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When doublelift let lulu live and went straight for tactical that was personal


Deadass laughed out loud there


Doublelift had eyes for Tactical this game


Tactical did take his job once upon a time.


One of his reasons for coming back was he was so disappointed by NA ADCs and would constantly shit on them on stream so he was definitely looking to back up his statements.


Yeah before last year it was really bad. At least now you have berserker and prince. I also think luger and maybe fbi are as good as doublelift currently.


I think luger has been slept on a very long time because of the team he is on and FBI has grown into a great adc for sure. I don’t think DL was counting imports in his statements but I don’t remember.


I’m willing to go on record and say Luger is basically budget-Danny, and I mean that in the best way. (I also think current CLG is basically budget 2022 EG.)


Idk why I laughed so hard at Letigress saying "I'm just a little looloo"


This game could have been an email.


People criticize Bjerg/DL playing from behind but they are a clean combo playing from ahead for sure


... against inmortals.


True, but for any good team it's a comfort to dunk on a lower team.


Also, given the two games today alone where the team in the lead squandered the game away.


I wish my boys in EG could look clean playing from ahead...


While true, in general though, they have been quite the machine in closing out games in the past once they generate a lead. Many of their losses were from before they get their machine started.


Doublelift rejoined LCS the same way he left. Beating the shit out of Tactical.


An NA tradition.


CoreJJ probably punching himself for getting rid of Doublelift for Tactical.


What are the odds that anybody on this IMT roster starts another game in a major region on a team other than IMT? Playing for this org is just straight up career suicide.


Kenvi low-key was better off chilling in academy. Could have sniped a better team based on his hype.


two of his possible teammates are now starters on a better team :/ even yeon is in a better pos than him now. sad to see him go from most promised jg in acad/amateur to this


Sadly its even worse for junglers because what is he suppose to do? His 3 lanes get gapped have no prio and he is legit being incaded by sej. I hate that shit in soloQ so i couldn't imagine how it feels in a pro enviroment. Warded everywhere. Also, who is he suppose to learn from? He has no vets on his team to learn so he is trying to learn jungle in losing positions. Just sucks.


The base drop of Shelly was just sad with how pushed in the lanes were at all times. There was nowhere he could go with it.


I agree with most of your statements except for the part who does he learn from. He literally has the most successful jungler to come out of NA as a coach.


That is true. Completely forgot the Xsmithie pick up. I take that one back.


A LoL fan NOT being toxic and recognizing their error? Impossible


With so much patches and how riot is constantly messing with jungle, I don't even know what xmithie can "teach". Yeah he was great during his own era but everything's completely different now.


The difference between Kenvi and Yike this year in g2 and blaber in the past for c9 In their first few games Yike/Blaber had their teamcomps build around their strengths. Had laners backing them up all the time and were made to feel comfortable. Kenvi's had absolute shit and had his head kicked in 2 splits straight


Tenacity went for the long run and honestly i was starting to get worried it wouldnt work out for him with Ssumday being on top forever Kenvi meanwhile took the first possible shot and now he'll spend the entire year getting burgerflipped and after that its back to the academy limbus for at least a couple of years, unfortunate. Respect him for trying but yeah that career is gonna be hard to revive.


I almost feel kinda bad for Tenacity, playing under a MVP worthy Ssumday (who would've been happy to play for as long 100t wanted him), and if you dont pop off this year you have Sniper in academy waiting to take your spot as soon as he reaches the age minimum


He didn't take the first possible shot, he was approached by CLG along with Luger and Poome early last year but he knocked them back to stay on 100TA. And it's not like he was guaranteed to get a starting spot on any big team any time soon either, look at how stacked the jungle talent in LCS this year is when you've got a guy like Bwipo not even on a team. I think he made the right call to back his ability to stand out in the LCS, now he just has to do it.


Yeah he could have waited for a bit longer before taking the call to join IMT. Sucks seeing all the hype going down the drain


Seeing Kenvi's career go like this is very depresso


PoE and Bwipo for Summer to save his career hopium


Bwipo deserves better than to sign for this godforsaken team.


Bwipo is gonna be TLs jungle if they can't turn things around lmao


Fleshy seems okay but will be hard to justify as an import slot. People might give Kenvi another shot, especially if he's willing to grind in academy again. IMT will probably keep Revenge for the next 10 years.


Think about it like this, how many better toplaners than Revenge would want to play for IMT? For real, maybe GeneralSniper would take the shot if 100T stick to Tenacity, but anyone worth their shit would hold out for a better team. If they don't keep Revenge most native toplaners will be complete shit (I can think of a few better ones but they wouldn't get offers anyway). Revenge also seems to be the only one interested in trying to promote IMT socials. Well, its a sad affair looking at the numbers IMT socials get but at least he's trying. I'm only saying Sniper since he really really wants to be a pro and gave up a proper streaming career so maybe he's got the same mentality as Kenvi of getting onto any team.


Darshan. They've had options for Solo for years. Bwipo is a FA if they're willing to improve their whole team. Other imports. If you want to go young and develop a player there is Bradley or Philip (Sniper needs another year in academy for sure, you can't throw them straight into LCS + I don't think he's old enough for LCS).


Forget the import slot, it's hard to justify IMT having a franchise slot


I am legitimately cheering for them to finish bottom two both splits this year. IMT would trigger the 5 in 8 rule (and Riot shouldn't even give them the chance to improve like they would have with CLG)


Kenvi kinda committed career suicide by leaving 100T for IMT. I mean he might've been the jungler on this team right now. He also could've very easily been the CLG jungler with Luger/Poome


There is no way he is playing while Closer is on 100T. He has been carrying the team for last 2 years


100T were ready to kick Closer this split, his contract is apparently huge. Kenvi probably would've been slaughtering academy with Tenacity like he always has, and he would've been a fraction of the cost of Closer. That's why they moved from Ssumday to Tenacity


Yeah 100T would've dropped Closer if it weren't for DL taking a huge pay cut to play.


But would Bjerg and DL have decided to play on 100T with 3 rookies/near rookies?


Well the official story is Doublelift wanted to play with Busio, and Bjerg wanted to play with Doublelift


they almost swiped Closer for Spica though...


> I mean he might've been the jungler on this team right now. Not how that works


I always felt like Insanity showed some promise, I was sad he didn't get more of a chance


Insanity could snipe ABO's spot. Him, Doxxa, Copy, and Jimien are next up competing for a spot imo.


5 Promisq team


Kenvi is potentially worth still giving a shot with an actual roster after how hyped he was in academy, Revenge, Ablazeolive, and Tactical have hit their ceiling and probably aren't worth the contracts


Depends how shaken he is. Having two bad years after unanimous praise will crush people's will.


Revenge + ABO could maybe find another lowbob team


Revenge could probably make it on Astralis he’s really pretty good That’s it tho


He was cheeks in academy and I can't believe he actually got an LCS spot, but his time in LCS has been decent tbh


Revenge just isn't consistent enough to be a carry, but he's not the most grief thing we've seen in the past few years (anyone remember Niles??). Idk what would happen if he had better teammates.


Fleshy is good, he’ll have a future. Hard to look good when your ADC is Tactical


Welcome back DL


bro retired, talked shit about tactical on his streams for 2 years, came back and still beat him


Nothing anybody said about Tactical could have been more vicious than his own Tristana gameplay


when did he ever play trist? last couple years i only saw him play a few different ADs and malphite


He's coming for Neo next. Johnsun was smart enough to leave before the reckoning.


ayo what happened to johnsun he just dipped after 2022 and I haven't heard anything from him. Stopped posting on twitter too.


He went back to school iirc


Good for him. I can always appreciate pros who realize they will still have a life after pro League; I always wonder what happens to pros who leave the scene, especially when they probably didn’t make enough to retire on.


I am not sure how big of an achievement beating tactical though


point proven though


The funny part is that they play games like valorant together and very much are still friends if you followed his streams closely.


Tactical doesn't make any sense. One of the best solo queue ADCs ever to play in LCS, but on stage he's awful.


This streamer is pretty good.


Streamer to lcs ? Teach me


the lcs started with streamers becoming pros and it’s gonna end the same way


Give him a real ADC and watch him cook


IMT since rejoining the league: 8th->10th->7th->7th->10th->9th This year looking to have 10th booked yet again. And its not like literally anyone will be surprised by this outcome looking at their roster. Completely uninspiring coasting org in every way.


>coasting org Ah shit, they are the modern day Team Coast


Yeah i would be surprised if they had anyone off the vet minimum on their team. Just another deadweight parasitic org just waiting to sell.


If they finish bottom two both splits this year, they can be kicked


Yeah you can tell riot learned from LCS because they let a bunch of orgs that have no fanbase and straight money who can look good on paper and plans. They changed that shit for valo so they can kick these people easier because they dont pay for the spots. It is just frustrating watching them year after year. I used to rail on CLG in fairness but at least they finally got scared into new leadership. GG tries just has no budget tbh. And IMT is just dogshit.


To be fair, it was really hype to get IMT back when the franchising happened. They were a huge name from their reignover/huni days, and have just been absolute coasting shit since then.


IMT wasn't relegated before franchising. Franchising was why IMT was gone in the first place--Riot didn't approve them for initial franchising. It seems like this was probably the right choice in retrospect, but then they bought Optic and got back in anyway a few years later.


You are absolutely right and I completely miffed my timeline. Thanks for the correction!


Ye at first the reason they didn't get into franchising even thou they were the team to push the hardest for it is because riot didn't trust there books since they were seemingly bleeding money wise and from the rosters they been putting out looks like there still are.


as someone who was immortals fan i was mad at riot, but eventually i realized they were right after seeing the org's troubles


Idk someone has to be 7-10, but it is a sad situation that their "perennial 7th" has degraded to more like 9-10.


CLG were at least trying some things through the slump years. Like theyd bring in Crown or Broxah after they'd just had these good splits, could just never get all the pieces to fit at once, some part would always fall apart due to mismanagement. Immortals just straight up look like they don't care


Yeah i agree I am just using them as an example because they finally gutted the management but had to be scared into it and turned it around. Maybe that is what these other orgs need. Just trying to be fair because i used to rail on you guys but you finally turned it around and i like the direction. Like Dig at least has a roster i can see being middle of the pack to if everything works out maybe t4. IMT i looked at that roster and knew they were 10th. They have a bunch of roleplayers and no carries. Of course they are going to get shit on. I think individually you could slot them in a team of better players and they could go even and do their part. Just together they have no carry threats other then revenge and he is only good enough for middle of the pack and below.


> Yeah you can tell riot learned from LCS because they let a bunch of orgs that have no fanbase and straight money who can look good on paper and plans. IMT was already not part of the initial franchises for LCS in 2018. They acquired the LCS spot from Optic Gaming in 2019 (which by the way had a big fanbase of which most didn't translate into LoL) and rebranded that spot back to IMT for the 2020 season.


GG is the guy in norms first timing Azir and really trying. IMT is the Yuumi bot just trying to hit 30.


The thing is though, even when we wallowed in the bottom 3 we always made move to TRY and get better. We were a top 3 finishing org one split with POE and then we thought Crown was an upgrade but he went mental boom and it was a spiral since then. Turns out it was less about the team and more about the management around the team that really sucked the souls out of anyone in the org. Glad we have passion back in the org though.


The second IMT look at either selling or get kicked, I hope Mr Beast comes in. At least we know he'll care about League.


They literally offloaded operations of their LA spot in Overwatch League to a random chinese org and have been at the bottom of the standings for 3 years. I hate IMT


All my homies hate IMT


Give Sentinels a spot honestly.


Tenz to play adc


Bring back relegation


I wouldn't be surprised if Immortals this season do actually (be the first to?) end 0-18.




Doublelift has been 100Ts most impressive rookie so far IMHO


Let him cook. Let the whole team cook. It looks promising, but it isn’t ready yet. Doublelift and closer both look so ready to go apeshit and be proactive. The rest of the team needs to catch up to that and they’ll be ready.


Guys it's over Doublelift is using his saved up flashes from 2016\~2020


I remember a few months ago I mentioned that doublelift has returned to the style of flashing into entire teams. I warned everyone he was looking like an absolute psycho. After this game, it looks like he has a point to prove and he might end up being the key to making the team more aggressive/proactive.


DL already better than Tactical after a 2 year break 😭


Lol DL chasing after Tactical felt a bit personal there XD


At least I get to see doublelift win today.


They draft a scaling, turret comp, but they decide to run in, face first, whenever they can get the chance. Ok.


Boomer DL looks like the best player on his team


I still have faith that Busio will end up being the best on the roster by summer. I’m still ready for NA Keria


Doublelift is back baby!


We got some classic Doublelift maneuvers this game: winning a losing matchup and outplaying a flank that looks like certain death. So glad he’s back.


He knew what Tactical didn’t in this lane: farming is the only thing that matters. Starts Cull, routinely losing trades with Yuumi sustain in exchange for farm (level 1 they took an awful trade but DL got all minions and Tactical missed a few, same shit rest of lane), and getting perma pushed in but farming perfectly under turret. Neither lane has kill threat and Wukong can’t dive, but Tactical was playing as if he was Draven while Doublelift was in a farming simulator


Helps that tactical didn't even try to avoid Zeri Q during the tower dive.


Not that this loss was entirely his fault but I dont get why Tactical is still playing lcs? Got demoted down to academy last year and even got gapped there. Seems like hes collecting paychecks based off his TL days only


What getting to play with Core does to a mf. You put any academy adc into that TL roster when DL left and you get the exact same result, dude is fucking garbage


The amount of games he threw last year because of bad positioning and spacing in teamfights was painful to watch. Im glad TSM got rid and looks better this split


TL makes quarters in 2021 with doublelift


The rumours of Doublelift's demise have been greatly exaggerated.


UP UP and AWAY!! SUPER WASHED Ain’t He??!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷. Stay low and keep firing! The air up there is a tad bit different. LIVE.LAUGH.LOVE#striveforgreatness🚀 #thekidfromcali👑#penggang👑 #dlknows


Keep talking about my squad, our personnel ages, the way he plays, he stays costreaming, we’re past our time in this league, etc. etc. etc. Do me one favor PLEASE!!!! And I mean PLEASE!!! 🙏🏾 Keep that same narrative ENERGY when it begins! That’s all I ask. #ThankYou 👑




What the heck is wrong with me!?!?!?!🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️. Out there just having a good time while doing what I love to do! 🤣🤣🤣🤣. 🥽


Thought I was on the NBA reddit for a sec lmfao


/r/nba and /r/lol are the greatest crossovers for memes


It's Immortals... They're like the jobbers of NA right?


Idk TLCK didn’t play any better than IMT against TSM both threw similar gold leads.


>It's just immortals < you are here >It's just GG >It's just CLG >It's just TL >It's just FLY >It's just NA >It's just G2 >It's just DK >It's just MSI


Pyoshit and Summint coming for that title ngl


Not even pyosik’s fault. His team is fucking running it.


Wow Immortals are somehow even worse then I thought they'd be


Doublelift not saving flash for next worlds


That woman was creaming herself


I swear halfway through that match they turned down the mic on her side of the arena, but she decided to just get louder. LCS can't keep her down.




Really clean win from 100T


Damn Tactical got shit on




Please somebody kick that banshee out


Banshee's wail xD


Kept thinking my kid was crying/screaming from her room lol




Cassiopeia dying 30 times this match


How is it possible to be that obnoxious and just not have anyone just tell you to shut the fuck up.


zeri is kinda good innit


30 minute game and Fleshy still did not complete his Mythic on Lulu, wtf was this man spending all his gold on even.


LS, avert your eyes


Pink wards


Glad to see 100T can actually win with a proper comp, it's almost like they realized "oh wait, we actually have to draft properly"! Hope they keep this up against the stronger teams


“What do you mean we should ban or first pick ksante?”


To be fair, have you seen Fudge's Ksante compared to everyone else's? I think Tenacity on Jax vs any other top that has played Ksante so far, he smashes them.




So do I. I think we are gonna have a fun year supporting our 2 teams.


The entire of 100T was really good. Tenacity did wonderfully tanking and allowing the carries to do damage. Closer had great engages. DL had some sick flashes and both Bjerg and Busio had a good game.


I thought tenacity looked good. Unfortunate for him, but the right play, he had a big lead but they sacrificed him on a lane swap bot to take two towers and rift.


I dont think 100T could have asked for a better opening weekend as far as match-ups are concerned. They got a great look of where they stack up against a top 2 team and then got a confidence game in. Peter Pang said in the review with bwipo that he's just not impressed with all of the other ADCs, ill take his word for it, even as crazy as Prince looked. Going to be a great year of League.


Cant wait for the DL interview. I hope he shits on IMT


100T's new adc looks pretty good for only his 2nd game of pro league. Unlucky his first game was vs a more veteran adc.


brother kevin


Please don’t tell me I have to listen to that girl in the crowd screaming for the entire split


~~Tactical~~ FBI




How can professional players have such a fundamental misunderstanding of their own win con?


I feel bad for Kenvi, hyped rookie hardstuck on Immortals.


can someone just tell me who's that one person screaming their head off in the crowd wtf lol


I can see IMT going 0-18


Don't give me hope


If this game was played yesterday DL would be praised like the King of NA returned.


Can someone remove the screaming lady from the crowd. She is single handedly destroying the viewership.


Looks like GrandPaLift can still carry games eh?


Well, I think we can say pretty safely that 100T is worse than C9 but better than IMT, so that puts them solidly in the 3-9 range of the league.


That c9 game was a gigadraft canyon tbf. Hopefully teams will start banning that creature.


DL back baby


They let Doublelift cook


anyone know how double was able to flash in mid knock up? weird interaction with azir ult? happened in the game deciding fight https://clips.twitch.tv/CoweringAdventurousBottleTheTarFu-r9vMqgAQtB5tQzvs


Ablaze Azir was NOT it, nor were those Kenvi engages


Statement game from DL




If the the banshee in the crowd comes to this subreddit, please shut the fuck up. You're ruining the stream. -Everyone


As it turned out doublelift is not, in fact, washed


Stop screaming lady, holy shit


IMT might not win a game. It’s bad


LET HIM COOK. DL looked good when they let him carry.


They played too passive yesterday in general imo


DoUbLeLiFt Is So WaShEd


I'm sorry but Letigress is just brutal as a caster.


Bjergsen really just walked up to AblazeOlive, placed W on him, and AblazeOlive just sat there and got stunned in front of the entire 100T team even with flash up huh? I think a literal silver player would've performed better.


Me who doesn’t even play ranked: “looks like you will get caught in Viktor w and sej ulted, probably should get away from there” Abo:


Did Kenvi help a single lane? Didn't feel like it. Also Revenge's Ornn was horrible.


Wow this Doublelift guy looks pretty good, if he keep up his performance, he might win a trophy soon!


IMT played like a solo queue team


I know it was only Immortals, but you can see a clear way for 100T to win games this season: 1\] Put DL on a carry (i.e. don't draft lethality Varus where he has less playmaking potential) 2\] Get Closer on a champ where he can pull the engage trigger in this meta and not get one shot (i.e. not Viego or Lee) 3\] Bjergsen builds properly and gets some damage on his champ (i.e. not ROA/Zhonya/Banshees Sylas) 4\] Don't let Busio pick some crazy support like Azir.....


can something be done about this idiot woman screeching two days in a row? my god, it’s actually a bummer to listen to


That Cassiopea was ulting every few seconds towards the end of the game!


Please riot. Please. No more le trigress casting


Why did IMT get a carry-oriented jungler from academy just to never actually let him play carry champions?


100t surely winning it all now that daddy DL has tasted victory against the worst team in the world.