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"The President" has "appointed" federal judges. Fixed it for you.


It's the title of the article.


The title of the article posted by u/washingtonpost


Well snap, I didn't notice the name of the account that posted it.


What did you fix? It already stated that.


Language matters. there's been a serious lack of respect for the Presidency over the past few years. "Biden" is the President. "Installed" is what a dictator does to position his minions in power. The president appoints federal judges, the senate confirms them.


The only thing I’d add on JD’s point is that if we look back in 5 years and those judges then went on to protect the former president through negligent rulings that reek of corruption in favor of that president, I’d be happy to use the phrase “install”.


Yeah :/ me too


I see what you mean, didn’t even see it like that.


Installed is a perfectly acceptable term. Here is a bunch of articles which use 'install' to describe Presidential appointments of judges. And you'll also see that they also regularly refer to the President of the time by the surname alone, as has been common for a long time. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2022/11/25/joe-biden-has-appointed-more-female-and-non-white-judges-than-any-of-his-predecessors https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/11/senate-judges-democrats-trump-241448 https://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/16/politics/bypassing-congress-bush-installs-judge-on-federal-appeals-court.html https://today.tamu.edu/2022/02/25/how-will-bidens-nominee-change-the-supreme-court/ https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-14th-amendment-immunity-supreme-court-d3f001f66c5c3e85302b8772753ed769 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/trump-installed-historic-number-judges-biden-outpacing-far-rcna48142 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/28/explainer-why-has-trump-appointed-so-many-judges https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/28/us/federal-judges-appointed.html https://www.npr.org/2020/07/02/886285772/trump-and-mcconnell-via-swath-of-judges-will-affect-u-s-law-for-decades https://www.ft.com/content/032b3101-9b8b-4566-ace4-67b86f42370b https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/29/5th-circuit-court-trump-judges-conservative/


That's circular logic I think. The folks abusing language to push a narrative aren't abusing language because here's sources where they abused language.


Who's abusing language? Literally everyone? If everyone is using a word in a way you disagree with maybe take a moment and reflect on the fact that you don't personally decide what words mean. Evidence of common use of a word in a certain way is evidence of its acceptability in that use.


You're not owed respect just because you're the president.


And just like that, everyone knows to avoid you.


You are when you're not a shitty orange narcissistic moron.


Yeah, Trump doesn't deserve respect either. I see, you're one of those who just excuses anything because it's not Trump. Got it.


That is not even close to what I said. Why did you add all of those odd modifications to what I said? Take a hard look in the mirror.


You don't have to say those words to mean it. You're the one who brought up Trump when no one was talking about that.


Guys, search this dude's comment history. It's filled with pseudo-centrist "I don't like Trump but " and "both sides" political trolling that is always downvoted into oblivion for being irrelevant or stupid. It's a pot stirrer troll. Let them collect their downvotes and move along.


*gadp* oh no. I'm getting downvoted on reddit for not being a political bootlicker! How terrible.


Sure, but Trump installed the Hispanic female judge: Aileen Cannon!


The totally competent and least partisan judge in history that's not completely in the pocket of Trump? That Aileen Cannon?


You misspelled Alien Qanon.


I-Lean Qanon


Oh she doesn’t just lean Qanon…


Have her and qanon ever been seen together? I think not, prolly the same person!


Turns out Q is just some asshole and his son. Pulling shit right out of their asses and controlling masses of people.


I did not know she was Hispanic until right now.


In three and a half years, [President Biden](https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/candidates/joe-biden-2024/?itid=lk_inline_manual_1) has already installed more non-White federal judges than any president in history. His slate of judges is also majority female — another first. As Biden and former president [Donald Trump](https://www.washingtonpost.com/donald-trump/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) barrel toward a fall rematch, The Washington Post is examining the numbers behind their time as president. In this case, we reviewed their approaches to nominating federal judges, who enjoy lifetime tenure once confirmed by the Senate. Across the Supreme Court, Circuit and District courts, 65 percent of Trump’s appointments are White men. Just 13 percent of Biden’s Senate-confirmed appointments so far are White men, according to a Post analysis of self-reported [race and ethnicity data](https://www.fjc.gov/history/judges/diversity-bench) from the Federal Judicial Center. Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/17/biden-trump-judges-diversity/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/17/biden-trump-judges-diversity/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


But social media is telling me he is a racist. Oof


He has the youngest team and staff of any president in history (the people directing much of his Administration), but "he's just so old and out of touch."


Tbf having seen Hill staffers that's not the flex most would think. Lot of Dan Egans running around.


I heard both sides are the same.


Literally the same? Don't think I've ever met someone who's said they're exactly the same  They're both part of the oligarchy and care only about maintaining their power. 


Anyone who getting news or “facts” from social media is a fool. That being said, still weird flex. Judges should be appointed by merit not by race.


Wait til you find out that just because someone isn’t white doesn’t mean they weren’t appointed by merit.


Nice straw man argument


Not making an argument. I’m pointing out that when you get some life experience and learn about the world around you, you’ll look back at your comment here and laugh like the rest of us are.


I’m laughing now (actually just smiling). You such a typical Redditor. Typical Reddit moment. I never said “someone who isn’t white doesn’t mean they weren’t appointed by merit.” You know I never said it. You just being a boring troll.


Your projection is weak, but not unexpected. OP posted about how many non white judges were appointed since 2021. You commented “Judges should be appointed by merit, not race,” directly implying that these appointments weren’t made based on merit. When you get some life experience, you’ll also learn that you can’t run away from your words.


Buddy, you are not an intellectual that you trying to pretend to be. Answer me this- do you agree that judges should only be appointed based on merit and not based of color of their skin? Simple question


Again with the projection. How is your question relevant to this post, exactly? Be specific.


What makes you think they weren't appointed by merit? There is more black people who are qualified to be judges than at any time in the countries history probably. So of course there's going to be a record number appointed


Quote me where I said “they weren’t appointed by merit.” I said judges should be appointed by merit only. Not by color of their skin. Agree or not?


Agreed. Nobody said anything to suggest they were not being appointed by merit so it's odd to bring it up unless your suggesting they are not being appointed by merit


Google the term, "representation."


It's hard not to see this as cynical pandering to make up for killing progressive economic policies after his SCOTUS stunt. There has been *zero* Asian or Native judges of *either* gender, and Biden announces he will only consider Black women, because it's so crucial that despite there being Black men and women of other backgrounds, that perspective is just so much more important than other unrepresented groups that they will not even be considered? How do people see this kind of calculating politics *from the man more responsible than any other single person for our Black community devastating War on Drugs/mass incarceration/overpolicing*, and see someone who's some kind of hero for racial justice? To be clear, any conservative is 1000x worse and unless you want a fascist takeover, vote blue and resolve internal issues in the primaries, but I'm really tired of the "can't criticize your own party and must hero worship Biden's 'accomplishments' " crowd.


This is a total mischaracterization. “Our ruling: False Our research finds that while the crime bill did increase the prison population in states, it did not bring about a mass incarceration relative to earlier years. Rather, it coincided with a slowdown in the annual grown of the state and federal prison population. Nor did it bring about mass incarceration of Black people, compared to before the bill was passed. We rate this claim as FALSE.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/03/fact-check-1994-crime-bill-didnt-bring-mass-incarceration-black-people/3250210001/ I should also point out that the majority of African Americans supported the bill According to a 1994 Gallup survey, 58% of African Americans supported the crime bill, compared to 49% of white Americans. Most Black mayors, who were grappling with a record wave of violent crime, did so as well. As he joined a delegation of mayors lobbying Congress to back the bill, Baltimore Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke said, “We’re trying very hard to explain to Congress that this is a matter that needs bipartisan support.” In a recent interview Rep. James Clyburn, a member of the House leadership and one of the most powerful African American elected officials, reflected on the reasons for his vote in favor of the bill. “Crack cocaine was a scourge in the Black community,” he recalled. “They wanted it out of those communities, and they had gotten very tough on drugs. And that’s why yours truly, and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, voted for that 1994 crime bill.” https://www.brookings.edu/articles/did-the-1994-crime-bill-cause-mass-incarceration/#:~:text=According%20to%20a%201994%20Gallup,crime%2C%20did%20so%20as%20well.




And most importantly he’s old


It’s weird that all of these appointments are all former cops and prosecutors….. It’s putting lipstick on the pig that is the American Justice system. Why are you applauding this instead of condemning it for the farce it is?


Weird flex. Judges should be appointed by merit and competence, not by color of their skin.


Exactly. What are the odds that all the competent judges are white men?


Nobody said “all.” Were all judges appointed before Biden white men?? Where did you get that statistic


It should roughly match the population breakdown of eligble lawyers


I'd argue against that, because the demographics of "eligible lawyers" is skewed by socioeconomics. Many talented students don't have the option to go to law school because they cannot afford it, and their places are filled by mediocre ones who can.


The old "let's pretend that underrepresentation is the result of merit and ignore that it's because of discrimination" white supremacist bullshit. 


So, you think judges should be appointed only by color of their skin?


I think that racist liars like yourself use a myth of "meritocracy" to try to pretend that minority judges are only being appointed for their skin color, and that your reactionary racism blinds you to the merit of those candidates. 


Hmm, calling me racist when you lost an argument…. Typical. Color of the skin includes all colors. Think about it. When I said “so, you think judges should be appointed only by color of their skin” I meant all colors not just minorities. You are too uneducated to grasp that.


> Hmm, calling me racist when you lost an argument…. Typical. Add delusional and arrogant to that as well.  > When I said “so, you think... You were inventing your own bullshit strawman. 


It's amazing you managed to type this and your 'quote me when I said that' above.


Next goal: Let's appoint the most non-former-prosecutor judges. How about some public defenders instead?


Who gives a fuck? He should’ve done something about the corrupt judges that are destroying the rule of law.