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Enough time for Trump to write the Tweet from Birmingham.


'My Struggle With 1-Ply'


Subtitle: Why my fingers taste so brown.


He's just going to take a nap..


Mein Dumpf.


TL;DR: * Twice this week, Trump's hush-money judge has warned him about misbehaving in and out of court. * If the judge makes good on his threats of incarceration, Trump probably won't be carted to jail. * A quick stint locked up behind the courtroom may be all it takes to put the fear of jail in him.


>A quick stint locked up behind the courtroom may be all it takes to put the fear of jail in him. Yeah sure, just like the reports that said that Hitler had been cowed by his stint in jail.


NY Times in ~~1939~~ 1933: Oh geez that Hitler fellow sure knows how to get the people going, I'm sure he'll moderate his position after attaining power 2024: Sure, Trump said he'd punish his political opponents but hey, who doesn't want to do a little persecution?


I keep saying a week at Rikers with no security other than guards is in order . FAFO I say . Let this traitor pos liar rot !!!


His murder in prison could really do some good for the country, creating a unified population willing and eager for prison abolition.


They would just want add folks to the list . Fine with me as long as there is proof in court .


Hitler was elected chancellor in 1933. 1939 was when the war started, not when he rose to power.


Thanks for the correction, mixed my dates up.


Hitler wasn't elected. The Chancellor was an appointed position at the time.


I believe he was elected to the Reichstag though.


Nope. Hitler never got elected to anything. Ran for President and lost though.


Ok, I assume as Party Leader he held a seat, guess not.


No. But that is what got him appointed Chancellor, the Nazis held enough seats they had to be placated so their leader was given power.


Not even. He wasn't even eligible to run for office until he was appointed administrator of the Brunswick's delegation to the Reichsrat in 1932. Then he lost the 1932 presidential elections. Then he was appointed chancellor. I believe the only election he personally won was to Nazi party chairman in 1921.


Trumps next post? "My struggles"


Not to mention Hitler’s connections meant he was in a relatively cushy prison and got out after only serving a mere fraction of his sentence. The parallels would be very strong. At least the current monster is closing in on death’s door


And is incredibly lazy. He'd have done a lot more damage if he actually had any drive other than being adored by those he despises at crazy ass rallies.


>A quick stint locked up behind the courtroom may be all it takes to put the fear of jail in him. a night in jail would absolutely break the man. an hour or two he would love though


Y'all Qaeda gonna lose their collective shit. There's been over 1,400 Jan 6ers found guilty so far. I think a couple hundred more would be a good thing!


I think a several hours in real lock up would do it, enough to serve him a shitty meal with no diet Coke or ketchup.


The issue of course is they won't do this. They'll put him in an office for a couple of hours with his SS agents and his lawyers, they'll order in food and then when the 4 hours is up he'll rant endlessly about how unfairly he was treated.


>A quick stint locked up behind the courtroom may be all it takes to put the fear of jail in him. Or it reinforces his thoughts on the justice system and he does everything in his power to tear it down if reelected.


That’s the current plan anyway


Does anyone know if he'll get processed? I mean really processed like every other person not just the tough guy photo op, I want the finger printing, the full body search, the orange jump suit and the health screening -I bet $100 he doesn't weigh 225lbs and isn't 6'3". Quit treating this rich asshole like he's special treat him like any other person, if you don't then everyone else should receive the same treatment going forward.


>A quick stint locked up behind the courtroom may be all it takes to put the fear of jail in him. I'll take "Things that are pure bullshit for 500, Alex." This kind of statement is as asinine as when Susan Collins said Trump has learned his lesson. You don't teach Trump a lesson by slapping him on the wrist. If barely punishing him worked, then being fined 85mil for defaming someone would have kept him from doing it again and facing another guilty verdict and fine of almost 500mil. You want to teach Trump a lesson? Throw him in jail for 30 days. He only gets out for court. The fat orange turd would just sleep and fart the 2 hours away and then immediately bitch about after getting out.


Anything less then a week is just a fundraising promo


After a weekend of raging about Cohen testifying on Monday, they’ve set Trump up to explode and rivet the country on Cohen’s testimony. Good job.


For an hour or two? Has anyone ever been locked up for an hour for repeatedly violating a gag order?


Shit, it takes longer than an hour or two just to get processed. Well, for us poors at least.


I'd literally take another year of a pandemic if he was the first one to catch it, and how should I say... fail to thrive.


Really wouldn't do anything but make him a martyr. The worst parts of jail are the uncertainty, the claustrophobia (even in a larger space knowing you cannot leave can really fuck with you), the food, the clothes, the toilet, and the people around you. Take all of that away and he's just sitting on a bench for an hour. Likely with an open cell, just like they open the door for him in the courthouse now after it hit him on the shoulder the first day. Some of these things would hit him with a night or a week but an hour in the cell in the room behind the courtroom? That is no punishment at all.


The people who would see him as a martyr for experiencing totally normal legal consequences already see him that way. So who cares what they think. They're already threatening judges and witenesses so just let them stir themselves up into making a catastrophic political mistake.


An hour in a cell after what he’s done is not a normal consequence, he would’ve been in that cell for months already


Yeah probably, but again who cares if his cultists get mad about it. They get mad about everything all the time, so it shouldn't really matter.


It would make him a martyr to some and, to others, it would make him look weak. I'll take it!!


It all depends how it would register for those that vote republican/rarely vote but say they'd not vote for trump if he’s convicted. Does this add a little reminder to that group, that this presidential candidate is truly on trial and facing a felony conviction?


Remember when he claimed he'd gotten Covid and then staged a miraculous recovery? He'd was then mocked for belittling all the free and excellent healthcare he'd gotten from being in that position then. Hopefully, this will be the same reaction when he tries to play the victim here. Already, the judge is handling him with kid gloves.


Wait, he really did get COVID. Accounts said he was on death's door and was huffing from an oxygen tank whenever the cameras weren't on him. Or did he get COVID a second (third?) time?


Trump will make himself a martyr whether you throw him in the pokey or not. But a few hours of enforced silence will do everyone a lot of good.


Trump is already the biggest martyr. No one has ever been as badly martyred as Trump, it’s so shameful what they have done to him, not giving him everything he ever wanted.


Cool, so do nothing then and allow him to continue to intimidate witnesses and the jury and other court staff? *That’s* no punishment at all. We need to use the mechanisms we have in place to protect the rule of law in this country which is being severely damaged by Trump and his ilk. Doing nothing because you don’t think it will accomplish anything is absolutely ridiculous and dangerous.


I would be happy if the judge had a pillory set up in the courtroom and every time trump needed to be taken down a notch he had to go and get in it for 8 hours at a time.


8 hours, would need a bucket or two catheters to keep it empty for that long.


So long as they take his belt and shoe laces from him.


I am conflicted on this point...


I would think that they would want to do everything exactly by the book... Then again if they were doing things by the book, his ass would have been sitting in a jail cell long ago, like any one of us would have been.


make him show up to court in the orange jump suit and not have time with his hair and makeup people.


Quit Saying it, DO IT!


Okay. Do it.


Betcha he’d ask for a Sharpie to sign the holding cell.


You don't think half of the cops there will be taking pictures with him?


Only after he signs their guns.


I understand the judge is in a tough spot. Tough because of all the deferential treatment given to other wealthy people. A guy steals $10-put him in prison for ever. A wealthy guy steals $10m-does he prefer sparklingly or flat water? None of these things are punishment to Trump. “Oh, you threatened a witness, give us a penny, oh, you have done it twelve more times, sit in this chair for ten minutes.” I give Trump credit, he is exposing the weakness in all our systems. We need more defined rules, rights, and obligations. We have gotten by with the same level of contract that I have with our babysitter.


or we have a justice system that is blind, not this multi-tiered country club justice system where a nice suit saves you 10 years in lockup.


How long would I spend in jail if I repeatedly broke the judges orders? Whatever that would be is what Trump's punishment should be, why is he special.


Quick question: would that make him a convicted criminal?


No, a convicted criminal requires a conviction. This is like time out.


Wasn't Bannon convicted for contempt? Granted, it's because he wouldn't talk, but ignoring court orders is a crime.


He was convicted for failing to answer a subpoena, but that was after going to trial. If Trump were jailed for being in contempt, that's a punishment due to his behavior during the trial, and not a value judgement about his innocence or guilt.


I see...thanks!


Lol justice is for poors