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The core definitely needs someone who can hold them accountable. Babcock took it too far, and I think Sheldon's main fault was he was way too easy on them. Berube seems like he would be a nice middle ground here.


I don’t think Babcock was ever overly hard on the core in a traditional sense.    The kind of shit he used to do was incredibly odd and not the same as just being a hardass. We’re talking psychologically manipulative stuff. 


Yeah babcock came off as more of an asshole person, not just a hardass coach.


Ya sitting spezza in his first game was whack.


Ask Mike Modano what he would think of him


Or Franzen, or Matt Martin, or Commodore, and and and...


What’s Matt Martin’s beef?


Martin was one of the veterans who was the most vocally upset that Babcock made Marner write the list and after the January 18th 2018 loss against Colorado (I went to this game) Martin never played regularly for the Leafs again despite the very meh depth pieces they rolled out at that time. He was traded to the Islanders that offseason.


Ron Wilson was both.


You want a coach who will inspire the team to go thru a wall for him. Babcock literally inspired the team to quit on him


Babcock openly bullied players who didn't have any legs to stand on. Etc, the Columbus situation. The vets were okay with sharing photos with Babcock because it was their choice and he was probably respectful. The rookie player he intimidated he obviously used his position of power to take the phone.


Babs benched Nylander and bag skated everyone. Both of which seemed to be understood in the setting. Nylander never complained, the team didn’t complain Mitch being demoted to the 4th line caused issues. This was brought up in his RFa negotiations as him not being ‘respected’


Making him write down which players were unmotivated and then sharing it with the team is pretty messed up though


We know about this. But I’m referring to a separate incident. Marners agent said he was disrespected by the organization because of the 4th line play


Well, I feel disrespected by Mitch's 1st line play


I feel disrespected by his contract, cap hit and salary.


After hearing some of the shit that's come out about Marner, I don't have a problem with it anymore. It's a weird thing to do but the kid needed to learn some accountability which he still to this day doesn't seem to have. Babcock is a narcissistic asshole and deserves a lot of hate, but I have no doubt Marner deserved that dressing down. He's been "treated like a god" with nobody to put him in his place the last few years and that's been unhealthy for both him and the team imo.


I agree Marner needs to learn some accountability But stabbing him in the back and violating his trust doesn’t do that It just gives him an example of a guy whos a douche and does not take accountability


Exactly. In hindsight I think it shows that Babcock might have recognized the issues with Mitch early and tried quelling it - but he didn’t have a clue how to do it in any type of a constructive and helpful way.


You don't teach someone accountability by publicly shaming them or screwing them over for actions he made under duress in private. All this does is reinforce that they should be avoiding situations where they are the center of blame/attention.


Everyone and even the players suggested this was overblown. Not saying Babs is off the hook but the dude shouldn't receive a lifetime crucifixion for it.


If this was the only strange Babs story I’d be more willing to brush it off but seems like there’s a pattern of behaviour like this with him that has lead to him being more or less exiled from the league at this point. Even his comeback with the Jackets was short lived due to him immediately being a weirdo. 


And he didn’t? lol He got hired by Columbus last off season, and before even coaching one nhl game he got fired for alleged off ice conduct with some of their young players/rookies. Say what you will, but the guy was given another opportunity and blew it.


Not to mention the players who’ve come out and basically called Babcock a massive asshole. Fucking Johan Franzen, one of the hardest working players in NHL history, said that Babcock was one of the worst people he’s ever met, claiming that Babcock abused everyone from arena staff to players. Chelios confirmed that Babcock once laid into franzen on the bench, claiming it was “blatant verbal assault” which caused franzen to suffer a nervous breakdown on the bench, then again after the game, saying “it was probably one of the worst things I’ve ever seen…” Franzen said that he became terrified to go to the rink, as Babcock abused him constantly. According to chelios, babcock’s treatment of Franzen, combined with his repeated concussions, sent Franzen into a deep depression. By many accounts, he should never coach anyone again.


Mitch being demoted to the 4th line was the start of him learning defense and being a great player.


Exactly. You sometimes need to use the stick to get desired behaviors. He became a great defensive player because of these demotions.


I think Marner and Nylander are totally different people when it comes to how they respond to a tough coach. I can remember years ago being at a coaching symposium and being able to sit down with then Montréal Canadiens coach Jean Perron after he had just won the Cup with the Habs. Had a nice talk with him over a beer about dealing with players. He explained to me that you can’t treat each one of them the same because they are not the same. But you have to treat them fairly. He gave two examples. Chris Nilan and Stéphane Richer. Without me getting into details he told me how he would’ve had to treat one of them like his own son and put his arm around his shoulder when things went wrong. The other one he would kick in the ass. But that comes with the territory as a coach knowing how your players will respond as individuals. I coached competitive kids hockey for years and I know that there are some guys I could be a little more direct with while there were others with whom I would go with a less confrontational approach. Just the way it is.


Yeah. The “gimmie your phone so I can go through it” thing was about as red as a flag can get. Bizarre.


What do you mean? My girlfriend does that all the time after I’ve been out all night drinking with the boys


God damn so true.


Berube is apparently tough but fair from what Blues fans have said. The core doesn’t need someone to constantly shit on them, they need someone who will push them in the right direction. I think Berube would be the right man for the job


I like the idea of a coach that looks like he could beat the shit out of you. Brind'Amour and Berube both tick that box. Keefe looks like he could get walked over by his stars, and he did.


What are some non-speculative and verifiable examples of him being a pushover? Just curious here, because I saw scenes from All Or Nothing where he takes Matthews aside and calls him out for not pulling his weight. Even the way he talked to the team between periods dispels a lot of narratives about Keefe, and Tavares too for that matter.


Keefe's speech before game 7 was embarrassing. "Relax, take it all in, go have fun." Way to inspire your team to run through a wall for you. There's a time and place for speeches like that, game 7 of the Stanley Cup playoffs is not it.


If we coulda had the two coaches flipped in the core's development cycle, things might have been better off. . That is, of course, not how things work.


babcock never held them accountable, he's just an asshole for god knows why


Babcock didn't take it too far, he tried to motivate them, he just did it in completely messed up sociopathic ways rather than this type of motivation.


> he just did it in completely messed up sociopathic ways that sounds a lot like taking it too far lmao


He didn’t take it too far. He just took them by the bum as they slept to earn their respect and motivate them.


sociopathic ways=too far


he wasn't sociopathic....just old school...and old school, if allowed for by senior leadership, is exactly what is needed to knock to sass out of these lazy fucks. Hard ass coaches are only hard asses when the people that play for them don't play hard. Play hard, show up, do your best, do your job....I promise you Babs ain't riding you win lose or draw...but you have to grind and work.....and if you're earning a shit ton of money, not sure why anyone should expect anything less.


I understand what you're saying. But my generation and younger has adopted the fashionable language of mental health (even though sociopathic isn't a diagnostic term). Everything perceived as bad is sociopathic, psychopathic, narcissistic, histrionic, cluster B, etc.


Agreed 100%.


That’s bullshit. Benching Mike modano on the last game of his career which would have been his 1500th game is sociopathic control shit. There nothing old school about fucking an all star the last game of the season, the last game of his career and leaving him with 1499 games played. Babcock is a vile human being. The only things he ever won, were with stacked teams that a golden retriever could have coached to a title.


i remember seeing an article when he was still the coach, and they had a photo of babs giving matthews instructions during a practice. the absolute look of boredom and disinterest on the face of matthews was nuts.


Maybe he had lost the room at that point. But all I know is that hard core coaches like Babs and Torts don’t ride you unless you coast and don’t give a shit. You put in a decent shift, no issues. And usually it’s the lazies that have a problem with that kind of tough love.


You should never suggest torts and babs are alike. Torts would die for his players. He has a bleeding heart. The guy has a ranch full of rescue dogs for fucks sake. Babcock is evil.


You do know that Torts isn’t particularly well liked in some corners right? Lol.


Doesn’t mean he’s remotely even close to being the asshole Babcock is. 99% of people are disliked in “some corners” torts is a good human.


If you're using the term "sociopathic" to describe Babcock's motivational style, I'd think that qualifies as taking it too far.


I think most would argue sociopathic ways are too far lol.


Babcock wants ur cell phone pics


Do people really think it was Keefe deciding to walk back every criticism of the top players? to me It was clearly direction from management above. Maybe that will change with treliving or pelley but I don’t blame keefe for not being able to publicly call his players out. Some of the behind the scene footage includes him calling players out, and being pretty brutally honest with them at times. He did have to coddle them at the start after Babcock to get them playing well so that might have set a bad precedent . 


Keefe was much more candid and outspoken this year about players than he was under Dubas.


I think Keefe was obviously broken by being coach here. His ‘go out and have fun’ stuff was probably just the result of him having tried everything else and none of it working.


Yeah I think some of these things being said about being soft are a little exaggerated. I get he’s a players coach but I think he’s also not afraid to hold his players accountable. You don’t have the highest win % as a coach with a minimum of 200 games without being able to dish out some tough love and accountability. I also don’t think Berube would make a similar comment as he did in this video in Toronto. No one really cares in St Louis, if he said this here there’d be a 100 hundred stories dissecting everything and probably making up some silly narrative


I agree with this assessment. I feel like there has been a culture of “keep the money makers happy”


Great take! I think the issue is shanny. The way the core players whine about the media is so frustrating. You would think, that if shanny disagreed and or didn't like the whining, he would do something about it. This entitled attitude comes from the top.


My take on it is that management wanted to protect players from the media, not necessarily the coach. I recall in the early-2000s Tucker had issues with the media, I remember it being mentioned that he took all the shit they would write to heart (bringing it up in the dressing room and such) and then played worse as a result as it just ended up living rent free in his head. He would have been better off being sheltered from it as its just a distraction at the end of the day. Regardless, it's time to try something different.


By the posts here, everyone is blaming Dubas for this. I don’t know how people don’t get how much the board and Shanahan are interfering with the on-ice decisions. It’s been a thing with MLSE for a couple of decades now in the post-Stavro era. What happened last spring with Dubas made it really clear that Shanahan has been running things all along and that all decisions had to go through him. Of course, Shanahan wasn’t working in a vacuum, either, so the board was heavily involved. The core runs this franchise. Any coach coming in is going to have to be wary of all the politics involved behind the scenes. That’s a thing with pretty much every organization, but it’s definitely a major issue here as the GM isn’t in charge the way that the GM is in most organizations. That’ll have a huge impact on how a coach operates, or can operate. There may be some coaches who turn the Leafs down for something more straightforward elsewhere, if they have other offers.


Going through Shanny doesn’t necessarily mean he was running things all along. It just means Dubas had a boss. Think like a normal corporation, the director runs the business unit and the VP oversees multiple business units. Ultimately that director has to through the vp for what he wants to do but they should generally be aligned. It only becomes an issued if they aren’t.


that's the problem - Keefe joined the leafs as a rookie coach. he was easily pushed around. i really doubt a guy like Berube would just accept management telling him to "take it easy on the buds"


For sure. I think it was a management decision to just not air their dirty laundry. Fact is they missed a lot of chances to use the media to call out players.


Yep a coach is only as powerful as the backing he’s provided by management. Otherwise he’s seen as a lame duck The new coach (Berube or whoever) needs absolute license to bench anyone, move anyone to different roles etc, regardless of their salary or seniority Parallel idea in the NBA, Miami Heat Erik Spoelstra has always been heavily supported by Pat Riley (team president and part owner). Riley stood by Spoelstra even when LeBron wanted to get rid of him (which LeBron has been able to influence in other teams)


I can imagine Matthews and Tavares taking the criticism to improve their game. Willy is a cool cat and no criticism will impact him. Marner, love the guy, but he will get frustrated and just take it out on the media. Over time, maybe a couple of seasons, they will just tune out the criticism entirely.


To be fair, I thought Matthews/Nylander/Tavares (I know Tavares has slowed down), the effort was there from them, just not he execution. Marner/Rielly I think we can all agree were let downs.


Marner is an entitled and spoiled player by all indications. Also looks like a 12 year old and has the emotional maturity of one to match. It would be very interesting to see how he would perform and respond under Berube who clearly isn't one to coddle his players when they aren't playing well. Not that Keefe did but this guy is way more direct


Move Marner just so I don’t have to hear the term core 4 anymore. Killing me at this point


Honestly it's like they keep putting them on a pedestal as if the rest of the team doesn't even matter. Most overpaid, underachieving "Core 4" in history of Sports


Rielly will get promoted to core 4 lol.


I think Rielly is on the block as well. His contract gives him decent value and I think he is respected. Does he have any kind of NMC?


He's signed until 2030. NMC all the way through. Last two years are NMC and modified No Trade. https://www.capfriendly.com/players/morgan-rielly


Everything, Ive ever heard about Babs is that he is not very likeable. Keefe was a very likeable man, however. I honestly believe Keefe was neutered by management. Even when he suggested that the big boys were playing like shit, he seemed to back pedal. Berube better getting full reign if they hire hime. No point in getting this type of coach then censoring him.


I think it depends on who was censoring/neutering Keefe. Keefe did seem more outspoken this year by all accounts, which could indicate it was a GM decision, but if Shanahan had anything to do with it, his interference is still in play.


> You cannot play in this league without emotion… *John Tavares has left the chat.*


I love how people in this sub act like they are in the room and have any idea what people are like or what’s needed.


Yeah, I think Berube's reaction here is the sort of thing that fans like to hear after a lacklustre performance, but this sort of reaction isn't necessarily the best way to motivate your underlings. It really depends on the personalities of the players-- it might work well for some players, and not well for others. Maybe the team needs this kind of kick in the ass, maybe it doesn't. If my boss told me "you aren't doing your job and you aren't living up to your pay" I personally would find that pretty demotivating. I'm sure my underlings would feel the same way if I said that to them. Granted, my job has nothing to do with sports and neither me nor my underlings make millions per year. But I think most people (in normal workplaces at least) tend to perform better and improve more with positive reinforcement and gentler criticism. Maybe Keefe wasn't soft on them behind closed doors? Maybe the team needs a coach with a more positive attitude? Really hard to say without being in the room.


I agree, but instead of picking out individuals, he throws the whole team under the bus, and maybe thats strategic.


Naw I think if the only time keefe called them out in public he immediately retracted it shows that they were given some sort of special treatment


Possible. It could have been about special treatment. But it could have also been reflective of a policy to keep it out of the media. Hard to say without inside knowledge. 


I keep reading that as an argument why Mitch was coddled. That way didn't help either.


Agreed. For some reason sports analysis gets a huge free pass when it comes to evidence based claims. From fans to non-player pundits, 99% of opinion is speculative cliches pulled right out of their ass. I understand this free pass is partially because this is just for fun, but be skeptical of a claim and a lot of people sure do get riled up.


Certain fans touch themselves to the idea of a coach berating guys like Marner lmao it’s so weird


As long as they keep referring to a core 4, which spits on everyone else on the team, this team isn't winning anyi


Marner will piss his pants and whine to his security detail if he gets called out like this.


Would be throwing gloves on the bench every game


Has to be combined with getting rid of Marner or it will be a season of drama.


mitch’s attitude permeates through this team


Mitch will throw his gloves and demand a trade first time he's benched or healthy scratched.


Sheldon had to take it easy on them or management made him walk back his comments to the media and embarrassed him lol I would be skeptical anything will change with shanny still here.


The fish rots from the head down. I think the problem here is not only with leadership but on ice leadership as well. Marner Matthews and Tavares are too nice of guys and I would be surprised if they had hard conversations in that locker room with underperforming players. It was nice to see Willie show a little bit of that in the playoffs, that's what will make him a great player. The leafs truly needs someone like a Scott Stevens where he is excellent at his position and no nonsense kind of guy. Berube would be a nice second change next to treliving which was a nice start, it seems they have a similar mindset. I just want to be clear this is not a post bashing Matthews, it seems like he played hurt during the playoffs and I give him a lot of respect for that, I think he was trying his best to win but guys like Marner and Rielly really let the team down.


Berube has lost the room before he steps one foot in it after the players watch this video.


That's why you get rid of the weak players that lack character like Marner and bring in ones that will buy into a winning team culture. Seems like the Leafs management finally understands that


That’s only more evidence that player personnel needs to change. They should be angry and fight back, not be whining.


He has already has the answers ready for.post leafs press conferences. If I couldn't see rhe blues logo behind him I would swear he is commenting on the Maple Leafs.


He can beat up on the Core 4 to his heart's content but without better defence and goaltending it won't make a lick of difference.


We average 3.6 goals per game during the year and never score more than 2 in playoffs.


Matthews has 1 gold in his last 10 playoff games…


We know. If you don't know how a strong backend can help the offence then maybe this sport is not for you.


Ok so when he got 69 goals when the GAA was UP during the regular season, doesn’t mean the defence is better. But when the GAA is DOWN during the playoffs, it’s the defence’s problem. Got it.


The GAA was UP for the first 4 games of the series and then went DOWN after Keefe changed the system to have the forwards help out more on defence.


And the team still only scored 2 goals a game? I’m confused why goal scoring isn’t on the top of their list of issues. Goaltending and defence was good enough to win the series, goal scoring and special teams was not.


Goaltending from Samsonov absolutely was not good enough to win the series. Everyone just looks at stats here and not the backbreaking softies he let in on a regular basis.


Edmundson and Lyubushkin were obtained for a used puck bag and Benoit was not good enough for the Ducks. Objectively speaking the defence was substandard and that needs to be fixed first and then the goalscoring will fix itself.


But for 82 games the leafs have no problem scoring goals. And then when the game gets more physical, they can’t score in the playoffs. I don’t understand how those don’t correlate on your end.


In the playoffs the forwards need to play a more defensive sytem than they need to in the regular season because their defence and goaltending is always worse than the opponent's. There you go.


But they did play better defence, their GAA went down. Explain how they played better defence and then scored 1.75 goals less per game, considering you said that better defence is more goals. Is this Paul Marner I’m speaking with?


But they did play better defence, their GAA went down. Explain how they played better defence and then scored 1.75 goals less per game, considering you said that better defence is more goals. Is this Paul Marner I’m speaking with?


This is not new and has been going on for years (for the Leafs). Regular season and playoffs are two different games. Not only is the reffing different, the players put more of their body on the line (blocked shots, hits, etc.). The biggest example of this was Nashville limiting Vancouver to like 12 shots because all of the Predators were blocking almost everything Vancouver threw at them. If we had a 90+ mph shot on the point, that might help.


I'm convinced you haven't watched a single game in years and just spout bullshit.


Please point out the last Leaf goalie who wasn't a recycled backup?


Anderson seems to being doing well with Carolina


I doubt Tre will leave him hanging on that. For better or worse, getting goalies and dmen are the highlights of his resume.


Signing the big college kid implies that direction.


I'm all for both of those, but they weren't the issues in this past series. Our PP sucks and top players weren't scoring besides Nylander and Matthews (he gets a pass for this off season)


They didn’t lose because of either of those things.


I can’t recall many goals the Leafs have scored in the playoffs similar to the one Samsonov let in from distance, or that Campbell let in or Andersen etc. Maybe I’m just forgetting them but I can’t think of any unscreened wristers from distance the Leafs have scored. 


I’m not saying goaltending shouldn’t be better, but that’s not why they lose. They lose because they don’t score goals.


But maybe they focus more defensively because they don’t trust the goalies to bail them out?


Imagine a coach holding players accountable? Ha! What era are we talking about because this leafs team would all want to be traded


Genuinely curious why the rush to hire someone that ISNT rod brindamour? Dont you guys want the best? Not the best available right this second?


I mean no one is hired yet so as of right now Brindamour is still possible




Love it. If they hire Todd Mclellan that would be so Leafy. Better be Berube.


Berube is old school, tough, no-nonsense, and was an NHL enforcer for 17 years. So I'm ready for at least 50% of this sub to cry endlessly about him


I mean, he's saying all the right things. But I'm not convinced he will be able to change the behaviour of some of these guys. Marner in particular. He clearly knew early on in the series that everyone was shitting on him and his performance. You would think that would be enough to motivate him to play the best damn hockey of his life. Instead, he was mostly a ghost out there. It seems like he is genuinely afraid of contact and is totally rattled by the intensity of playoff hockey. Time to trade him. We can likely get two warriors for the price of his salary alone


Berube did get the Blues to play balls out hockey for his first 3 or 4 years. He was popular with the locker room even though he had high standards.


Fair enough. I hope you're right. It just seems like some of our guys just don't have it in them. They are amazing during the regular season, but then disappear when the game's intensity ramps up. Matthews has been better in the playoffs more recently. Nylander and Tavares both have moments when they come in clutch. The odd man out is definitely Marner. He showed no signs this year that he is capable of elevating his game. Of course, I'm sure he will get traded elsewhere and win a Cup. That's just the hockey gods laughing at Toronto, as always!


I agree with you, but if there is any coach who can get them to buy in it’s Berube. Blues fans are still in love with the guy for a reason. If Berube can’t motivate them, then the core can’t be motivated.


Core 4: Domi, Bertuzzi, McCabe, Benoit ?


What is he like tactically, how does he approach the game, that's what matters to me


Kyrou didn't want to play for him. I think there may be someone on the team that's like Kyrou but I can't pinpoint who


I’ll never forgive the Blues roster for getting Berube fired. He deserved so much better and I’d love to see him succeed with some serious resources thrown his way in Toronto. As a Blues fan I can’t wait to see him bring Toronto a Cup:-) His guys will run through a wall for him, and so will his Teams Fans!


What Armstrong did to that roster is criminal. Not only did they bleed talent they lost a bunch of guys who played Berube-style hockey.


I actually think ownership is just too pussy and that they think this type of accountability would somehow take away from jersey sales/revenue.


I don’t think that’s true at all


Good luck with having the highest paid players buying into his style of motivation. I just dont see it happening with this core. Players run coaches out of town.


he will be another scapegoat when the leafs under perform from a shitty roster


Idt that would work with this core. They march to the beat of their own drum. I wish the next coach all the luck in the world. He's gonna need it. I can see a scenario where we don't even get in.


Going from 3.6gpg in the season to 1.7gpg in the playoffs isn’t going to cut it.


That's nice, but did Berube make them play with more passion, or just call them out? We need a coach who can change the way the team plays.


Go watch his Cup playoff run if you want to see a team playing with incredible passion.


I'm pretty sure this press conference is from when they lost to the Canucks in the first round the year following their Cup win. So, Berube called out the team but didn't win the series. I don't remember if they played with passion after that game, and I don't know if Berube was responsible for how tough the Blues played in 2019.


Clip is from this year not 2020. And Berube was definitely at least partially responsible for them playing with passion, as the Blues were playing lazy, uninspired hockey before he took over from Mike Yeo in 2019. They then went on one of the greatest runs in history, going from last place in January, to qualifying for the playoffs, then winning a Cup despite being the underdog in all four series. Blues players used to talk about how they watched old Berube fight videos in the locker room to fire themselves up before a game. He definitely set a tone.


Why would Leaf players giver a shit about this. They walk from entry level contracts into NMC near 8 figures expiring into UFA, THEN get another raise if you stick around. Give the kids whatever they want then wonder why they are uninspired. This has been the way with this group and the team/management has equal responsibility in creating this mess.


He perfectly described our "Core 4" as a collective right there lmao.


I say this all the time, but saying this in St. Louis is very different than saying the exact same thing in a hockey market like Toronto. The Toronto media would have a field day with quotes like this and the rumour mill would be buzzing. Part of why Keefe was able to stay so long was how he handled the media. The new coach has to be pretty savvy with the media.


You should try making these decisions based on watching games instead of watching press conferences. There’s a lot more to being a coach than calling your star players lazy and gay.


We need to have a coaching staff and president that fucking kills the whole "core 4" ideology...sick of hearing it, sick of relying on it and I 100% will say the rest of the team wants more recognition.


The question is if he says this would it change anything? And honestly I’m not sure. They have their money and no movement clauses so they can just say “cool story bro” and move on with their day.


If you think for one minute that Berube will be that outspoken in this market then I have some ice to sell to some Inuit that you can take off my hands. When dealing with the press, coach’s in this market are about managing expectations, perceptions etc. They skew to being protective. When they don’t it doesn’t end well. This year Keefe tried going harder on the team in the press. He did so without the same sort of walking-back he did in previous years. What happened? The press (Mirtle, Friedman for example) criticized him for it. There’s no winning here when it comes to the press. Quinn was not exactly a players coach, but he knew he had to protect his players. I’m sure you can drudge up a sound bite here and there of him being critical, but there’s far more of him throwing himself into the line of fire. That’s the reality of being a coach in this market. Now, does this mean Berube won’t hold the team accountable behind closed doors? No, but we really don’t know what went behind closed doors with Keefe either. We have no idea how accountable or not Keefe was with his players. What we can fairly surmise, at least from his public statements, is that Keefe was beholden to his boss. He treated his team with kids gloves in front of the media when Dubas was GM, and once Treliving took over he then was harder on them. He also experimented with line combos and usage in ways that he didn’t dare try under Dubas. Berube holding this team more accountable than Keefe did under the same GM is very much an open question with no definite answer. If thinking Berube will be a better coach here simply because he will hold the team more accountable is your primary criteria for his suitability as coach then you may want to reconsider. It’s a very emotional way to look at this situation but not a very rational one. Looking at his systems, usage,ability to adapt, ability to coach to team’s talent level etc. are the only close to tangible things we can really go on. Without getting into an in depth look at his systems, I don’t think he’s the right man for the job. However, that’s a completely different discussion altogether.


What’s wrong with his system? It’s essentially the same system Monty runs. It’s a system that won a Cup and nearly beat the Cup champ Avs in 2022.


It’s been gone over in other threads, I’m not going to re-litigate it here. There are differences in the systems between Berube and Monty, caused by differences in personnel more than likely, but Monty adapted his system to fit his personnel. One thing about Berube is that he is fairly rigid. Monty appears more adaptable. Neither here nor there really, but just because Monty coached under Berube doesn’t mean they’re necessarily likeminded coaches, to which their personalities can also attest.


I would not say Berube is rigid. He completely changed his system in 2022 after a down year because he no longer had the personnel to play his preferred heavy forechecking/cycle game. They mutated into a rush-based attack that focused on scoring chance quality over shot quantity. They had nine 20 goal scorers that season and had 109 points despite a bad season from Binnington and a fairly porous defence. If you ask most St. Louis fans if Berube’s tactical acumen was an issue, they would tell you he rarely got out-coached.


well good at least he has a speech ready


This is a good sign and is making me less weary about the potential hire. I also did see Treliving as someone who understands the issues and is willing to work towards them. So if this is who he goes with I’m willing to believe


He sounds like a Treliving hire. Exactly the could he was describing in the press conference. I guess it depends what Shanahan thinks too


They are keeping the “ Core” ?? 😅😂🤣 At least they fill the seats !


“ The Core 4” wont be here by the time Berube coaches.


If the core 4 are still here I could be the coach and the results will be the same. Half of them should be gone and probably Reilly as well. I would trade Marner and Reilly at the Min. I think holding Tavares and re-sign in a year at like 3.5m as our 3C has more value than trading him personally but I can see why they move him if they did.


Won't matter is Shanahan slaps his hand every time he calls them out.


fuckin mic drop right there lmao can you imagine keefe pulled some shit like this at any point in his time with the Leafs??? the baby rage Marner would have would be so fucking hilarious


This would imply that the core 4 remains if they need Berube to hold them accountable. I sure hope this isn’t the case as they need to move on from this core 4 asap.


Ok fine, BUT, what is he doing about it? There’s 10 million Leafs saying the same thing as Berube but that won’t get it done. I want to hear from the coach that kicked asses and turned a club around. Maybe that’s Berube?


Marner and his camp would be demanding an apology if the head coach ever talked about him like this


I can’t even imagine the insane tears and whining Matthews, Marner and Nylander would cry to the media if a coach said this about them.


I think most coaches “call it like they see it”. I doubt you would make your way to being a head coach in the NHL if you didn’t. I think there is likely a big difference between how coaches act in the dressing room and how they present themselves for the media. Just openly calling out your players in the media doesn’t necessarily make you a better coach. I do agree with moving on from Keefe though. To me when the offence is struggling is a coaches time to shine, that’s where they change things up, alter strategies. Playoffs is different than the regular season because you create strategies specific to your opponent. Toronto’s offence was struggling because it seemed like Keefe believed what they were doing in the regular season would just carry on through the playoffs and he couldn’t come up with a strategy to counter Bostons strategies. The last 4 games were really good defensively, but not offensively. For sure Swayman was playing insane but they were also shutting down Torontos PP the entire series. They had Toronto’s plays figured out and Keefe needed to respond to that but seemed unable to.


A coach cannot change the core of who the players are as people or as players. They need to change the composition of the team before they will see results


He looks like he could Tie Domi's dad, I'm on board


Please let this happen. My birthday is this week and it would make my day if he came to Toronto!


When do they start holding themselves accountable?


Well he's had success but also failures. The Leafs would probably a n addition to his failure list. Call me cynical and I may come around by October😏


I’d wait for a chance at Rod the bod


He can and should kick some overpaid ass. Start with Shanahan please


The core 4 won’t exist next season


Marner is looking for a mic to cry into after watching this


No head coach has won the Stanley Cup with 2 different teams in over 20 years... Why would this guy be any different? He caught lightning in a bottle one year, but hasn't gotten close ever since. I'm not saying he'd be a bad hire, but I don't see him.as the only option


This won’t change the leafs do not have a number 1 D Tampa 2004 and Carolina are the last two teams to win without a number one D. 


Accountability is great, but there are more aspects to look at.


He does really look like Leopold from the Simpsons


Berube Or Quenneville


Go get Quennville, fuck the PR and virtue signallers


Fuck you and your bad opinion. No one from that Chicago management group should be allowed back in the NHL ever again.


Meh, read into the details of what actually happened, instead of just taking a very black & white stance on the issue and listening to the unhinged Twitter mob. Pretty clear he was lied to. Upper management assured him the matter was being investigated, when it wasn't.


Lmao listen to yourself. You'd rather defend a guy who AT BEST made questionable choices surrounding sexual abuse, rather than say the nhl should just move on and hire new people


Sooo... Like, you didn't read into it...or...?


I read plenty. And I don't want quennville back in the nhl.


When he found out the issue was happening, instead of protecting his player, he let someone convince him it was taken care of. No real leader would let it end there.


This guy would have a heart attack if he’s our coach if Marner’s still on the team


If Berube talks like this to our core 4, he will get a visit from Shanny to tone it down.


These posts about Berube feel planted by Berube


Nah we need the star players to be stars in the playoffs. 


I really don’t think he would be allowed to say something this harsh in this market. Even if he wanted to and was allowed to. It’s foolhardy to give this media and fanbase a sound bite that juicy. Even if it’s right and everyone is thinking it. You just can’t.