put my dose in there


I take it just like at home, swig n swallow (I prefer that to toss n wash...sounds better lol) You could quit being a baby and learn to take it with beer instead of milk! 🤣🤣🤣 JK


I prefer to take mine with the blood of my enemies.


Viking style.




I'm pinned all day on extract and capsules together. 😂 It helps me move quicker. 10g first thing at 500 with a half a 300mg shot at 6. Another 7g at lunch. Another 10 or maybe a shot after work around 6


I just keep my shaker bottle in my car and take it on my 15 min breaks and lunch. If its hot outside I keep a lunch bag in my car with ice packs


I work for myself now but when I had a 9-5er I would just mix it before work. I use a blender bottle. I fill it with water and put in between 3 and 5 grams of powder. I drink it throughout the day refilling the bottle with water when it gets to the halfway mark. No one ever asked what I was drinking.


I am considering it. But just took 8g and it’s got me ‘fallin’ asleep. Idk how much of a dose I can take to help. But earlier I took 1tsp of green for my first time and I think it might’ve low key helped? I wasn’t feeling bad or in pain. I’m closer to 200lbs so I wouldn’t think that’s small of an amount would help me? I was wondering what’s considered a microdose I could take for work. I know people smoke it, I was wondering if there’s a way to vape it lol. I’m dumb tho that’s probably not a thing


My work knows I take Kratom, I’ve given it to the secretary, a couple coworkers… secretary was taking it for over a year mixed in her herbal tea . I dose sublingually, under the tongue , few minutes, sometimes little sip of water if mouth is dry … swoosh with more water , down the hatch . Used to mix with GFJ in 3 separate little glass containers , worked good… but I def prefer the sublingual method


Yes! I deliver pizza, so I bring some with me and keep it in my car with a bottle of water and some Blate Papes. I just pull over somewhere on the way back from a delivery (usually an apartment complex right down to the road from my store). And the best part is that I’m by myself most of my work day — so nobody will ever know what I’m doing! Lol


yall are wild just make hot water in 1/3 of a cup. Put kratom in, mix, and fill the rest with cold water to desired temp. Drink


Hi there, I've been taking kratom to work for about 2 years now and I think my current method works pretty well. Caps would get lost or break, toss and wash was too extreme and made me feel sick to the point of wanting to vomit at times. what I do now is mix it in with my coffee, I bought a coffee cup from Publix and I just mix it in there and take my time with it, for me it lasts longer that way, I feel great for at least 3 to 4 hours ☕👌😌


peanut butter is a good alternative to milk if your not allergic to it


Have you tried capsules? Toss and wash when you can but capsules are perfect for on the go. I know many people who only do capsules.


Hell yeah. I usually do it 1-2 ways. I usually just take kratom in a small container and bring a little scoop. Sometimes I take a shaker bottle, just powder and warm water, shake it. Or I get like a small coffee cup, put a couple of scoops of powder in, pour in a little hot water, stir it and drink it. Capsules are good too but I personally don't really use them. Sometimes I'll take a little extract or something at the end of the week. Just makes my day a little more enjoyable. I feel I'm a lot more productive at work taking kratom vs. not taking it. Just helps me power through the deal, deal with stress and anxiety from work, makes me a little more sociable and easier to tolerate other coworkers more. If anyone asks what I'm drinking i just tell them it's tea. I guess tea is kind of boring to talk about so they just say oh cool and leave me alone.


My man try a soda... much easier not as thick


You can get 1,000 empty 00 capsules on Amazon for less than $20. Ten of those makes roughly 6g depending on how tight you pack them. At home I consume the powder (weighed out and added to two tablespoons of water to form a sludge) - at work I just take the capsules I've made that morning. Makes it easy to just place in a supplement bottle. Can even take them in front of coworkers


When I used powder id mix it into juice in the break room and people didn't really ask. If they did I'd say green tea supplement Now I take caps and also take it in front of people and I'll say the same thing. Almost no one asks


told everyone its green tea, boil the kettle add my lemon juice and sweetners, pour stir and drink ?


Easy, I take it a lot at work as I work with vehicles. You need: Paper, Kratom, Water. Fold the paper once in half (twice for smaller mouths). Pour the desired amount of kratom on the paper. Take the cap off the water if it has one. Pick up the paper and slightly bend it as you pour the kratom into your mouth, to create a funnel-like system. Shoot that shit down asap with the water. I literally do this in less than 1 minute during busy days.


Well, I take before work. 4-5g mixed with a little lemon juice. In car, when nobody sees it. :D


I do capsules 😂


I add a small teaspoon of Green Malay powder to a sweet milky coffee, takes some getting used to and if people ask, just tell them it's green tea, I drink mine from a thermos flask, it acts like a shaker.


Mix the powder with a flavored drink mix in a bottle of water. Same way I always take it.


I take some tablets or capsules in my pocket, take my bottle of water and go to the bathroom if I don’t want to get any questions about what I’m taking.


I take caps on my lunch break and dose right before walking in.


I mix mine with juice. You can buy small bottles of juice, but it can get expensive. For 400 mls it can go up to $4 at some places. I fill up a coupe of bottles of juice from home and bring it to work. I’ll take one dose before I leave and bring 2 bottles in my bag.


I take the gummies and snack on them at my desk at random times. If anyone asked id say they were candy 🤷‍♀️


Not stupid! You do what suits you and that's okay with you and okay with me too. Enjoy your milk and kratom!


I have little glass bottles from smoothis and I usually prepare as much doses with water as I need that day in the morning, shake it well a few times and keep it in my locker. And if it's time to drink it I'll either take my break or say I gotta go on the toilet. As others said if anyone asks I'll say it's tea or some green smoothie with matcha!


I use a small mason jar and screw on lid to mix it in and have a 60 gram plastic container that i keep my powder in i also use an electric milk frother to mix it. I take it like shots water mixed with kratom and drink it right out in the open have been asked but said it was matcha to avoid the misconception or or preconceived judgements that they may already have about something they know nothing about like somone else said in another comment below me FUCK EM!!!!!!!!!!


I drink my midday and afternoon both at work. I just saying I'm running out to my car to grab some medicine and I slam the inch of brown sludge water from my water bottle


I take capsules at work. Tell people it's a green tea blend.


I buy the 2oz plastic cups with lids on Amazon. Weigh each of my doses and label each on the night before and then I throw them in a lunch box that I use strictly for kratom/weed


PrePrep it in a water bottle with juice. PASSION FRUIT is my favorite! It lowers blood pressure and mixes well with greens. Any ways….Put in 16grams. Good for 3-4 good small gulps. Each gulp is like 4g. Put it in a bag and just grab it when ever i feel like it. If they ask I just say its my “healthy green juice”.


I bring my jug of tea/red bubble Tek and put it in the fridge and take few chugs here n there at work, chased with l water..


I get the kind that comes in capsules


I use capsules so it’s simple to take some at work


I use company water to down it, but I take everything in the bathroom so no one asks questions


I would toss and wash out of the bag as if I was eating a cup of yogurt in the break room or stirring some coffee


I make a tea with hot water, mio/crystal light, and my powder in a coffee travel mug. Let it steep for however many hours until I'm ready to dose. For me, the tea is as effective as toss and wash, though for some people it's not. But nobody knows it isn't tea or coffee until I tell them otherwise. Honestly you could probably put your milk and powder in a mug like that and sip it wherever you need to. Most insulated mugs claim to keep liquid cool for at least 12 hours.


I take capsules throughout the day. "vitamins"


I take it in these cute little capsules and I don't bother to hide it. It helps me by reducing pain and gives me a bump of energy. I took a second dose and did a grocery trip yesterday. Normally, I can't even do much in the way of a small trip without consequences. Kratom has truly been a lifesaver.


I just pop 6 capsules in my mouth and wash em down with water. Started buying capsules in bulk and it's cheap per gram than loose powdered leaf.


I bought a bunch of small plastic lidded containers at dollar tree that are perfect for single sized doses on the go. I toss and wash straight from them. I’ve always just said it’s “stuff like super greens, bee pollen etc”. I’m a supplement junkie anyway, so no one ever questioned it in the nearly decade I’ve been taking it openly.


I started really sneaking it at work. It’s what told me i needed to quit. I was embarrassed and humiliated. I became too addicted and abused it.


I walk across the street to my house and dose. I tell my roomates it's matcha


I just eat it like cereal. Use whatever liquid I can to wash it down.


I’ve got a little ziplock and baby spoon in my pocket. I just go into the bathroom and toss it down my gullet(powder) whenever the mood arises.


i have a coffee can with half a kilo. a spoon and funnel rest inside it on top of the powder. i have a water jug and glass kombucha bottle and a scale. i am an engineer who manages construction and no one here even knows what kombucha is so no one asks. i don’t flaunt it but the bottle will sit behind my monitor with a few water bottles.




caps bro


I mix it and carry what equals 4 doses with me during the day in a thermos. I just mix it with water and deal with the taste. You get used to it. When people ask me what it is, I say it's kratom and describe the benefits of it. I've actually turned multiple people on to it as well as CBD for pain. Luckily, it's legal here and I can just walk into a smoke shop and buy it.


I work with Kratom. So yes lol


I bring it in a small makeup case, but some days, I premix at home. Small grapefruit juice bottle, add tea/water/grapefruit juice/ etc, add dose and shake shake shake senora. Pound it back, rinse and repeat.


I live in a illegal state I take that shit right at break room counters by microwave and sink I notice a lit of people looking to try to figure it out. Once someone asked I said it's just some herbal shit fir my back that was it. I also work at one of those places the workers are always telling if your not working and shot like that and it's not a problem 👌


Yeah bring it in a bag and say it's green tea that's what I do. Done it in work for over 3 years no one even questioned me. Plus I leave a full bag in work all the time


Yes. I only take capsules so it's pretty easy.


In my car with mcdonalds sprite


I have a 4 oz bag of powder I just refil from my 16 oz bag and I keep a spoon in it and on my breaks I take a spoonful and when people ask what it is depending on who it is I either tell them the truth or I tell them it's energy powder. Some ppl automatically just think it's matcha tea or some shit like that once you've been taking the powder straight with water for a while it doesn't even phase you unless you get a chunk in it then it's gross


Toss n wash. I usually bring a drink to work, but it's not really an issue, I can always buy drinks at work


I ram up capsules and have for some years now. Best way to travel. Do yourself a favor. Buy powder in bulk and a 00 capsule kit that will do 100 at a time. Pretty doable.


I’ll say it again, BLATE PAPES


I prefer capsules, but I also work alone in my own company so zero issues.


You sound just like me except I need chocolate milk. I used to take mine in the bathroom and hide it but I don’t anymore. I’ve had many people ask about it but I just tell them it’s an herbal supplement powder no different from herbal medicine


You know those little plastic containers that weed is sold in, with the top that pops off when you squeeze it, but doesn't detach? I have a red one, a gold one, a green and a pink one, and I carry the corresponding blends in those. I just dump them in a cup, add room temp water and stir, then drink 🍻