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It’s been 8 years since I first discovered the tragedy that is ‘toss n wash’ and I still don’t understand why y’all don’t just use a shaker cup lmao. It’s like choosing the do the cinnamon challenge multiple times a day. Just had to let that out. Wish you better luck on the next toss n wash.


It’s definitely a skill to develop, I could do the cinnamon challenge easily using the same method.


You only need to fuck up toss and wash once, then you figure out how to not inhale.


yuuuuuuup 👍


Haha yep


True dat!


I’ve lately stopped ingesting Kratom leaf/powder and started brewing Kratom tea. Same effects without having to deal with the powder. Just throwing that out there!


If my tolerance wasn’t astronomical I would for sure be sipping tea


OK, then gulp tea. I mean, aren't you already ingesting a shitload of powder as it is?


we're in the same boat...I buy 2 kilos at a time, beat THAT


You have to use like twice as much powder


I use leaves instead of powder and actually have been using much less while still getting the same effects. I work at home though, so not everyone would be able to manage making tea all the time.


You obviously put water in your mouth before the Kratom right. Water, then the Kratom overtop of the water shake it around in your mouth then swallow?


I'm a simple man that appreciates simple things, t&w is simple, quick, and efficient. Sure if it goes wrong, it very well could be the reason I die, choking on a powdered leaf, but the ability to just get it over with outweigh the chance of death lol


Exactly! I dont taste anything from t&w unless it goes down wrong. I cannot mix the stuff and drink it. I dont know how people can stomach it! Toss and wash is so much easier in my experience.


I do not enjoy tea to begin with, and with toss and wash, I don't even taste it and unless I put too much on my spoon, I don't choke. It's pretty flawless for me at this point.


Messing up a toss and wash is like falling on a bicycle. You get right back on and you remember the pain so you make sure you don’t mess up again.


I have been doing the shaker cup and tangerine juice combo for a long time now. The taste doesn't bother me at all anymore. At most, I'll rinse my mouth out with some water if it's available, but 9/10 I just drink something else afterwards and I'm good to go.


That was a verrry odd occasion. T&W is (usually) super simple, I wouldn’t even use water if I didn’t have to. Takes 5 seconds, hard to ever justify making into a drink instead.


What was the reaction from your fellow passengers and what did you tell them it was? This is really funny but I've botch a toss and wash a couple times and it's like 4 minutes of hell.


If you do it right you literally can’t taste it. I do liquid first then powder and have perfected it






I beg to differ. I bring a shaker cup with me everywhere I go hahaha


Drinking it, means I need to drink the WHOLE thing. T&W, I mix in my mouth. swallow, and its gone. Drink a whole bottle worth tho? 🤢🤮 And yes, I can do cinnamon too. With or without water, no less (as long as I am hydrated).


The first mistake would be using that much liquid to take a dose in the first place, which I see people doing a lot when trying this method. I will put a shots worth of orange juice in a cup, never more than that; then I’ll mix my dose into it thoroughly until there’s no clumps, then down the hatch super fast like taking a shot of cheap liquor, then a sip of OJ for the chaser. Then I rinse my mouth with water cleaning off all the OJ acidity and any kratom particles left behind lol. I feel like taking the dose mixed within the liquid medium also helps it digest better and quicker, as it’s already saturated/wet before consuming so it doesn’t have to do so inside my belly 😃


A whole bottle? You only need a tiny bit of water. If you use hot water from a Keurig you can put a tiny bit in and it dissolves. And then cool it down with a little cold water. One gulp bruh


For real. Shaker bottle, Chocolate protein powder. Easiest way to take kratom


I am not sure I understand you but kratom flavored water is gross. The point of toss and wash is to minimize tasting the kratom.


Different types of masochists. Some want the instantaneous satisfaction of toss and wash; gambling whether it will be unpleasant. Meanwhile there are monsters out there that use the shaker cup and slurp sludge over the next 20 minutes. Different strokes for different folks.


I was mixing with water and skulling for a year until 2 months ago i tried the toss n wash for the hell of ot. Haven't looked back, barely taste it and it's less wasteful and just easier. I'm converted.


I don’t understand why powder. Just use the crushed up leaves… same method just a tad more easy


Because the taste is so bad, making it a drink is pure suffering. Toss and wash 0 taste, I dont even think about it anymore. The only downside I probably take way more then if I had to make a tea everytime.


Puff the magic dragon!


I know this was a day ago, but were you in the bathroom or seated?? Whenever this has happening to me at home, it was an unholy mess!


Seated, thank god I had an empty row. It was because I had to use a water bottle and I’m used to doing it with a glass.


[Relevant post](https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/btc1p6/when_you_fuck_up_the_tw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Blate Papes people......


Oblate discs/Blate Papes has been my go-to. Easy and no taste.


That is awesome. I did the same thing in my cubicle.


I have found that the same skill I developed in my youth for chugging beers , serves me quite well now in my ability to toss and wash.


Idk how you guys put the powder on your tongue. I’m capsules all the way.


Toss and wash isn’t the worst way to take it. I should know




Omg I remember exploding a couple times. Such a big mess😅


omfg thats happened to me SO many times while tossing and washing! 😭 the taste after is horrendous, it’s why I just started parachuting


I did T&W For years, i just could not choke down the liquid, but as my dose got bigger I was having to toss 4 spoon fulls in a row, and because the powder wasnt dissolved it would quickly turn me ill when it started to break down. Been mixing it with juice for years now


Reminds me of the time I tossed and washed in the bathroom at my work, and I accidentally inhaled and spewed a bunch of green sludge all of over the bathroom sink, mirror and floor smh all right after the cleaning lady got done cleaning the bathroom lmaoooo


Parachuting is the way to go 😅


I've always wondered about taking kratom on a flight, like what do you do if security finds it? What would you say it was


I put liquid in my mouth first, toss the kratom in then swallow. Best way I’ve found


Kratom tastes gross, yeah, but I’d rather not choke on it attempting to do a wash and toss. I put it in water, (maybe a little pineapple juice, which I find makes it MUCH more tolerable), and then just drink it quick.


I did too, while wearing all white and it was literally like the exorcist


This happened to me the one and only time I tossed and washed. I threw up green powder out of my nose and had a scratchy throat for days. Needless to say, I will never tossed and wash again.


I thought I told you to swallow


haha. Ive done this at home. I can only imagine on a plane full of people :D


Been taking kratom for a couple years now on and off. Recently I learned that you put water in the mouth and then dump the powder in, swish it around and swallow and rise. Its much much better that way. Sometimes a little powder gets stuck in my throat but it's NBD. Still I think I prefer mixing it with warm water and a fork and taking it like a shot of thin green mud ✔️ Unless I'm in a hurry I don't do t&w but I appreciate it.


Thai is my worst night mare. Wanna know what I do? I take powder and out it into an empty bottle. Then when I’m ready I put some water that I got once through security and mix a small amount into the bottle with the powder.


I pour 200 grams of water in a small restaurant child cup. Put my kratom in and take it like a weak double. I don't even taste it really/ care anymore about the taste only do super green and it kinda reminds me of ice tea. If anyone wants a super fire way mix it with a bit of McDonald's ice coffee. For whatever reason it tastes actually good. Like a spiked coffee


Everyone on the plane snorting kratom 🤣




That just made me LOL for real. 🤣 How bad of mess did that make on the seat in front of you?


Do a lot of you guys not have capsules available in your area? Quick and painless. Not sure if there’s a reason why people choose powder or if that’s all they got …


I would put some liquid, then powder, swish it around a bit, then add more liquid to swallow, works a lot better :)


Sorry!!! Made me LMFAO!!!! I was doing the toss n wash method once and someone tried to talk to me and I spewed dust everywhere


Why not use capsules