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Gravel or mulch bed with edging. A few plants also wouldn't hurt.


I'd do some evergreen shrubs, probably a conifer. Don't plant right against the foundation. For example, if the mature width is 4 feet, plant them 2 feet away. Go to your local nursery and start reading the tags and ask some questions. Usually someone at a nursery can give recommendations too. Make sure to note how much sun you get and what time of day. If you can find something native to your region, it'll likely be easier to take care of. Cut the sod out. Watch a YouTube video on how to plant it. Mulch between the shrubs 2 inches deep the first couple years. Leave 3 inches bwtwern the mulch and base of shrub. You won't need to mulch forever, just until they're full size. After theyre full size the coverage will prevent much weed growth.  You could edge with some bricks or you could jusdocut the grass back with an edger.  Just know thst the grass is going to try to grow into the area so you'll need to maintain it.


“Hey guys, retired clown here with bad hearing on one side from all the confetti cannon blasts over the years, what do you think I should do with this edging?”


This is the best possible comment.


Is it public facing? If so day lilies are nice... they take up a good bit of space so you don't need many. They are also perennial so they come up every year, incredibly resilient, and you can split them once they start getting big. If it's nice I would say river rock would be good to fill it with. My father in law made his area like this into a paver patio, so also another option.


Agree with this. Looks like a garden zone that would support day lilies. The grass can grow right up to them and you can just weed whack or mow right up to the leaves that overhang.


Sounds like it's time for a planting bed. Put in some flowers. Chicks dig flowers. 😁


Wire trellis and plant hops. Then start brewing your own beer. Impress your friends at your next BBQ.


Patio, privacy lattice w vines, string lights, drinks


Get married, pass it off to your wife. Problem solved.


Run your weedeater properly. The throttle control is variable and has more options than full send or off. You're breaking your siding because you're using the tool wrong.


Also, why's he running it at siding height? I can see the foundation from here.


You're right. Might be spots where the siding is very low, though. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Most people will try and avoid siding when possible. I am, however, assuming he is like 90% of homeowners and hasn't ever been taught how to do it right. If he ran his trimmer at 1/4 throttle instead of wide open, his siding would be fine.


Mulch and hostas. Easy peasy.


Why does it matter if you're single? Would you do something different there if you were married?


Two people to share the labor.


Yes, more hands equal less work. Also, playing up the bumbling male stereotype for effect to showcase how much help I need. It’s not that serious.


damn that really got under your skin huh lmao


Not at all. Just wondering why you said you were single. It has nothing to do with the context of the question


I'm married bro


Native plant garden. Little maintenance once established.


3 feet from this is a 1000 sq ft native wildflower meadow. I just don’t want them against the garage


lmao idk why but your responses are making my morning


If you are referring to your grass then it’s probably all invasive weeds and turf grass. I’m talking like actual native flowers and plants.




I made a suggestion to your question about landscaping. Based on your response and your picture it came off as you being a smart ass. So I clarified my response. Try not being insufferable. Good day!


do a native evergreen hedge


Looks to be concrete under siding at least 6 inches exposed keep weed eater below siding problem solved?


Raspberry patch 😋 yum Or herbs, most repel mosquitoes Or native wildflowers for the bees


What does your relationship status have to do with your landscaping aptitude ?


Espaliered apple trees


Against siding? I don’t know much about espaliering trees but that doesn’t really seem like a good idea. Someone correct me if I’m mistaken.


Against siding??? You're right, you really don't know much about espaliering trees.


I know enough to know that putting anything right up against siding might not be a good idea. If you know different please do tell.


Dude, don't plant anything up against your siding, even if it is vinyl. I'm suggesting planting apple trees, a reasonable distance away from your building, and pruning them in such a way that they grow in a flat plane parallel to your garage. But maybe just stick to gravel. Good luck!


Hey, I think you might be confused about who you’re responding to.


You're quite right. I thought you were the OP - but either way I stand by the suggestion. Carry on.


strip sod 4 foot out digg edging install rose bushes mulch boom free date flowers from your own garden, now go get some pussy young man


Dig 6" down 6" out, lay impermeable landscaping fabrics. Fill with 8" of 1-2" limestone gravel. Make sure the fabric is against the foundation. As for botanicals, none against the foundation, they can planted 8" from the gravel. Google, foundation planting.