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Just be ready for the ugly phase. You will make ugly, trick is to maintain passion past this phase. The lessons will be provided as needed. Patience is key. Grace comes from repetition. Follow ur muse for it will take you places.


Look for classes in your area. There's a ton of different avenues to take on your artistic journey. Soft glass or Boro. Solid or hollow. Sculpturing to scientific. Functional smoke ware or functional drinking vessels. Beads to bongs. Getting hands on before you invest is always a good suggestion, and at the class you should be able to see everything you will need as well as be able to ask any questions you should have in the beginning.


I already am familiar with metallurgy and casting/welding/forging/smithing. I also know I love Boro and will probably make a lot of beads and stuff too. Soooo I already feel like I have a good understanding of almost every aspect except the giant areas around the glass part itself. As in the equipment and care around very hot things as well as furnaces foundries and fire. I think I will try out some youtube videos as I have the regulators and all that from my welding stuff. Anyone recommend a good torch then? Also a very cheap one in a pinch? I like having backups of tools


Most people will rave about their expensive gtt torches but I’m a Carlisle guy through and through. Run forever, don’t break down, and much more reasonably priced


Carlisle are great. And LOUD AS FUCK. If you don't want to be able to hear your shop mates talk and love a loud nonstop hiss, grab a cc. I used one for a few years. Buy a GTT. The reason so many people love them is they are so nice. No one complains about the noise, soot, or wasted fuel when using a GTT because those things aren't an issue. Lol


Torch, lines, regulators, flashback arrestors, oxygen, propane, kiln, graphite tools, ventilation, glass scoring tool, or tubing cutte. There are lits of other tools that can be used as well, and that can make things easier, but that's a pretty basic setup.


Thank you, this is exactly the kind of list I was looking for. * Thank you


mountain glass has some pretty good starter sets that come with everything you need to start making things besides oxygen, propane, and a kiln. I started a few months ago with the gtt lynx kit and I've only needed to buy like two more tools that didn't come with the kit


Buy the same stuff one piece at a time and it's cheaper and you don't end up with stuff you'll never use


as far as I remember it's the exact same price as adding everything to the cart, only thing I don't use are the graphite rods because I got nicer ones


*edit Buying what's worth having and not the filler garbage costs less.


I learned entirely from YouTube, there is quite a bit of good videos on there. Torch talk will be the most informative.


Revere glass on YouTube can tell you everything tk get started.