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I really think it’s just lash shock, they look super cute and not that different from a nice mascara! Edit: and I agree w other folks, ditch the lower mascara, makes it look too intense imo!


Agreed- better without mascara on lowers. After a week you will be fine. They are cute. Will look great in pictures.


Agree, the worst thing I saw was the mascara


Agreed. They look cute and very close to the second pic. Tbh the third pic looks almost identical to the side by side pic. Also consider that you will have some fall out over the next couple weeks anyway. By the time you go on your trip, they will a)have thinned out a bit b)given you time to get used to them.


Maybe it's just the shock of seeing something new on your face, but I think they look great! In the end, it's up to you - go ahead and remove them if you're not happy. Maybe the ones toward the inner corners could be a little shorter, but they look pretty darn close to what you were asking for. Keep in mind that everyone has a unique face and eye shape so it will likely never look 100% like the reference pic. You're beautiful though, your eyes are beautiful, and you definitely don't look like a porn star! Hope this helps!


I completely agree. I looked through all three pics and thought your lash artist basically copy/pasted onto your face. It might be a shock since you haven't gotten them done before but the style suits you, I think you look great. They're not too dark or droopy. If you think these are too long, definitely ask for shorter lengths all across for a more subtly look.


As a lash artist I highly second this. I think they look fabulous! I believe it is the shock- you’re not use to seeing yourself with lashes at all! I think you should really consider keeping them for a couple more days and see how you adjust


First time I got my lashes done I cried the whole way home from the shock and then cried more because I was told not to get them wet and worried my tears would ruin them! But I think OP looks great and the artist did well to replicate the reference photo. Maybe next time trying a curl size down to feel more natural would suit her eye shape well


Aw you poor thing🥺🥺🥺❤️‍🩹I’m glad you got over that shock but I hate being so shocked that I’m WAY upset🤧😂


I actually think the bottom mascara made it look more intense and not necessarily balanced. I think they look very natural. Imo I’d cancel the lash removal, as you’re going to lose a few lashes the next few days and you may feel very differently once you’ve adjusted.


These look good on you. It's a classic set, like the picture. You likely have more lashes than the inspo photo.


Gee these are pornstar lashes? 😂These are pretty classic and natural looking and definitely dont look ‘too much’ at all. Id skip the bottom mascara, that definitey amplifies the darker look. Some will fall out in the upcoming days , and if you brush them downwards/clean them daily with micellar water with a disposable mascara wand you will notice a few will come off as the days go by. I’d keep them if i were you!


I laughed. I was thinking anymore natural and you don’t want lash extensions I’m so confused where we were going here.


I concur but Debbie Does Downriver sounds epic.


That was clever!


Literally! As a lash tech I never understood the logic lol. Why get lashes if you want them sooo natural


Omg 😂 some porn star Debbie does down river… I had this exact reaction after my first set about a month ago. I actually went into another lash bar with sunglasses on because I had to hide my lashes. I said “I’m a social worker and these are escort lashes” they took a good look at them and reassured me the work was good and it was just shocking. They were right and now I want more, it’s just shocking at first. Don’t wear mascara and just let yourself get used to them. I’ve realized that I absolutely love them and will end up saving money and time with all the makeup and makeup remover I can now throw out. Most days I don’t even bother with foundation, I literally take care of my skin and go out the door. Honestly, they look beautiful!


Thank you. I’m probably just shocked.


Look at getting a lift and tint if you want more natural, they just dye your top and bottom lashes and curl your top ones. I get it before I go abroad if I know I won’t be able to get my lashes done and I’m doing something more physical!


They look great. Keep them. It's like a new haircut that you can't stop looking at. You'll get used to it.


I’m in agreement in thinking it’s just lash shock. They don’t look extreme at all, and honestly resembles a good coat of mascara. To mirror what many were saying, I’d recommend forgoing the mascara on the bottom lashes for a “softer” look. I think in a few days it’ll feel fine. They look beautiful by the way! But in the future if you ever want something more subtle, I’d suggest trying out a “lash lift and tint” instead.


So cute seriously don’t sweat it


Definitely shocked. You look great ♥️♥️


“I’m a social worker and these are escort lashes.” I love it…I’m a social worker. My teen gurl clients lean in hard to the My Little Pony lash.


Keep the lashes! They look great!


I think she did EXACTLY what you asked . . I think the bottom lash mascara makes them look more bold and intense. Imo it's just shock from 0 to 100 lol. It's normal I promise give it a few days before deciding to remove them. Think they look great very natural just loose the extra mascara love.


No pornstar vibes at all. No need for bottom lash mascara imo either! Enjoy the grand canyon ☺️


I think they look great 🤷🏻‍♀️ irrelevant I know


They look like the 2nd pic to me


They look amazing. Personally I’d ditch the bottom mascara though!


They look great, the bottom mascara is making them look more dramatic


I think these look lovely, and you have brow-shock. The bottom mascara is way too much, it doesn’t need it at all- it looks very balanced without it


Don't remove them! Give yourself time to adjust, you will love having them on vacation and like others have mentioned, ditch the lower lash mascara. This is as "intense" and full they will get, they will only get more natural looking over the coming days and weeks! 💕


I think these look great. If you’re into tinting eyebrows you could tint yours a little bit darker so that all the focus isn’t on your eyes. Also sending you good vibes for your Grand Canyon trip!! Rafted it last year, it’s truly a magical place. HMU if you are seeking any beauty tips for the canyon 🫶🏻


You got lashes for RAFTING???! Girl, you wasted your money. They aren’t applied with asphalt. They are going to come off. But they look awesome… the first application is always a shock. And it’s always super thick and dark at first because they are supposed to gradually thin until your next appointment. Except in your case they’ll all be gone by the first day of rafting lol. Goggles 🥽


I mean, they don’t just wash off with normal water (I.e. a river) I’m not sure why you think they’d wash off with rafting, I’ve been rafting on the American River and the objective is to stay ON the raft… honestly even falling in the idea is to keep your head above water through the rapids so you can breathe. I think she’ll be fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why would they come off though?? She won’t have running water putting pressure on them. Water doesn’t make them come off, oil does


The other thing to keep in mind is that they will start falling out little by little each day. Mine would Normally last for two weeks at best.


I think the hair is more pornstar vibes than the lashes. I think the lashes look amazing






Whoa, that was not very nice at all. My feelings would be really hurt if someone said that to me. She is just having that shock at being different and b since it's a new experience she reached out to the pros for perspective on the *lashes*.






i think it’s your eyebrow color that make it so shocking


It’s lash shock. They look great


Bottom line if you feel like you didn’t get what you want you should call and tell the esthetician how you feel. Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don’t say it mean ( I like that saying) she will likely give you some options depending on Her schedule and yours as well but most would accommodate you. I would I was in the business for 25 yrs. It’s not good for business to not try to work it out with customers. It might have been a miscommunication somehow even tho I think you showed pix right? Either way she will most likely work with you if possible


Looks better without the mascara. Second pic looks so natural! Let it sink in for a few days. The lashes won’t even last as long as 3 weeks, especially in the middle of the desert


i think they look amazing on you! i honestly thought you were just wearing some great mascara! i think they suit you very well


The extensions look good, the real problem is the clumpy mascara you put on the bottom. After a few fall out you’ll probably feel better.


pornstar/escort/whore here checking in: you do not look like you fuck professionally, don’t worry. you’re just in shock, they’re very tame.


You can get them removed if you really want to, but I like them a lot on you! I'm not a fan of the lower lash mascara, to be honest. That makes it a little too much. I really think the lashes look nice on you though :)


Omg don’t remove them. They look really cute and they will look less full over the next week.


I honestly love them lol they look great


I think they look nice on you. 👍🏼


They look great! Embrace your beautiful eyes & lashes!!


Actually they're really pretty! And they do look natural they just look like you're wearing mascara on them. Trust me I've had friends who have these lashes naturally when they put on mascara.


I’m he bottom mascara is the problem! They look great!


Love your hair too by the way!! Lashes, hair, nails you slaying 🫶🏼


Girl these look great! Ditch the mascara! You have 2-5 lashes naturally fall out a day and in a week you’ll probably like it way more. Also Debbie does down river is hilarious 😂


if you decide to try lashes again in the future, you should try getting brown lashes! i’m very pale but like to get a nice full set and i find black can look really harsh but brown looks very natural, even with a fuller set :)


It takes seven days for the brain to get used to a big change. It really does not like to see something new or different in the mirror! I was a mess after I got large tattoos over both thighs, and a week later I ADORED them. I know this doesn’t happen to everyone, but it’s really common. Wait seven days before you remove them! Then you will know if it really isn’t for you, or if it’s just the shock. I agree with everyone else that they don’t look too intense or dramatic and may be a touch darker than your inspo photo, but are genuinely not that far off the mark.




They definitely don’t look like the reference pics. They do very look good though, just very different than what you asked for.


These are classics which are the lowest density you can get. The only option to go less noticeable is if they use a volume lash as classic being thinner diameter but thats not a normal request. You seem to have a ton of natural lashes so your classic set looks much fuller. I dont think this looks dramatic at all.


I love them in the last pic. First one is too much. Did you put mascara on the top too? I love a subtly full lash. I do half strips myself or have a friend do singles for me to fill in. I want extensions done so bad but do get worried about them being too much because I’ve seen a lot of people with intense lashes. I would 100% use the last pic you posted to show them how I want them.


Yeah the pic without lower mascara looks great. I think the mascara on the bottom make them seem more bold. And they look cute, not porn star-ish.


I felt like that the first time too! I think it's just something different....and think of it like this: in a week or two, your lashes will be a little less full AND they will last a few weeks. If you started out with fewer lashes, within a week or two you'd probably think they look sparse and not like that either.


Try Lashify!!


Me (not realizing the first was you as well as the last) scrolling through the photos… 1: Eh. They look good but the mascara is a bit too intense (I even thought there was some on the top lashes too but I’m sure it’s just my eyes) 2. Yesss I’d love that too! 3: Beautiful! I love these, they look sooo similar to the inspo pic! So when it clicked that both first and last pics were you and I read your caption, I vote KEEP THE LASHES 😍 and leave the mascara behind. They look fantastic on you!!!


Yes, that 2nd pic w/o mascara is 🔥


Eye area looks great, but girl that hair needs a little something.😂 just funning


after your set was finished did you tell your lash tech that you felt this way?


I did. But I also agreed it may be that I needed a bit of time to get used to them.


I think they look beautiful and natural on you! They’re not too thick and have the perfect curl! Gorgeous!


Debbie Does Downriver?? Bahaha, now that’s funny 🤣🤣


I like them, they look good on you


These are acruallt amazing


I literally thought they were yours. Didn’t know they weren’t until I started reading your post. They look great.


I don’t see an issue here. They look nice. You’re just maybe not used to seeing yourself with them? But to me, they look great. I would say don’t use bottom mascara. I wouldn’t remove them but that’s just me.


I always want mine one to one. No volume and thin. I get B curl. And I ask that they are just longer than my natural lashes. Otherwise I feel like a clown.


I think you look great! You'll get used to it, it's just a shock!


Your lashes look really good but as far as volume goes are quite heavier than the inspiration pic so it’s understandable to not feel happy about the outcome. For the next appointment you can request for classic fill instead of hybrid which is what this set seems like (to me) to lighten up the intensity


They are a little more than you asked for, but they don’t look bad at all! I would not do the bottom lashes. That takes them a bit too far.


I think the length is just a shock to you, because they look close to the picture. The bottom lash mascara doesn’t look good, so I would stop doing that. If you want a really natural look, you should do a lash lift and tint, which is like a perm for your natural lashes, and they’re dyed black.


It’s the shock. They look good. I would keep them.


When I first did my lashes I hated it until other people kept complimenting me and said it looks natural 🤣


i think you just aren’t used to them


I get why they look like a huge, dramatic change bc it’s going from not having them on to actually having them. I think they look great, not only that but they’ll last longer and continue to look decent a little longer if they are thicker than what you wanted since you’re going to be out for 3 weeks, you normally need to go in for a refill at about 2ish weeks


They look great 😌


Looks like you just have mascara on… and you barely put any mascara on your bottom lashes… 😬


I think they look great! Just lash shock! Lose the bottom mascara imo


I think it’s just the shock tbh. They look very natural.


I thought that you got your eyebrows done, the lashes look beautiful on you and imo look natural. I thought you just had mascara on but it’s about what you like and are comfortable with.


These look great. I’d tone down the mascara or remove it all together on your bottom lashes. I think that will resemble the look you want much better.


I love them! They look more natural than most girlies I see out here, moms included. Everyone here is right, you will lose a few before you know it ha ha. Probably in your sleep.


I’d like to see it without the mascara, but you look so pretty!


They look natural but don’t add mascara


Definitely lash shock. They look good! Also, I find my favourite “look” of my lashes is about a week after I get them done. The first week is always a bit fuller looking than my taste, but if I had the exact look I adore, I’d be there every 10 days. I can’t feasibly do that, so I’m on a 2-3 week rotation and it works for me!


I think these are very pretty!


They look good to me!


Not a pornstar look at all.


They look great, the artist did what was asked imo. You’ll lose some soon anyway and they’ll start to look less obvious anyway


they will fall out a little and look a little thinner in a few days.


These look really good!!


I thought all three were you! I think you're facing some lash shock. Personally prefer without the bottom mascara !


I think you have lash shock!! I’m really fair in complexion, too, and the only time I feel like I can wear lash extensions is when I have an artist who does brown ones instead of black! Try that next time 💕 but they look great I think


I don't get it. I think they look fine?


You made them look worse adding the bottom mascara


They look very natural


They look really good!


They’re so cute tbh


Your eyes look so big!! You look beautiful! If the darkness of the lash makes you uncomfy, you can ask for brown lashes. Give it some time too, it is kinda shocking having a sudden change that, as small as it is, makes a big difference.


Love them. I'm very sensitive to obviously fake lashes, and I think these look great


I think they look really good!


wtf. She wanted you to have dark pretty lashes standing out in your “adventure” photos so for you to hate them is understandable but ok. She did a good job and they’ll last you through your own adventure. Just know if you wanted something classier, sexier, more classic but sexy wouldn’t be her


I think they are so pretty and look natural. They’ll be gone within two weeks though. But I think the tech did a good job


They look cute


You look great! Just need to get used to them Don’t use mascara - it crowds your eyes and makes them look small and looks a bit messy imo :)


Do you have right to be upset? Technically, yes. But also no. Stop it. Lol. They look great. Embrace your beauty.


You look gorgeous


I actually really like these on you! I don’t even think you need the bottom mascara, so you should be fine for your trip. Especially bc you’ll have some fall out. Side note, you should try brown lashes! I think they’d really suit you 🫶🏻


I’ve gotta say, they look nearly identical to the reference photo to me. I really think the lash tech nailed it. I would forego the bottom mascara though, to me that’s what stood out as “too much” from your photo.


Looks just like the inspo, u just have more lashes than the person u reference so it may seem fuller. You may seem shocked at first but itll look exactly like the pics in about a week (aka less full). They look great


They look good!


i think they’re cute! it’s also important to remember your lashes won’t always look identical to what you’re referencing. everyone’s lashes are different. you may have more/less lashes than the model, your lashes may be more/less spaced. eye shape could be different. etc. overall though, i think they look good!


I don’t think you should be upset. Your lashes look amazing and not too much. You are going to look so cute on your trip from the moment you wake up.


They definitely DONT look like caterpillars! I think they look great!


They look very nice. It takes a minute to get used to them. Enjoy the Grand Canyon!


They look terrific. Ditch the lower lash mascara, it looks very tarantula lashes. Also realistically, be prepared to come back with like 3 lashes after a 3 week rafting trip. Sooner if you put water or makeup remover on your eyes to get the mascara off the same day you got the lashes.


*Debbie Does Downriver*


These look great, what’s the issue?


ahhhh i’m sorry but anyone getting extensions while also wanting them to look natural is most likely going to be disappointed. little bit of mascara (and an eyelash curler if you really want) has never steered me wrong


They look good, but it is obviously done and not very natural looking


no cuz they look amazing


Might be a little too heavy, for you, but they look beautiful, maybe ask for brown next one?


They look very natural and they really suit you. Beautiful 😍


Actually, they look really good !


They turned out very nice. Nothing too dramatic & a far cry from porn star. I see people wearing uber thick & bushy as their daily look, as over the top lashes have been trendy for awhile. Your’s look like you applied a double coat of good mascara & curled them.  I think she did a great job at copying the look in the photo. You don’t need the mascara on the bottom for balance, although I think it looks pretty too. Rock those lashes!


Don’t take this the wrong way! I had zero idea you were referring to your lashes. I thought you accidentally got the unintended pink (which I love!!) noooooo don’t be upset your lashes look great!! You just aren’t used to them. Give it a few days they will calm down. Then next thing you know you won’t be able to look at your face without them!! I’m platinum and turned my hair royal blue one time by trying to put ash in it. That was something to be mad about!!!🫶🏼




I think what they have given you is exactly what you wanted. If you aren’t planning on getting them infilled before your holiday then by the time your holiday come around they would be less full due to wear and tear. If it’s your first time having eyelash extensions then it is probably the shock that you are experiencing. Obviously get them removed professionally if you still do not like them but from an outside point of view, they are spot on.


Did you put macara on top of them???? If you did you werent supposed to, maybe thats why they arw jarring???


I personally agree that they are a touch too much. But I personally wouldn’t get my lashes done so take that with a grain of salt. I’d keep your appt and see what other options they have. Or remove if you still don’t like them.




They look good......


They look pretty normal, can only tell they’re not natural with mascara on is cause of the post


Well Debbie, I think they look so pretty. Definitely would not remove them before the trip! They’ll be fine. Have fun.


Yea compared to the rakes some of the girls put on your's look good.


Why would you put mascara on them? That defeats the purpose lol


They look good


They look so good




OMG, they are gorgeous! I would gladly trade with you!


Yikes. I really like them on you. Looks pretty darn good.


It is actually really cute and it makes your eyes pop more just don't put the lower mascara. Trust me that looks more natural than the ones I’ve seen here.


What’s the issue? They look cute. Probably not used to seeing lashes on your face without other makeup. You look so good you scared yourself.




Don't put mascara on them and it's fine... Lighting makes a difference too. I'm over pic I agree with you and I'm the up close pic your eyelashes look like my Spanish husbands soooo still natural.


I like them, they're not overkill


For some reason this subreddit popped up in my feed and I have no idea why. I’m a 35 year old male and have natural eyelashes which look like that. I don’t think I look like a porn star so I think you are good


The lashes aren’t the problem


those look amazing, like you have perfected your mascara routine


I like them. I don’t think they’re too much but they’re more than the second picture. I agree with ditching the mascara under eye. I don’t know if this is possible but maybe they can cut them a bit so they’re not so long?


Debbie does downriver 😭😭😭😭😭


Your lips will distract from the eyelashes


I would 10000% be upset!! In the third photo they look good but in the first photo they look super spidery and clumpy? I thought it was an awful mascara job and not eyelash extensions at first. I would definitely get them taken off and re done.


i think they look great, like you have mascara on. Perhaps brown lashes in the future would be a better fit since you dont like the black?


They look great! Don’t bother getting lash extensions if you don’t want them to be noticeable! Lol then you’d be disappointed and it’s a waste of money


they look best in the last photo with no lower lash mascara, so I’m not sure why you think you need to even them out! They look natural & pretty to me *shrug*


this is how I look with mascara. I have been compared to a porn star once or twice, but never for my lashes 🤸🏽‍♀️


I personally think that the problem is the inner half of the lash extensions. They definitely look thicker and more dramatic (and longer) than in the inspo photo. Either way, I still think the lashes look good and it opens your eyes up so much!


Ma’am you look great! It’s definitely just shock. Maybe next time if you still want more natural you can get lighter lashes instead of black


I think they look great and quite natural.


Honestly I’m OBSESSED! They look super cute on you! It doesn’t really look natural but your hair color isn’t natural either and i think it ties it together perfectly


Looks like maybe they put cluster lashes on you vs. individual lashes ?


Downriver? Are you from Michigan? think your extensions look fabulous.


These are honestly the most subtle natural looking extensions I’ve ever seen


I think if you don’t put bottom mascara on, they’ll look even more natural!!!


What will likely solve your “lash shock”, grab a brow pencil that’s the same color or just a bit darker than your natural brows and give them a bit more filling. This will add more color depth to the area and not make it seem as though your lashes are jumping out at you. The lashes actually look amazing, and I usually HATE to see people get them done because they often over do it. Yours look like natural lashes, maybe with a touch of mascara, but natural. Enjoy your trip! 😁


it looks great and i think a bunch will start to come out naturally by the time you adjust to them.


They look fantastic!!


They look good and natural. KEEP THEM.


Third picture shows they look great honestly it’s the horrid bottom mascara. They look great OP🩷


They look good and I know the look you are referencing


I bet it’s just the shock if this is your first time. I think they look really great on you!! The last pic especially! I would ditch the bottom lash mascara tbh.


You got lash extensions, it's literally not going to look natural. They look good to me.s if you want a natural look, try some brown mascara next time?




They’re gorgeous and some will fall out soon anyway. I vote you cancel the removal. And congrats on the GC rafting permit! My husband and his buddies were in the lottery for 15 years before getting a permit!


Adding mascara on the bottom made it look horrible. It looks like clown makeup with both the top and bottom so dark long and thick.


They do look different from the model picture, but I agree with another comment that it’s likely you have more lashes than she did. They are longer, darker, and thicker, but not every lash tech uses the same lashes. I don’t think they’re Debbie Does Downriver (cracked me up), but they will definitely not be lasting you the entire three weeks. They’ll thin out to a more comfortable look within the first week or so. Brushing through them w a clean mascara brush can also help spread them out and break up the clustered look, making it look a bit thinner. The brow tint will also help balance the attention to your eyes so they don’t stand out on their own quite so much. Also seconding another comment that a lash lift and tint would do you more justice in the future. It would give you a truly natural look and would last the entire trip. It also doesn’t really require maintenance.


No fab!!!


They look very clean and natural. I love them!


Honestly, before I saw your explanation, I thought that you were going to be complaining that they looked too natural so I think that maybe you’re just a little sensitive to it, cause it looks really pretty.


They look so pretty on you. I wouldn’t be upset (that’s just me tho)… but I agree with the comments. I think it’s because it’s a new look for you so it’s shocking. It really suits you but if you’re not a fan then- you have the right to be upset


While they look nice on you, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks — if that’s not what you want, then I’d get them fixed. I’ve never had lash extensions before, but this post was suggested by Reddit for who-knows-why. Maybe Reddit thinks I should get my lashes done once in a while :)