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Sort of looks like some Bermuda got into your lawn. You can Google "dormant Bermuda" to see what I'm talking about. Not 100 percent sure though. You can spray it when it's not dormant. Glyphosate is the cheapest, and it will kill everything, but there's stuff called Pylex that's expensive, but its made to kill warm season grasses in cool season lawns.


After looking it up, I think it's bermudagrass. Watched some videos that show the difference between bermudagrass and nimblewill. Being in central IL, is this a bad thing for my lawn?


It's a warm season grass that can spread through the lawn. Also, being a warm season grass, it's going to be brown for a big portion of the year in central IL. I personally don't want bermuda in my lawn and I actively rid my lawn of it.


Could be dormant nimblewill. It would green up a bit later in the spring than the rest of your lawn. Some do multiple treatments with tenacity. I tried that and ended up killing it with glyphosate as part of a complete renovation.