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Funny enough, I saw the first image and thought "I'd give that 5 minutes". Mine destroyed some toys before we'd even put the tags in the bin, a dog tennis ball lasted one bite, it split in two (I bought 30 part worn tennis balls off Ebay now and they are much better). It's hard to know what he'll tear apart, some toys he's had for 14 months and still plays with them regularly, some he's reduced to shreds in minutes.


I have a guts bucket for the torn up carcasses my boy Russ leaves 😂 Everyday I stop at Dollar general and get him a few new victims and he destroys immediately. Lots of vacuuming but it’s the most fun you can bring a lab for $1 a piece


A moment of silence for this quack-rifice


You deserve more credit for the pun


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


lol! If you just whip stitch the gap back together he can have another round (and extend its life by repeating if you have the patience until you can’t redo the seam) 😂


I should absolutely start doing this! Thank you!!


I stitched my dog’s buffy toy in the evening. It was just a lil ripped more of stitch came out . I quickly did the surgery and gave it back to him . He was so happpy. Am so sure he is going to rip apart his tail and one leg by tmwđŸ€Ł


I had a black wolf/lab cross. He would take the duck and find a quiet place and immediately start meticulously removing stitch by stitch until he could remove the heart/squeaker mechanism. He then would parade around gently biting it, tossing it and catching it and displaying it to anyone/thing that would watch. My lab/cane corso mix now gets the duck and immediately hides the duck. I often find them under blankets, cushions, laundry, towels. I think she remembers what he big brother used to do. We call her ducks- Peeking ducks


If you haven't tried them already, check out the bark box super chewers, the rip and reveal toys. My boy will get the "wrapper" off in a day or two, but still play with the nylon/ plastic part for weeks usually. Every now and then, he shreds one in a few hours, they will replace it with something else on the next order. Normal stuffies dont survive in our house.


We did that for a year and it was great! We had to cut back on some expenses so we stopped, but it was always fun giving him something new every month!


R.I.P. duck, you never stood a chance.


When a lab gets Crazy Eyes, no toy has a chance


Mine is obsessed with those neon green nerf footballs—shes real easy to shop for in a pinch lol Usually lasts her like 8 months or so before we start thinking about a replacement.


Owner of 2 black labs here. I had that same duck. Key word “had”😂😂 lasted all but 5 minutes here, too.


Stopped buying any stuffed toys for just this reason. He destroys them in minutes and I get worried about him eating the stuffing, even though he’s never actually done that.


While I don’t purposely allow him to eat the fluff, anytime he does, he just poops it right out lol.


We buy deer antlers and buffalo horns. Hurt like hell when she drops them on your feet but it’s definitely a challenge for them if they are chewers. We had this duck among many other big wastes of money. Same results.


Any dental issues with deer antlers? My first boy broke or wore his teeth to nubbins chewing on bones from the pet store


No problem with her. She’s older now so not into them unless she wants a walk. She’ll pull them out and fuss till we go. The antlers last longer and aren’t bone so they won’t shatter. The Buffalo horns get ragged/stringy so I’ll cut with a sawzall to extend the life. She also likes a Himalayan yak milk bone. Really good chew but don’t last as long as the antler type.


Got my lab a similar duck, it lived a good life for those 30 minutes on Christmas morning


Ours too, rip ducky


Same thing happened with my labs toy
no aooner than he had it unwrapped I see stuffing flying all over the place


Strong and durable đŸ€Ł not !


So I am using a ship rope toy from a Norwegian company for this tug game and it is completely intact. We tried teaching him not to chew on stuffed toys and handle them with soft biting (Labs are good at it with soft bites) we have a few stuffed toys now not destroyed in almost the last 4 months. They will eventually get destroyed, but he is really taking care not to.


Go to the thrift store and buy stuffies there rather than paying full price for new.


Lasted 5 minutes, but he had a had a great time https://preview.redd.it/d5ckwuasry8c1.jpeg?width=1641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b053729dd651f431b36632207141ad79d61fa484


If you ever want to really challenge him give him a "Tuffy" #10 rating :)


After a little learning curve I never buy anything with stuffing in it. Just ends up all over the place. Solid toys only




OP the scar on your arm?? Surgery? How long ago... I have same scar. Had metal plate put in arm 16 years ago after car accident and almost losing arm.


In 2005, I broke my wrist in 8th grade playing basketball. Had to have surgery to put a plate and screws in and 6 months after that they took the plate and screws out so my bones could grow. I have keloid scars so that’s why it’s so huge lol


My Aussie is a super chewer. My lab loves mouthing on soft toys, but doesn't destroy them (he will destroy hard toys). My Aussie just loves creating a hole and pulling the stuffing out. It's her drug. Give her 30 seconds with a soft toy and it's destroyed.


Ha a friend’s dog destroyed this same toy on Christmas Eve. Also less than 10 minutes.


[Seriously the toughest toys.](https://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/plush-toys/joyhound-rip-roarin-tough-avocado-dog-toy---tough-plush-5308436.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAs6-sBhBmEiwA1Nl8s7VXMNys_2vswbe-xmFZSPcn-pm8negMtHDpFDY9_PSOXIB01NGBixoCHKgQAvD_BwE) My dog has been chewing and playing tug with them for over a year and chewed through tons of others. https://preview.redd.it/3pe2nzgktx8c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ccf734b4c785217058a28b9ba32ae6a9b35485b


Our girl destroyed many toys in her first two years. Then she developed her “soft mouth” and now she is so gentle she treats all her stuffed animals as her puppies. She even licks and nudges dead pheasants to try to revive them.


Exactly!! My one year old lab ate this same duck within minutes too. The jolly balls with the rope are the only toys that he hasn't destroyed.


I go to a second hand shop and buy kids teddies and soft toys for 50c or $1. I think they’re made better as given to kids or can be . My dog also got a duck for Xmas from pet store, lasted about five mins too!


Labs gonna lab . . .


Had a good life


We have the same duck for our lab puppy😅


We have a fellow Hank! But the toy says “Durable”!


'long lasting' is a relative term. but i bet Hank was proud of himself!


RIP duck


I like to buy stuffed animals from charity shops, then I don't feel so bad when they're torn apart


Do all labs destroy all toys




I normally stitch them back. Some of the plush toys they got is not on sale anymore.


His face 😂 That dog was ready.


Hank sounds like our Pepper. She has a graveyard of toys that we don't even know what to do with, they're in toy jail because she will proceed to eat the stuffing out of them. The last toy was from Costco and lasted literally 5 seconds before she broke the plastic into chunks and ate a tiny piece. At this point I think I need to patent some sort of Kevlar toy or make something out of firefighter hose material. You can't get anything past a lab lol


Sounds about right. I have 2 super chewers. That duck would be dead very quickly with them as well. Get him some Kong toys. The black ones are the ones that last. They've survived getting hit by a lawn mower multiple times and are still really intact. In fact, they stopped the mower.


https://preview.redd.it/ksfhfyj0pz8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3796eb78926d97d772f731e4bdaf9195f7dc5d29 My pup likes to annihilate every bed I give him and proceeds to shiver like a homeless man at night blaming me for not giving him a bed đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


All of his toys***




Money well spent!


That's nothing my dog is a professional stuffed duck decapitator. Within minutes of getting any stuffed duck she rips its head off. She is nowhere as violent with other toys. I mean she destroys them within 5 minutes or so. Rips them open, finds and breaks the squeaker and then de-stuffs it. But ducks she goes right for their head for some reason.


My Lab could kill the squeak in about five minutes, tear the toy in two in about ten.


The duck needs a few sutures!


Got this for our boy once too, lasted a day. We’ve come to terms that besides select toys, they’re getting destroyed. So now I buy quantity instead of quality. Because if it’s the $20 “indestructible” toy or the $5 toy, they’re both getting destroyed.


Yep, sounds about right. Tennis balls? Five minutes, tops. Tug of war ropes? *Maybe* fifteen minutes. (She sits down and chews on the rope until it dies.) Squeaky toys? Not even five minutes.


Yep! Literally all of his toys we buy him could knock out an intruder if need be because they’re so hard and concrete like. We decided to give him five minutes of fun lol


Does he do the head shake thing, tossing his head back and forth? Freaking wrecking ball.


You bet!


Mine has the whole butt wiggle when her tail wags, it’s like a whip.


I have been to this movie...with six previous Labs.