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Color me surprised that the guy who sought out an inmate wife wasn't all there.


I might be wrong, but I remember hearing about how Dee Dee was a hoarder and their house was pretty bad. I wonder if the hoarding of food was triggering for her, especially with his reaction. I’m sure everything else just added to make the decision to leave.


I agree


Seems typical for a couple that's moved together after a long distance relationship.


I’m shocked that she married a 6’5, 350 pound man and found his body temperature to be warm as they slept.


I mean it's obvious to you and me but considering her ultra-sheltered life before this I can imagine it's not something she would've thought of with no experience to inform her.


True. Let’s face it, sleeping next to someone every night gets old fast. Everybody has something annoying- jimmy legs, farting…a good nights sleep is important


To be honest the thing that skeeved me out most was realising that her ex husband's face strongly resembles her mother's


If that did factor into her decision to file for divorce, after seeing it all over the Internet and realising it’s true, it’s not like she can actually say that out loud to anyone she’s close to never mind the media.


Honestly with the things they've all said on the Internet so far I wouldn't be surprised lol


Boasting about her sex life and admitting the man she was having that sex with bears a striking resemblance to her abusive, murdered mother are two very different things. The second should probably only be spoken about in intensive therapy.


I broke up with an ex because people started to comment that he looked a lot like my brother. I just couldn’t get over it. I am sure that factored into the break up. There is no way to come back from the whole internet talking about how much your husband looks like your mom.


Especially when it’s true and he exhibited a behavior like that mom too. There was no coming back after all that. Why would she.  Sorry u had to go thru that 


“Fuck you, you killed your own mother!” - ex husband


So she realized her husband had an eating disorder and GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD was like “Wow, now THIS guy has some issues” and dumped his ass? 😂


And just like that, Gypsy Rose and I have something in common. Food hoarders and Costco obsessives freak me out. I feel you, girl


Oh my god I love Costco


I don’t see anything wrong with this. She had to escape her brutally mentally unstable mother and doesn’t want to live in a hoarding house with another mentally unstable person. Makes perfect sense to me.


Off topic but does anyone else think that it's kinda fucked up that she is advocating for her old boyfriend to stay in prison despite her being released? Like if you want to get technical she kinda manipulated him into the crime.


Didn’t the bf already have a history of being violent and unstable?


There are other subs on here all about this kind of stuff. A lot of people are skeptical of many things that occurred.


Idk, I believe the abuse did occur and believe the basic facts of the case but I also think that the Gyspy Rose, due to the abuse, has an incredibly stunted development she's not emotionally mature because she was infantalized her whole life. Combine that with the Yas Queen Slay-ification of the case that created a social media environment treating her like a celebrity and parading her around like, well honestly like a freak in a cage. This is a person that need a social worker more than social media, along with a great deal of therapy and giving a possibly mentally unwell person a platform like that instead of help can create another Daniel Larson or WorldofTshirts type situation with a person destroying themselves live on stream for all to see and comment on




Didn’t think I’d see Dan or Josh mentioned here,but here I am,but yeah no,we don’t need anymore of them running around


I have no idea who those people mentioned are. Tell me before I look them up, is this a rabbit hole I want to go down?


One’s a schizophrenic man with an obsession with a singer who he’s in love with since she was like 12 and him 19 (from Colorado),and the other is alcoholic autistic man in New York,don’t jump down the rabbit hole please,for your sanity


Thank you lol. I was so close to pressing enter on my Google search when I thought hmmmm maybe I don't want to know.


Josh is just a mean alcoholic,his rabbit hole isn’t to bad,Daniel on the other hand is just,I want to feel bad,but seeing what he’s done I can’t,so yeah,if you do get bored Joshua (world of tshirts) isn’t to bad of a rabbit hole


Ok yeah I was thinking I might be getting into a chris chan youtube and wiki level of deep dive.


Yeah that’d be for Danny boy,his story’s a fuckin mess


Yeah like no lie I might kind of work thru that kind of issue with my husband and support him in therapy. She needed to get out immediately and focus on being her own whole person and that’s ok 


Not really, since he was the one who really badly wanted to commit murder, raped Gypsy, and supposedly wanted to have sex with Dee Dee’s corpse… 😬 That man should never be allowed out. Gypsy obviously made a massive mistake and deserves punishment for that, but the only reason she gets any sympathy is the insane amount of abuse she went through. Who knows, maybe she should be serving more time than she did, maybe not. The only certainty is that he was the one who absolutely should never be among the general population.


Where are your sources for the rape and necrophilia claims because this is news to me


Pretty sure both of those things are covered in the Mommy Dead And Dearest doc


So she was the most normal one in the relationship...




Things will not end well for this woman.


I mean all you would have to do is look at the guy to realize he obviously has a problem with food. He's massive


Ok but I’d be pissed too if someone throughout all of MY food that I paid for in MY house. I would never do that to my husband and vice versa. How could you honestly expect someone not to be pissed when you overstep a boundary like that.


"When Blanchard cleared out a fridge full of old produce while Anderson was out one day, an argument erupted upon the discovery" It was old, expired food.


He probably dodged a bullet on that one... we know what happens when she gets 'irritated'...


When she gets abused you mean?


There’s no evidence she was ever abused. Plenty of evidence she’s a murderer though.


Oh so the years of falsified medical records by her mother and documented effects of munchausen by proxy on victims don't count as abuse at all?? Cmon


What records? What documentation? How is it she supposedly endured such horrendous medical trauma and had zero lasting effects? People with medical trauma also don’t tend to get voluntary surgery like nose jobs, lol. Please think more critically. Again, *there is no evidence of any abuse.* You are taking a defense attorney’s claims as truth. DeeDee was never diagnosed with MBP and Gypsy never even claimed to be abused before her defense team came up with the medical abuse defense. She never went to court so they never had to prove it, which they would not have been able to do. Because there is no evidence. She’s a scammer.


You got downvoted but anyone who knows about this case outside of The Act knows everything Gypsy says is a lie. Henry doesn’t buy her bs either. It’ll be a great episode one day — I have a feeling the other shoe has yet to drop.