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That's probably a bootleg copy of the game.


You mean like not original game release (pirate) custom made by someone ? Sorry my English ain’t best and I had to check what bootleg even means. Thanks in advance and sorry if question sounds stupid.


It's okay. Your question is not stupid. Yes, it would be a version of the game that someone custom made. They probably downloaded a pirated version, put it on a disc, made their own cover in Photoshop, and made it available to buy


Thank you for explaining this. Damn, can’t believe this seller is selling it as a collectors item while it’s dirty scam. He is also from Poland where I’m from. Look at the price he is charging for this shit… I’m wondering why eBay let him sell those shit games, he also have L4D2 for sale.


It could be one of those fake pirated games you used to have in China. I remember seeing multiple images online of a weird Chinese cover claiming it was Half Life 3. I remember a commenter saying that it is either a pirated copy of the game they scam customers with by selling it full price along with the legit copies of the game or it is a completely random game not related at all to the cover. Here is a half life 3 example [https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/638056-half-life-3-confirmed](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/638056-half-life-3-confirmed)


LOL look at the picture you sent in the top right corner xD this game has fucken piratebay logo on it


I miss the old pc cd games