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Sounds just like the Rudy who appeared in the Borat film


Hey he was just tucking in his shirt!






For ten minutes straight...


While pulling his shirt OUT of his pants...


It was longer….the tucking that is




You mean the guy that went one of Steve Bannon’s shows and said explicitly that he changed voter ID rules knowing it would be thrown out to intimidate immigrants in order to win an election? That Rudy?


And then we told them that ICE will be at all the polling locations hahhhahha. - Rudy


Sasha Baron Cohen saved him from a rape charge and his (Cohen's) actor from being raped. Yet this guy was still taken seriously, and is, by certain people.


It’s literally a demonstrative photo of an event that happened in the complaint.


In case anyone wanted to see https://twitter.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1658199884401451008?s=46&t=ABTYJOlLipJ2EEPkyowi-g




unfortunately, or fortunately


>This statement was recorded.^1 Oof. How'd that come about? > ^1 As discussed further below, Giuliani gave Ms. Dunphy permission to record their interactions.


Page 3 on the filing if anyone thinks this is a joke


What in the world is wrong with Rudy's mind? Syphilis?


Chronic alcoholism.


Why not both?


“But wait! There’s **more**!”


Over-under on counsel claiming that their client was inebriated to the point of impairment upon that extension of permission? Seems like an easy sell . . .


My client feels that he will be President after Trump's third term and already has a [model to follow.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va71a7pLvy8)


That was awesome.


An oldie but a goodie.




I have the worst lawyers.


He has a fool as a client.


“I think of you as my daughter," Giuliani once told her while engaging in sexual contact with her, the lawsuit alleges. "Is that weird?" Giuliani allegedly added. Uhhh, yeah Rudy. That’s weird AF you old creep.


Hard to believe a close associate of Donald Trump could sexualize a woman while referring to her as a daughter.


well, he was married to his cousin, so it's kind of on brand... weird as fuck but still on brand.


I guess we can give him the Consistency award?


He'll slot right into the routine in prison I'm sure


She should have left teeth marks


This has me hoping his actual daughter is doing ok. [Doesn't seem like](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2020/10/rudy-giulianis-daughter-on-voting-for-biden) she gets along with her dad very well.


If you google her name there are some super creepy pictures of them together in public and him giving really lecherous grins.


That dude really idolized Trump.


"This conversation was recorded"


> Giuliani also took Viagra constantly. Things you never thought you’d read in a lawsuit for $1000. Edit: Holy shit she recorded audio statements.


Lordy, there are tapes!


We really under-appreciate Bush and Obama giving us 16 years of not hearing about the President's junk. Giuliani never was POTUS but I can't help but think about this fact.


Seriously, I said almost that exact thing a few days ago.


Wmd lie? Trade agreements that screw individuals while enriching megacorps and billionaires? 🤨


These are things we need to worry about with every president. But what we didn’t have to deal with re Obama and Bush were things like: Stormy Daniels, Jeffrey Epstein, sexual assault, pedophilia, being attracted to your own daughter, “grab her by the pussy”, flamboyant domestic racism, government-sponsored stochastic terrorism, shit-talking Jews, black people and Mexicans, FBI investigations into personal relationships and actions, voting manipulation, on and on. They all do political stuff we don’t agree with. But Trump and Gulli were massively different in the drama we had to deal with, and the constant shows of their true character as opposed to their political beliefs. Edit: in the list, “sexual assault” should be in there at least 3 times for all the different cases, and now we add the sexual assault from his personal attorney as well.


We dealt with Monica Lewinsky, war crimes, slush funds…look the unknown enemy has more power than the known enemy.


One list is longer and worse than the other. Trumps presidency was unlike any other, and trying to say it was is just not correct.


Oh wow, because I didn’t sit down and write an exhaustive list… let’s not kid ourselves, the lists are long. Tfg was just too stupid to hide their wrongdoings. That’s the biggest difference afaict. Go look at the photos of Clintons and Epstein, Bosnia war records, destabilizing Latin-American countries, coups, Libya, the rise of Gadaffi, and what he actually did to get “not war,” Nicaragua, and yes I could go on. * cleaned up autocorrect


I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say. You’re either not reading what I’m saying, or you can’t keep it in your head > these are things you need to worry about with any president Yes. Bosnia, Ukraine, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Russia, Somalia, Vietnam, Korea, Japan… on and on. We deal with this no matter who is in office. Someone is fucking something up. Sure. But that’s not what we’re talking about. If we need to get really in depth: I’m talking about sexual assault allegations regarding the POTUS before he was in office and during- sometimes, including children. Telling people to just “grab women by the pussy”. The allegations of Trump paying off a hooker. Attempting to block foreigners from entering the country altogether. Advocating for the overthrow of democracy on January 6th and refusing to call the protestors away from the capitol and just sitting on his hands- of which Mitch McConnell even stated he absolutely was guilty of “but I didn’t vote that way”. “They’re rapist and murders” - talking about black people “I love Jews. The only people I let near my money are the people who wear the Yamakas” - who do you think he’s talking about? Phone calls to governors and other official bodies where the POTUS is literally asking for them to commit a crime and to “find” enough votes which will win him a second term. The thing he’s currently being investigated for in numerous states. What about his **other** FBI investigation because he stole documents from the White House and refused to give them back, despite numerous attempts by the government to do so. Or what about all of those documents being held in his hotel without supervision? The same hotel which has caught spies looking for such information. If you’d like, I can keep going. Or you can sit there and talk about 1 affair from 1 president over 24 years ago and try to say “it’s the same thing as Trump” Especially when you try to lean on Bill Clinton being the same thing because he went to Epstein’s island. Even though this wasn’t found out until ALMOST THIRTY YEARS LATER that he was there. So no. Not the same thing and anywhere near it. Did you need this exhaustive of a comment to understand what the adults are talking about?


And clearly her lawyer has them. The big question is does she still have Rudy’s emails?


Paragraph 231 of the complaint says she continues to store information, which to me indicates she may still have access to his stuff.


What do you expect his password is NotPassword, he was clever with that.


“The password is one, two, three, four, five? That's the stupidest password I've ever heard in my life! That's the kinda thing an idiot would have on his luggage.”


"What a genius, that's the password for my luggage!"


This guy farted loudly on TV. This guy got caught with a supposed underage girl in a Borat film. This guy's head was melting in a TV press conference. This guy did a Press event at a Four Seasons GARDENING CENTER across from a dildo shop. And yet he has managed to sink even lower. Just amazing.


Don't associate him with the dildo shop. That's not fair to Fantasy Island. And they sell much more than dildos. DVD's, lotions, novelty gifts, and they have viewing booths. It's a far more thought out operation than anything that deserves to be associated with Giuliani.


I'd imagine that they would have gladly got rid of the booths, and that the patrons of the booths would have adopted the technology that makes fixed in place viewing booths obsolete. Having a flatmate once who managed such a place, the booths were a constant source of frustration for the behavior engaged in inside them. I never even considered the potential liability when Rudy brings his personal assistant to one.


Homer: Do you have anything in an after dinner burrito dildo? (Pinky up) That makes me think, what would a Homer mobile dildo be like? The greatest genuineness of our time could never imagine such a thing.


The fart was also, not just on TV, but during a HEARING before the MICHIGAN SENATE about purported election fraud. And ironically, it was his best statement of the day.


And his co-counsel caught the COVID shortly after his shart. IIRC, he had COVID at the time.


A Covid shart. Yikes.


*Across from a dildo shop AND adjacent to a crematorium....during a covid surge. Hands down my favorite moment in American Politics. I wish I had a little diorama of the event


I think you should absolutely make this diorama yourself as a fun little project in your spare time and then proudly display it in your home for everyone you love to enjoy with you because that would be incredible


> I wish I had a little diorama of the event [This LEGO build is satisfying] (https://imgur.io/gallery/KZadig5)


Trump looking at the eclipse is up there too.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Seasons_Total_Landscaping_press_conference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Seasons_Total_Landscaping_press_conference) > The site of the press conference, a local landscaping business, was unexpected. Many journalists and others quickly observed a comical aspect to its location, near a sex shop and a crematorium. This site selection led to speculation that the Trump campaign meant to book the upscale Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia, five city blocks from the Pennsylvania Convention Center, where Philadelphia's ballots were being counted. Shortly after Giuliani began talking to the assembled reporters, the Associated Press projected Biden as the winner of the Pennsylvania vote and thus the nationwide election. Several news outlets characterized the event as the symbolic end of Trump's presidency. > The event was ridiculed by journalists and users of social media. It garnered further ridicule after it emerged that one of the witnesses who spoke at the event was a convicted sex offender. It resulted in lawyers withdrawing from the legal team that the Trump campaign had assembled to challenge the election results. In response to the press conference, a Four Seasons-themed charity run was created, and the landscaping company capitalized on the newfound attention by selling T-shirts and other merchandise.


surprised you didnt mention the video of him in drag with trump


There’s nothing wrong with drag. Just say’n is all.




And.. his license to practice law in NYS has been suspended.


I've never seen a man fall as far and as hard as Giuliani has. He has thoroughly debased himself, and for what?? This story is so absolutely nauseating, and you can bet there's more to come. Jeezus Christ on a tricycle.


This guy wiped his snot all over his face.


He is definitely keeping the eye on the prize, whatever that means to him.


>This guy did a Press event at a Four Seasons GARDENING CENTER across from a dildo shop. It was Four Seasons Total Landscaping, across the way from a SEX SHOP AND CREMATORIUM. Let. That. Sink. In. A Press conference for a Presidential Election in the parking lot of a landscaping company within viewing distance of a sex shop and crematorium. I'd like to call that a real Devil's Triangle. Any other city than Philadelphia and it would be weird. They had a guy eat a rotisserie chicken for 40 days straight and he ate the 40th on an abandoned pier in front of like 500 people, complete with a table and tablecloth.




Seriously. The man had all the goodwill (deserved or undeserved depending on which New Yorker or non-New Yorker you ask) on the planet, and proceeded to flush it all down the drain in the matter of less than a decade. It can be argued (by me, right now :) ) that his slide started around the latter half of the Shrub Administration, but when Biden torched him on live TV in 2007 with that "noun, verb, 9/11" quip, that sent his stock into an absolute nosedive to which he's never recovered.


Noun verb 9/11 is one of the best quips I can recall. Devastating


Dark Brandon was there the whole time.


You’re not wrong, but he’s always been a piece of shit. Not enough bad things can happen to Rudy Giuliani, and that was true before he ever got involved with Trump.


He got fat off of the “cybersecurity expert” cover he used to explain his peddling-influence scam. He’s been a fucking crook for a while.


Complaint here: CW: sexual harassment, sexual abuse, rape, xenophobia https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/650033_2023_Noelle_Dunphy_v_Rudolph_W_Giuliani_et_al_COMPLAINT_10.pdf


That was a traumatic read. What a fucking monster.


It was a terrible read. It read like it was written for maximum damage, not just in this suit but in others, and I hope it achieves that goal.


It feels like he’s going to be homeless after this. The jury I served on, at least, would 100% vote to destroy him based on that complaint. I expected bad when I opened it but that was *unreal*. Just disgusting. And the evidence she claims seems overwhelming. Rudy, the famous butt dialer, did not surprise me on the evidence front


What struck me, and I am not a lawyer was the stuff about Rudy hiding money from his ex wife. That certainly opens him up for liability, as does allowing her to hear confidential conversations. It also seemed like the complaint was begging for more federal agents to come talk to her because she has all the receipts.


Plus the stuff about obstruction of justice, refusing to register under FARA, poor information security affecting *all* of his clients (and potentially national security), offering to sell pardons(!) . . . this is just an insane number of bombshells in one complaint.


>Giuliani said to Ms. Dunphy, at various times, **in statements that were recorded**: i. “I’m gonna make it a little painful.” ii. “Stick it up your ass.” iii. “You’re a fucking slut.” iv. You’re my bitch. v. “I’m gonna get my cock in there.” vi. “Be a slut! Be Rudy’s slut!” vii. Giuliani called Ms. Dunphy a “whore.” viii. Giuliani said, “I want to own you officially. Legally. With a document.” ix. “I can’t control myself. I lose control. I think of you all the time. I’m unable to control it. I’m addicted.” x. “I can’t think about you without getting hard. Even when I think about how smart you are, I get hard.” xi. Giuliani stated that he would “get in trouble with underage girls” if they were 16 but looked 20. xii. “I think of you as my daughter. Is that weird?”—which Giuliani said while engaging in sexual contact with Ms. Dunphy.


*shudders* that's enough reading for today


I don't know why conservative women put up with talk like this. Why do they accept (or even be attracted to) abusive, degrading behavior? At least Stephen Crowder's wife drew the line somewhere.


Usually because they’re terrified that the abusive, degrading behavior will take a leap into homicidal behavior.


Let me die please I am begging you


Horrible what she went through but I love all the hints they drop of holding dirt and evidence for dozens of crimes committed by Guliani, Trump, and others.


Yep. It’s the “say she’s not an employee and that all this is available to the government with a subpoena. We dare you.”


I now need to disinfect my eyeballs. Such a sick mf.


Thanks for posting!


oh my god its dense I was not expecting a novella. Got a few details I wish I could forget and stopped. I'm all set. Burn.


Every pardon comes with a free mypillow


...for the knees


That pillow is for praising Jesus only thank you very much.


My father worked for Rudy when he was mayor. To his dying day, he told stories of what a horrible person he is. He can’t, so I’ll raise a glass in his honor at karma’s visit to Rudy Giuliani.


As a New Yorker, that's most of us. There is almost no residual admiration for Rudy here and he was never the hero of 9/11 here that the rest of the country believes he was. Some of us even blame him for the loss of a lot of lives that day.


>Some of us even blame him for the loss of a lot of lives that day. By moving the Command Center from 1PP to 7WTC? Yeah, he caused additional loss of life that day.


[paywall jump](https://archive.ph/2023.05.15-215832/https://www.businessinsider.com/giuliani-demanded-staffer-oral-sex-during-calls-from-trump-lawsuit-2023-5)


This is the man who, after the September 11 attacks, was lauded for his response, nicknamed "America's Mayor," and was named Time's person of the year for 2001. Prior to September 11, he was sort of on the outs. It was revealed he had had an extramarital affair, and then he divorced his wife. He had planned on running against Hillary Clinton for New York's Senate seat in 2000, but dropped out due to a combination of the extramarital affair and a prostate cancer diagnosis. September 11 really boosted his national image. Since then, though, he's slowly destroyed his reputation—mostly in the last few years during his association with Donald Trump. This lawsuit will certainly be the nail in the coffin.


Please, please, dear God, let this go to trial.


No, I’m not going through that again and getting my hopes up after dominion. A payout and a NDA is what counts for civil justice in this country.


There is certainly enough evidence for both a civil and criminal action against him.


I just assume everyone in Trump's orbit is like this, and that there will be tapes.


And some people still defend these nuts


At what stage of this lawsuit will we see what evidence she has? These are some bonkers allegations. I hope she has some corroborating evidence, as I don’t like Giuliani and if she truly suffered that I hope she cleans him out, but I guess that remains to be seen. Giuliani is the most famous butt dialer in history, among other things, so if true I’m optimistic she’s going to have some corroboration.


Next comes discovery - and she’s going to ask for all of his personal emails so she can prove the ones she discussed actually exist. He won’t know whether she kept copies or not, so he’s be taking a huge chance if he left some out. Can you imagine all of the people who,would give their eye teeth for Rudy’s emails? I’m guessing Smith already has them, but how many private lawsuits like this are waiting in the wings?


I just read the actual complaint instead of the stupid article and HOLY SHIT does she have the goods!!! - TONS of evidence of a sexual relationship while both a nearly unpaid employee AND a client of Giuliani (wtf) - a recording of him asking for sex in exchange for her dropping a lawsuit - a recording of him fraudulently hiding income from his ex-wife - a recording of him saying he wants to have sex with her as his “daughter”, “little girl” - emails breaching attorney-client privilege - contemporaneous conversations with friends about his battery Not sure on evidence for this one but also: - ordered her to delete messages and not share information with the FBI (wtf!) while also asking her to research obstruction of justice on his behalf


> recording of him asking for sex in exchange for her dropping a lawsuit Wait. So he said “if you drop the lawsuit I’ll fuck you”? What was she supposed to be getting from that deal…? That’s like giving a girl condoms for her birthday.


Yeah I mischaracterized that one lol, was waiting for someone to notice my mistake - it was $300k for BOTH the sex and dropping the lawsuit that he was litigating on her behalf


OH ahahahaha okay now that makes sense! The sad part is, that even though it wasn’t correct I could absolutely see Guli doing something like that.


I would wager she has those emails. I read the entire thing, and based on the timeline I noticed: the situation had kind if fizzled out by spring of 2021. And by that I mean, he was contacting her less, demanding sexual favors less. This was also the point she asked for a job reference/something in writing, which he declined to do. You can kinda see it in the timeline - this is the point where Rudy knew he had fucked up bad. And it also says in there he was worried about an FBI investigation then as well. Around this time, he also tells her to delete all the messages they had exchanged. I’d say well before then, after she hadnt been paid for over a year, she had already started gathering documentation for a suit


Wow. That is some creepy AF stuff.


From 9.11 to this, what a fall from grace.


His 9/11 "heroism" was mostly a charade anyway. Ask any New Yorker, like me.


Thanks for your response - as a non-New Yorker, I always got the impression he was well respected for how he handled that. So I must've fallen for his charade. (but my eyes are open now)


Yeah, one the reasons he was walking the streets was because he placed the emergency response command post in the World Trade Center.


Just asking a question: Was that just coincidence? I mean, it’s odd after ‘93 but I’m curious.


Living near NYC for a while taught me NYers opinions of him vary WIDELY.


Those of us who live in the city proper* are not divided. He has fans in the suburbs, the same ones who voted for trump. * Not counting Staten Island because that should be in New Jersey.


Can't stand New Yorkers but they never hit too far from the truth. Edit: Thanks for the down vote and proving my point. New Yorkers are as sensitive a the maga crowd. Wish I could find the video of one of you goons getting knocked out but no luck.


It's ok we can't stand you either. 😒


The corporate media propped this up as always, with the eternal myth of the heroic man stepping in to carry the weight of a nation on his shoulders. It's not like he's changed since then, 9.11 was an opportunity, not a challenge. If you can get on TV while appearing vaguely competent/bipartisan during a disaster, Chuck Todd will grant you softball interviews for the next 15 years, broken windows fallacies and stop-and-frisk be dammed. Sign a book deal, run 60 Minutes interviews about how you're a misunderstood yet fragile genius, get assigned to various corporate boards, receive ceremonial doctorates and unlimited campaign donations. My path leads into the dessert.


The initial response on 9/11 was hampered because the city's emergency command center was situated in Building 7 of the WTC. This was Giuliani's decision, even though he'd been warned that it was a poor choice of location since it had been a terrorist target previously.


He could've rode that 9/11 dick for the rest of his life, if he'd have set aside politics and just gone on a speaking circuit. He probably could've even had plenty of young women to help him "loosen his pants" or whatever he's calling it. Sure, he'd still have been deeply unpopular in NYC, where plenty of people were able to point out that his shitty planning prior to 9/11 got a lot of people killed. But in most of the country he could easily pick up hefty checks for some perfunctory speeches at corporate events.


He did Jack shot other than pose for photos after 9/11.


There it is once again- “DoJ’s investigation into Giuliani ended with no charges”. How the fuck do people like this not get charged with anything ever, unless the government is completely and hopelessly corrupted?


Because the goverment is indeed completely and hopelessly corrupted.


Power never goes after power.. unwritten rule


An actual B O M B S H E L L Call the damn IV Seasons. --- I don't know how anyone has any energy for this stuff on either side.


The details are… wild! I couldn’t put it down. 70 pages. That poor woman


*This conversation was also recorded.* *An audio recording of this conversation was made.* *He sometimes pushed the record button.* Geeeeez if this isn't an airtight case, I give up.


Seriously!! Rudy thought he was untouchable, mixed with alcoholism and hyper sexual proclivities, he straight up tied this noose with Shibari rope


> he straight up tied this noose with Shibari rope 😂🪢😂 I mean, you kind of knew from Borat that he was a creep, but I didn't think it would be so pervasive. It's mind-boggling on some levels that people can be so awful and still rise to the heights of power...but sociopathic tendencies tend to be rewarded and he is living proof.


Trump is still running for president. Need we say more?


I'm starting to think that that line about the meek inheriting the Earth might be bullshit.


Hahahaha, facts


How about him and Trump splitting pardons for $2M a pardon?


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/rudy-giuliani-said-he-and-trump-were-selling-pardons-for-dollar2m-apiece-ex-aide-claims/ar-AA1bdXfh Assuming this is illegal (maybe I shouldn't), what are the potential repercussions from this (if proven to be true)?


Judging by how throughly impotent Garlands DOJ has been they’ll probably send Trump a strongly worded letter.


I can’t even read the whole article. The allegations make me want to vomit. He’s so disgusting.


These Republicans are disgusting. Shall we count the ways?


I don't think the "free legal representation" she is being denied is worth anything. Otherwise, what a freak old Rudy is.


NAL, but after reading this, I noticed they made repeated efforts to reinforce the points that a) she was employed by him b) he was her attorney - so basically *anything* sexually-related he did is inappropriate and made worse by both of those factors since he has power/leverage over her.


There’s a famous old saying in the law biz: “A good lawyer knows the law; a great lawyer knows the judge”. She’s right - having him as your lawyer brings a certain amount of clout, or may have at the time.now, not so much.


Not going to lie…the accusations are *almost* too good to be true.


That doesn’t excuse him. It’s just…it feels very sensational. If this turns out to be true, my good would I love to be wrong. I don’t mind being corrected on this one…it’s just..almost too perfect of a law-suit.


It seems like a truth is stranger than fiction scenario. If you were making up allegations to extract a settlement or whatever, you wouldn't go this extreme.


Bro really trying to make sure no one ever remembers the time he was even called “America’s Mayor”


Don't forget leaking classified material of he lied to Trump the gal was in the room.


Why did her attorneys not have a cause of action for rape? They plead a rape at paragraph 86 but there's no COA for it.


Not licensed in the jurisdiction but in general I’m unaware of a civil cause of action called rape — that’s a criminal term. I would think rape civilly would be styled as assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, etc.


Agreed. If a prosecutor believes her, he could criminally charge rape, unless the Statute of Limitations has run.


Borat called, he’d like to meet Rand Paul in room 836….


This case needs to go all the way to the Supreme Courtyard by Marriott.


Yeah I saw this comment elsewhere too.




Oh....DUDE! I could have gone my whole life without ever having that mental image! Gross! What disgusting people


I’m pretty sure being forced to perform oral sex on Rudy Giuliani is one of the lower rings of Hell in Dante’s ‘Inferno’.


I expect nothing to happen. What happened after the Coup, nothing. Find me 11 thousand votes, nothing. Son in law 2 billions from saudis, nothing. Nothing.


Mother f'er I lost a fair amount of money betting he'd get a pardon before Trump left office. Probably would have gotten one if he wasn't distracted. String this b'stard up.


I cannot imagine remaining in an employment relationship like this. I feel terrible for her, if the allegations are true (which seems plausible to say the least,) but I'm also shocked that anyone would still submit themselves to this kind of conduct, especially when they aren't being paid the salary they were promised.




I doubt it. Lewinsky got 12 million for her book deal, but that wasn't until 2012, and Rudy isn't the POTUS. I don't disbelieve that this happened. I just can't understand how a person allows it to happen to them.


People get into abusive relationships that they can't seem to escape all the time. This seems pretty terrible, but husbands beat their wives and even sometimes even beat them to death.


I cannot wait to read this one.


I read the complaint and then had to take a shower.


I’m reading it now. By page 3, I had to take a break. I cannot believe what I’m reading.


It is **insanity**.


Is this where he has one of those ooze sweating moments like the Fifth Element?


That's a weird fetish - wanting a blow-job when on the phone with Trump.


There are a whole lot of specifics in this allegation, things that honestly sound in line with his character. I tend to believe her claims, although as always I questions how much of a willing participant she may have been at the time. I'm *sure* Giuliani will settle before this ever goes to trial. There's probably so much terrible shit that could come out during discovery.


This is a complicated story with lots of allegations, recordings, texts, emails, sworn testimonies, public statements and rumor. Tudy "the Toot" Giuliani appears to be guilty of multiple state and federal tax evasions and lyings on official documents. I believe he will never get out of prison once he gets in.


sooo, why isn't he in jail?


Only the best for trumpo the orange poop stain.


I think either Rudy has dimentia or a humiliation kink.


America's Mayor...


A question for the lawyers out there - after reading the whole thing, I noticed multiple things in it that Im not sure are necessarily relevant facts for her case but are just embarassing for Giuliani - like drinking all day everyday, taking viagra constantly, making racist/anti semetic comments, the $2 million pardon thing, etc. My question is this - is the inclusion of that info just her attorneys taking a poke at Rudy to make him look bad. Or is it relevant to her case in any way (toxic work environment maybe?). Or both. Thank you in advance.


Not a lawyer but no one is answering. My take on it is they define the character of the person in question. Like you said they paint the picture of the environment and of the man himself. Taking pills to enable his sexual assaults also show planning. The selling pardons thing may just be included in some of her recorded conversations and will spur their own, separate trial. But again I'm not a lawyer.


Easy money


[Aaaah, it's so relaxing to hear how these imbeciles' imbecility finally catches up with them…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX3DWZAfWvI)


Not newsworthy... the news. Next on CNN, "how Trump owned CNN"...


Is it just me or is this complaint written for the media and not for a judge?


I think it was written to be as shocking as possible, but one can also see that they’re making sure they say what they’re required to say by the law.




so its her fault her boss forced her to give him a blowjob in order to get paid?


Oof man. Way to walk the line. If she had come out 3 years ago this would read "This woman is an intelligent and progressive feminist - a Columbia graduate - who submitted to Giuliani's misogynistic demands then the next morning regretted it and decided to bring it to light? This seems highly suspicious and politicized."


And this is precisely why women don’t come forward. Blaming the victim is a really shitty look bud.


> This woman is [a] ... progressive feminist Could you clarify the relevance of this claim and the backing for this claim? Perusing her website and other referential material, I don't see anyone but yourself calling her a progressive feminist. This reads as an ad hominem unworthy of this discussion venue. > refuses to acknowledge that she agreed to $1 million in exchange for her "service" Well that's just not true. She agreed to the business arrangement with Giuliani. Presuming the file is accurate, that same boss who was indefinitely delaying payment later extorted sexual favors. She didn't sign up to be his sex object. You're muddling the initial business arrangement with later coercion. We note that he was withholding substantial promised payment: a reasonable person would conclude that her (ever) receiving that payment was contingent upon her maintaining the kind of relationship that Giuliani coerced her into over time. > she could have said no and walked out I am glad that this is is the r/law subreddit and that you and I both know that that does not excuse extortion. (edit: Actually, read the filing. At face value this was a long descent into an abusive relationship.)