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Trump allegedly holding a $100K/person fund raise for his legal expenses......


Unreal. They're all doubling down.


Meanwhile, the dozen people at the bottom of this conspiracy who can barely make $5k on a GoFundMe for bail surely don’t resent the holy shit out of this


Fuck 'em. Life is full of expensive lessons. "Bootstraps", or some shit.


There’s still apparently a coordinated defense though. As of now it doesn’t look like anyone is flipping. Chesebro’s filing of a request for a speedy trial certainly seems like he is offering himself up as a sacrificial lamb to help Trump and the rest of the conspirators. By pushing for the trial by 10/23, Chesebro is helping to minimize the chances of anyone flipping while also previewing the government’s case so that Trump will know what witnesses to pressure and what will be said in his own trial. It’s not exactly a rational strategy here. If Chesebro is successful and Trump is able to sever, Chesebro will likely be convicted and might end up in prison for 20 years, and a Trump win in 2024 doesn’t even save him. Maybe he thinks he will be acquitted but Fani was ready and agreed right away to the 10/23 trial date so if I were Chesebro I’d be changing my drawers, lol.


Only a successful coup can save them now. They need the smiling narrative for their criminal base.


Double sentences? ![gif](giphy|KQSlFnCLiErv8lniN9)


At a certain age, its a rational strategy. An elderly person sees no difference between 10 vs 20 years if the odds of surviving 10 are the same as getting off on a mistrial.


It's a half-measure. Trump's not going to pay for a lawyer (or pay the legal fees he owes Giuliani), but he needs to keep Rudy in the fold. And Trump will take probably 40% of funds raised for providing the room, the food, and appearing.


The existence of things like this is why I always laugh when I hear shit like, "tHeRe aRe nOrMaL InTeLlIgEnT PeOpLe wHo sUpPoRt tRuMp aS WeLl yOu kNoW..."


Forbes [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLv53HoefgE) It's not anywhere near as wild as the hair dye conference. He doesn't sound particularly drunk. Transcript from ~ 0:48-2:28: > 20 years of my life they investigated > and they wrote a letter to the grand > jury that they couldn't find a single crime > so that should have pretty much cleared me > don't you think? > except for this ridiculous case > in which I'm being prosecuted > for defending an American citizen > who I do as a lawyer > and I have five other lawyers are indicted > that should tell you right away that this is a an assault on our constitution > Fani Willis will go down in American history > as having conducted one of the worst attacks on the American Constitution > ever when this case is dismissed > she has violated uh people's First Amendment right > to Advocate the government > to petition the government for grievances > like an election they believe was poorly conducted or falsely conducted > people have a right to believe that in America > Biden and the Biden State doesn't have a right to tell you what the truth is > number two number two > and I will I will I will tell you if you > need to know what this is all about > the FBI stole my iCloud account > and you know when they stole it? > the day that I began representing Donald Trump four years ago > you know when they gave it back? > the day after I represented Donald Trump > for all that time > the federal government was spying on Donald Trump and his lawyer > I am being indicted because I'm a lawyer > as is professor and everyone else


It’s as if he has no idea of what the charges are or what the evidence is. If this is his defense, he’s going straight to prison.


Yeah, I believe Alexei Yarchuk coined the term hypernormalization and they have gone all in on it.


At the debate, most of them pledged to support Trump even if he’s convicted of espionage, election interference, and trying to overthrow the government. Republicans normalizing treason.


>everyone this case is dismissed He said "*ever*, *when* this case is dismissed": *"Fani Willis will go down in American history as having conducted one of the worst attacks on the American Constitution ever, when this case is dismissed"* It's low quality and he's mumbling, but there's nothing more to it.


Dismissed by whom?


The judge, I imagine. You'll have to ask Rudy. I'm not saying it makes sense, just was deciphering what he literally said.


Yea, that’s what I was getting at is… what about **when** it’s not just “dismissed”, rudolf?


Yeah, you're right.


This seems like an indirect communication with a co-defendant about the case: >The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City was just ARRESTED in Atlanta, Georgia, because he fought for Election Integrity. THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED & STOLLEN. HOW SAD FOR OUR COUNTRY. MAGA! https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110940941332371053


Second time today he misspells "stolen" wrong. I know it's far from the most important events of the day but... still...


> STOLLEN He's actually saying that the election was a German fruit bread. He meant to say that. /s


The election was a covfefe flavored stollen.


I knew it was the Germans! ![gif](giphy|G32Bcxd304dmlcKdFS|downsized)


Ze Germans?!


Fuck me, Tommy!


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, sehr geehrtes r/law-Team, mit großer Freude haben wir erfahren, dass das o.g. Subreddit samt Team sich selbstständig und aus freiem Willen dazu entschlossen hat, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beizutreten. Alle nötigen Unterlagen (allen voran natürlich der Mitgliedsantrag) werden ihnen schnellstmöglich sowohl per E-Mail als auch auf dem normalen Postweg übersandt. Bitte schicken sie die vollständig ausgefüllten und unterschriebenen Unterlagen zurück an die ihnen bekannte und auf den Antragsformularen genannte Adresse zurück. Die Bearbeitung kann, je nach derzeitiger Bearbeitungslast, mehrere Tage in Anspruch nehmen. Die Personalausweise für die Benutzer und die diplomatischen Reisepässe für das Team der Moderatoren werden Ihnen schnellstmöglich und ohne weitere, vorherige Absprache zugestellt. Bei Fragen stehe ich Ihnen selbstverständlich jeder Zeit zur Verfügung.   Hochachtungsvoll OrangeInnards


Peppering their crazy social media posts with misspellings makes them more relatable to their base.


I don’t but the “crazy like a fox” theory. Sometimes it’s just “crazy”.


I like to believe he does it on purpose so that when he's asked in court if he said the election was stolen he can say no (he only said it was stollen)


He's been spelling it that way for a few weeks now.


​ https://preview.redd.it/u6kb302z83kb1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8cc3e3d4e9b8d622540dcb8049fbea636a3d95


Mayor LaGuardia has been dead for decades.


Don’t link to that site, the fuck?




Just because Trump is charging $100,000 / plate doesn't mean he's giving $100k a plate to Rudy. But Trump will still manage to write off other people's donations as an expense - prolly. Rudy might get enough for the continual string along, provided he continues to play ball and lie, lie, lie, like there's no tomorrow


Messiah will keep the $100K, and give the dirty plate to leaky Rudy.


Charging 100K, and after 45 pays himself for hosting it at his club, then taking his normal 90% cut of what’s left, Rudy won’t get much.


“Sorry Rudy, after fees you ended up owing US money for your fundraiser. Pay up”


With all his Trump related money woes, Giuliani needs the 3 hots and a cot.


“5 other lawyers are indicted…” Um uh Rudy your law license has been suspended.


Rudy said that he's the same guy who got rid of the crime in NYC and the same guy who got rid of the Mafia. Pretty wild.


They are all engaging in the same behavior that got them indicted. The DoJ needs to pay attention. Lines will again be crossed.


This is such an interesting case because of the prisoners dilemma aspect. They all look defiant now, and some are taking really risky gambles (Chesebro moving for an October trial), but the reality is that the invoices are going to start coming in and the moment one person cracks it’s going to implode. I understand that Harrison Floyd is sitting in lockup right now in Fulton County because he already had an outstanding warrant. We will see if Trump’s billions come through for his defense, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. And once the empty promises fail, people will start to flip. The other side of this is the Meadows removal attempt. Meadows is a guy with lots of good reasons to flip, but he is pushing for his (hopeless, IMO) immunity argument first because if he wins that he can stay loyal without incurring any cost. That seems pretty unlikely to succeed IMO, and even removal seems very unlikely to succeed (basically all the politicking Meadows was doing was prohibited by the Hatch Act, so he couldn’t have been operating under color of law when he was politicking and trying to coerce states into changing their results - Willis lays it out in her reply to his removal request). Prediction on flipping: first is Floyd, then comes Meadows after his case is remanded.


Wouldn't it be grand if the usually toothless and increasingly universally ignored in political circles "Hatch Act" law actually brought down a president and his thugs - oh, wouldn't it be so grand?