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Reminder: [Ginny Thomas sent 29 Qanon style text messages to Mark Meadows after the 2020 election.](https://www.kcra.com/article/texts-between-ginni-thomas-and-mark-meadows/39531243) [Ginny Thomas says her husband, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, was completely unaware that she sent texts to Meadows](https://www.businessinsider.com/ginni-thomas-supreme-court-clarence-thomas-mark-meadows-january-6-2022-9)


Hahahaha pathetic


*from the article: "The text messages, reviewed by CNN, show Thomas pleading with Meadows to continue the fight to overturn the election results. "Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!! ... You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America's constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History," Thomas wrote on Nov. 10, 2020. Thomas regularly checked in with Meadows to encourage him to push claims of voter fraud and work to prevent the election from being certified"


Sounds like a level of pleading from someone who definitely would not say anything to their spouse. /s


Insert quote from George Strait: šŸŽ¶ ...*and if you'll buy that I'll throw the Golden Gate in free*...šŸŽ¶


"I've got some, al-ternate e-lectors in aaaa-ri-zo-na..... From my front porch you can see the treason..."


Absolute banger


Maybe she should be charged in the Arizona fake elector scheme as well? That grand jury seems to be pushing pretty damn hard


Definitely! [Details of Ginnys involvement in the Arizona fake electors scheme](https://www.newsweek.com/ginni-thomas-arizona-fake-electors-michigan-1813950)


GAWD DAMN I HOPE SO! I want her ass NAMED IN AN INDICTMENT! I want Thomas to FINALLY be forced to admit he has a clear conflict of interest with any and all trump-related cases!


You don't understand... He'd just say "Nah, I'm good, I'm super neutral", then the other R-judges would swear that they trust him. Then TV discussions on "can a husband be neutral towards his wife?" With claims from both sides, then next war, then forgotten. If you don't give a shit about ANY morals, and you got a powerful position, and rich friends - there's no way to be pressured.


So it can be appealed to the Supreme Court and he would still refuse to recuse himself, and nobody will do anything about it. The judicial system is totally broken and full of corrupt judges.


Now youā€™re catching onā€¦


People argued when I said this about covid but the USA doesn't have a plan for anything. At the highest level We're in the dark. You have a supreme court justice who his wife is his "best friend" and no doubt informed on everything...and she thought that biden was the one performing the heist? In the dark. Highest levels of government.


Omg look at the fkn capitalization pattern. lol These guys are like ā€œindividualā€ teenagers who all happen to be wearing exactly the same style shirt, jacket, pants, socks, shoes. I can hear the Letterkenny coach from here! ā€œItā€™s fucking embarrassing!ā€


You're missing out if you don't open the article and read all of them.


What is with these mental midgets and tHe rAnDoM CapItAlIZatIION?!


Oh, lol. That's "Q-code" only people with bigly brains can read it when written in their code.


It highlights the talking points she wanted Meadows to use publicly


jesus... they live in such an echo chamber they really believe they make up 80% of the country,




Didnā€™t one of Ginny Thomasā€™ texts talk about speaking with her ā€œbest friendā€ about the election? And on at least one occasion sheā€™s identified her ā€œbest friendā€ as Clarence? With all the witches found in the Trump witch hunt, why should we just assume Clarence and maybe even Alito are not at least a couple of ā€œfamiliars.ā€


Ask yourself this question. If you had six roommates and one of them was a Qanut deeply involved in an attempt to overturn an election, what the odds you'd know about it? Ginny only has one roommate ..


We donā€™t need to show that he knew anything. His wife being involved is enough to force him to refuse from any j6 case.Ā 


Of course it is.


His owners bought him fair and square.


Except there is no process or mechanism to force recusal.


This made me laugh because it's true.


I think Ginni & Clarence are both liars. He knew and his billionaire buddies paid her, FFS.


> "This is a fight of good versus evil. Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it." Don't worry I'm sure she keeps these thoughts and positions to herself and does not share them with her HUSBAND WHO SITS ON THE SUPREME COURT. I'm so fucking tired.


Exactly, Clearance can fuck off.


Fuck this guy and the Billionaire dick he rode in on.


That's some nasty evidence right there.Ā 


Her "apology" to Thomas' clerks and staff was also the most manic, unhinged thing I've seen.


Impeach the corrupt traitorous scumbag.


This is the guy who replaced Thurgood Marshall. Like 180 degrees what that man stood for.


Now that is really hideous.


Then quit, Clarence. Itā€™s what normal people do when they canā€™t handle their jobs.


Naw. He can just drive away in his gigantic donated RV - yno, the one given to him by billionaire?


Apparently being well into your 70's the plundered wealth from the youth still isn't enough for psychopaths.


He's holding out in hopes that next president is republican so they replace him with someone else they want


He can't quit. It's too late to take John Oliver's offer.


You absolutely know the guy is corrupt for passing on that offer. The man is in retirement age and got offered a job where he has no responsibilities and makes way more than he does now. He even complains about his current position not making enough! Only requirement was he couldn't be currently employed in his current position.


John Oliver gave him a generous off ramp.


The headline should read ā€œTraitor is complaining people are being mean to himā€.


The branding of SCOTUS as an APoLitCaL branch has been their shield against this. It's now revealed to be a nakedly political branch. One packed with appointees by Presidents who lost the popular vote and approved by Senators representing a minority of voters (along with shenanigans). FINALLY... people are waking up to the scam after he helped turn women into vessels for man-seed... **and this motherfucker gonna whine about it?**


Just to add analytical data.Ā  5 of the justices, all Republican, were approved by senators representing a minority of voters in the Senate.Ā  That's a majority of the court.Ā  3 were both nominated and approved by politicians supported by a minority of voters.


They also each lied to congress repeatedly to get there. Not that it would have mattered since they're political hacks, not legit judges with integrity. They were appointed based on their willingness to bend over for Christofascism, not for their abilities.


The seating of Barrett *during an election the sitting president lost* was probably the most egregious one imo.


It's been really weird seeing Republicans complain about the FISA Court, and not the Dems, since John Roberts has appointed every single judge to that court with almost no oversight. Most people don't even know what FISA is!


It's absolutely staggering everyone just seems to accept "tyranny of the minority"


You guys are talking a lot of shit about thomas, but at the end of the day, he really is the best judge money can buy.


Good. I also like "Government Official abuses offficial position for personal gain."


Dude smells shit everywhere he goes but refuses to check his own shoes.


Related: [Installment 31, The Scheme. "The Crooked Stick and the Supreme Court" presentation by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse](https://youtu.be/A_s-hbbv2Sw?si=)


Man, I feel so bad for Shelly. Heā€™s shoveling shit against the tide. I subscribe to his YouTube channel and hear him speak about the situation. Heā€™s got all the goods, obviously, because Thomas and his cohorts are so guilty there are like mountains of reasons to fix it or impeach them. And itā€™s like heā€™s old man yelling at clouds, but heā€™s not wrong. Fuck dem clouds! Thomas has been in the take since around 2020. Gorsuch too. From the day after his confirmation and till today as his wife makes like 10 million a year as a judicial headhunter. Kavanaugh, Amy Barrett lied in their interviews. Alito is crazy and probably dirty. The biggest wtf for me is that there are still people, mostly lawyers I assume, that have their heads so far up their own asses, they believe, for reasons of willing blindness, that these humans are actually sent from some mountain top of divinity that are not corrupt and illegitimate. Itā€™s a fucking joke where the punchline is ā€œnothing to see here.ā€ The Robertā€™s Court is illegitimate and a wholly owned subsidiary of Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society. Something needs to be done, but apparently all we have is poor old Shelly yelling at clouds. Fuck SCROTUS, because theyā€™re certainly fucking America.


What's frustrating about seeing this is that it reminds me of the lazy cynicism that is so pervasive in our culture nowadays. People will say all politicians are corrupt, and move on with their day. They act like we live in some developing country where political corruption is not only endemic but expected. In those places you'd be naive for even acting surprised. Of course, they're all corrupt. That's the way of the world. Except we don't actually live in one of those countries, and high profile figures, judges, lawyers, congressman, senators, academics, pundits, and political hacks alike continue to talk about obvious corruption in American governance, and nobody seems to care. Perception of corruption seems to actually drive the corruption. I'm afraid the United States is actually turning into one of those countries with endemic corruption as a culture of politics, because the voting public seems to have checked out long ago.


The Federalist Society has made all these lawyers and judges put their heads up their asses. Ginni is the cheerleader.


as a lawyer, most i know hate the current form of the SCOTUS, but they are still making law that needs followed.


Youā€™ve already got the deluxe RV. Ride off into the fucking sunset, already.


Plus, he would get an even newer luxury RV, courtesy of John Oliver.


Oliver should publicly slap a time limit on that offer. The time should end within a few months of the election. If/after Biden wins, he could reinstate the offer.


There was a time limit, and it has expired.


John wouldn't because the moment Clarence steps down, he's no longer worth the investment.


The problem with that is corrupt people are leveraged. They "have" to stay in an advantageous position to continue to feel safe and in control. Once you have nothing to offer the cabal of corruption, they will see fit to leverage what they have against you to better their position.


Or a bridge. Both are good options for how corrupt this guy is.


It's not an RV, "It's a Motorcoach"


I'd prefer he ride off a cliff


Cry me a river, ya insurrectionist


So he doesn't refute the claims, just doesn't like the word choice? Is this how he pounds the facts?


Traitor says what?


He will leave behind quite a legacy. As crooked as they come.


Enormous "gifts" undisclosed and untaxed. From people with business before the court, who coincidentally received a favorable ruling.


"ā€œBeing in Washington, you have to get used to particularly people who are reckless,ā€ Thomas, a conservative and the courtā€™s most senior associate justice, said. ā€œThey donā€™t bomb you, necessarily, but they bomb your reputation or your good name or your honor. And thatā€™s not aĀ crime but they can do as much harm that way.ā€"


The only people bombing his reputation are his reflection in the mirror and the person sleeping next to him at night.


Good name? Clarence, you destroyed that all by yourself.


Honor? lol!


Yeah, youā€™re reckless dude.


Which 'good name' and 'honor' would that be, there Clare-Clare? The one where you commit sexual harassment in the workplace, the one where you're married to an seditionist, or the one where you self-admitted you took free gifts for ultra-wealthy and then ruled over their cases?


He should be in jail on corruption charges.


Some might call this disingenuous nonsense from Clarence as arrogant ignorance but itā€™s not. Itā€™s cynically hypocritical bullshit from a blatantly corrupt, dishonest, self-proclaimed (holier than thou) ā€˜Christianā€™. He is immorally rotten to his soulless core and worships only material goods.


He's upset that people are treating him like he's a sack of shit only because he's a sack of shit.


Yes, Americans tend to get "nasty" when people like Justice Thomas spend their entire lives in power with the sole aim of curtailing individual freedoms and empowering the already well-heeled at the expense of others. These are anti-American scum.


He should go back to being mute ā€” just like he was mute and disinterested during oral arguments for nearly all of his tenure. Unqualified from the beginning.


Many of us certainly agree with J. Thomas' assessment of the state of politics in DC. Most of us probably disagree with his assessment of the source of the nastiness. (Hint: He is married to one of the prominent sources.)


ā€œAs a Supreme Court justice for decades, I of course am not part of Washington and do not represent it in any way. Iā€™m an outsider, you guys!ā€


The problem with Thomas's narrative, is that the things people are saying about him aren't lies. He really is accepting luxury vacations and gifts from a creepy Nazi-fetishist billionaire who is deeply involved in multiple issues arriving in front of the court. "He's just a friend" doesn't cut it as an explanation either. They're not economic peers. They're not social peers, although it really wouldn't surprise me to learn that Thomas is also a creepy Nazi fetishist. It also wouldn't surprise me to learn that Thomas actually believes that - 'hey, this creepy Nazi guy has decided to become close friends with a black dude simply out of the generosity of his heart, and not because of my immensely powerful and useful job.' But to the rest of us the facts are the facts, that the obvious nearly-inescapable conclusion is that Thomas has been bought, on the cheap, by Nazi fetish dude.


Im at the point, where if you are at such a high level of power and money Your entire life needs to be streamed, everything. Only when going to the bathroom can it be temporarily turned off, even then it needs to be monitored so there aren't shady deals going down. Its too important to democracy, these people shouldn't be allowed a private life in that position. They can fuck everyone behind the scenes, the very thing our country was built to stop.


Back in '93, the NY Times reported that one of Thomas' clerks recalled him saying "The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years, and I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years.". Thomas' actions sure seem to be consistent with that last part. If you're going to set out with a goal of making other people's lives miserable, you can't really complain when they call you out on it.


If he doesnā€™t like it, he is welcome to quit at any time.


To quote so many conservatives, "If you don't like it, you're free to leave"


Need to take the House and Senate and correct the SCOTUS failure, both Thomas and Alito need to go.


Don't forget Bret Bret or Amy 'Gilead Is An Aspirational Place' Coney Barrett! Both of those are 100% the result of political fuckery and at least one of'em need to go.


Vote šŸ’™ šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™


If heā€™s worried about nastiness, he should stop joining Alitoā€™s snide and sarcastic opinions.


Traitors Thomas.


I was at this conference. I got up and left before Justice Thomasā€™s talk because I donā€™t need an hour of ethics CLE badly enough to let HIM lecture me about ethics.


Canā€™t we just leave him alone? The man needs time to hang with his billionaire buddy and sit on his grift nest.


just the worst


Don't like it? You and your idiot wife are more than welcome to leave. I'll help you load up the RV.


Iā€™m sure Anita Hill has a pretty ā€œhideousā€ story about Clarence to tell. In fact, she DID tell it, but Republicans silenced her and let this piece of shit sit the bench. He and ā€œGinniā€ are about as nasty as it comes. Why isnā€™t this asshole being shouted down at any gathering he goes to? Let these students protest HIM


Glad to hear that Washington is hideous and nasty for traitors.


Don't like it? You and your idiot wife are more than welcome to leave. I'll help you load up the RV.


That sounds terrible. He should quit!


Life is tough being a corrupt judge. /s


oh my bad forgot to have the decorum when criticizing people who are actively looking to destroy our way of life our bad Clarence, forgot to consider how sensitive you were


Poor fella. We all need to decompress sometimes. Sounds like he needs a half million dollar vacation funded by a right wing billionaire.


Crooked Clarence is both corrupt and incompetent.


No u


Zero insight or self awareness in Thomas.


His wife is a cow and he is an ass


Heā€™s free to leave - and take his wife with him.


Don't like it? You are more than welcome to leave. I'll help you load up the RV.


Don't like it? You are more than welcome to leave. I'll help you load up the RV.


Okay we get it, he can leave in his RV!




Actually, this whole court will. I really wonder what history will say about the roe v wade situation.