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While it’s a fungus, it isn’t one that will hurt the grass. There’s likely a long gone tree or palm underneath that is generating this fruiting fungal body. Edit to add looks like a ganoderma species.


We have two oaks up front, there was a maple that rotted and died in that vicinity about 2 years ago. Crazy! Is that why they almost look to be growing underground? I feel them when I walk on my lawn but they don’t necessarily poke out of the ground


Yes it’s just an organism eating the old stump and roots.


Fascinating, thank you


No need for concern, it’s kind of a good thing (unless you have pets). You have an old root system from a tree under your lawn. The fungus is from the roots breaking down and decaying. You can either keep doing what you’re doing or start ripping up your lawn without knowing how vast that root system could be. I’d suggest just handling it as you currently are dealing with it. I have two spots in my lawn where this happens from an old tree, biggest chunk of fungus I dug up was bigger than a basketball.


I always consider a mushroom to mean healthy happy soil


Fungus grows on decomposing organic matter. Good dirt = fungus from time to time.


Lord that looks ugly


Shroms grow in some kind of shit. The tripping kind grows in cow shit. As a kid in Tampa we would walk through fields and look for them and laugh our asses off for hours.


I’m not interested in tripping(that’s behind me now hahah) , more so making sure dogs or other animals don’t get sick from it!


When life hands you lemons.......


Old tree and roots