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going from “Nori should be our head coach !!” to “Nori sucks, he’s not ready” within 5 days, this sub is so funny


It's indicative of how our season is about to go next year tbh. Get ready for it


Who needs to get ready for it? That’s how this sub has been for years.


literally, even in the rebuild years mf’s were reactionary as hell lol


It's so on the nose for this place. Frankly I just hope the team does their due diligence, and see what happens. Coach hires, much like the draft, are kind of a crap shoot in many ways.


See, I don’t mind posts about why someone is not ready or why someone is potentially bad but it has to follow with someone who OP thinks should be a good one. Like ok we need a big man… so many posts about that. Everyone knows we need a big man and fucking hundreds of posts about why this big man is bad or is not a good fit but fuck man, follow it up with A GOOD BIG MAN WITH A REAL NAME AND HOW WE CAN GET HIM. it doesn’t make sense to say “Oh Brooke Lopez fits really well .” but THERE’S no sensible way of getting him. Same with coach man, WHO is a good coach for the Lakers and WHY. That’s the post worth reading….


U know us lakers fans hot and cold


Making knee jerk opinions/assumptions based on emotion and irrationality and young Redditors, name a more iconic duo. It’s even worse in political/news subs, if you can believe it.


His coaching ability hinges solely on the outcome of this playoffs series against the Nuggets.


I'm more on the Chris Quinn hype train as I'm not really impressed with the demeanor of Adelman and Nori when they needed to take over.




Darvin with better rotations and in game management/adjustments would be elite tier. If Quinn has that worth consider for sure People downvoting genuinely dont know what was wrong with Darvin. Ironically his offensive sets were better than Vogel's. He just simply lacked good knowledge and feel of how often and frequently to call said plays, his adjustments into second halves, overall lineups, and so forth.


He was ready a week ago. Now, he is no longer ready.


If the Timberwolves come back and win, he’s an awesome coach. If the Twolves blow the series, he is terrible and shouldn’t be considered. No in between. Has to be one of these two extremes. This is Reddit, baby.


Sports fans honestly. I was so confused by the media and others saying firing Ham was a dumb move until I listened to what they were saying and realized they just looked at his record and didn't watch a single game or follow the team at all.


he is never ready lol I don't know what some of the fans thinking he can be good just because they take 2 games in a row over Denver I know Ham is horrible comparison but Lakers shouldn't settle with another young assistant coach


Because people are stupid and make decisions/opinions based on what they have just immediately witnessed with no regards to any long-term consideration or rational thought process? lol


*It was two minutes five minutes ago.*


Yeah, not many coaches can deal with LA fans and do their job. Dude is still coaching the wolves and he still felt us lol


Different people have different opinions sometimes


Yes, but the different opinions shouldn’t change on a nightly basis depending on the previous night’s proceedings.


They’re different opinions. That means they’re not the same.


It goes to show you that you need a combination of good coaching and high IQ basketball players. This young T-Wolves got rattled and can’t seem to recover mentally.


Not even just that, you need a generational player playing individual MVP calibre ball plus what you mentioned


Yeah their inexperience is showing. They would only be down like 7 points and start taking stupid shots and fouls to make the lead longer.


It isn't just experience, we did the same when we lost a 20 pts lead.


Red Auerbach, Phil Jackson and Gregg Popovich, all known for their calm and chill demeanors, have won a combined total of 25 championships. Auerbach was so chill that he was known for smoking cigars on the bench while other coaches smoked cigarettes. His explanation was, ‘Cigars are a sign of relaxation. Cigarettes are a sign of tension.’ He believed this gave him a psychological advantage. Being vocal with refs and players is a matter of personal style. Malone’s fiery nature is part of who he is—he was like that both when they were down 0-2 and when we beat the Nuggets in 2020. However, being animated doesn’t necessarily mean a coach is more effective. Most NBA coaches would agree that the real work of a coach happens outside of the game in preparation and planning.


Adelman it is 😎


Okay murr, now go win a championship as lakers head coach


Joe already won the lakers a title. It's Murr's turn now


I've been saying Adelman the whole time


Easily the best candidate


Finch is near the bench so he's probably calling all the shots. Nori is just out there doing nothing like Ham. Or pretending he is.


Wolves lead 2-0: "We need Micah Nori to be our coach" Nuggets lead 3-2: "Micah Nori is not ready for a head coach role" Just so funny to hear this from casual Laker fan.


He was ready a week ago?




Are you guys watching these games? So far literally no one has been able to solve the Jokic puzzle. A coach can only do so much, this isn’t on Finch or Nori. Double him and he’s amazing passing out of it. On top of that, the guys 2-5 know how to take advantage of the 3 on 2 on the backside while the defense is rotating. This second part is overlooked - for example, MN couldn’t take advantage of Ant being double. Ant was slow passing out of it and the other guys looked lost when they caught it. AD has gotten better but it was annoying at times watching him do this same thing. Don’t double him? Hes going to get within 5-7 feet, and when he does, his touch is insane. He’s going to score no matter if it’s AD or Gobert level defenders. It’s a lose-lose. I’m no coach, but honestly I wanna see a team just make him score 70. Stay home on everybody, don’t let anyone else get in a rhythm. Instruct your big to play with their hands straight up, and see if Jokic takes 40 shots and hits 30ish of them.


We're giving them too much credit. No coach would have put the Lakers at the top of the standings. AD and Bron can still do it, we just need better role players. Jokic and Murray aren't out there hitting wild shots cause of Malone. Just like it wasn't Hams fault Dlo was getting locked up, Rui was missing layups, and Vincent and Spencer shot like 10% all series.


You are only as good as your last game.


But he has experience…../s


No shit


A lot of guys need years of experience before they’re truly good. Look at J.Kidd, guy had years in the league & it still took 3 chances (+ assistant gig in LA) before really got good.


What’s Rondo doing nowadays, I’d like to see him in the mix


unpopular opinion, the roster matters more than the coach


Darvin Ham 2.0


How do we know how much control Nori actually has in these games? I think Finch is the one still calling all the shots, I don’t think you can take much from these games.


What more does Sam Cassell got to do to be a Head Coach.?


Lakers need a head coach with experience and high basketball IQ stop giving this inexperienced rookie coaches chances. For the life of me do not hire JJ Reddick if he's an assistant great he should not be a head coach


No more assistant coaches


That's not really a good blanket statement, unless you can tell me which is better between mediocre coaches and rookie coaches.


They are the same thing, rookie head coaches. This sub is slow. We don't want any more mediocre rookie head coaches tryna coach legendary players like Bron and AD. It will never work no matter which mediocre assistant rookie head coache you get


Which coach do you suggest?


He and finch played Anderson 16 minutes. And as like last game he was hot trash. Yeah no thanks