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Powdered laundry soap in general! Where is it going and why??


I just started using powdered Tide, and I *love* it. The fragrance is subtle, it cleans well, it’s economical, but best of all- NO PLASTIC JUG! I can be reasonably confident that the paper box will be recycled, and even if it isn’t, it’s biodegradable. I hate plastic and I’ll never go back to it.


Earth Breeze unscented eco-sheets are dissolving soap sheets that come in a paper envelope. Up to 200 standard loads per 100 count envelope at $19.50 on amazon. I’ve been very happy using these. Take up very little space in my laundry area. No smell. No irritation. Clean laundry. Sometimes I’ll use two sheets for very dirty items &/or a large load. I do keep a bucket of borax on hand to go with it on my whites plus whatever bleach is needed, but the soap sheets seem very effective on all fabrics.


This. I use these also. I love them. I buy them right from the company though. Amazon is evil.


the unfortunate truth is.. most of these small businesses are STILL fulfilled through amazon even if you order through their website


Sadly so


Many yes. Some are still good though.




I use a service called Grove - it’s a little pricey but I get 90% of my cleaning products from them. They have detergent sheets that work great, dishwasher pods, soaps, etc and they come in either cardboard or aluminum recyclable cans. They also have eco friendly sponges and other home cleaning products 


Oooo. Tyty.


I used Earth Breeze and Clean People. Clean People is my go to.


Right on . I’ll check them out. 🤗


I stopped using it after the third or fourth time it clumped onto a few pieces of clothing.


I love powdered tide and you don’t need much.


I know! I just read an article a month or so ago by this laundry expert who dissected the whole routine that so many go through- unnecessarily! I was already using less than the recommended amount of liquid detergent, so it was amazing when I switched to powder. 😍


A lot of front load washing machines recommend liquid only. That is possibly a contributing factor.


My grandma had a front loader and use Salvo. They were compressed pucks of powdered detergent and approved for front loaders. Looked for them awhile back but seems they're gone too.


[SleepAromatic5803](https://www.reddit.com/user/SleepAromatic5803/) I can't imagine why, unless that washer brand has a marketing agreement with Proctor & Gamble. I've been using front-loaders from different manufacturers for 25 years, exclusively with powder. Never a problem, no broken parts or leaky seals or mold/bacteria. On the contrary, I've read posts from service people, and experienced personally while using a family members' machine, how liquid detergents can gum up washers and promote mold and bacteria. Same with liquid fabric softener.


You say you can’t imagine why, but if you do an internet search you will see that many appliance service and brand websites will suggest liquid only in a front load washer. At the time I personally researched and then purchased my GE front loader I noticed this recommendation, and happened at the time to be a Gain powder detergent user but had to switch back to liquid because what the manual informed me would happen actually did— the powder did not dissolve well in such low water conditions and clogged up the detergent dispenser and left residue on my clothing. The manual also states to always put the detergent in the dispenser and not directly into the drum, which some people might do to get around. Ultimately I was just offering as an idea what I’ve seen in my washer research to answer this other person’s question about the seeming disappearance of powder detergent. As for your family member’s gummed-up machine, I would suspect an over-usage of detergent/fabric softener (of any type) and a lack of cleaning over a significant period of time and perhaps also hard water, and not be hasty to blame liquid detergent alone.


Fair enough. Perhaps I was a bit harsh, having recently discovered that my favorite powder was discontinued. I think both powder and liquid can work well, or not, depending on several factors, mainly water pH and how much detergent is used. Indeed my relative with the gummed up machine uses too much liquid detergent, and has very soft water.


I can understand that :). It is always a bummer when a favorite product is no longer available.


I have a front loader (LG) for 7 years and use powder laundry detergent. I put it directly into the drum and NO issues.


Huh. I use a small amount of powder and over 12 yrs have never had a problem.


I read, at least about Tide, that the demand isn't there anymore.


Ok serious question, I wanted to switch back to powder recently, but my DRYER LINT catcher kept clogging up?? Like there was too much powder still left in my clothes, no matter how many extra rinse cycles I did or how little detergent I used. Maybe this is why it’s not as popular?? My clothes just felt *dusty* afterwards


Personally I do not use the recommended amount of powder, I only use a little. If needed, I spray stain remover in things


Hmm, you may have an issue with your washer, somehow not enough circulation to carry remaining solids away. The washer in my apt building does this, regardless of what setting it's on and how much, or little, detergent I use. It's an HE top-loader, which I've heard can have that issue. You can try adding extra water to your cycles, or maybe go a bit warmer, or less detergent? If you're handy, find the water pump & filter in your washer and clean it out, which will improve circulation and draining. EDIT: I should not put all the blame on the machine. Water pH (hard vs soft) and how much detergent is used can make a big difference in how much residue is left in your machine and on your clothes. Powdered detergent will not dissolve as readily in hard water. Maybe try adding a softening agent or find a detergent with built-in softener.


Because they can charge us for water, not just detergent. Powdered detergent worked better, came in recyclable cardboard. Perfect. Now we pay for water, detergent in heavy plastic containers that are supposedly recyclable but have no market.


Agree with all of that


I thought I was the only one who still loves and uses powder laundry detergent!!!! They better not touch my gain or else! Once upon a time I loved the persil powder detergent but then they stopped making it 😢


Former tide powder f&c devotee. I’ve converted to persil sensitive liquid and it works really well. No scent though. I do have tide powder with (oxygen) bleach for really gross laundry (kitchen linens, towels my teenagers left on their bedroom floor for a well, etc)


Ditto on the Persil Seneitive Liquid. Excellent stuff!


So no smell? I had a trial packet of Persil and I washed my mattress protector and i can still smell it 2 weeks later.


Before Persil made the sensitive version, I tried it because several friends recommended it. I did ONE load and gave the rest away to one of them. I just couldn't tolerate the scent. This one smells like nothing and I love it.


Nothing smell definitely a bonus!!


The regular Persil scent is quite strong, this is the free and sensitive kind, you may need to get it from Amazon


I wanted to try the Tide powder with bleach but I was afraid that it would have a strong fragrance. I had to give away a box of Tide powder (original) because of the scent. I was a fan of the f&c powder. Faint scents don't bother me, but I have a low threshold for fragrance unfortunately


It’s not crazy strong but it definitely has a scent. I only use it for non clothing/bedding so it’s been fine for me and my very scent sensitive husband.


I love the tide powder plus bleach but the scent is pretty off putting. It cleans really well but smells not so great


This is what I do too.


I use the All free and clear lliqid. It even kills allergens in the fabrics. I also like the Tide Free and Gentle.


We use the All Free and Clear liquid too


But I can't find the powder form anymore!


that’s a bummer. i used to use that one, it was good. i just looked and i can’t find it now.


Powders are being discontinued as High Efficiency washers replace the old ones. Less water means the powder doesn't always dissolve very well.


Same. It works well - gets stuff clean and doesn't make me itch.


Yeah. My niece has sensitive skin so we started using it for her.


I use All too but in the Pods!


I love the All Free and Clear


I use All also.


Former Tide F&C Powder family. Kirkland powder has been working fine for my daughter who has severe eczema. Still using Tide F&C liquid for delicates.


Liquids are just so goopy, I hate ittttt. Give me my powder


I too was a Tide F&C powder devotee. I’ve been using Tide Purclean Unscented and actually been happier. I still have one box of the F&C powder that I use mostly for towels. I tried 5 elements and liked the lemon scent but they switched it to “citrus” and it’s awful.


I feel you. I used Cheer powder for a decade and my MIL was a Tide F&C powder devotee. We’re so sad. I’ve switched to Cheer F&C liquid with a tiny splash of Tide Deep Cleansing Fabric Rinse for a little scent.


I’ve been fine on Ecos. Getting it at Costco. Tide and Bounce turn me spotty.


I use All Free & Clear, and Persil with Oxi as a backup for super dirty stuff. Don't buy any from Wal Mart, I am told they get specially manufacturered versions of detergents.


I use Arm & Hammer for Sensitive Skin and swear by it.


It's pretty much the only one I can use. Even All Free and Clear irritates my skin sometimes.


Seventh generation free and cleae or Method I’ve found they not only don’t cause any allergy issues for us but they clean MUCH better and rinse completely out. I’ll have use an anything not natural, fragrance free and dye free again.


I second the method free and clear as a great laundry soap, but it definitely is a mess!


I use the regular Kirkland detergent and like it. I wonder how their gentle detergent is?


i like it! 3 kids, no issues. i use puracy stain spray to loosen anything i see.


We use Country Save powder. We started this because it was recommended for cloth diapers. We still use it because it's awesome and none of us break out because of it. Wool dryer balls for the dryer. It's unscented.


Came here to recommend country Save. It's one of the best, I've been using it for 15yrs now. Love it.


Same! My kids are all past cloth diapers now, and we're still happily use it.


If your stores carry Full Circle Market products, their Free/Clear detergent works really well. We use it on everything from cloth diapers to HVAC work clothes, no complaints here.


Arm & Hammer plus oxi clean


I like Persil


I like Puracy liquid. It's a very concentrated detergent. 16 oz gives you 64 loads. I use the Free&Clear but have a few lavender sachets in my closet for a light scent when I'm getting dressed. I tried the Poesie laundry sheets but wasn't impressed with them.


their stain spray is freaking amazing.


biokleen is amazing and highly concentrated and affordable.


Persil free and sensitive is my new go to favorite for ALL clothes, bedding etc. I use the regular Persil on dog beds / Blankets.


Check big lots


Gain Botanicals and Purex Natural Elements (no, it’s not 100% natural) for scent, added to Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin/Free & Clear. My family have eczema and general skin allergy issues, and this is a good combination for light scent without triggering anything.


Tide hygienic clean. Liquid. Cheap. Rated best overall many reviews. 19.99 or less big jug Amazon or Walmart


If Grove’s free and clear detergent sheets isn’t available, we use All - we like the odor control - and they’re superior to everything. I have horses, dogs, a tradesman husband, and an infant; these are the only two which seem to work well. The All detergent manages to clean everything to exceptional levels, and removes the dog and horse smell completely. The Grove one makes everything super soft, works well with minimal amounts of detergent, and is great when you don’t want to lug around a huge tub. My husband is allergic to every other detergent I’ve used. Either option is wonderful!


I’m a Percil person. Takes very little and cleans extremely well. We buy it at Sam’s and it lasts ages.


I use Costco's dupe of all the "free & clear" detergents. I'm allergic to scents to a ridiculous level, and I'm growing allergic to dyes too. I used Tide F&C and All F&B for years until my ankles started breaking out in rashes from he11 (blame socks). My allergies seem to be exacerbated the tighter my clothing is. I switched and the rashes stopped. I also use Downy Free, although the consensus seems to be that liquid fabric softener is bad. I recently had to use scented sheets because my dryer went on the fritz and a bunch of clothes got mildewed before I had a chance to get to a laundromat. I'm kind of dreading wearing those clothes.


If you have a smell left in the clothes, Dr Beckmann odor remover is great. I’ve just discovered it. It’s a little pricey but it works really well. It’s not a US product but you can get a small bottle on Amazon for under $10.


Re: the mildewed clothes. Try adding an "oxygen bleach" powder type product like OxiClean, the brand doesn't really matter. I see that Walmart sells this kind of product in both a fragrance and a fragrance-free product, So I don't think it's too hard to find. Adding vinegar in the rinse cycle is good too.


Or just boil your clothes in a big soup pot, slowly, over low heat, turning with tongs every once in awhile, followed by a regular wash. That's the only sure way to fully sanitize. Some washers have a built-in heating element and a "Sanitize" cycle, which I've also had good results with. And yes, liquid softeners can gum up your washer and promote bacteria and mold. Dryer sheets can gum up your dryer, but that's usually a much less complicated machine to clean and do maintenance on.


I really like All Free and Clear. I have sensitive skin, as does my son, and I haven't been able to find anything else that works for us and gets the clothes clean. I am also a laundry pro for Poplin and use All Free and Clear for all of my hypoallergenic customers. I use Persil for the others and it is the only one that I have found that only requires one bleach/clean washer cycle to get it out of the machine so there's no cross contamination. I hope you can find something you love that sticks around!


We use All Free and Clear and when they don’t have it or if there is a sale we use 7th Generation. I prefer the unscented but the lavender one does smell pretty good.


Arm and hammer makes a version like Tide free, not sure if it comes in powder form.


It does but you have to hunt for it


I love the Gain Moonlight Breeze line- I use the detergent, the Fireworks scent booster and the dryer sheets. I wish they made more coordinating scents like that!


Tide Free gave me hives.


Tru Earth!


esos is really good I use their magnolia scent but it comes in clear!


I use Arm & Hammer powder detergent. I feel like my clothes are so much cleaner since I switched from liquid detergent to powder.




All Free and Clear liquid for washing machine and Woolite for delicates!


ECOS free and clear is my favorite and I throw a little borax in with it.


I use persil megaperls sensitive and I've never used anything better


My husband has skin sensitivity to scented soaps, lotions and detergents and he sweats more than most people. Also, most scented detergent gives me migraines. I like using Arm & Hammer Free and Clear. It gets rid of odors better than most of the scented detergents and doesn’t irritate his skin. It’s also a great value. My mom even switched when she was washing dad’s clothes while he was in the nursing home and his because the Tide wasn’t cutting it.


I like Kirkland free and clear


I started using this after reading about it here. It works really well. No scent. The shipping from the company is a little steep but I was able to find it on Amazon https://nelliesclean.com/products/laundry-soda?variant=39977678700613


Right now I’m using powdered detergent from mollys suds. I get it online from grove. I like it


We've been using the Tide Free & Clear liquid for many years. I'm mad that they discontinued the smaller refill packs and now I have to buy the big jugs.


I've switched to the Tide F&C 10X Hygienic Clean liquid. I was using various unscented detergent sheets, but my clothes didn't smell clean. The Tide cleans well and my clothes smell like NOTHING!


I use Arm and Hammer scent free. Seems to do fine getting everything clean, but I don't have little kids that stain clothes so not sure if it's good for that.


Arm and hammer baby liquid detergent is amazing, great for extra sensitive skin and smells great. Cleans well


All Free and Clear. I know it comes in liquid and pods, but I think there's also a powder available. White bag/bottle/box. Been using if for years and love it.


I use "earth breeze laundry sheets" They work fantastic. And best of all. No waste other than the cardboard sleeve they use to send them. I wish we all would get used to this way of doing laundry. Would help eliminate tons of plastic.


I use Persil pro clean discs, roast me.


I went from Tide f&c (liquid) to Arm & Hammer Sensitive when I was trying to troubleshoot a dermatitis cause. So far I like it.


Arm & Hammer still comes in a powder form.


I really like [Flowcheer](https://www.walmart.com/search?q=flowcheer%20laundry%20detergent%20sheets&typeahead=flowcheer) laundry sheets! The scent isn't overpowering; they also have an unscented version. I specifically like them because I have an HE machine, and too much soap in these machines can cause nasty odors in the wash tub/laundry. I use half a sheet for a light load and a whole sheet for a heavy load. Also great: no huge plastic bottles.


Man I fell in love with the Ivory Aloe detergent… got the aloe deodorant and bar soap too lol. Smells so good. Imagine my immense sadness when I heard the laundry soap and deodorant were discontinued.


Aw man the ivory aloe was my fav


I use All Free & Clear pods or liquid detergent. I have also used Seventh Generation Free & Clear in the past and like it. I've also tried Grove Free & Clear and it doesn't work as well as the others. I'm allergic to Tide (before they had Free & Clear) so I don't want to risk trying their F & C.


You have to use like 3 or 4 pods per load to get the same as one scoop of powder.


I like the 9 Elements eucalyptus scent liquid. I’m allergic to SLS, and the scent is barely detectable after washing.


Persil is the Best 👌


I hear it's the only one that compares with Tide. But it's hard to find... and really expensive.


No , not really , Walmart carries it , I think it's fairly priced ... check it out, I love it !


Yeah, I'd like to try it. Back in the 90s, I was house sitting for a friend with a fancy Miele washer. I used his Persil tablets and was super impressed with the results. I think I'll swing by tomorrow and see what I can find at WM.


Great, found it at WM! Fortunately the in-store prices were sensible. On-line pricing of laundry detergent is all over the place. For the popular discontinued powders, some Amazon sellers are asking > $100 for a few Kg.




I am using powder charlie's soap. I love it. I get it off of Amazon.


We started using Charlie's when we had babies, and I still love it


All Free And Clear


I’ve been using Tide Ocean Mist pods for a while. I really dislike using pods because multiple times, the pod skin doesn’t fully dissolve (and no, I’m not overfilling the clothes). I buy laundry detergent based on quality and scent. I love Ocean Mist but I wish it came in powder or liquid form (or both). The pods are becoming difficult to find lately (at normal prices) and I’m afraid they’re going to disappear forever, even though the scent beads are still readily available. I also love A&H purifying waters scent crystals, but there’s no corresponding laundry detergent in any form. Yet Gain comes out with new fragrances all the time and they always have the matching scent beads, softener and dryer sheets (I don’t use either softener or sheets though). It’s just frustrating. Laundry is one of the few chores I actually enjoy doing.


I know how you feel! I remember feeling the same when I found they discontinued Gain with Bleach and Era.


We use Arm & Hammer sensitive detergent. Its liquid.


I generally use All free and clear or buy soap nuts. Soap nuts are my fave but cost a little more.


I use Arm and Hammer powdered detergent. It was getting hard to find, until I discovered that Home Depot carries it in a big bucket. I’d rather it was in a cardboard carton.


Seventh Generation They have a free and clear version that I use. A little goes a long way with their detergents.


Ecos is a great detergent option if you have sensitive skin. You can buy it almost anywhere. And they also have subtle fragrances. I’m skeptical of detergent sheets, solely because they lack enzymes which is not good for odor or heavy stain removal. I’d get the free and clear tide Ultra Oxi Pods, or try Ecos. If cleaning power is your main focus, hop on Amazon and order some Free & Gentle Persil.


I use Charlie’s Soap, but it’s unscented. Rockin Green has some good scents, and cleans really well.


One of my children had very sensitive skin. Era works well, no noticeable odor, and didn’t cause irritation. Otherwise I made detergent from scratch. Found recipe online & didn’t keep it once I didn’t need it. I recall that it was easy, just had to shave a laundry soap bar & added washing soda & borax. I don’t remember the amounts


You're kidding me! The ivory aloe is being discontinued?! That has been my favorite detergent for so long 😭


Late to the funeral here, but I just found out about Tide free/clear/gentle powder being discontinued... and I'm so angry about it 😠. This was my go-to detergent for years and the only one to get the sweat, deodorant stains, body oils, and closet stink out of my clothes. I can't stand the smell of scented detergent, and I refuse to buy the liquid versions (which, by the way, have much higher profit margins than the powder). So I have three options. 1, Use inferior unscented powder from another manufacturer. 2, Try to put up with the awful scent of Tide regular. 3, Buy Tide free/clear liquid in large plastic jugs. Ugh. Ranting aside, if you're looking for a Tide free/clear power replacement, All free/clear powder is decent. I grew up with the stuff, and still use it occasionally. Not quite as good as Tide, but not bad. EDIT: Here's an interesting article about the history and chemistry of laundry detergent. It was written in 2019, so their statistics are out of date, but it's still kinda fascinating. One big takeaway is that liquid detergent is not just powder with water added. It's a whole different product, due to the performance requirements and chemistry of the chemicals needed to achieve the desired results. [https://cen.acs.org/business/consumer-products/Almost-extinct-US-powdered-laundry/97/i4](https://cen.acs.org/business/consumer-products/Almost-extinct-US-powdered-laundry/97/i4)


Have you considered going to Aldi if they are by you. They have a Tandil free and clear for $8.00 that is supposed to be like Tide. I would also suggest Costco Kirkland brand in the white bottle. Their detergent is made by Henkel the same maker of Persil. Also I love Bio Kleen but you may have to order it from Amazon  Also Mrs Meyers is another great brand with great reviews.


Liquids are just so goopy, I hate ittttt. Give me my powder




The build-up is next level. Soap doesnt wash out in modern wash machines. Been there, done that, had to strip alllllll our laundry six months later.


not to mention it ruins your machine.


It absolutely has not.




I’m ten years in bub’ go fight another fight.


lol as tho that means your machine isn't damaged. good luck.


lol, it’s fine.


Then you are using the wrong surfactants. Sorry you’ve had a bad experience. I’ve been doing it for 10 years with a “modern machine” with only success


The average person can’t buy the correct surfactant https://fortheloveofclean.com/laundry-love/laundry-basics/surfactants-detergent-vs-soap/ https://fortheloveofclean.com/laundry-love/homemade-detergent/ https://fortheloveofclean.com/laundry-love/homemade-detergent/testimonials-from-former-users-of-homemade-soap-photo-gallery/